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Weekly Rank the Houseguests: BB25


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1. Bowie Thee Jane - mother, empress, messiah. Queen whipped out the best HoH of the season and breathed life back into it. Can’t wait for her to win!

2. Felicia - one of the best casting decisions ever

3. Cirie

4. America

5. Blue - would be higher but I need her to give me something

6. Matt

7. Cory

8. Cam

9. Jag

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11 rankings this week!


Week 10:

1. Cirie Fields (+1) - 3.2

2. Felicia Cannon (+1) - 3.5

3. Blue Kim (+1) - 3.8

4. Bowie Jane Ball (+2) - 4.2

5. Matt Klotz (-4) - 4.8

6. America Lopez (-1) - 4.9

7. Cory Wurtenberger (=) - 6.5

8. Jag Bains (+1) - 6.7

9. Cameron Hardin (+1) - 7.5


Week 11 rankings will go until Sunday, October 22nd at 8 pm (72 hours after the eviction)

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all remaining houseguests, including the most recently evicted houseguests, in your rankings

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Weekly Rank the Houseguests: BB25 (Week 11 Ends 10/22)

Week 11:

1. Felicia (+1)

2. Cirie (-1) - Both amongst my all-time favorite BB houseguests. Ranking one above the other ever feels wrong.

3. America (+3) - I was hoping for more fireworks from her, but I appreciate what she brought, and I'm definitely rooting for her now in this underdog position.

4. Bowie Jane (-1) - Frustrating the way she won't turn on Jag & Matt, but also hilarious in her meltdowns over Cory daring to campaign to her ❤️

5. Blue (-1) - Frustrating the way she won't turn on Jag & Matt, but I was impressed with her successfully throwing America under the bus and pulling off that clutch veto win.

6. Cory (+1) - I wanted more out of his final week. But fine, whatever.

7. Matt (-2) - I still expect him to win and I'm okay with it. It would be nice to see him and Jag have to fight and not just beast all the physical comps because the producers don't know how to cater their comps towards 60 year old women better.

8. Jag (=) - Bro just had one of the worst HOH reigns I have ever seen and is still a frontrunner to win???

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1. Felicia (+1)

2. Cirie (-1)
3. Matt (+1)
4. Blue (+1)
5. Jag (+2) - True he had a messy HoH but at least he split up Cormerica, rather than targeting Felicia/Blue, so I'll give him high'ish ranking for that. :haha: 
6. America (=)
7. Cory (+1)
8. Bowie Jane (-5)

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11 rankings this week!


Week 11:

1. Cirie Fields (=) - 2.6

2. Felicia Cannon (=) - 2.9

3. America Lopez (+3) - 3.9

4. Blue Kim (-1) - 4.3

5. Matt Klotz (=) - 4.7

6. Cory Wurtenberger (+1) - 5.5

7. Bowie Jane Ball (-3) - 5.8

8. Jag Bains (=) - 6.3


Week 12 rankings will go until Sunday, October 29th at 8 pm (72 hours after the eviction)

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all remaining houseguests, including the most recently evicted houseguests, in your rankings

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Weekly Rank the Houseguests: BB25 (Week 12 Ends 10/29)

Week 12:

1. Cirie (+1) - Legend, icon, please win etc.

2. Felicia (-1) - On one hand her insane campaign against Cirie this week pissed me tf off. On the other hand, she provided pretty much the only entertainment this week.

3. America (=) - For all the twitter hype she has, poor girl pretty much did nothing all season lmao. Likable enough though. Would've been good if she ever actually had power.

4. Blue (+1) - Lol kinda embarrassing how safe she felt all week.

5. Matt (+2) - Matty Fields coming through for Mama Cirie is always a relief.

6. Bowie Jane (-2) - One of the times when her worthlessness is frustrating.

7. Jag (+1) - I wanna live in the alternate BB25 where he's evicted 10-0.

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9 rankings this week!


Week 12:

1. Cirie Fields (=) - 2.4

2. Blue Kim (+2) - 3.0

3. Felicia Cannon (-1) - 3.2

4. America Lopez (-1) - 3.7

5. Matt Klotz (=) - 4.6

6. Bowie Jane Ball (+1) - 4.8

7. Jag Bains (+1) - 6.3


Week 13 rankings will go until Sunday, November 5th at 8 pm (72 hours after the eviction)

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all remaining houseguests, including the most recently evicted houseguests, in your rankings

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