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Musician Discography Rankdown (Bonus Round)


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6. Wasted (2005 prod. by Mark Bright, written by Hillary Lindsey, Marv Green, + Troy Verges)

Album: Some Hearts




US Billboard Hot 100: #37 (Single)

US Hot Country Songs (Billboard): #1 (Single)

United States Certification (RIAA): Platinum (Single)

US Billboard 200: #2 (Album)

US Album Certification (RIAA): 8x Platinum (Album) 





Derek: 2

Steven: 9

Wally: 17

Sola: 16

Lily: 21

Kaley: 10

Andy: 8

Tom: 2

Denise: 11

Andrew: 9

Amanda: 9

Chris: 2

Victoria: 8

Public: 15


Final Average = 9.93




On 8/3/2020 at 9:51 PM, *Chris said:

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In my opinion, “Wasted” is the song / single from Some Hearts that deserves more love & appreciation – it is easily the best song & single from the album #ISaidWhatISaid.  Why do I love the song, so much? Not only does she sound amazing on it, but you get hook on the song as soon as Carrie sings “Standing at the back door, she tried to make it fast, one tear hit the hard word, it fell like broken glass” to the chorus where she delivers with so much emotions – “I don't wanna spend my life jaded, Waiting to wake up one day and find, That I let all these years go by, Wasted”.


In 2020, more than 15 years since the release of Some Hearts, I have a bigger appreciation for the song as one can appreciate the sentiments sung in the song as we get older. However, hearing this song live is what made me appreciate it even more – the way she hits every notes in the song while delivering it with emotions was a moment I will never forget #GoosebumpsAlert. On top of that, she just keeps getting better at it, where she finds a new way to reinvent the way the song is being delivered – I am truly glad that she keeps it in her set list, after all these years.


On 7/30/2020 at 1:39 AM, Steven_ said:

I love "Wasted." I think this song is very clever in its lyrics. There are two messages in the song, which is don't waste life away with alcohol and just don't let life go by without doing something meaningful. And these messages are told through two different characters. By the end of the song, the woman has moved on and drives away to live her life, while the man finally gives up on his addiction. But the lyrics of the chorus is broad enough that listeners can take it to mean to just not let the time in their life go by wasted. It's a very inspiring song, and Carrie's vocals are simply amazing. This is a really tough song to sing, but Carrie nails it every single time.


Favorite lyric:

🎵 I don't wanna spend my life jaded
Waiting to wake up one day and find
That I let all these years go by wasted.


On 8/3/2020 at 2:19 PM, sublymonal said:

Some Hearts deserved better in this rankdown, but I'm glad Wasted made it because it's a great song.I haven't listened to it in so long but when I did, I was immediately brought back to my angsty teenage years.


On 7/31/2020 at 8:01 PM, miss denise said:

I always felt this song was kind of underrated. It really has a meaning that resonates with me, and should with everyone. We should not waste one moment. ❤️ I think it has a bit of a double meaning, since the story of the song deals with an alcohol addiction, so that may be the more obvious interpretation of "wasted." But I mostly listen and interpret in the way that connects with me, which is about wasting time in life. This is the opening track on Carrie's debut album, which makes it special, and her vocals are fire, as expected. This song also has a lyric that I absolutely adore and has always stuck with me, which is: "For one split second she almost turned around, but that would be like pouring rain drops back into a cloud" ❤️ Love that analogy. The chorus is so good and I love her belting on it.  I just love her voice on those "wasteedd" parts and everything else. 


On 7/30/2020 at 9:39 PM, ~Tom~ said:

Not only my favorite single from Some Hearts, but my favorite single of Carrie's, period. That chorus is my favorite chorus of any of her songs, it's so catchy and her vocals soar at the same time. Plus I appreciate how this song can both be about not wanting to be “wasted” drunk and missing out on life, and not wanting to actually waste your life and instead live it to the fullest at the same time.


On 7/30/2020 at 8:12 PM, #jeah said:

Some Hearts was robbed, glad this made the cut though. Another song with a powerful chorus


On 7/30/2020 at 4:23 PM, *Lily said:

Some Hearts is probably the album I listen to the least of Carrie's, this song is nice but not a standout for me. But she sounds great on it!


On 7/30/2020 at 11:56 AM, *Wallace said:



We had to lose “Jesus Take the Wheel” for “Wasted”? 😢 Thomas I got some words for you. 🙂 LMAO I’m teasing. I do like “Wasted” but it was definitely my least favorite single from the Some Hearts album. I do like how she sings the chorus and that always stands out to me from this song. I never really saw the music video in full (or that much) but it’s in black & white and is very pretty. 








5. Before He Cheats (2005 prod. by Mark Bright, written by Josh Kear + Chris Tompkins)

Album: Some Hearts




US Billboard Hot 100: #8 (Single)

US Hot Country Songs (Billboard): #1 (Single)

US Mainstream Top 40 (Billboard): #9 (Single)

US Adult Top 40 (Billboard): #5 (Single)

United States Certification (RIAA): 6x Platinum (Single)





Derek: 10

Steven: 20

Wally: 1

Sola: 12

Lily: 2

Kaley: 5

Andy: 2

Tom: 21

Denise: 6

Andrew: 15

Amanda: 8

Chris: 21

Victoria: 6

Public: 5


Final Average = 9.57




On 8/3/2020 at 9:51 PM, *Chris said:


tumblr_me6fkbxZjt1rjl2byo1_250.gifv tumblr_me6fkbxZjt1rjl2byo2_250.gifv tumblr_me6fkbxZjt1rjl2byo4_250.gifv

This song is undeniably Carrie Underwood’s biggest hit, outside of country music – it was able to achieve massive success outside of the genre without any remix. The song received many accolades including being the first country song to sell over 2 million copy digitally, one of the best-selling country songs, and it has been certified 6x platinum by the RIAA. This song proved Carrie Underwood’s star power, which is something the country genre found a way to capitalize on.


Now that I did a quick intro of the song, it is time for my thoughts on the song. I will start by stating that I do not hate or dislike the song as many of you thought I did – I think it is a bop & I always sing along to it whenever I hear it. As a whole, the song is super fun with catchy lyrics especially the chorus – “I dug my key into the side, Of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive, Carved my name into his leather seats, I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights, I slashed a hole in all four tires, Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats”


So why am I ranking it in last place? I have a feeling that it may get a better placement than it deserves – as a Carrie stan, I do not believe that this is Carrie’s best single or song which is a sentiment often shared by casual fans as they often only know this song with like 10 other singles. And 15 years later, the song has been overplayed & overhyped way too much so my sentiment on regarding it aren’t the same as it was 10 years, ago – like I stated earlier, I do like the song but not a favourite of mine & I am kind of tired of always hearing it at concerts and whatsnot. As well, this song started a trend of her record label making sure she has a similar song on each album – “Last Name”, “Undo It”, “Cowboy Casanova”, “Good Girl” – some are better than others but some were not necessarily, especially not as a single.

And to conclude, I do appreciate what this song did for her career and introduced her music to other people who may have never listened to her because she was simply a country singer. But unfortunately, this is just not one of my favourite & it would be a very predictable win – I predict that it is going to break the Top 10 or so, though.


On 7/30/2020 at 1:39 AM, Steven_ said:

"Before He Cheats" is arguably Carrie's biggest crossover hit and helped skyrocket Carrie's career even further after her Idol win. "Before He Cheats" is basically about a scorned woman destroying her cheating boyfriend's car, and the attitude Carrie portrays in the song is fantastic. The song is a lot of fun with an easy singalong feel to it, and Carrie's delivery is flawless. If I was ranking Carrie's songs based on success alone, this would definitely be higher. However, I do happen to have more of an attachment to other songs in this Top 21. So, this is NOT a tanked ranking or me trying to prevent "Before He Cheats" from winning. That's not what I'm doing. I still love "Before He Cheats" a lot too! It's a super fun song to jam out to and definitely one of Carrie's signature songs. I just happen to like the other songs more.


Favorite lyric:

🎵 I might have saved a little trouble for the next girl
'Cause the next time that he cheats
Oh, you know it won't be on me.


On 8/3/2020 at 2:19 PM, sublymonal said:

I know this song is an anthem and probably her biggest single and, for that, I love it. It's also a great karaoke song, but it isn't anything but a catchy country song.


On 7/31/2020 at 8:01 PM, miss denise said:

One of the ultimate Carrie Underwood songs that everyone knows and it was HUGE for her career. I personally love it and never get tired of it. It's one of her defining songs and I remember hearing this a ton on the radio, including on pop stations. I also remember thinking how silly the audience was when I attended the Carnival Ride tour, and people started leaving the arena before she sang this song as her encore... Of course it was coming. Maybe next time they'll think before they leave. :giggle: Anyway,  I love the slinky vibe of the music and Carrie's sass.  She sings with all the great power and attitude the song needs and even though we're used to hearing these kinds of songs from Carrie now, I think it was unexpected for me at the time. She is letting it be KNOWN that she will never be wronged by that guy (and hopefully anyone) again.  It has such iconic lines in the chorus like "I took a louiseville slugger to both headlights." ❤️ The bridge may be my favorite, where she says "Cause the next time that he cheats.... you know it won't be on meee" SO. GOOD. This will forever be one of Carrie's biggest songs and a favorite of mine. 


On 7/30/2020 at 9:39 PM, ~Tom~ said:

Maybe next time you'll let this overrated pile of meh go so Jesus can make the finals? Just some food for thought!


On 7/30/2020 at 8:12 PM, #jeah said:

I mean I understand how people could think this is overplayed, but imo it’s held up incredibly well over time and stands as one of the most iconic country songs of the last 20 years. It’s sassy, vengeful fun and this song is tailor made for Carrie. ICONIQUE


On 7/30/2020 at 4:23 PM, *Lily said:

I guess this is probably her best-known song and a really strong number from her debut album. I'm glad it got advanced to the finals as it's totally deserving of being here.


On 7/30/2020 at 11:56 AM, *Wallace said:



The iconic of all it is the legendary “Before He Cheats.” COME THROUGH and #bless to Andy & Victoria for advancing this song into the finals. Ugh I didn’t know or realize how polarizing this song was until this round started. So ugh I know “Before He Cheats” won’t win and it will get low rankings from some rankers but I’d like to think we can all agree the legacy of this song is huge and deserves to be in the finals for sure. I don’t know why some people feel this song is a song that can win - I don’t think so but I hope it can crack the Top 10. This is the song everyone (from non-fans to stans) knows from Carrie after all. As I am a Top 40 music listener/follower, this was the only Carrie song I heard regularly on the radio. I’m not going to argue if it’s her best song as that is subjective but this has always been my favorite Carrie song and I feel it will stay like that - so clearly this will get my #1 spot. “Before He Cheats” slaps hard and if anyone says others they are lying. This song also marks the birth of Sassy and Feisty Carrie that I love. :wub: I was shook seeing this side of her. This is an iconic song of her telling it OFF to her cheating boyfriend and how Carrie is not one to be messed with. (!) I love the attitude she brings with singing the lyrics and bringing so much conviction.


Gosh there’s sooo many great parts of this song. The whole chorus is ICONIC! And i won’t hear nothing less. That I dug my key into the side. Of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive. Carved my name into his leather seats... I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights. Slashed a hole in all four tires... Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats. SO GOOD. (!) I absolutely love the second verse and that snark Carrie brings there where she sings: Right now, she's probably up singing some. White-trash version of Shania karaoke. Right now, she's probably saying, "I'm drunk.” And he's a-thinking that he's gonna get lucky. The part where she sings 'Cause the next time that he cheats... Oh, you know it won't be on me on the bridge is sooo…. :clap: Tell it Carrie! I absolutely love the last chorus and how she sings/belt that whole part especially with how she sings Oh, maybe next time he'll think before he cheats... at 2:47. That boy better think!










4. Two Black Cadillacs (2007 prod. by Mark Bright, written by Carrie Underwood, Hillary Lindsey, + Josh Kear)

Album: Blown Away




US Billboard Hot 100: #41 (Single)

US Hot Country Songs (Billboard): #4 (Single)

US Country Airplay (Billboard): #2 (Single)

United States Certification (RIAA): Platinum (Single)





Derek: 14

Steven: 19

Wally: 15

Sola: 6

Lily: 8

Kaley: 2

Andy: 7

Tom: 5

Denise: 20

Andrew: 5

Amanda: 10

Chris: 10

Victoria: 7

Public: 2


Final Average = 9.29




On 8/3/2020 at 10:00 PM, *Chris said:


tumblr_mdyqeitLnL1rb3tajo3_250.gifv tumblr_mdyqeitLnL1rb3tajo4_250.gifv tumblr_mdyqeitLnL1rb3tajo8_r1_250.gifv


Serving as the 4th single for "Blown Away", "Two Black Cadillacs" was written by Carrie, Hillary Lindsey, and Josh Kear. And the song fits the dark theme of the album - this song is essentially the "Goodbye Earl" of Blown Away. The song tells the story of two women who are involved in a relationship with the same guy & they eventually put their differences aside to kill him - how did they achieve it? It is a secret that we shall never know as they wanted to keep it as a mystery. And the song proved to be a success for Carrie as it went all the way to #1 on the Mediabase Country airplay chart. 


While the song was a risk & different route for Carrie, the song proved that she's one of the best storyteller in modern day country music where she was able to make us paint a portrait of the situation - it shouldn't be hard to do with lyrics such as the following: "Two black Cadillacs driving in a slow parade, Headlights shining bright in the middle of the day, One is for his wife, The other for the woman who loved him at night, Two black Cadillacs meeting for the first time" & "And the preacher said he was a good man, And his brother said he was a good friend, But the women in the two black veils didn't bother to cry, Bye bye bye bye, [...] He's not the only who had a secret to hide". Not only was she tell the story, but she did so by delivering incredible vocals especially in the chorus where she sings "Bye, bye, bye, bye" and. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah". To conclude, the song remains one of my favourite from Blown Away and I am pleased that it was released as a single due to the simple fact that she gave us an epic music video inspired by Stephen King's "Christine". 

PS: This performance of "Two Black Cadillacs" at the ACM Awards is incredible. And let's not forget this flawless performance of her Blown Away/Two Black Cadillacs from the 2013 Grammy's - the vocals delivered during this performance was out of this world. 


On 7/30/2020 at 1:39 AM, Steven_ said:

"Two Black Cadillacs" was the third single off of the Blown Away album. I think this song is brilliant, and so different than most songs that are released to country radio nowadays. There's a lot of cheating songs out there, but this southern Gothic feel and extreme story of revenge is chilling, yet incredible. The song is about a wife and a mistress finding out about each other and then forming an unexpected alliance that leads to them killing the man that did them wrong. The lyrics are super clever since it paints everything so visually, yet how they killed the man remains a mystery. It was a risky story to sing about, but it paid off as it became another hit song for Carrie.


Favorite lyric:

🎵 It was the first and the last time they saw each other face to face
They shared a crimson smile and just walked away
And left the secret at the grave.


On 8/3/2020 at 2:19 PM, sublymonal said:

This song is about gothic lesbian lovers killing a man and nothing can convince me otherwise, not even the line "It was the first and the last time they saw each other face to facehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVEBZLrjpw4


On 7/31/2020 at 8:01 PM, miss denise said:

omg this song is so scary with the story. I could have nightmares, but Carrie means business as usual. The way the intensity picks up so quickly right after the first verse is really effective and powerful. Carrie has several songs about a cheater, but the story in this one is unique with the two women teaming up to seek revenge. It's scary and as they say "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."  It's truly haunting and Carrie's vocals reflect that so well on the bridge. ".. and left the secret at the grave" :omg: That part is chilling. Ah, I do love this song whenever I listen to it, but I love so many others more. :broken: 


On 7/30/2020 at 11:56 AM, *Wallace said:



This is such a dark and eerie song. This is a song that really scares and haunts me when I really listen to it closely and watch it’s music video - which has some really strong storytelling in it. Especially with how dark the video is and it having a funeral setting to it. This is my least favorite Blown Away single but I do still really like it. This is one of those songs where you don’t mess with a ticked off Carrie. My favorite part of the song is the chorus where she sings: And the preacher said he was a good man. And his brother said he was a good friend. But the women in the two black veils didn't bother to cry. Bye, bye, bye, bye.


On 7/30/2020 at 9:39 PM, ~Tom~ said:

Another song about men getting their comeuppance that's better than BHC. :yes:


On 7/30/2020 at 8:12 PM, #jeah said:

A 9/10 song that had the potential to be a 10/10 if it reached a bigger climax, I feel like it doesn’t build up as much as it could have. Having said that, it’s still awesome, well written, dark, gorgeous vocals from Carrie


On 7/30/2020 at 4:23 PM, *Lily said:

Wow Carrie really snapped on the Blown Away album, huh? I really like this one. The story behind the song, too? Iconic.


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4 minutes ago, Deeee said:

The winning song of this round has a lower final average than the impressive 3.83 earned by "Thank U" during the Alanis round. :shock:

Please stop reminding me of Uninvited's robbery.

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26 minutes ago, Elliott said:

@~Tom~ (correctly) calling Before He Cheats an overrated piece of meh while wanting Jesus Take the Wheel in the final vote?


I didn’t care if JTTW made it obviously but JTTW > BHC. 🙂 


Two Black Cadillacs outlasting BHC as well. ❤️ The superior man hating song prevails! 

And @*Wallace I appreciate the shout-out. :giggle: 

Edited by ~Tom~
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I thought Just A Dream could make top 5. Ugh. :( 


My bottom 2 outlasting my entire top 5. :(  Wow. This final ranking is really not nice to me. :broken: I think my #6 and #7 are at least still in.


1 hour ago, *Lily said:

Also my 21’s in there too but..I still liked it well enough just not as much as the others. :haha:

But same to this. Of course I don't dislike any of the songs. ❤️ 

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