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Television Shows Rankdown


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Elliott - 1/20

QK - 5/20

Sola - 7/20

Tom - 8/20

Alex - 9/20

Victoria - 11/20

Chris - 12/20

Wallace - 13/20

Nico - 14/20

Rei - 17/20

Denise - 18/20

Anne - 20/20

Kaley - 20/20

Public - 20/20










Of the few shows I was determined to protect as much as possible, I didn't expect South of Nowhere to be the one that made it to the final vote, but I'm not complaining at all.


South of Nowhere originally aired on The-N (now known as Teenick, and it's a horrible channel nowadays) alongside their other hits (from Canada) - Degrassi: The Next Generation and Instant Star. Though marketed as a teen drama, I felt like the show handled its topics more maturely and seemed far more realistic than the others. Perhaps it was the result of most of the cast actually being teenagers, or that the show was filmed on a minuscule budget (the creator actually had to use his own money to finance half of the pilot episode), but South of Nowhere had such a raw quality to it that instantly made me latch onto it.


The show begins a few days after the Carlin family has moved from Ohio to Los Angeles after Paula Carlin receives a job offer at a new hospital. Her husband is Arthur, and they have three children - Spencer, Glen and Clay, who was adopted. Paula's very religious, and her marriage to Arthur is on the rocks. Clay, having grown up in the suburbs of Ohio and been raised by a white family, has never really experienced much racism of prejudice. Glen is the prototypical jock who wants to become the next big NBA star. Spencer is the show's primary character, and she quickly bonds with Ashley Davies, the troubled daughter of a rock star who has abandonment issues from her parents' lack of involvement in her life. Ashley used to date Aiden Dennison, and their relationship quickly ended after their unexpected pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. Aiden starts the show off by dating Madison Duarte, the head cheerleader that's hated by both Ashley and Spencer. This relationship doesn't last long, as Madison breaks it off with Aiden and sets her sights on Glen, leading to a reconciliation between Aiden and Ashley, with Spencer helping them become friends again.


Though most people discuss Ashley being a lesbian, in Ashley's own words, "she's not into labels" and dates both men and women interchangeably during the show's run. The first season primarily deals with Spencer and Ashley's friendship blossoming, and Spencer beginning to question her sexuality as she begins to realize she has feelings for Ashley. Ashley takes a liking to Spencer, but is also cautious, as she's worried that she's just a bad influence on Spencer, and Spencer needs to make the realization of who she is herself. Conflicting Spencer is the fact that she was raised in a traditional Catholic upbringing, with her mother constantly thinking of Ashley as a bad influence on her daughter.


The first season also dealt with Clay experiencing racial profiling as he finds friends he can relate to from a cultural aspect. On one of their first nights out, the group is pulled over by the LAPD simply for being black in a white neighborhood. Later in the season, Clay and his friend Sean (with whom he grows the closest to) are mugged at gun point, with their belongings all stolen from them. They're left stranded in the heart of LA, and must rely on the same police to help them home. Finally realizing that there is a part of his life he's missed out on, Clay decides that he's finally ready to find his birth mother, but the meeting doesn't necessarily go as well as he planned.


As a senior, Glen's basketball career is taking off as he quickly becomes the new star player at his school, leading to some tension between him and Aiden. He's quickly scouted by college agents and starts to fall for the trappings of college bribery, but quickly heeds his parents advice and realizes that he should let his talent speak for itself. In the season finale, Glen wants to see just how strong his talent is, and joins a makeshift street game. An unfortunate injury sends him to the hospital, leading to the future of his basketball career being in jeopardy. Elsewhere, Paula and Arthur's relationship is on the rocks, strained by the move and a marriage that's become a rut for the two of them. Complicating matters is the discovery that during medical school, Paula had an affair, and that very doctor is the one who invited Paula to work at the hospital in Los Angeles. 


As the first season draws to a close, Spencer finally realizes that she identifies as a lesbian and wants to be with Ashley, and surprises Ashley in the season's final scene. Spashley is now official, and after all the drama, at least the season can end on that note.


Season 2 picks up the next morning. Ashley and Spencer are finally together, and all seems well. However, Ashley receives a life-changing call when she's told that her father has passed away... and she has a half-sister that she was never told about. Her sister's name is Kyla, and she's moving to the city because she wants to get to know Ashley better. Spencer tries to be the supportive girlfriend, but Ashley pushes her away just when she needs her the most. Ah, teenage angst.


VH1 has decided to air a Behind the Music special about their father, leading to tension between the two sisters as they each have different memories of him in their life. Ashley also grows jealous when Aiden begins to develop an interest in Kyla, and Kyla seems to be reciprocating. Glen's injury has left him unable to play basketball, and he soon develops an addiction to his pain medication that could turn ugly.


As Clay and Chelsea's relationship grows stronger, Clay's birth mother has moved into town, and Clay's unsure of how to cope. The matters are all the more complicated when Chelsea confesses to Clay that, despite them using protection every time they've had sex, she's pregnant with his child. Clay wants her to have the baby and become a family, but Chelsea's worried about her future and thinks an abortion is the best course of action for both of them.


As Spencer and Ashley's relationship starts to get back on the right track, Spencer begins to feel pressured by Ashley wanting her to come out to her family. When Spencer is the victim of a hate crime at school, Glen's intolerance for Spencer's relationship reaches its peak. After helping Glen understand his issues, Spencer slowly starts to consider just how to tell her parents - knowing her dad will be fine with it, but her mother definitely won't be.


The second season ramps up in its seventh episode, which is one of the show's highlights. With their marriage finally back on trap, Paula and Arthur decide to leave for a romantic weekend. Glen, his dependence on pain pills worsening by the day, takes this as an opportunity to throw the obligatory teenager house party. Needless to say, things get out of hand, as the police show up and arrest Glen for being under the influence. Paula and Arthur are called back home to pick up their son from prison, and when they get home, things take a dramatic turn as Paula finally discovers Spencer's sexuality by walking in on her and Ashley in the process of sleeping together.


The episode ends on a dramatic cliffhanger, as Paula throws Ashley free from the house and the screen cuts to black. OH SH*T. As they were originally only picked up for seven episodes, the episode was constructed so it would be able to get the show picked up for its additional episodes. Needless to say, it worked.


The next episode, naturally, picks up directly from where we left off. The scene is played out without the dramatic slow motion and voice over, and after Paula throws Ashley from her house, she tells Spencer she's disgusted. Spencer finally lashes out, telling her mother she hates her. The next morning, Paula has called someone to help Spencer "pray the gay away," and is keeping her home from school so she won't see Ashley. This, naturally, leads to conflict with Arthur, as he refuses to let Paula's religious beliefs hurt their daughter.


With his relationship with Kyla on the rocks, Aiden leans on Ashley for support in the aftermath of her being barred from seeing Spencer. However, now that he's back to being the star player, Madison has taken it upon herself to try and become Aiden's girlfriend again. With everything going on in their lives, Ashley and Spencer decide to run away from their families for a getaway, which causes even more tension in her household. After the return, Arthur realizes how fractured and shattered his family is, and takes it upon himself to try and get his family back together.


With their relationship out in the open, Spencer and Ashley seem like they couldn't be happier... until Spencer finds an old home movie of Ashley and Aiden's relationship. She realizes that Ashley seemed happier with Aiden, and begins to wonder if she's the reason everyone's life has gone to shambles lately. Elsewhere, Clay and Chelsea still struggle over her pregnancy, and it's complicated even more when the entire school discovers Chelsea's pregnancy. Aiden starts to struggle with his feelings over Madison, Kyla, Ashley and Spencer, and starts to realize that he can't be friends with all of them without it hurting some of them. With no other options, he finally turns to none other than Arthur Carlin for some fatherly advice.


And in the season finale, prom has finally arrived after a dramatic school year. Glen starts to get his life back on track, and decides that he needs to join the military to have a purpose. Clay and Chelsea, with the knowledge that they'll be parents by this time next year, take it upon themselves to make the most of their prom night. Spencer and Ashley clash over their conflicting thoughts on prom and school dances in general, but Ashley takes it upon herself to make a big romantic gesture for Spencer and go all in for prom. Unfortunately, the night of happiness and fun is cut short when the season ends on a cliffhanger - gang violence has led to a drive-by shooting of the school, and someone has died.


In between the second and the third season, it was unfortunately confirmed that Danso Gordon, who played Clay, was leaving the show, citing that it conflicted with his religious beliefs. Though it was never said outright what it was, he recently confessed that his viewpoints at that time were wrong and he regrets leaving the show the way he did, so it seems to imply it was for the obvious reasons. With that, though, it became obvious who was the casualty of the shooting in the finale before the season even premiered...


Season 3 opens up in the moments after the season two finale. Clay is rushed to the hospital with his family and friends, and though Paula tries everything she can to save her son, it's too late and he has perished. The credits roll, and we're now at the start of the next school year. Ashley and Spencer are broken up, allegedly for good this time, as Ashley became emotionally distant just when Spencer needed her the most. Glen has to figure out how he can get out of the Army, his secret finally coming out as his parents still grieve the loss of their son. After some comedic advice from Spencer (hint: this was before certain legislations were shut down), Arthur realizes that Glen used a fake ID to sign up and can't legally enlist.


Kyla and Ashley's inheritance from their late father has finally come in, making them both millionaires over night. Their first big purchase is a loft in LA to get away from Ashley's mother; but just how well can two 18-year-olds handle $25,000,000? The family must finally come to terms with Clay's death after a documentary over the prom shooting makes it to MTV, and Chelsea and Glen begin to find comfort in one another. With Clay now deceased, Chelsea stresses about the thought of being a single mother, and ultimately decides to have an abortion. Glen offers his support, but as they wait in the waiting room, Chelsea slowly begins to realize that she can't go through with it, and they leave - only for an unfortunate car accident to cause a miscarriage, and Chelsea to realize that she was actually looking forward to being a mother. (Despite how I summarized this plot, it was actually written well and wasn't at all written from an anti-abortion mindset.)


The Davies sisters are now the hot commodities in the LA scene, and one of Ashley's old friends is visiting from Los Angeles in the hopes of making them stars. He was the producer for the father, and Ashley & Kyla agree to go through with producing a tribute album. However, while Ashley can sing, Kyla cannot, and tension amounts between the two sisters. With Ashley out of the picture, Spencer begins to see other women, though none of them seem like the right fit for her. She also begins to realize that her newly-found guy friends can't distinguish between Spencer wanting to be their friend and thinking Spencer wants to be with them.


Pride approaches, and it seems like everyone is too busy to join Spencer in celebrating. While Arthur and Glen eventually find the time, Paula's work has kept her busy, and Spencer thinks that it's because Paula is still refusing to completely accept her daughter as being a lesbian. With the tension between them still ongoing, Paula and Ashley finally bond and Ashley helps Paula surprise Spencer at Pride, leading to the show's mid-season finale.


The second half of the season was originally scheduled to begin airing in March after a quick hiatus. It was at this point that The-N announced the show wouldn't be receiving a fourth season, but they were doing some quick additional photography in the finale to help the show wrap up completely. Fan petitions amounted and the #SaveSpashley campaign was born. Unfortunately, all it wound up doing was just making The-N push the season back even more with the promise of delivering more goodies alongside the show's final eight episodes. They flopped.


The show's last episodes finally began 13 months after the mid-season finale. With Spencer and Ashley finally back together - hopefully for good this time 🙄 - everything seemed like it was on an upward trajectory. Ashley & Kyra seem to be living the dream as sisters, though Glen is quickly fired by their manager after he fails to have been there when Kyla gets accosted by a furious photographer. Elsewhere, the sisters make their debut on a televised program, where it's made clear that Kyra's voice was faked and she's not a real singer. Kyla eventually apologizes on national TV, leading to their manager growing furious and leaving back to New York.


Spencer's grandmother from Ohio is in town for Spencer's 18th birthday, and though Spencer has decided she needs to tell her grandmother, Paula has objections. With their grandmother's bigotry quickly being on full display, it's Paula of all people who confesses Spencer's sexuality to her grandmother. It was with this episode that we finally saw just how much Paula had grown as a character, and that she'd finally accepted her daughter and was loving her unconditionally once more.


Glen finds himself dealing with two important relationships as the season comes to a close. First, he begins to worry that his father has started seeing Aiden as a son rather than him, and has developed feelings for Chelsea. While Glen wants to become boyfriend and girlfriend, Chelsea finds herself struggling owing to her past relationship with Clay. When Glen finally tells Chelsea he loves her at a family dinner one evening, it throws everyone for a loop.


After a video leaks of a high Kyla bashing Ashley's talent and calling her a whore, Ashley kicks her sister out of the loft and wants nothing to do with her. With nowhere else to go, Kyla turns to Aiden, who once again finds himself acting as the mediator between Ashley and someone else. Though Ashley and Kyla slowly reconcile and realize that sisters will fight, Ashley begins to work on developing a solo career for herself. With her strength in songwriting, she's horrified to discover her new manager has brought onboard Madison to sing her lyrics. After an argument arises, Madison and Ashley finally have their first heart-to-heart in years, where Madison finally reveals that she's been jealous of Ashley's seemingly endless confidence, while Ashley has been unable to cope with how quickly Madison ended their friendship when she got pregnant the previous year. In the end, the two reconcile their friendship and move forward as music partners.


As the series starts to wind down, Chelsea and Glen decide to see where their relationship will take them, Aiden has gotten into a motorcycle accident, and Spencer's ex-girlfriend has shown back up needing help. With graduation looming and Spencer's plans to go to Boston for college on the horizon, Ashley wonders what the future will hold for them. After Ashley finally showcases the documentary she's been working on for the past year to the core group of characters, Spencer comes to the realization that she wants to stay in LA for good and begin planning a future with Ashley. The series ends with Spashley finally making a commitment to one another, and the Carlin family has finally healed from all of the drama that's surrounded them since they moved to LA.


If it wasn't already obvious, South of Nowhere was a very important show to me. It premiered around the time that I was beginning to question my own sexuality, and I found myself relating to the issues Spencer herself dealt with trying to make sense of everything. It was only when I got older that I realized just how ahead of its time the show actually was, as it was the first show geared toward teenagers to centre its plot around that plot point, and have the lead characters be in a lesbian relationship. There have been a few reunions over the years, and each time, the cast has had nothing to say but good things about the show and their experience making it. When the trend of online revivals took off, they were asked if they would be willing to do one, and they all quickly said yes without hesitation.


I've followed a few of their careers' in the years since out of loyalty. Mandy Musgraves and Matt Cohen, who played Ashley and Aiden, even became a couple in real life and have since married and started a family together. It's a show that I'm glad to see make it this far, and hopefully this write-up will make others want to watch it as well.









I made fun of this show a bit but I decided to give it a shot after googling the show and I had Elliott send me the files for the show and I watched the  first episode of it. I enjoyed the first episode and it seems like it might be the type of show I would like. I haven't watched past the first episode so far but I probably will continue watching it again soon. I can see why Elliott would like it so I take back my jokes I made about it previously lol.  The show follows the lives of the members of the Carlin family (Paula, Arthur, Glen, Clay, and Spencer) as they adjust to moving from Ohio to Los Angeles, California. One of the main focuses include the relationship between Spencer Carlin (Gabrielle Christian) and her bisexual friend, Ashley Davies (Mandy Musgrave). The close friendship between Ashley and Spencer led Spencer to question her own sexuality, a subject which created controversy before the show first aired. It only lasted for 3 seasons so it shouldn't take me too long to binge watch it and hopefully the rest of the episodes were as good as the premiere episode was! 





South of Nowhere was a teen drama that used to air on The N (now Teenick) that lasted for forty episodes spread across three seasons. Though the show's main plot line was centred around the relationship between Ashley Davies, the troubled daughter of a rock star who "isn't into labels," and Spencer Carlin, the Ohio transplant who was coming to terms with her sexuality, the show also touched upon important issues such as racial discrimination and profiling by the police, adultery between your parents, teenage miscarriage and drive-by shootings. One important plot line saw Spencer's mom learn to set aside her religious biases because of her daughter. (The plot line was handled better than this write-up implies, but Elliott will easily go in depth with it all anyway.)




South of Nowhere was a teen drama that ran on The-N for three seasons that amounted to forty episodes. The show covered issues such as racial profiling, abortion and miscarriages, gang violence, school shootings, the death of a parent, absentee parents and adultery, but it's primary storyline centred around that of Ashley Davies and Spencer Carlin. Though Ashley is comfortable in her sexuality, when she becomes friends with new girl Spencer, Spencer begins her self-journey of discovering her sexuality. Throughout the show's run, Spencer comes to grips with who she is and how it impacts her family, and Ashley begins to learn that she can, in fact, rely on Spencer, compared to those who have hurt her in the past. During its short run, the show developed a dedicated fanbase which has continued to keep the show alive on social media and has been able to host different reunion panels for the cast over the years.





Elliott's been nice to me all game and it's not like I have anything else to rank high, so why not give South of Nowhere a top 10 ranking. Since I'm giving it a top 10 ranking I figured I might as well give the show a shot to defend myself, but I'm regretting it already 🙈. Idk if I'm actually watching the first episode because I feel like they just threw us into this world out of nowhere. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I SHOULD KNOW THEM ALREADY?! Is the black guy actually the white guy's brother or did he just call him "brother" and he's being lowkey racist?! So many questions!! I know the two white kids are siblings because she got offended when he wouldn't call her hot. (Update: yes the three of them are all siblings)

The show is completely ridiculous and not for me at all, but for a teen show to be willing to have a bisexual character as the star and her relationship with a lesbian is amazing. The overdramatic music and the stares as she goes "Good things boys aren't the only option ;)" is SENDING ME though :dead:. I'm fast-forwarding through everything that isn't the lesbians btw. I watched one season with the basketball player brother and I hate him with a burning passion and it's making me want to drop the show despite the fact that I'm enjoying the lesbians. The show deals with race issues as well it seems, I'm intrigued. They got lesbians and police brutality in the first episode. The Karens watching the first episode with their teenagers must've been quaking in 2005 when they realized what the show's about. When the woke dad, bisexual daughter, and black brother leave the mom and other brother behind and kick them out of their family >>>>>>>>>>>. Anyways like I said this show is not for me at all, but I appreciate it for what it is and I hope it randomly places higher than the other silly teen dramas at least.








Okay, so I lied when I said Dark Matter was the only show I have never heard of or watched before this rankdown. I have never heard of this show ever. I am baffled it made the Top 20 as I thought it was going  to get cut before the finals. But we all know what happened between Diana and Alex and Elliott not making a cut causing the thing. :dead: I saw that Elliott was offering deals so I made one for The OC. The only deal I made for that show because I was in the hospital and having surgery during this time. I'm going to need the help of Wikipedia like so much. South of Nowhere is an American teen drama television series created by Thomas W. Lynch. It's a teen show than ran on The N. The show follows the lives of the members of the Carlin family (Paula, Arthur, Glen, Clay, and Spencer) as they adjust to moving from Ohio to Los Angeles, California. Ohio? Is that why Elliott likes this show? :dead: One of the story lines of this show is the relationship between Spencer Carlin and her bisexual friend, Ashley Davies. The series was nominated for a GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Drama Series in 2006, 2007 and 2009. I don't recognize anyone from the cast list at all. The show ran for 3 seasons so congrats to Elliott for getting South of Who? to the finals. I hope The OC outranks it.










First off, congrats to Elliott for bringing this show to the Top 20 - I would have never expected this show to be in the Top 20, and Elliott managed to convince enough to people to not cut it. And I am sure that he convinced enough people to give it a good ranking which means that I would suspect this show to get a good ranking, hence the reason of me ranking it at #12 in exchange for a similar ranking for a favourite show of mine. And onto the show, which will be short and sweet as I know Elliott probably wrote an entire novel on it and why it's a super underrated show - South of Nowhere is a teenage drama series that aired between 2005 and 2008. It tackles some realistic issues such as homosexuality, racism, abortion, homophobia, grief, and religion to name a few - I expect Elliott will describe each of themes in detail. With that being, this is my write-up on South of Nowhere & congrats to Elliott on its placement. 








A HUGE congratulations goes out to Elliott on getting South of Nowhere this far and into the Top 20 in the game. I honestly did not see that coming and that is a huge accomplishment. I am curious how many rankers have actually seen (or even heard of this show) before this game. :giggle: But I am not one of those as I do know and have seen some episodes of South of Nowhere. I can’t recall how much of the show I’ve watched and ugh I wish I could. I think I would get into it and watch it due to watching Degrassi: The Next Generation and how SoN would come on  after it. :lmao: But yeah of this makes it strong enough for me to give this show a #13 ranking. I actually had and would have put it higher than this (at #10 specifically) but through some deals offered to me I had to push this down lower. #SorryElliott


South of Nowhere aired on The N for 3 seasons with 40 episodes from November 4, 2005. South of Nowhere stars Gabrielle Christian, Mandy Musgrave, Matt Cohen, Chris Hunter, Rob Moran, Maeve Quinian, Valery Ortiz and more. As I mentioned… like Degrassi: The Next Generation this was one of the more serious and deeper shows on The N (and TeenNick) which tackled many topics and situations such as: homosexuality, racism, aboriton, adoption, hate crime, drug dealing, teen pregnancy, infidelity, underage drinking, homophobia and much more. It was quite a deep show but well done and thought provoking. It was very well done that it got positive reviews from various newspapers and magazine articles and was nominated for a GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Drama Series in 2006, 2007 and 2009.












South of Nowhere is the only show from this top 20 that I had never heard anything about before this Rankdown. I literally had no clue this show existed and only know it as an Elliott's favorite. Unfortunalely, this show is also not on Netflix so I didn't have the chance to check out some episodes like I wanted to. 




Wikipedia tells me that South of Nowhere is a teen drama that ran for a total of three seasons, from 2005 to 2008. The show revolved around the Carlin Family as they recently moved from Ohio to LA and must adjust to their new life. There's an LGTBQ story that is key to the plot, involving Spencer Carlin and her bisexual friend, Ashley Davies. The show also dealt with matters like racism, abortion, homophobia, drugs, teen drinking, teen pregnancy, domestic violence and a bunch more. It looked like the type of show I could enjoy, so hopefully I could get the chance to watch it one day.


The cast included:



Gabrielle Cristian as Spencer Carlin



Mandy Musgrave as Ashley Davies



Matt Cohen as Aiden Dennison



Chris Hunter as Glen Carlin



Danso Gordon as Clay Carlin



Rob Moran and Maeve Quinlan as Arthur and Paula Carlin


Congrats to Elliott for his hard work in bringing South of Nowhere to this top 20. I have no idea how high this show but maybe Elliott made some deals with some people to rank it high. I predict it will land between 10~15.







I never heard of South of Nowhere prior to this game, but I now know it is a teen drama that aired three seasons on The N starting in 2005.  The Carlin family is the focus of the show, and story lines follow their adjustment after a move from Ohio to California.  


South of Nowhere was the first show on The N to deal with primary characters discovering their sexuality, as one of the Carlins, Spencer, formed a relationship with her bisexual friend, Ashley. It looks like the show covered a large number of other serious issues, including racism, homophobia, drugs, teen pregnancy, infidelity, domestic violence, peer pressure, religion, romance, and more. It has been compared to Degrassi: The Next Generation, which is a show I have seen, so that can tell me a bit more about it. I may enjoy this show if I were to watch it.





who? What is this show?







Sorry, Elliott! This one is ending up last on my list by default. It’s the show I know the least about and the show I was able to find the least information about. Amazing job getting it to the top 20 though! The show is a teen drama that aired on The N for three seasons from 2005-2008. The show follows the Carlin family who are arriving in LA from Ohio. There are three siblings: Spencer, Glen, and Clay. Glen (Chris Hunter) is the oldest brother and a skilled basketball player. Clay (Danso Gordon) was adopted by the family, and faces his own set of challenges with being African American in LA. Spencer (Gabrielle Christian) seems to be the main character of the show and the show focuses on her relationship with her friend, Ashley (Mandy Musgrave). Ashley is bisexual, and the show deals with Spencer coming to terms with her own sexuality. This was controversial for a teen drama at the time, and the show received a lot of praise for its handling of it and other difficult issues.



Edited by Steven_
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On 4/18/2020 at 12:27 PM, Elliott said:

Fortunately I have a Google Drive with all of the episodes ripped from DVDs with subtitles in numerous languages if anyone wants to check it out for their write-up. 😘

*Me remembering this post I made in this very thread two weeks ago after reading @.Rei's write-up complaining the show can't be found anywhere*

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1 minute ago, 1234567890 said:



Just now, *Chris said:


It was from an online show called GIRLTALK that Gabrielle Christian and Mandy Musgrave were involved with, and I think it's a fan "what if" scenario video. But if you look at them, you can tell it's not them. :haha: 

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Just now, 1234567890 said:

South of Nowhere wasn't last to small victories, @Elliott.

I was one of the rankers who caused the least amount of drama in this rankdown and my #1 lands at #19, so my life lesson from this is to just be full petty all the time from now on. :bobo: 

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1 minute ago, Elliott said:

I was one of the rankers who caused the least amount of drama in this rankdown and my #1 lands at #19, so my life lesson from this is to just be full petty all the time from now on. :bobo: 

This is surprisingly true. :dead: I ranked it where I said I would though.

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10 hours ago, 1234567890 said:

I had a feeling Élite would be #20. I do feel for Rei as he probably suffered from deals another ranker made. :(

Yeah I feel bad towards Rei about that too as that stuff didn't have to do with him. 


1 hour ago, 1234567890 said:

This is one of those rankdowns where there was so much drama I don't care where my favorites finish and just want it to be over. :dead:

Lol yeah same. Pretty much how I feel with all of these super dramatic rankdowns. :haha:  

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51 minutes ago, Elliott said:

Time for me to join @Alex95 in pulling a SYTYCD Rankdown!Wally and disappearing from this thread.

omgg awww noo Elliott. :dead:   


50 minutes ago, Elliott said:

@*Chris's GIF isn't even from the show. :dead:



Aww well....well done on getting South of Nowhere into the Top 20 there, Elliott. :hug: I initially and wanted to put it a little higher but things changed over time. And wow a really fantastic write-up on it. I did see a little of it as I watched The N back in that time and it's a show I definitely want to see more of if I could. :yes: 

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2 hours ago, Elliott said:

*Me remembering this post I made in this very thread two weeks ago after reading @.Rei's write-up complaining the show can't be found anywhere*

lol I never remember what everybody posts in this thread 

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12 hours ago, Elliott said:

I wonder what's longer, my write-up on this or my Alanis Morissette write-up from the music rankdown? :giggle:



I read a couple of paragraphs so far and was really hooked onto reading it. :lmao: I don't want to read too much just in case I were to ever watch it in full and don't want to spoil myself too much. :haha:  


4 minutes ago, .Rei said:

People hurry up with your American Idol write-ups 😘

🙂 :claybleh:


Although my Idol write-up is CRAZY long. Took me forever to work on that. :ph34rwave:

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