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Most Robbed Runner-up (According to IDF)

Hamza Tufail


71 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose one

    • Juliet Simms
    • Matt McAndrew
    • Lauren Duski
    • Addison Agen
    • Wendy Moten

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Danielle, Chloe, and GNTof course have their share of fans but I think IDF was divided during these seasons and there are people that think Michelle, Addison, and Wendy should've won. So, I added these three as well. The rest are based on the consensus that I've seen here. A large majority here thinks that Juliet, Lauren, and Matt should've won their seasons.

Edited by Hamza Tufail
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In detail


Juliet- I didn’t watch it

Michelle- She may have been my top finalist, but my winner would have been someone eliminated between 4th-8th.

Lauren- I preferred Chris

Addison- Neither her or Chloe were my pick (I preferred Brooke to both). At least they all placed higher than Red.

Wendy- I preferred GNT

Edited by Cookie73
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I was most dissapointed about Matt and Lauren losing. But after all these years i'm kinda over it


Addison losing was sad, but i was fine with Chloe winning.


I didn't followed the show on the the first four seasons, so i don't really care about these. 


Idk about Wendy. I mean, is hard to be upset about that result when it was 100% expected, at least for me. And i honestly can't blame people for liking GNT more. It is what it is. (I voted for her, btw) 

Edited by Gustavo527
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Rooted for Michelle but Danielle was kinda consistent so it's whatever.

Matt was meh and so was Craig.

Was 100% pulling for Lauren but at the end of the day, I get why they pushed Chris so I can't call it a robbery.

Addison was deserving but so was Chloe.

Wendy and GNT were both deserving.


Jermaine > Juliet makes no sense in any universe.

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Juliet 100% should have won her season, bye.


Matt and Lauren, while I was disappointed that they came in second, at least lost to contestants that had also had solid moments throughout the competition before finale night.

Michelle, Addison, and Wendy were in super-tight top 2s where I would’ve been happy regardless of the winner even though I preferred all three of them over who actually won.

Edited by VintageVoice
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