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KO Predictions S20


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Predict the pairings with winners and steals.



Kenzie Wheeler vs Avery Roberson (STOLEN BY JOHN)

Ghianna Zoe vs Anna Grace Felten (STOLEN BY NICK)

Corey Ward vs Ryleigh Modig 



Victor Solomon vs Gean Garcia (STOLEN BY BLAKE)

Ciana Pelekai vs Rio Lana

Pia Renee vs Zania Alake



Raine Stern (please redeem yourself) vs Keegan Farrell (This could go either way)

Dana Monique vs Jose Figueroa Jr

Zae Romeo vs Rachel Mac (STOLEN BY KELLY)



Connor Christian vs Jordan Matthew Young

Pete Mroz vs Andrew Marshall 

Cam Anthony vs Ethan Lively


Edited by Misirlou
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Now that battle spoilers are out, we can predict the pairings of the remaining contestants on each team!




Team Kelly:

Kenzie Wheeler
Ryleigh Modig
Anna Grace Felten
Gihanna Zoe
Corey Ward
Avery Roberson (stolen from Blake)


Team Legend:

Ciana Pelekai
Victor Solomon
Pia Renee
Rio Lana
Zania Alake

Gean Garcia (stolen from Kelly)


Team Nick:

Dana Monique
Rachel Mac
Jose Figueroa, Jr.
Zae Romeo
Raine Stern

Keegan Ferrell (stolen from Blake)


Team Blake:

Cam Anthony
Ethan Lively
Pete Mroz
Jordan Matthew Young
Connor Christian

Andrew Marshall (stolen from Nick)


And you can predict the 4WKO winner from:


Savanna Woods (Kelly)

Carolina Rial (John)

Devan Blake Jones (Nick)

Emma Caroline (Blake)

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Team Kelly:
Kenzie Wheeler
vs. Anna Grace Felten (Stolen by JOHN)

Avery Roberson vs. Corey Ward

Gihanna Zoë vs. Ryleigh Modig (Stolen by NICK)


Team Legend

Victor Solomon vs. Gean Garcia (Stolen by KELLY)

Ciana Pelekai vs. Rio Lana

Pia Renee vs. Zania Alake


Team Nick

Raine Stern vs. Keegan Ferrell (Stolen by BLAKE)

Dana Monique vs. Jose Figueroa Jr. 

Zae Romeo vs. Rachel Mac


Team Blake

Connor Christian vs. Jordan Matthew Young

Pete Mroz vs. Ethan Lively

Cam Anthony vs. Andrew Marshall


Four-Way Knockout

Savanna Woods vs. Carolina Rial vs. Devan Blake Jones vs. Emma Caroline

Edited by Bk1234
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2 minutes ago, Bk1234 said:

Team Nick

Raine Stern vs. Keegan Ferrell (Stolen by BLAKE)

Dana Monique vs. Jose Figueroa Jr. 

Zae Romeo vs. Rachel Mac

I could also see this...

Raine Stern vs. Rachel Mac

Dana Monique vs. Jose Figueroa Jr. 

Zae Romeo vs. Keegan Ferrell (Stolen by BLAKE)

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I can't see Kelly keeping both Avery and Kenzie, obviously knowing her, she will keep Kenzie. Idk if she'll keep both Anna and Gihanna as well, I would bet she ditches Anna.

She keeps Corey too.


Guessing Blake is all in on Cam and will fulfil his promise to keep him too. He takes Jake Worthington 2.0(Ethan) too. 3rd member will be who he feels like working with at least 1 more round, as Cam and Ethan will have more voting power over his other 4 right now.


Nick keeping Dana and Zae, best bets.


John holds on to Victor.


4-way KO winner between Emma and Devan IMO. although all are pretty weak in voting power as of now, so whoever does the best will take the win.


the steals will likely be useless in the POs unless if they break-out and appeal more to Minivan, or if a coach lets go of one of their frontrunners. Example: Blake letting go of Cam or Kelly letting go of Kenzie(who will win no matter which team lmao)


Everyone else I didn't mention is fodder, and will be out by Semis to the Minivan appeals.

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Team Kelly KO Predictions:

  1. Anna Grace vs. Ryleigh (Anna Grace would most likely win, with Ryleigh being stolen by Nick)
  2. Kenzie vs. Corey (Kenzie will definitely win)
  3. Avery vs. Gihanna (This could go either way, with the loser being stolen by John)

Team John KO Predictions:

  1. Victor vs. Gean (Victor would most likely win, with Gean being stolen by Blake)
  2. Ciana vs. Rio (This could go either way but I think that Ciana would win in this scenario)
  3. Zania vs. Pia (This could go either way but I think that Zania would win in this scenario)

Team Nick KO Predictions:

  1. Zae vs. Keegan (Zae would most likely win, with Keegan being stolen by Kelly)
  2. Dana vs. Jose (Dana will definitely win)
  3. Rachel vs. Raine (This could go either way but I think that Rachel would win in this scenario)

Team Blake KO Predictions:

  1. Cam vs. Andrew (Cam will definitely win. Blake never keeps his steals.)
  2. Connor vs. Pete (This could go either way but I think that Connor would win in this scenario)
  3. Ethan vs. Jordan (Ethan would most likely win)

All That Magic GIF by Nickelodeon

Edited by disney1024
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I think Kelly should keep Avery for the live playoffs. If Avery loses his KO, there's a good chance that Blake would steal him back à la Craig Wayne Boyd in S7 (assuming that Blake still has his steal at that point). Avery on Blake's team is a HUGE threat to Kenzie winning the season. It would be best for her to dispose of Avery during the live playoffs (if she wants to), when there isn't a possibility of him returning to Blake's team. 🧐


Just Saying Come On GIF by A Little Late With Lilly Singh

Edited by disney1024
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2 minutes ago, Misirlou said:

I´m not fully convinced that Ethan will advance. That battle could have very well been just a fluke. 

No, Ethan has a lot of power in his voice (based on his IG covers) so I can see why Blake chose him over Avery. Blake said after his battle that Ethan's blind was his worst performance. I don't think Ethan beating a four-chair turner was just a "fluke". 🧐

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4 minutes ago, Misirlou said:

I´m not confident about Raine also (she didn´t shine in battles, but still). She has something to prove, and that could maybe get in her head and have the opposite effect.

It's either she gives a great KO performance with a song in her lane, or she gets another bad song choice and just flops again.

Edited by FloorWax
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Just now, FloorWax said:

It's either she gives a great KO performance with a song in her lane, or she gets another bad song choice and just flops again.

Depends on what TPTB wants to do with her honestly.

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Cam Anthony vs Pete Mroz
Connor Christian vs Andrew Marshall [Nick steal]
Ethan Lively vs Jordan Matthew Young



Ciana Pelekai vs Zania Alake

Pia Renee vs Victor Solomon
Rio Lana vs Gean Garcia



Avery Roberson vs Corey Ward
Kenzie Wheeler vs Gihanna Zoe [John steal]
Ryleigh Modig vs Anna Grace Felten [This could go either way; Blake would likely steal the non-winner.]



Dana Monique vs Jose Figueroa Jr
Rachel Mac vs Keegan Farrel [Kelly steal]
Zae Romeo vs Raine Stern



Four-way KO Winner: Savanna Woods



Edited by season1
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1. Avery Robertson vs. Gihanna Zoe


Reason: Kelly seemed to have a pattern of pitting her young singers against each other in the Knockouts (Damali vs. Gracee, CammWess vs. Megan, Abby vs. Claire, etc.) and both Avery and Gihanna are probably two of her youngest post knockout artists. Note that in the mentioned 3 pairings above, 2 of them have artists that have completely different genres. So I can see this pairing. 


WinnerGihanna Zoe (teenager? check, pop-indie singer? check, aa woman? check, there's in no way she'll let this girl go, she's invested in her)


 Steal: STOLEN by Blake (I think this was just like Camm x John moment, where Avery would have a breakout moment and Blake would realize how Avery is in the Knockouts)



2. Anna Grace Felten vs. Ryleigh Modig


Reason: Both are her indie girls this season and they seem like to be in the same age range as well. I bet only one would advance from these two on her team.


Winner: Anna Grace Felten (this could go either way but I feel like Kelly's invested in Anna so much, so much that even if the coaches preferred Ainae in their battle, she still chose her; Ryleigh could either make it or break it in the Knockouts, no in between, but I really can't see her moving past Knockouts despite that one good battle, sorry to Ryleigh's fan out there, I love her though)


Steal: NONE 



3. Kenzie Wheeler vs. Corey Ward


Reason: Even if Kenzie and Avery are probably the most fit knockout pairing, I feel like Kelly will give us something different and not the obvious one. Hence, this pairing I think will happen. They're both the matured dudes in Team Kelly and I can see only one of them moving forward. Kelly likes to keep her lives team diverse.


Winner: Kenzie Wheeler (duh)


Steal: STOLEN by John (Yeah yeah yeah, I just feel like we're going to have a surprising steal in the Knockouts, and it seems like Corey's got a momentum going into the Knockouts and might have a breakout moment. John loves to steal artists who's having their breakout moments in the Knockouts (except the one he stole in S16))






1. Ciana Pelenkai vs. Gean Garcia


Reason: Weird pairing right? But I feel like John have given us lots of weird pairings in the past, which is why this shoudn't be a surprise when it happens. I immediately thought of Thunderstorm vs. Mandi way back on Season 18. His indie singer paired with his pop singer.


Winner: Ciana Pelenkai (we all know John's loyal to his original artists, so..)


Steal: STOLEN by Nick (As I have said in the spoiler thread, Nick seems to be so interested in Gean, and he was blocked during his first try, not chosen during his second try, so  I don't think Nick's not gonna love it when Gean loses and finally seize the opportunity to get him)



2. Pia Renee vs. Zania Alake


Reason: well, remember Casme vs. Tamara from last season? Mike vs. Darious from Season 18? John likes to pit his soulful singers in the Knockouts, and this wouldn't be different from that.


Winner: Pia Renee (I honestly feel like this could go either way, however I think Pia might deliver a vocally stronger performance than Zania, thus I think she'll win it)


Steal: NONE



3. Victor Solomon vs. Rio Lana


Reason: Idk I feel like John will pit someone not vocally strong against Victor, who is probably his strongest competitor right now. This reminds me way back on Season 17 when he pitted Max against Katie.


Winner: Victor Solomon


Steal: NONE






1. Dana Monique vs. Jose Figueroa Jr.


Reason: Nick isn't that coach who pits artists who are genre-wise different from each other, against each other (based on his S18 KO pairings) and I thought this pairing would make sense so much, Jose seems to have some soulfulness in him.


Winner: Dana Monique


Steal: NONE



2. Rachel Mac vs. Raine Stern


Reason: They seem to be the leftovers in the pairings that I have thought of. But, I think they are still somehow a perfect knockout pairing fro each other? Both give me indie vibes, although Raine is more rock than indie.


Winner: Rachel Mac (could go either way but Rachel's got a momentum going into the Knockouts, so I can see her winning it)


Steal: STOLEN by Kelly (I think Raine belongs to Team Kelly for some reasons, maybe that pop-rock thing?)



3. Zae Romero vs. Keegan Farrel


Reason: Both exudes r&b sound for me, so I think it'll be this pairing. Also, I think Nick's so invested in Zae so I think just like Dana, he'll pit someone against him who's easy to beat.


Winner: Zae Romero


Steal: NONE






(I haven't gotten the chance to watch his artists honestly, I'm not interested (except for Cam, watched only one videos from them, so I will NOT give reasons to this)


1. Jordan Matthew Young vs. Connor Christian


Winner: Jordan Matthew Young


Steal: NONE



2. Peter Mroz vs. Ethan Lively


Winner: Peter Mroz


Steal: NONE



3. Cam Anthony vs. Andrew Marshall


Winner: Cam Anthony


Steal: NONE






Winner: Savanna Woods (Savanna's definitely getting the pimp spot again since it is chair orders' that dictates the performance order of the saves, then minivan seems to also love rock music, which is I think Savanna's genre  (Savanna's not pure rock but she's got a taste of it based on her audition song and tone)










Kenzie Wheeler

Gihanna Zoe

Anna Grace Felten

Raine Stern (steal)

Savanna Woods





Ciana Pelenkai

Pia Renee

Victor Solomon

Corey Ward (steal)





Dana Monique

Zae Romero

Rachel Mac

Gean Garcia (steal)





Jordan Matthew Young

Cam Anthony

Peter Mroz

Avery Robertson (steal)





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Just now, anonymouskid_35 said:






1. Avery Robertson vs. Gihanna Zoe


Reason: Kelly seemed to have a pattern of pitting her young singers against each other in the Knockouts (Damali vs. Gracee, CammWess vs. Megan, Abby vs. Claire, etc.) and both Avery and Gihanna are probably two of her youngest post knockout artists. Note that in the mentioned 3 pairings above, 2 of them have artists that have completely different genres. So I can see this pairing. 


WinnerGihanna Zoe (teenager? check, pop-indie singer? check, aa woman? check, there's in no way she'll let this girl go, she's invested in her)


 Steal: STOLEN by Blake (I think this was just like Camm x John moment, where Avery would have a breakout moment and Blake would realize how Avery is in the Knockouts)



2. Anna Grace Felten vs. Ryleigh Modig


Reason: Both are her indie girls this season and they seem like to be in the same age range as well. I bet only one would advance from these two on her team.


Winner: Anna Grace Felten (this could go either way but I feel like Kelly's invested in Anna so much, so much that even if the coaches preferred Ainae in their battle, she still chose her; Ryleigh could either make it or break it in the Knockouts, no in between, but I really can't see her moving past Knockouts despite that one good battle, sorry to Ryleigh's fan out there, I love her though)


Steal: NONE 



3. Kenzie Wheeler vs. Corey Ward


Reason: Even if Kenzie and Avery are probably the most fit knockout pairing, I feel like Kelly will give us something different and not the obvious one. Hence, this pairing I think will happen. They're both the matured dudes in Team Kelly and I can see only one of them moving forward. Kelly likes to keep her lives team diverse.


Winner: Kenzie Wheeler (duh)


Steal: STOLEN by John (Yeah yeah yeah, I just feel like we're going to have a surprising steal in the Knockouts, and it seems like Corey's got a momentum going into the Knockouts and might have a breakout moment. John loves to steal artists who's having their breakout moments in the Knockouts (except the one he stole in S16))






1. Ciana Pelenkai vs. Gean Garcia


Reason: Weird pairing right? But I feel like John have given us lots of weird pairings in the past, which is why this shoudn't be a surprise when it happens. I immediately thought of Thunderstorm vs. Mandi way back on Season 18. His indie singer paired with his pop singer.


Winner: Ciana Pelenkai (we all know John's loyal to his original artists, so..)


Steal: STOLEN by Nick (As I have said in the spoiler thread, Nick seems to be so interested in Gean, and he was blocked during his first try, not chosen during his second try, so  I don't think Nick's not gonna love it when Gean loses and finally seize the opportunity to get him)



2. Pia Renee vs. Zania Alake


Reason: well, remember Casme vs. Tamara from last season? Mike vs. Darious from Season 18? John likes to pit his soulful singers in the Knockouts, and this wouldn't be different from that.


Winner: Pia Renee (I honestly feel like this could go either way, however I think Pia might deliver a vocally stronger performance than Zania, thus I think she'll win it)


Steal: NONE



3. Victor Solomon vs. Rio Lana


Reason: Idk I feel like John will pit someone not vocally strong against Victor, who is probably his strongest competitor right now. This reminds me way back on Season 17 when he pitted Max against Katie.


Winner: Victor Solomon


Steal: NONE






1. Dana Monique vs. Jose Figueroa Jr.


Reason: Nick isn't that coach who pits artists who are genre-wise different from each other, against each other (based on his S18 KO pairings) and I thought this pairing would make sense so much, Jose seems to have some soulfulness in him.


Winner: Dana Monique


Steal: NONE



2. Rachel Mac vs. Raine Stern


Reason: They seem to be the leftovers in the pairings that I have thought of. But, I think they are still somehow a perfect knockout pairing fro each other? Both give me indie vibes, although Raine is more rock than indie.


Winner: Rachel Mac (could go either way but Rachel's got a momentum going into the Knockouts, so I can see her winning it)


Steal: STOLEN by Kelly (I think Raine belongs to Team Kelly for some reasons, maybe that pop-rock thing?)



3. Zae Romero vs. Keegan Farrel


Reason: Both exudes r&b sound for me, so I think it'll be this pairing. Also, I think Nick's so invested in Zae so I think just like Dana, he'll pit someone against him who's easy to beat.


Winner: Zae Romero


Steal: NONE






(I haven't gotten the chance to watch his artists honestly, I'm not interested (except for Cam, watched only one videos from them, so I will NOT give reasons to this)


1. Jordan Matthew Young vs. Connor Christian


Winner: Jordan Matthew Young


Steal: NONE



2. Peter Mroz vs. Ethan Lively


Winner: Peter Mroz


Steal: NONE



3. Cam Anthony vs. Andrew Marshall


Winner: Cam Anthony


Steal: NONE






Winner: Savanna Woods (Savanna's definitely getting the pimp spot again since it is chair orders' that dictates the performance order of the saves, then minivan seems to also love rock music, which is I think Savanna's genre  (Savanna's not pure rock but she's got a taste of it based on her audition song and tone)










Kenzie Wheeler

Gihanna Zoe

Anna Grace Felten

Raine Stern (steal)

Savanna Woods





Ciana Pelenkai

Pia Renee

Victor Solomon

Corey Ward (steal)





Dana Monique

Zae Romero

Rachel Mac

Gean Garcia (steal)





Jordan Matthew Young

Cam Anthony

Peter Mroz

Avery Robertson (steal)






this is all based on my OWN speculation. I really haven't been paying attention to IDF's speculations and opinions about certain artists lol

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1 hour ago, anonymouskid_35 said:






1. Avery Robertson vs. Gihanna Zoe


Reason: Kelly seemed to have a pattern of pitting her young singers against each other in the Knockouts (Damali vs. Gracee, CammWess vs. Megan, Abby vs. Claire, etc.) and both Avery and Gihanna are probably two of her youngest post knockout artists. Note that in the mentioned 3 pairings above, 2 of them have artists that have completely different genres. So I can see this pairing. 


WinnerGihanna Zoe (teenager? check, pop-indie singer? check, aa woman? check, there's in no way she'll let this girl go, she's invested in her)


 Steal: STOLEN by Blake (I think this was just like Camm x John moment, where Avery would have a breakout moment and Blake would realize how Avery is in the Knockouts)



2. Anna Grace Felten vs. Ryleigh Modig


Reason: Both are her indie girls this season and they seem like to be in the same age range as well. I bet only one would advance from these two on her team.


Winner: Anna Grace Felten (this could go either way but I feel like Kelly's invested in Anna so much, so much that even if the coaches preferred Ainae in their battle, she still chose her; Ryleigh could either make it or break it in the Knockouts, no in between, but I really can't see her moving past Knockouts despite that one good battle, sorry to Ryleigh's fan out there, I love her though)


Steal: NONE 



3. Kenzie Wheeler vs. Corey Ward


Reason: Even if Kenzie and Avery are probably the most fit knockout pairing, I feel like Kelly will give us something different and not the obvious one. Hence, this pairing I think will happen. They're both the matured dudes in Team Kelly and I can see only one of them moving forward. Kelly likes to keep her lives team diverse.


Winner: Kenzie Wheeler (duh)


Steal: STOLEN by John (Yeah yeah yeah, I just feel like we're going to have a surprising steal in the Knockouts, and it seems like Corey's got a momentum going into the Knockouts and might have a breakout moment. John loves to steal artists who's having their breakout moments in the Knockouts (except the one he stole in S16))






1. Ciana Pelenkai vs. Gean Garcia


Reason: Weird pairing right? But I feel like John have given us lots of weird pairings in the past, which is why this shoudn't be a surprise when it happens. I immediately thought of Thunderstorm vs. Mandi way back on Season 18. His indie singer paired with his pop singer.


Winner: Ciana Pelenkai (we all know John's loyal to his original artists, so..)


Steal: STOLEN by Nick (As I have said in the spoiler thread, Nick seems to be so interested in Gean, and he was blocked during his first try, not chosen during his second try, so  I don't think Nick's not gonna love it when Gean loses and finally seize the opportunity to get him)



2. Pia Renee vs. Zania Alake


Reason: well, remember Casme vs. Tamara from last season? Mike vs. Darious from Season 18? John likes to pit his soulful singers in the Knockouts, and this wouldn't be different from that.


Winner: Pia Renee (I honestly feel like this could go either way, however I think Pia might deliver a vocally stronger performance than Zania, thus I think she'll win it)


Steal: NONE



3. Victor Solomon vs. Rio Lana


Reason: Idk I feel like John will pit someone not vocally strong against Victor, who is probably his strongest competitor right now. This reminds me way back on Season 17 when he pitted Max against Katie.


Winner: Victor Solomon


Steal: NONE






1. Dana Monique vs. Jose Figueroa Jr.


Reason: Nick isn't that coach who pits artists who are genre-wise different from each other, against each other (based on his S18 KO pairings) and I thought this pairing would make sense so much, Jose seems to have some soulfulness in him.


Winner: Dana Monique


Steal: NONE



2. Rachel Mac vs. Raine Stern


Reason: They seem to be the leftovers in the pairings that I have thought of. But, I think they are still somehow a perfect knockout pairing fro each other? Both give me indie vibes, although Raine is more rock than indie.


Winner: Rachel Mac (could go either way but Rachel's got a momentum going into the Knockouts, so I can see her winning it)


Steal: STOLEN by Kelly (I think Raine belongs to Team Kelly for some reasons, maybe that pop-rock thing?)



3. Zae Romero vs. Keegan Farrel


Reason: Both exudes r&b sound for me, so I think it'll be this pairing. Also, I think Nick's so invested in Zae so I think just like Dana, he'll pit someone against him who's easy to beat.


Winner: Zae Romero


Steal: NONE






(I haven't gotten the chance to watch his artists honestly, I'm not interested (except for Cam, watched only one videos from them, so I will NOT give reasons to this)


1. Jordan Matthew Young vs. Connor Christian


Winner: Jordan Matthew Young


Steal: NONE



2. Peter Mroz vs. Ethan Lively


Winner: Peter Mroz


Steal: NONE



3. Cam Anthony vs. Andrew Marshall


Winner: Cam Anthony


Steal: NONE






Winner: Savanna Woods (Savanna's definitely getting the pimp spot again since it is chair orders' that dictates the performance order of the saves, then minivan seems to also love rock music, which is I think Savanna's genre  (Savanna's not pure rock but she's got a taste of it based on her audition song and tone)










Kenzie Wheeler

Gihanna Zoe

Anna Grace Felten

Raine Stern (steal)

Savanna Woods





Ciana Pelenkai

Pia Renee

Victor Solomon

Corey Ward (steal)





Dana Monique

Zae Romero

Rachel Mac

Gean Garcia (steal)





Jordan Matthew Young

Cam Anthony

Peter Mroz

Avery Robertson (steal)





This is so detailed and I love it. :wub: I actually didn’t think about Ciana vs. Gean as a pairing and it actually could work now that I think about it. 🤔 

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