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Count me on the team of thinking the finale pimp spot doesnt mean as much, i agree that most people know who they want going into the finale. i think only some casual viewers will change their minds.


At the end of the day TPTB can only do so much to get the votes to go in the way they want. For example: I realllyy dont think TPTB wanted Chevel to win at all, in fact i thought their kennedy pimping was extremely obvious that they wanted her to win, yet she got 4th.


Yeah, I think they preferred her over Chris, but they definitely wanted to get JHud a win. They’ve never pimped a blind as much as they did Kennedy’s. It was leaked almost a week early. I suspect Chevel had a huge lead all the way through the live shows. She was leading the social media indicators most weeks, and she had as much or more local support than any contestant ever has. That local support probably doesn’t all show up in our stats, since those are mostly people who don’t typically follow the show.


Thinking back....from Season 8 and on, they’ve gotten what they wanted every season except for S11, S13, and S15. They wanted We McDonald in S11 because of Alicia, and they wanted Brooke in S13 because of Miley. The coaches are what TPTB cares about. The contestants are just props.

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I have very specific reasons to root for the Hoot, but ultimately, i'm pretty indifferent to the result.

I'll bite. Do tell, plz. :flowers:


Definitely on the Edge. I want to be optimistic, but I cannot ignore Jake’s streaming following and even comments i read. But I do hope there are more Katie Fanatics based on her Fans on Twitter, IG, FB. But on edge for sure. Ummmmm ummmm need to pop some calming gummies. Lol

You got the SM stats working for you, plus the fact that they had Katie open the show twice. She's their TCO, they wouldn't do that unless she had a great chance.


Also I disagree about pimp spot meaning nothing. If the results are too close to call, the finals pimp spot will break the tie (disclaimer: as long as it's a good performance-See Matt S7.) And I think casuals are very receptive to pimp spots in general-PSY 101.


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I'm gonna be far more relaxed during this finale then most since I don't really care who wins out of this group. Usually I am a mess. :haha:

The only thing that would ruin the finals for me is if the song spoilers show obvious bussing. Other than that, I'll just chill and enjoy the show.


It's a shame they can't have cash prizes for all finalists according to their placement, but I understand: they need the money for the coaches. After all, the show's not called "The Coaches" for nothing. Oh well...

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At some point a male is gonna win. I prefer it to happen now rather than next season. Just selfish wishful thinking :haha:.

SM says: not gonna happen this season. Maybe if Mendeleyev comes back next season. :P


Pretty much anything by Florida Georgia Line or Sam Hunt I believe.

LOL. Jake performing a FGL song would make my day :lmao:


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This show should massively pimp black female contestants until one wins. If Gwen wasn’t so alienated from reality, she should definitely call out America tonight. But...


This is a serious question, and I mean no disrespect....Didn’t you support Britton over Kyla and Spensha? I’m not faulting you for choosing your preference, but that sort of goes against what you’re suggesting.


There were also black female contestants during Noah’s season. I have no idea who you supported before that. Edit: Weren’t you a Hunter fan too?

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This is a serious question, and I mean no disrespect....Didn’t you support Britton over Kyla and Spensha? I’m not faulting you for choosing your preference, but that sort of goes against what you’re suggesting.


There were also black female contestants during Noah’s season. I have no idea who you supported before that. Edit: Weren’t you a Hunter fan too?


First of all, I think we all know you’re fond of the young white girls usually, so don’t bring receipts into this. I was a fan of those three, but with the exception of Britton, ultimately I did think them not winning was a good choice. So, there’s a difference between being a fan and supporting to win. You also need to understand that my first season actually closely following this show was season 12, so I didn’t have the weight of the treatment of black female singers. Now it’s come to the point that the show has basically given up and accepted that its followers are mostly racially biased. They have black contestants for both tokenism and to appease the small amount of the audience that is black — which is more than they do for Latin contestants im certain seasons. I think it’s time to shamelessly push for a black female winner without a doubt. I don’t care if you think it’s affirmative action. There’s a chronic bias that needs to be overcome and it won’t be if they just sit around and wait. They manipulated and got the Chris Blue win. The audience for this show doesn’t accept black female singers even when they pretend to be “country” to be accepted by them.


I followed American Idol since season 3 and the number of black female singers I had as my favorites of every season are too many to count. I effing rooted for LIL ROUNDS. I was a black diva whore.

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