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Big Brother Rankdown 2.0


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Krista Stegall


Ex 'Big Brother' Star Krista Stegall Arrested



Krista Stegall was a contestant on Big Brother Season 2.  The real season that started it all.  Including a format changed, it moved away from the 5 nights a way viewing (down to 3).  It also introduced the Jury vote, the head of households and the nominations.  Krista was part of the first iteration of Chilltown.  Or The Untouchables or whatever it was that included the ladies.  She was to Mike Boogie, what Shannon was to Will Kirby.  Krista won the HOH in week 2 of the show and nominated Autumn and Kent.  Autumn was evicted.  Krista finished the season in 6th place and Mike proposed to her in the finale.  It didn't last.  The photo is what happens to people who get involved with Boogie.  Zon zoo it.


Save: Bryan Ollie

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Devin Shepherd was a Houseguest on Big Brother 16. He played too hard, too fast and was often very condescending toward people. His actions eventually led to him being evicted in Week 3. Devin put himself in the leadership position of the Bomb Squad alliance, even recruiting Amber and Christine without asking the other alliance members beforehand. This started to make his allies wary of him, but his downfall really came when he won HoH in Week 2. He was determined to get Brittany out, but then he changed his mind after she talked to him. He decided he didn't want to be responsible for sending a single mother out of the house. He was also getting paranoid about his own alliance members, and he even got into an argument with Caleb. He told him the alliance was done, and Caleb responded by saying Devin will go home next week. After winning the Power of Veto, Devin decided to use the Veto on his original target Brittany and name Zach as the replacement nominee. This led to a big blowup at the Veto Meeting with Zach and Paola calling Devin out. The house did the opposite of what Devin wanted by keeping Zach. After Derrick won the HoH competition in Week 3, he did what the house wanted and targeted Devin. Devin was evicted by a unanimous vote. Devin was a memorable Houseguest for his short stay in the house, and I remember when "Devin has a daughter" became a running joke. But Devin leaving the rankdown at this point is fair.


Saving Ryan Lochte.


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Metta World Peace formerly known as Ron Artest and currently known as Metta Sandiford-Artest is a former basketball player. Like some of his fellow houseguests on the first season of Celebrity Big Brother US, he was once upon a time a star on Dancing With The Stars.  During his time on the show, Metta is best remembered for two incidents: He pushed the emergency button as a response to him asking to leave the house, as he previously asked to be evicted - if I remember correctly, eh was missing his wife or something & did not feel like participating in the game. The second thing he is best known for is serving some Topaz Brady realness by miscasting his vote to evict his ally, Chuck - this would not have changed anything in the game as Chuck was going home with or without Metta voting to evict him.  And he was in the minority to vote for Ross to win over Tony award winner, Marissa Jaret Winokur. 



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Lawon Exum
Big Brother Network coming through with the hot tea this morning for me " Figuring out where Lawon’s game went wrong could be summed up in a sentence. Something like this: Lawon’s game was so nonexistent, I wasn’t even sure he knew he was playing a game" the tea is strong. You know the saying floater? Lawon was a prime example of that during season 13. Rarely did he ever actually try to do anything. He was always one of the first put of any completion no matter what is is. I often wonder why he even came on the show when he seemed to care so little? Like why leave your friends and family and work for all that time?? Also the non stop screaming in the diary room and over the top attempt to be funny just feel flat and was so annoying as a viewer. His downfall of thinking he'd get some special power was pretty hysterical though. I was glad when was gone though.

Saving: Cassandra Waldon

Edited by *Diana
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Minh-Ly Nguyen-Cao




I am tired and about to go to bed but wanted to get this done before I go to sleep so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow. I chose to save Howard because I knew who he was and I am cutting Minh-Ly because I have no idea who she is. Minh-Ly was on the BB Canada 8 which was the season that never finished because of covid. So really anyone from that season is fair game I think. It looks like she wasn't voted out or quit so she was still in the house when they were all kicked out. Good for her on that I guess I have no idea how well she would have faired in a normal season but who knows maybe she will get another chance at some point. But like I said before this season is fair game to be cut early so out she goes from the rankdown now.


Saving Howard

Edited by QueenKalie
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Brooke Warnock




Of course we're losing the only actually great houseguest of Canada 8, so I might as well cut one that isn't nearly as great. 🙂 Brooke was one of many still around on the day that production shut down because of COVID. Her allies were Sheldon, who I actually like, and Kyle, who is one of my least favorite houseguests from the show thanks to the ugliness on his part in the whole Jamar situation. Anyway, this is about Brooke. She didn't win anything during the 4 weeks she was in the house. She was nominated by Chris in week 2 and stayed over Michael in a 7-3 vote to evict. Good choice on the houseguests' part, as I did not care for Michael. I am struggling to remember anything else about Brooke, so. Might as well push for the 2nd-best season 8 houseguest (Sheldon) to win this season now, so Brooke is leaving and I am saving him to try and achieve that. I hope this is 100 words. I'm just annoyed Minh-Ly is gone and I'm sure others will be too. Sorry, Sola & Chris - I was just a few minutes too late to save her. :( 


SAVING: Sheldon Jean


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Just now, *Lily said:

I didn’t follow BBCAN8 enough to know her and I know she was a big character who I probably would have loved but after seeing some clips of Minh-Ly on Instagram implying COVID is a hoax.. ehh bye girl!

I don't really keep up with these houseguests on social media, so I had no idea about that. #yikes

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Jamar Lee

I’m doing this as I prepare to finish BB3 in my seasons watch so everyone from there is kinda fresh in my mind and I have good enough feelings about most of them, so I’ll save Gerry for that reason (although wow obviously I’m still bitter he was team Danielle on his eviction and then will get turned off voting for her 😠).


Anyway I’ve saved Jamar a couple times I think or maybe just once but it feels fair to cut him now. Jamar appeared on the hot mess that is BBCAN8 and alongside houseguests like Minh-Ly, he was probably one of the ones I heard the most about from an outer perspective. He seemed to get in quite a big fight with Kyle, who was trash and even said the n-word directly to Jamar previously. After a big blowup a couple of houseguests I believe complained they were uncomfortable with Jamar and he was ejected. The controversy surrounding this then seemed to lead to Kyle also being ejected. All in all, it’s a mess, and while I can’t comment in too much detail it just seems like BBCAN handled this not well all the whole dealing with an increasing global pandemic. Sorry Jamar, but a fair cut at this time just as we get further into the game.


Saving Gerry

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