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Crisis On Hand: An American Idol Finalists Ranking List


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12 hours ago, Bk1234 said:

Oh don't remind me about "Take Me Home, Country Roads"... 🤮 I don't know if it would have caused him to miss the finale, but maybe... 🤔


I didn’t like it either.  It was very disappointing since I love the song.


8 hours ago, Crisis said:


Fair enough about Sanjaya.


I completely agree with the first sentence. However, I believe Arthur could've literally farted a song out of tune and he still would've made the finale.


That’s possible.  Either way, he doomed his chances of winning with those type of song choices.

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13 hours ago, CarmenSandiego said:

I’d actually have put Sanjaya lower in the rankings, but it’s a good enough spot for him.

It’s good to want to be yourself, but you have to be adaptable and pick songs that can be arranged to fit your style and do justice to the original song in the first place.  Arthur Gunn failed to do that with “Take Me Home, Country Roads”, and had the coronavirus not shortened the season, mistakes like that one would probably have caused him to miss the finale.


Arthur would have won if this was a regular season.  He has a huge following.  But the time zone voting work against him.  Sam also got sympathy votes, since she was by herself with the quarantine while the others had their families. 

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4 hours ago, mytake1 said:


Arthur would have won if this was a regular season.  He has a huge following.  But the time zone voting work against him.  Sam also got sympathy votes, since she was by herself with the quarantine while the others had their families. 

I thought that the time zone voting was very unfair. I felt that they didn't publicize it enough. Not everyone checks American Idol's twitter, you know... Also, I think the "sympathy votes" (if she got any) came from her story, not because she was alone during quarantine. 

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7 hours ago, Bk1234 said:

I totally agree with this! I feel like if you're very popular from the get-go you could pretty much do anything and the votes would keep coming. I feel that now people vote mostly on who their favorite is, no matter how they did. However, I feel in the older seasons, most of the time, people voted based on who did well (correct me if I'm wrong). 


I felt it was like that during the early seasons as well, though not as much as it is now. The main example I can think of is Season 5 when Taylor Hicks was able to gain a huge voting bloc and pretty much won the season fairly easily. With that said, it did seem like the voting was based on who did well, with a few exceptions. Take Season 1 for example. Tamyra Gray was a consistently strong performer and was a favorite to win the crown. However, she had an off night during Top 4 week and was eliminated the following night. Prior to that, she had never been in the bottom group at any point during the competition, so one off night ended her Idol run; because of this, she was known as the original shock elimination.


5 hours ago, americanvoice38 said:

Great list so far! I totally agree with everything that you said in this list ♥️


Welcome! Happy to see you agree with everything so far. We'll see how long this will last though, lol.


1 hour ago, Bk1234 said:

I thought that the time zone voting was very unfair. I felt that they didn't publicize it enough. Not everyone checks American Idol's twitter, you know... Also, I think the "sympathy votes" (if she got any) came from her story, not because she was alone during quarantine. 


I liked Sam more than Arthur, so I was happy to see her win. However, I agree with this post, especially about the time zone voting. They could've done a better job notifying everyone about it.

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2 minutes ago, Crisis said:

I felt it was like that during the early seasons as well, though not as much as it is now. The main example I can think of is Season 5 when Taylor Hicks was able to gain a huge voting bloc and pretty much won the season fairly easily. With that said, it did seem like the voting was based on who did well, with a few exceptions. Take Season 1 for example. Tamyra Gray was a consistently strong performer and was a favorite to win the crown. However, she had an off night during Top 4 week and was eliminated the following night. Prior to that, she had never been in the bottom group at any point during the competition, so one off night ended her Idol run; because of this, she was known as the original shock elimination

Somewhere over the rainbow, Katherine McPhee won! 😊

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New set!


145. Paul Jolley: Season 12 (9th Place)


It’s been 45 spots since we’ve seen a S12 male, so I think it’s about time for another one to show up. Paul was an interesting case. Vocally, he had the strongest voice of the males. The main thing I remember about him was him stating he wanted to be a country singer, and no one really took him seriously, including myself admittedly. I thought his voice was more suited for theater or pop with maybe a little bit of country sprinkled in it (funny enough, he was criticized for being too theatrical in his performances). Plus, the judges seemed to be really harsh on him, especially Nicki. Outside of this, I also remember people thinking he was a threat to win because he was the closest thing to a WGWG though he didn’t play any instruments, if only because there were no WGWGs in the voting rounds. :haha: On to his performances, he had a couple of solid, if not spectacular performances in the semis with Tonight I Want To Cry and Just A Fool. However, I wasn’t really impressed with his performances afterwards, starting with his victory performance Alone. Amazed wasn’t anything to write home about, and his final performance Eleanor Rigby was easily his worst. He had no where near the intensity or feeling the song required and it just fell flat. It was no surprise he was eliminated after it. Maybe Paul would’ve fared better in a different season, who knows?


Clue: Wanted to be the male Taylor Swift


144. Michael Sarver: Season 8 (10th Place)


My thoughts on Michael Sarver can be summed up in one word: meh. I didn’t really dislike him, but I wasn’t a huge fan of his either. Michael’s story was that he worked as an oil rigger to support his family, so he had that blue collar background that could potentially resonate with voters. He was a part of Group 1 where he sang I Don’t Wanna Be. It was OK, but I didn’t think it would’ve been enough for him to advance. The voters obviously disagreed with me because he was voted into the finals. His performance of You Are Not Alone was his best showing in the competition. Unfortunately, his next performance of Ain’t Goin’ Down (‘Til the Sun Comes Up), to put it euphemistically, was not very good. I know he tried to have fun, but it just didn’t work. The best part of the performance was the harmonica player. Despite that, he still advanced to the Top 10 and thus was able to go on tour. I remember there being some outrage over that, especially since Alexis was the one who was eliminated. While I would’ve preferred Alexis to stay, it wasn’t Michael’s fault, so I found the outrage and blame kind of ridiculous. Anyway, his Top 10 performance of Ain’t Too Proud To Beg wasn’t much better than the previous week, even Paula didn't really have anything positive to say about it, which says a lot. That performance would eventually be his last as he was eliminated the following night. Michael appeared to be a nice guy, but I was just meh towards him as a contestant.


Clue: Family man


143. Camile Velasco: Season 3 (9th Place)


This next listing comes straight from the Aloha State. Camile was one of the two S3 female contestants to hail from Hawaii (Jasmine being the other, of course). Between her and Jasmine, I actually preferred Camile’s tone more (plus, I thought she was a total cutie); however, Jasmine had the better Idol run (though to be honest, neither of their runs were that great), so I decided to rank Camile first after some consideration. I thought Camile had some raw potential. The problem, however, was she had little to no experience performing, which was completely evident during her time on Idol. She had some serious stage fright whenever she performed and as a result, her performances were often very shaky. Her One Last Cry was not all that bad; it was probably her best performance of the season. Then again, it may have only looked good because it was part of the infamous S3 Group 2 night. Either way, she was voted into the finals where her stage fright really came to life. There was not a single performance in the finals where she ever looked comfortable, which was too bad because I really wanted her to do well. Of course, her absolute low point was Goodbye Yellow Brick Road which spawned this Simon comment: “Camile, somewhere in Las Vegas, a television will be thrown out of a hotel window, and that is where Elton John is watching this show”. Ouch! :haha: It was just a bad performance with little to no redeeming qualities (unlike another performance that night, hint hint...;)) She was predictably eliminated the following night. In hindsight, I might have ranked her too high, but I guess it’s because I still have a bit of a soft spot for her. I understand after Idol she started performing under the name Eli-Mac; however, I haven't heard any music from her (I probably will soon). As for her Idol run, she was someone who would’ve been better off performing a few gigs and audition a few more years down the road after gaining some more experience.


Clue: Was the recipient of one of Simon's most memorable critiques


142. Lindsey Cardinale: Season 4 (12th Place)


Sigh. I wanted to like Lindsey a lot more than I did. She was really pretty, and she had (and still has) one of my favorite voices out of the Idol finalists (note I said favorite voice, not singer; there is a difference). She had this deep, husky tone that I found to be absolutely beautiful; if it’s possible to fall in love with a voice, then that sneaky b*st*rd cupid fired an arrow in me while I wasn’t paying attention. So, what was the problem? She couldn’t pick a :censored: song if her life depended on it!  It was absolutely frustrating to watch. :argh: This perfectly sums up my thoughts on her Idol run:

Oh No What GIF by Identity

With that said, my favorite performances of hers were I Try To Think About Elvis and the overused I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing. I thought the former was fun, though Simon eerily predicted Lindsey’s fate when he said she would last only two more weeks if she continued to struggle picking better songs. That is exactly what happened as she was the first contestant eliminated in the finals after an awkward, lackluster performance of Knock On Wood. Overall, Lindsey is one of the finalists who I reluctantly place in my “wasted potential” category.


Clue: May have been the inspiration behind the creation of a certain website (I don't know if it's true or not, but I heard she was the inspiration behind WNTS because of her questionable song choices)


141. Ramiele Malubay: Season 7 (9th Place)


After eleven sets and fifty-seven contestants, the first S7 finalist has finally arrived, meaning all of the seasons have officially been accounted for! Unfortunately, Ramiele has the dishonor of being the first, making her my least favorite finalist of the season. She wasn’t a bad contestant by any means; she just happened to be the least interesting. She didn’t pick the best songs, nor she did she have much stage presence; however, to her credit she was a very strong singer. This was evident in her first semifinal performance when she sang You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me. This was easily her best performance in the competition. I also liked her second semifinal performance of Don’t Leave Me This Way; I thought it was fun and cute. Unfortunately, I can’t say I liked the performances that came after those two. I don’t know what happened, but it appeared she lost her way as the competition went on. She eventually went out in ninth place after a poor performance of Do I Ever Cross Your Mind. Ramiele was a good singer, but she wasn’t the most exciting contestant. I realize there are three ninth place finishers in this set, so it looks like the ninth place slaughter continues. :haha:


Clue: Big voice in a tiny body (@miss denise got this one right. As for Hollie, *spoiler alert* it'll be quite some time before she shows up ;))


145. Paul Jolley

144. Michael Sarver

143. Camile Velasco

142. Lindsey Cardinale

141. Ramiele Malubay


What to expect next:

  • Was in a Nickelodeon show
  • Ballads are boring!
  • Remember her as a dreamer
  • Oh Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet
  • Some advantage that was...


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35 minutes ago, Crisis said:


Clue: Big voice in a tiny body (@miss denise got this one right. As for Hollie, *spoiler alert* it'll be quite some time before she shows up ;))


145. Paul Jolley

144. Michael Sarver

143. Camile Velasco

142. Lindsey Cardinale

141. Ramiele Malubay


What to expect next:

  • Was in a Nickelodeon show
  • Ballads are boring!
  • Remember her as a dreamer
  • Oh Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet
  • Some advantage that was...


I'm fine with these rankings. I'm relieved that Hollie wasn't in this set, and I'm happy that she will be ranked much higher. I really hope you're not continuing with the 9th place slaughter in the next set... 


In terms of the hints...

  • Ballads are boring!- I doubt you would rank Pia Toscano this low (that would be a crime), but if you are continuing with the 9th place slaughter, then maybe?
  • Remember her as a dreamer- I'm 90% certain this is referring to Michelle Sussett. Her original song that she performed on the show was titled "Dreamer." (I loved it!)
  • Oh Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet- My guess is Ben Briley because these are lyrics from "Bennie and the Jets," and I doubt you would rank Haley Reinhart this low. 
Edited by Bk1234
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I know you ranked her earlier, but after watching some of her performances again,  have more to say about Gianna Isabella. She has a very pretty voice. However, due to her being so young she didn't have the experience or expertise that other contestants had. One notable performance was "Listen," where it was a pitchy disaster. "Ain't Got You" was good put it had some shaky moments. Overall, most of her performances had some instance of error. I would have liked to see her come back (even though that's not possible) with more experience. 

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11 hours ago, Bk1234 said:

I'm fine with these rankings. I'm relieved that Hollie wasn't in this set, and I'm happy that she will be ranked much higher. I really hope you're not continuing with the 9th place slaughter in the next set... 


In terms of the hints...

  • Ballads are boring!- I doubt you would rank Pia Toscano this low (that would be a crime), but if you are continuing with the 9th place slaughter, then maybe?
  • Remember her as a dreamer- I'm 90% certain this is referring to Michelle Sussett. Her original song that she performed on the show was titled "Dreamer." (I loved it!)
  • Oh Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet- My guess is Ben Briley because these are lyrics from "Bennie and the Jets," and I doubt you would rank Haley Reinhart this low. 


There was no way I was getting rid of that cutie this soon. However, it was kind of fun to have people think it may have been the case. :))


As for the guesses, maybe I don't like Pia or Haley as much; therefore, they may very well show up in the next set...


1 hour ago, Bk1234 said:

I know you ranked her earlier, but after watching some of her performances again,  have more to say about Gianna Isabella. She has a very pretty voice. However, due to her being so young she didn't have the experience or expertise that other contestants had. One notable performance was "Listen," where it was a pitchy disaster. "Ain't Got You" was good put it had some shaky moments. Overall, most of her performances had some instance of error. I would have liked to see her come back (even though that's not possible) with more experience. 


Regarding Gianna, I think that's the case with most teenagers on this show (or any other show to be honest). While there have been a few exceptions (Diana, Jordin, David A., Scotty, Jessica Sanchez), for the most part minor contestants have some promise but are too green and/or inexperienced to perform consistently, not that it doesn't happen with older contestants (Julia DeMato, for instance). It's just that it's more evident with minors when they perform.

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5 minutes ago, Crisis said:

There was no way I was getting rid of that cutie this soon. However, it was kind of fun to have people think it may have been the case. :))


As for the guesses, maybe I don't like Pia or Haley as much; therefore, they may very well show up in the next set...

I feel like Pia could show up (I hope not), but I feel that Haley delivered too many amazing performances to be ranked this low. I'm sticking with it's not Pia, and it's Ben Briley and not Haley. 

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145. Paul Jolley - He's so nice. 🙂 I met him on the season 12 tour and I think he was my favorite of them all, interaction-wise. On the show though, he was middle of the pack for me.

144. Michael Sarver - no opinion

143. Camile Velasco - I always thought she had a unique sound but unfortunately her song choices really showed the weaker side of her voice. Agree with you that she would've been better off waiting a few years.

142. Lindsey Cardinale - AGREE. I absolutely LOVE the sound of her voice (I still watch her audition from time to time). Unfortunately, those song choices did her in.

141. Ramiele Malubay - I thought she lasted too long. I never really got her.


What to expect next:

  • Was in a Nickelodeon show - I hope this is not Jordin (she's the only one I can think of who guess-starred on a show).
  • Ballads are boring! - Not Pia please 😔
  • Remember her as a dreamer - Yeah, probably Michelle Sussett
  • Oh Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet - I hope this isn't Haley Reinhart (can you tell I will hate this set if I'm right about Jordin/Pia/Haley? 😂)
  • Some advantage that was... - No idea but curious to know
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I actually liked Danny Noriega less than Ramiele.  She was my first favorite from Season 7 and I’d have actually placed Danny below her, but I agree that she didn’t do so well with song choices.  Pity.


 I have no complaints about the other rankings, though.


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5 hours ago, Bk1234 said:

I feel like Pia could show up (I hope not), but I feel that Haley delivered too many amazing performances to be ranked this low. I'm sticking with it's not Pia, and it's Ben Briley and not Haley. 


are you sure about that john cena GIF :giggle: 


5 hours ago, x3 because of u said:

145. Paul Jolley - He's so nice. 🙂 I met him on the season 12 tour and I think he was my favorite of them all, interaction-wise. On the show though, he was middle of the pack for me.

144. Michael Sarver - no opinion

143. Camile Velasco - I always thought she had a unique sound but unfortunately her song choices really showed the weaker side of her voice. Agree with you that she would've been better off waiting a few years.

142. Lindsey Cardinale - AGREE. I absolutely LOVE the sound of her voice (I still watch her audition from time to time). Unfortunately, those song choices did her in.

141. Ramiele Malubay - I thought she lasted too long. I never really got her.


What to expect next:

  • Was in a Nickelodeon show - I hope this is not Jordin (she's the only one I can think of who guess-starred on a show).
  • Ballads are boring! - Not Pia please 😔
  • Remember her as a dreamer - Yeah, probably Michelle Sussett
  • Oh Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet - I hope this isn't Haley Reinhart (can you tell I will hate this set if I'm right about Jordin/Pia/Haley? 😂)
  • Some advantage that was... - No idea but curious to know


145. Glad to see he was nice at the tour. Agreed about him on the show

144. Fair enough

143. Agreed

142. Her audition is one of my favorites. Completely agree about the song choices

141. Fair enough


We'll see about your guesses...


37 minutes ago, CarmenSandiego said:

I actually liked Danny Noriega less than Ramiele.  She was my first favorite from Season 7 and I’d have actually placed Danny below her, but I agree that she didn’t do so well with song choices.  Pity.


 I have no complaints about the other rankings, though.



Danny wasn't a finalist (speaking of which, I thought their friendship was cute). Agree about the song choices though.


Good to see no complaints.

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9 minutes ago, Bk1234 said:

I'm not sure, but I'm going to pray it's not Pia and Haley. 🤞


I'm just having fun. :haha:


I won't make any promises, but I may be able to post the next set tonight. If not, it'll definitely be up tomorrow evening. We'll see who shows up then. 

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On 6/15/2020 at 10:45 PM, Crisis said:


Here I was thinking you abandoned this thread, 😢 Though this may very well happen should I keep listing your favorites this early. :haha: Pretty much agree about Brandon.


Shannon did have potential, and I think she would've been much better off giving more performances similar to Go Light You World and less like I Have Nothing. Agreed about Jeremy.


Ouch, another favorite bites the dust (I don't mean to do this on purpose, I swear). Glad to see my comments cracked you up. Agreed about Sanjaya having a nice voice. One of my very unpopular opinions is Sanjaya wasn't even the worst singer in his own season. He may have been better off working on projecting his voice rather than go the troll route, but then again, we wouldn't have this part of Idol lore if he didn't let loose and had fun.


Nooo, not at all! I am enjoying this. 😄 LOL most of those have just been among my favorites group, with a few expections. None of my top 10 or anything have shown up yet. :haha: 


Yes, I loved "Go Light Your World", and I agree. 


I still have bigger favorites from that season, at least. 😇 I feel the same about Sanjaya and always ranked him about the middle of the pack. :giggle: This is true!


145. Paul Jolley: I like him, but he wasn't a favorite. 

144. Michael Sarver: I agree with nearly everything you said. Nice guy, but didn't do much for me. 

143. Camile Velasco: I love her voice and really rooted for her on S3. ❤️ It's such a shame the nerves got to her, but I still enjoyed her performances for the most part due to that tone. ❤️ "One Last Cry" was definitely her best.

142. Lindsey Cardinale: I also like her voice a lot, but had many others I preferred over her. I like her though. Oh, and darn, my guess was off, but I never knew a particular person inspired WTNS. Fun to learn.  :haha: 

141. Ramiele Malubay: She started out as one of my main favorites of the season, although things changed as they went on. It's too bad she couldn't live up to her potential, but I still enjoyed her voice and remember loving her studio recordings a lot. I was obsessed with the uptempo ones from her, especially "I Should Have Known Better.". :bobo: 


Amanda Overmyer immediately comes to mind with the "ballads are boring" clue. :haha: I remember her saying that.


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1 hour ago, miss denise said:


141. Ramiele Malubay: She started out as one of my main favorites of the season, although things changed as they went on. It's too bad she couldn't live up to her potential, but I still enjoyed her voice and remember loving her studio recordings a lot. I was obsessed with the uptempo ones from her, especially "I Should Have Known Better.". :bobo: 


Amanda Overmyer immediately comes to mind with the "ballads are boring" clue. :haha: I remember her saying that.

I loved Ramiele’s performance of “I Should Have Known Better”, too.  :wub:

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1 hour ago, miss denise said:


Nooo, not at all! I am enjoying this. 😄 LOL most of those have just been among my favorites group, with a few expections. None of my top 10 or anything have shown up yet. :haha: 


Yes, I loved "Go Light Your World", and I agree. 


I still have bigger favorites from that season, at least. 😇 I feel the same about Sanjaya and always ranked him about the middle of the pack. :giggle: This is true!


145. Paul Jolley: I like him, but he wasn't a favorite. 

144. Michael Sarver: I agree with nearly everything you said. Nice guy, but didn't do much for me. 

143. Camile Velasco: I love her voice and really rooted for her on S3. ❤️ It's such a shame the nerves got to her, but I still enjoyed her performances for the most part due to that tone. ❤️ "One Last Cry" was definitely her best.

142. Lindsey Cardinale: I also like her voice a lot, but had many others I preferred over her. I like her though.

141. Ramiele Malubay: She started out as one of my main favorites of the season, although things changed as they went on. It's too bad she couldn't live up to her potential, but I still enjoyed her voice and remember loving her studio recordings a lot. I was obsessed with the uptempo ones from her, especially "I Should Have Known Better.". :bobo: 


Amanda Overmyer immediately comes to mind with the "ballads are boring" clue. :haha: I remember her saying that.



This is good to see! Hopefully, none of your top 10 will show up soon (though as I said before, I can't make any promises).


We'll see if any of your bigger favorites from that season show up. Nice to see someone feel the same about Sanjaya.


As for the comments for the previous set:


145. Fair enough

144. 👍

143. I rooted for her as well. It is too bad the nerves always seemed to get the best of her.

142. Fair enough

141. I just re-watched I Should Have Known Better. It was a cute performance and it looked like she had fun. It is too bad she couldn't live up to her potential.


We'll see about the clue...


22 minutes ago, CarmenSandiego said:

Oh, I forgot that Daniel wasn’t a finalist.



Considering it was thought he should've been, it's easy to forget. 😆


I just wrapped up my write-ups, so I'm going to go ahead and list them in my next post.

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I will try again even if my guesses were very off the last time.. but I am glad it wasn't hollie the last set as she was my fav that season.. 


  • Was in a Nickelodeon show - I know todrick hall had a show on that channel but can't remember much of him from idol. i think he was only semi finalist so probably NOT him. 
  • Ballads are boring! - please let it be true and put pia toscano here. 👃:mrgreen:😈
  • Remember her as a dreamer - there was a girl who did two songs with those title that jennifer lopez was obsessed with in one of the last seasons on fox.. 
  • Oh Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet - agree with the other guesses someone who did benny and the jets.. 
  • Some advantage that was... - 
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140. Ben Briley: Season 13 (11th Place)


Leading off this set is the second of the three S13 male country singers: Ben Briley. Ben’s Idol journey didn’t have the most conventional start. Before the semis, he was in a competition with Neco Starr to see who would get the most votes, which resulted in a spot in the semis. Obviously, Ben won and was not only able to make the semis, but he was picked to perform in that god awful Rush Week semifinals format. He gave a solid performance of Soulshine and as a result, was voted into the finals. There he gave two OK performances of Folsom Prison Blues and Turning Home during the Top 13 and Top 12 respectively. However, he took a risk and tried to do something different with Bennie and the Jets the following week, and to say it didn’t pay off would be a gross understatement. It came off as a sleazy Las Vegas lounge performance. I remember the judges being confused about it and basically telling him to stay in his country lane. Unfortunately, Ben never got the chance to as he was eliminated the following night. I kind of liked Ben, but not enough to get too upset over his elimination. That’s all I have to say about him.


Clue: Oh Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet (lyrics to Bennie and the Jets, of course)


139. Qaasim Middleton: Season 14 (8th Place)


If there is one word that cannot be used to describe Qaasim, it would be inert. The man was full of energy whether he was on or off the stage. Vocally, I felt he was the second weakest singer (ahead of only Daniel, of course); however, what he lacked in vocals, he more than made up for it with his energetic, albeit at times over the top stage presence and performances. With that said, I felt he would’ve been a better fit on the X Factor if it were still around rather than Idol. However, that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy some of his performances. His first two performances, Uptown Funk and I Wish were a lot of fun. Those were Qaasim in his element. The problem is when he had to sing some songs straight, they were painful to listen to. Examples include Jet, Addicted to Love, and Stronger, especially Stronger🤮 Initially, Qaasim was eliminated in eleventh place; however, the judges used the save on him (I just realized Qaasim is the first saved finalist to appear). I want to think the judges saved him because after Come Together, he looked like he would cut someone if he didn’t get saved. :haha:Eventually, he made it to eighth place before bowing out of the competition after a fun performance of Hey Ya. While not the best singer, Qaasim had some entertaining moments during the season.


Clue: Was in a Nickelodeon show (The Naked Brothers Band to be exact)


138. Olivia Rox: Season 15 (9th/10th Place)


At the beginning of the S15 voting rounds, four of the Top 14 received Fast Passes, meaning they were automatically in the Top 10 and not have to perform in the Wildcard Round. Three of the contestants went on to be the Top 3 of the season; the fourth was Olivia. Olivia appeared to be a nice girl who appeared to be going the pop-rock route. She started off in the Top 24 with a decent performance of Confident. Her advancing to the Top 14 was pretty much expected. There she received one of the aforementioned Fast Passes (though personally I would’ve given one to Avalon instead of her, but I digress). The next time we saw Olivia on stage is when she sang Unconditionally. Personally, I liked it; however, the voters had different thoughts because she landed in the B3 the following week. For her save me song, she sang Trouble, which is exactly what I thought she would be in the moment she picked that song. Unfortunately, it wasn’t that good, not to mention Avalon slayed her performance, so I pretty much knew Olivia was toast. I remember there being some meltdowns after Olivia’s elimination because she was thought to have been a frontrunner. Under different circumstances, I wouldn’t have minded if she stuck around a little longer; nonetheless, it fair to say Olivia’s run on Idol didn’t quite live up to expectations.


Clue: Some advantage that was...(referring to the Fast Pass of course)


137. Amanda Overmyer: Season 7 (11th Place)


After going eleven sets without any S7 finalists, two appear in back to back sets. The second finalist to appear is the rocker nurse Amanda Overmyer. Amanda is the most authentic female rocker to ever appear on the show. With that said, she was a bit of a letdown. At times, it was difficult to understand what she was singing, plus she often looked disinterested. Looking at her Idol run, she started off well enough with Baby, Please Don’t Go. However, the following week was not only her worst performance in the competition, it may have been one of the worst performances of all time. Of course, I’m talking about Carry On Wayward Son. Not only was the singing bad, she looked like a Cruella de Vil stunt double for a live action 101 Dalmatians movie. I was just waiting for it be over. She rebounded the following week with I Hate Myself For Loving You, which I thought was her best performance overall. She made it to the finals where her two performances weren’t anything to get excited over. She eventually finished in eleventh place, meaning she missed out on participating in the summer tour. A part of me wished she made the Top 10, if only to watch a little piece of her soul die while doing the cheesy group performances. I would’ve purchased a ticket just for this. :haha: The ones she had to do on the show were entertaining as hell because she looked as if she wanted to do anything but them. Alas, what could’ve been.


Clue: Ballads are boring! (what she said to Simon after he suggested she should sing a ballad during a critique)


136. Michelle Sussett: Season 16 (8th/9th/10th Place)


Closing out this set is Michelle Sussett. Michelle was a bit of a guilty pleasure contestant of mine. Yes, she was the weakest singer of the Top 10; however, I thought she was cute, earnest, and a lot of fun. I still remember her audition where she had Katy dance with her resulting in Katy falling on her butt. As for the rest, to be honest it started off kind of rough with If I Were A Boy, where she channeled her inner Karen Rodriguez and sung in both English and Spanish. However, I thought her duet with Luis Fonsi was underrated. It wasn’t my favorite duet, but I enjoyed it. She was picked to advance to the Top 14 where she sang FRIENDS. Re-watching that performance, I realize she hit a bunch of sour notes; nonetheless, I still enjoyed it for the most part. It looked like she was having fun and worked the crowd pretty well. The performance wasn’t strong enough as she wasn’t voted into the Top 10 and thus, she had to sing for a Wildcard spot. She took a risk and sang an original song titled I’m A Dreamer, and I’ll be damned if I didn’t find that song catchy. Obviously the risk paid off as she was one of the judges’ WC picks. There was some outrage over it as many thought Mara was going to be picked. Me? I had a feeling Michelle was going to be picked, so it wasn’t that big of a surprise. Either way, she made it to Disney Week where she gave her best performance in the competition with Remember Me (it was definitely better than Alejandro's). I pretty much knew this would be her last performance, but at least she went out on a high note. I found it interesting she was the only finalist who didn’t get to perform with a celebrity during the finale; I wondered what was up with that. Nevertheless, while she wasn’t the strongest contestant, I enjoyed Michelle during S16.


Clue: Remember her as a dreamer (Combining the titles of two songs she sang: I'm A Dreamer and Remember Me)


140. Ben Briley

139. Qaasim Middleton

138. Olivia Rox

137. Amanda Overmyer

136. Michelle Sussett


So no Jordin, Pia, or Haley...for now. :muwahaha: Everyone can breathe easy and put their knives away. :haha:


Coming up in the next set:

  • Haters can hate...
  • Was told could lose a few pounds by Simon
  • Twilight
  • Laryngitis ain't no joke
  • A fifth place finisher from the same season as one of the finalists in the upcoming set
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49 minutes ago, blackfield said:

I will try again even if my guesses were very off the last time.. but I am glad it wasn't hollie the last set as she was my fav that season.. 


  • Was in a Nickelodeon show - I know todrick hall had a show on that channel but can't remember much of him from idol. i think he was only semi finalist so probably NOT him. 
  • Ballads are boring! - please let it be true and put pia toscano here. 👃:mrgreen:😈
  • Remember her as a dreamer - there was a girl who did two songs with those title that jennifer lopez was obsessed with in one of the last seasons on fox.. 
  • Oh Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet - agree with the other guesses someone who did benny and the jets.. 
  • Some advantage that was... - 


The set is up now. Let's see how you did...

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3 minutes ago, Crisis said:

139. Qaasim Middleton: Season 14 (8th Place)

Finally!! Not to bash but yeah I did not like him at all in terms of singing, but he was entertaining. Anyways, I hated his season a lot, it's just super boring for me.

5 minutes ago, Crisis said:

136. Michelle Sussett: Season 16 (8th/9th/10th Place)

I did enjoy SOME of her performances, but man there were a lot more deserving than her to be in that season's Top 14. I was so mad that timr that she went through

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21 minutes ago, Crisis said:

140. Ben Briley

139. Qaasim Middleton

138. Olivia Rox

137. Amanda Overmyer

136. Michelle Sussett


So no Jordin, Pia, or Haley...for now. :muwahaha: Everyone can breathe easy and put their knives away. :haha:


Coming up in the next set:

  • Haters can hate...
  • Was told could lose a few pounds by Simon
  • Twilight
  • Laryngitis ain't no joke
  • A fifth place finisher from the same season as one of the finalists in the upcoming set

I was right about Ben and Michelle! :clap: Thank goodness Pia and Haley were not ranked in this set... 

Ben Briley- I got so tired of all the boring country guitar guys in S13, so when I heard Ben was singing "Bennie and the Jets" I got excited, too bad it didn't pay off...

Qaasim Middleton- I agree, great on stage, poor vocally...

Olivia Rox- I was disappointed to see her go... 

Amanda Overmyer- No comment. 

Michelle Sussett- I loved "I'm A Dreamer." To me, after that performance, she stood out among the rest. Too bad she got out the round after... 

Edited by Bk1234
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