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RuPaul's Drag Race - Season 16


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Nobody really shone to me in this episode, but I probably would have given the win to Nymphia. Plane did well. Sad to see Morphine go but it was her time. This wasn't Sapphira's week but, one minor setback still has her leaps and bounds ahead of the competition IMO.

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I'm happy with Plane Jane winning this week's challenge. And wow at this being her 4th win. 😮 But yeah Plane had the family resemblance down perfectly with her male dancer and really transformed him so well to her look! :omg: I thought this was an easy win as she really nailed it the best. 

Based on the comments, I knew it would be Sapphira vs. Morphine. Ugh, I feel so bad and sad for Sapphira. This was like her first major misstep in the competition, which is a bummer to happen this late in the competition and after 3 wins. :broken: But I get it and can't really disagree with it. However, I wasn't too worried for her in a lip sync against Morphine as she beat her in the lip sync to win a few weeks back. And lol I was kinda liking the idea of Morphine lip syncing her way to the final but I got to root against that now. Ooooh a Kelsea Ballerini "Miss Me More" lip sync, that's one of my favorite songs from her! This was a fun lip sync and both did a great job and had fun with this. But yay I am glad Sapphira won it and got to the final 4! 

Oh the irony of Morphine going on a makeover challenge but I kinda had a feeling that would happen. Obviously, I'm fine with it as I did NOT want Sapphira to go. This is a really good and strong Final 4, as all four are deserving of being there. 

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Morphine. :( I wish she could’ve made it to the top four but she’s done well considering the judges underestimated her all season.


Pretty dire week for everyone tbf. No one really shone it did outstanding like in previous seasons but maybe it’s because I’m not particularly invested in anyone. I’m kinda glad the season’s nearly over because it’s been an effort to keep up with it because of it.

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2 hours ago, Zoey said:

Morphine. :( I wish she could’ve made it to the top four but she’s done well considering the judges underestimated her all season.



I did not go into this season expecting my top 3 to be Morphine, Mhi’ya, and Plane but here we are. 

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On 4/1/2024 at 9:31 AM, #jeah said:



I did not go into this season expecting my top 3 to be Morphine, Mhi’ya, and Plane but here we are. 

woah, why Mhi’ya? this isn’t a dig at her it’s just such a different opinion than the fan faves who compose the top 5 minus Q plus Mirage

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1. Nymphia - You cannot convince me that this bitch hasn't watched every episode of Drag Race and taken notes because she knew EXACTLY how to build a season-long arc for herself. And better yet, it's the type of arc the judges LOVE. Coming through with that vulnerability at the end and smashing the challenge? Perfect. I don't expect Nymphia to win but I wouldn't be mad if she did. I think all the chips would have to fall perfectly for the finale and I don't think they will. I am excited to see what she wears though.


2. Sapphira - I think this is Sapphira's competition to lose still. I could have ranked her first but I think Nymphia edges her out to second for me personally. But I think I'd still give it to Sapphira if we stopped the competition now. Nymphia winning this challenge does create a bit more tension going in to the finale than I thought there would be (and it would have been even more had she won the second design challenge like she should have). But unless that lip sync for the crown starts with like "Naega jeil jal naga," I think Sapphira has this in the bag.


3. Plane - I suppose Plane could crush it next week, but I think she really took herself out of the running this week. I've been saying all season long that Nymphia and Sapphira have worked this competition better than Plane and this week really illustrates that. You have Nymphia basically completing a season-long arc that she created for herself and Sapphira working back to the polish and charm we know her for after her showing her vulnerability last week. (You gotta do your worst second-to-last week after you have four wins in your belt). You can't do your worst the episode before the finale! I was a little disappointed by her lip sync as well. It was good but Q is just not great and I think I was expecting more from Plane.


4. Q - Finally. My personal season long arc as a HATER comes to an end. Q so badly bungled the challenge that it was refreshing to see that for once in like 100 seasons there is actually a final elimination before the finale. It was not so long ago that we had FIVE queens in the finale that my fear was she was going to coast on through and just be eliminated in a perfunctory finale lip sync. I do wonder if the Queens thought there would be a pre-finale elimination since I don't think there has been one since Season 12 when the final elimination gave us four finale queens (of course with the DQ, there ended up being 3). And there hasn't been a 3-queen finale since Season 8.

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overall season rankings:

1. Nymphia

2. Sapphira

3. Mhi'ya

4. Morphine

5. Plane

6. Xunami

7. Dawn

8. Mirage?

9. Amanda?

10. Q

11. Megami

12. Geneva

13. Hershii

14. Plasma


IDK. Everybody after 5 can be coin-flipped wherever except Plasma firmly last LOL.

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Couldn’t care less about the last episode. I’m just here to stan for the return of Mirage and for her to win the $50k. :wub:

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Fantastic top 3. They all did a great job this season.


I’m rooting for Sapphira, but I think Nymphia could make a good run for the win especially after this week. That book cover? Gag, so good


Also a classic lip sync song choice again! They had me nervous in the middle there with the TikTok remix and Meghan Trainor but largely it’s been pretty good this season!

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Oooh I was so shook at the results when finding out Nymphia won this challenge but also SOO happy for her! :wub: I know she hates and does not like these kind of writing challenges. But yeah the podcast interview where she really opened up and got to tell her true feelings, it all worked in her favor. I'm happy for her getting this win.... and this was a beautiful moment for her! I was thinking Sapphira would have won but she got 4 wins under her belt and doesn't really need another one. So I'm just glad she was called safe/2nd best, at least. Wow I had no idea Sapphira auditioned to be on this show for 11 years but it was well worth the wait. ❤️ 

I do agree with the Bottom 2 of Q and Plane Jane. Sadly, I did think Plane probably did the worst with this challenge, as she was the only queen that didn't really open up and get vulnerable with her personal stories. I get that she didn't want to do that and shouldn't be forced to do so, but this kind of challenge calls for that. But I'm good with her standing her ground going about this the way she wanted to. I was definitely rooting for Plane in the lip sync - though I also expected a non-elimination to happen here too. The lip sync was fun and good, but I didn't love it as much as I wanted to. I'm guessing the last few lip syncs really raised the bar that this one felt a bit disappointing? :ph34rwave:But both did well and were fun. I did find Plane funnier and more entertaining so she would have been my pick to go through. 

Oooh okay yayy Plane won the lip sync and advances to the final. But OH SNAP, the biggest shock to me was that Q actually got eliminated. 😮 I mean I'm totally fine with it as the other three have been my favorites all season, but I totally expected all four to make it through to the final and that this would be a non-elimination show. Q did a fantastic job this competition and deserves to make it this far. I didn't always love her personality and some wins I didn't totally agree with but no doubt she's done a fantastic job through the season. :yes: 

But I'm highkey glad that all of my favorites made it to the final! :omg: :spaz: I don't know how often or how much this happened for me on this show. But I'll honestly will be happy with any of Sapphira, Nymphia or Plane Jane winning - though I am still mostly #TeamSapphira.hallenge coming.  

Oh lol I saw the TV listings had some Lip Sync Lalaparuza smackdown episode coming next week - and saw this about last week so I knew this was coming. This should be fun and entertaining to see. This will be a mostly fun episode for me to watch with no worries or care about it. But I'd think I would like to see Mhi'ya or Morphine win it as they have been the most impressive lip sync performers/assassins of the season. 

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Quick shout-out to Q who I think finally found a more relaxed space to banter and shade and kiki in this past episode. Probably because she thought she was automatically through to a Top 4 finale lol. But still she seemed a lot more natural and was more enjoyable

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18 minutes ago, FrogLenzen said:

Is it me or was Nymphia's photoshoot outfit one of the greatest things ever? The jacket was next-level and then when she got rid of it she was still sickening

oh it was incredible. again, she rarely misses when it comes to her outfits. a lot has been made about Q's runways, but head-to-head Nymphia wins just about every time IMO.

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Posted (edited)

I enjoyed the episode, and I do think the bottom 2 was correct.  I am psyched that Nymphia is going into the final with 3 wins and 0 bottoms.  I was starting to think she just might be fodder for the other 2.  Since they are all pretty close and Nymphia had a good story moment, I hope that is enough to propel her to the the win.



Overall Ranking:

1. Nymphia Wind - I have been a stan since she was robbed by Jane of a Top placement in the Talent show. She could have won that and the Goth look and I would have been even more happy.  I hope she takes it as we haven't seen drag from this perspective before and asian winners don't tend to win or be front runners on the show.  Only 2 AAPI winners have been crowned on the show previously, and she's so different from either of them.

2. Plane Jane - I don't think she can win after that last episode.  Her attitude has been refreshing to watch, I loved her shadiness.

3. Sapphira Cristal - feels weird ranking her last as I do like her a lot and think she's an excellent competitor.  The other two just are more exciting to me.

Edited by Solaris
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1 hour ago, FrogLenzen said:

Quick shout-out to Q who I think finally found a more relaxed space to banter and shade and kiki in this past episode. Probably because she thought she was automatically through to a Top 4 finale lol. But still she seemed a lot more natural and was more enjoyable

I didn't really think much on this, but I totally agree. It was nice seeing a more fun shady side of Q this time around, especially with Q and Plane. :yes: She's been quite intense and serious before that.


1 hour ago, totes4totes said:

oh it was incredible. again, she rarely misses when it comes to her outfits. a lot has been made about Q's runways, but head-to-head Nymphia wins just about every time IMO.

Yeah Nymphia always brings it with her fashion and on the runways. I'm still annoyed she didn't get a win for the Gothic theme look as I thought she deserved the win that week. 😭 Or at least it could have been a joint with with her and Q, lol.

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Oh and since I got the Final 3 I wanted all season (:ohyeah: ), I might as well rank them one last time (before I do an overall season ranking in 2 week's time).


1. Sapphira Cristal 

2. Nymphia Wind 

3. Plane Jane 


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