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Big Brother Rankdown 2.0


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Kyle Shore


Meet the CAST of Big Brother CANADA Season 2!


Theres a couple I want to  save on this list, and a couple of I want to cut.  Kyle was on big brother Canada season 2, probably the single greatest season of Big Brother Ever.  He was not one of the stand outs.  What I remember of him on the season, was that he was a meathead.  That said, he was still better the 3/5 first five moments, so I would take him over them.  That said, he didn't stick around long enough to make a last impression.  He was the week 2 boot, when he was nominated next to Paul, one of his only allies post veto.  Kyle posed a greater threat to the first five's game, so he was the one who was evicted.  I am surprised he made it this far in the rankdown, as he is pretty forgettable.  That said, hes not utter trash like so many big brother males.


Save: Amanda Zuckerman

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Big Brother Rankdown 2.0 (QK’s Noms Posted)
6 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

Actually Kyle is uber MAGA now according to his Twitter so he has unfortunately become trash.


I dont really keep with any contestants post show besides my absolute favs, so thats good to know.

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Jozea Flores


Might as well take out Zachs new business partner too. Cough Only Fans cough. Actually them charging over 100 dollars for a 30 second video? I am questioning anyone who would pay that or anything really to meet someone so irrelevant. Apparently when you pay the 100 (why would u do that????) These videos are no different than what they posted on there IG story. What the hell? Scamming people in the middle of a pandemic? What trash. He was on big brother 18 and lasted awhile. Too tired to Google how long. Jozea went on to do the challenge good for him but he's no queen Da'Vonne so he can go now. Oh and these clips? Really? Can't get over that. So famehungry is kinda embarrassing at this point and anyone who associates with Jeffee Star is questionable to me at this point.

Saving: Ivette Corredero

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Michael Donnellan



I had to quickly save Mitch for his ICONIC dragging of the Jared, Kelsey, and Raul trio during his speech and Michael was one of the easiest cuts on the list, so he can go. Michael was part of the legendary Big Brother 6, which is considered one of the best seasons of the show for many reasons. Michael is not one of those reasons. Michael is a week 2 boot. He was Kaysar's secret partner and Janelle's showmance that season. He also rubbed some of the girls in the house the wrong way with his actions and Cappy decided to take it upon himself to put Michael in his place. But that whole situation just turned into a heated argument that somehow created a heated argument between Ivette and Kaysar. Season 6 really was top notch for the arguments and the drama. Anyway, Cappy nominated him against Janelle and he was evicted in a 9-1 vote against the Queen. He then also was Janelle's choice for a phone call when she won yet another America's vote and I was here for the Nerd Herd being pressed that she got a phone call from him, so there's that. But really, week 2 boots tend not to be that good (except Queen Day of course) and he fits that mold, so he can go.


SAVING: Mitch Moffit

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Out of the entire cast of the first season of Big Brother Canada, Anuj "AJ" Burman is the one that I completely forgot about. In the game, he didn't do anything extraordinary as he never won POV & HOH. He was essentially a floater that was often used as the pawn throughout his time in the house - he was known as the pawn-star for how often he was on the block as a Pawn. He eventually got evicted and became a member of the jury where he voted for Gary Levy to win the price at the end. 

Overall, AJ is a forgettable houseguest as everyone would like to forget about him referring to himself in the third person throughout the game and in the confessional. And AJ being cut from this rankdown is no big loss. 


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Nick Starcevic



Nick appeared on Big Brother 8, a former college football player so I suppose a token ‘jock’ of the season. He teamed up with Kail, Zach and Mike for the Mrs Robinson alliance, which didn’t last too long due to most of the houseguests leaving early, including Nick.


He also had a showmance with Daniele, then went on to briefly date Jen Johnson and also the now-insane Kristen from BB12. He got married in 2018 which is sweet, but I’m more interested in how they got PEOPLE Magazine to do an article about it...must have been a slow news day. Don’t have much opinion on any of these noms remaining so an easier cut really!


Saving Brian Hart

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Mark McGrath was a Houseguest on the first season of Celebrity Big Brother. As for his game play, he didn't really do much. Other than winning HoH the week Brandi was evicted, he flew under the radar and didn't have much say in the strategic decisions of the game. He formed a close bond with James Maslow, who ended up being a shield for him since James was the bigger threat between the two. After James was evicted, Mark formed a new Final 2 alliance with Ross Mathews. However, Mark was evicted at the Final 4 alongside Ariadna Gutiérrez in fourth place. And I know the show pretends Mark got third place, but Marissa Jaret Winokur said Mark's name before Ariadna's. So, he got fourth place and Ariadna got third place. Anyway, Mark didn't add much to Celebrity Big Brother, so out he goes from the rankdown now.


Saving Shane Meaney.


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Steven Daigle




Note to self: Do not Google search Steven Daigle gif because you will get some xxx rated gifs if you don't have safe search on. :dead: This was an easy choice to make as I do like Lane and he made it all the way to the final 2 on Big Brother 12 and Steven is a second boot from Big Brother 10. :haha: So like I mentioned, Steven Daigle was on the incredible Big Brother 10. Steven was evicted in Week 2 by a unanimous 9-0 vote and he placed 12th. He was aligned with Dan, Kesha, Brian and Angie. Steven is now more known for his work in the gay porn industry. In 2010, he was arrested and booked for misdemeanor battery.  He battered his ex-boyfriend, Trent Locke who is also a gay porn star. Yikes. And with that Steven is now out of the rankdown.


Save: flexing arnold schwarzenegger GIF

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Big Brother Rankdown 2.0 (Sola’s Noms Next)
1 minute ago, Alex95 said:

I know we’re rightfully low on Tiffany right now.....but tea. A cast with Tiffany, Angie, and Gemma will NEVER be topped.

A top-tier season of reality TV! I would love a CBB return in the future but it’s going to be a hard task to ever replicate this.

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Although lol of course the winner of that season is the one person who I literally remember nothing from, I feel like everyone else had a moment at some point. (except for Kristina although I just remember her announcing she was pregnant like 3 days in)

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6 minutes ago, *Lily said:

Although lol of course the winner of that season is the one person who I literally remember nothing from, I feel like everyone else had a moment at some point. (except for Kristina although I just remember her announcing she was pregnant like 3 days in)

Lol yeah I mean it’s CBB. Of course the most inoffensive white guy was gonna win. I decided when I was watching CBB it was about the journey and not the ending because I was almost always let down (except the Sarah Harding and Courtney Act victories)

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1 minute ago, Alex95 said:

Lol yeah I mean it’s CBB. Of course the most inoffensive white guy was gonna win. I decided when I was watching CBB it was about the journey and not the ending because I was almost always let down (except the Sarah Harding and Courtney Act victories)

Oh yeah not to say it was a surprise at all. Very much the usual ending for shows voted by the UK public. Although there was that brief period where it looked as if Tiffany was the favorite and I like to remember that moment. (Until the last few weeks :/)

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