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American Idol S20 Top 24 @ Disney's Aulani Resort in Hawaii Part 2 Discussion


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1 minute ago, Elliott said:

Sass me all you want, my favourite hasn’t been the WGWG since S17. :bleh:

Lmaoo that was soo long ago. :claybleh:


Who was your favorite for S18? Makayla? I thought it was a WGWG (Louis) that year.

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Didn't find the ranking thread for this episode lol. Such an interesting night. I think I preferred tonight by a lot Even the lower ranking ones weren't bad. They just paled in comparison to the ones up top.



1. Leah Marlene - THIS is how a flip is done. Well done. I've been wanting to like her from the beginning but she didn't quite get me until tonight. Hell yeah, I can root for this.

2. Noah Thompson - @ American Idol stop making me like country males stop making me like country males stop making me like country males stop making me like country males

3. Cameron Whitcomb - I finally get it. He's not everyone's cup of tea but I finally get him. The little breakdown in the middle - pure Bradley Nowell vibes. I'm intrigued now. The "He didn't listen to any of my advice" had me CACKLING.

4. Allegra Miles - Oh wow. I didn't care for Allegra on The Voice and obviously she's gotten a terrible edit thus far, but this is definitely the most natural I've felt her. She needs to work on enunciation for sure but a really solid job here.

5. Ava Maybee - I had low expectations going into it but I feel she did surprisingly well! I do think that this was verging on being too big of a choice for her (and she did have some iffy notes in there), but it did feel complete. I'm pleased with it.

6. Cadence Baker - This was the best I've seen from her since her audition for sure. It felt a lot more natural but still somewhat too big for her. Overall she did an adequate job, but I would've preferred this pick go to several other contestants tonight.



7. Katyrah Love - I do like her and don't think this was bad, but it could've been so much more.

8. Sir Blayke - A pretty standard vocal but sadly unexciting.



9. Lady K - The vocal itself wasn't terrible, but why? Besides just the song choice, her rendition sucked out all the energy of the song. I was waiting for it to be over. Didn't expect it to go down like this...

10. Fritz Hager - I simply didn't feel it. I found the vocals to be questionable and the song wasn't that good either.

11. Christian Guardino - Everything he does sounds so forced and I genuinely can't enjoy him when he sings. I'm sure he's a nice guy but I just don't like his voice.


12. Kenedi AndersonTrying and saving and trying to save." - Scandal Gif-Cap - Tick Tock - Head  Over Feels

  • Haha 1
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The award for the Most Entertaining Performance of the night goes to...............................................Cameron Whitcom, and he managed to keep vocals in tune and controled. I hope he doesn't break his back, he could stand to sing some love songs. The Best performances of the night goes to Christian, Allegra, Noah, Cadence, Fritz, Lady K, Katyrah, and Leah.

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1. Fritz: best of the night imo; I love his tone, nuances to his vocal, and artistry; leaving out Mike (who I am biased towards since he grew up fairly close to where I live), Fritz is my favorite in the competition

2. Leah: super creative; love her vocal and overall musical choices; a true artists

3. Allegra: impeccable tone, runs, and vocal choices; fantastic

4. Katyrah: great vocal and stage presence

5. Noah: great tome and rasp; loved the song

6. Ava: great at points and a solid vocal, but I find her tone a bit forced and grating at times

7 Christian: I really liked certain moments, but he definitely oversang

8. Sir Blayke: he has a nice tone but I didn’t really connect

9. Cadence: great moments + moments where I couldn’t stand her tone; not very special

10. Cameron: his tone and vocals are not too bad, but his stage presence worsens his performance

11. Lady K: really bad; lacked grit; a lot of off-pitch and pitchy notes; she can do way better (her audition is amazing)

Edited by Anybody354
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