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Disney Characters Rankdown


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This is getting quite difficult!


1. Darla Sherman (Finding Nemo)

2. Go Go Tomago (Big Hero 6)

3. Abuelita (Coco)

4. Timothy Q.Mouse (Dumbo)

5. Pacha (Emperor’s New Groove)

6. Gill (Finding Nemo)

7. Pegasus (Hercules)

8. Zeus (Hercules)

9. Mrs. Ladybug (James and the Giant Peach)

10. Celia Mae (Monsters Inc)

11. Henry J. Waternoose (Monsters Inc)

12. Cri-Kee (Mulan)

13. Fa Zhou (Mulan)

14. Georgette (Oliver and Company)

15. Cleo (Pinocchio)

16. Grandmother Willow (Pocahontas)

17. Bullseye (Toy Story)

18. Mayor Lionheart (Zootopia)

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Fa Zhou




He’s a nice character but we are at the point were pretty much everyone is a noce character, plus for me he seems like a really obvious plot device (I mean duh he doesn’t do anything beyond setting the movie in motion, gtfo and reappear at the end), so that puts him as next in line for a boot. He’s Mulan’s father and the only man in the family, so when the conscription call comes, he wants to go even tho he’s a retired war hero that’s injured and old. After Mulan takes the armor and runs away, he doesn’t appear again until the end of the movie, when she returns home as the savior of China. So yeah, pretty obvious plor device, but he’s a decent father, so yeah. Good job getting this far.


Save: iconic legend, bane of aquariums, shaker of water bags, Darla The First

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Here we are cutting many of the human characters in Mulan and the cricket is still in this game!!!! WTF!!!! I GUESS HE'S LUCKY AFTER ALL. Cri-Kee is a cricket from Mulan who is supposedly lucky. He is given to Mulan by Grandmother Fa because she believed that Mulan needed all the help she could get when meeting the Matchmaker (SUCH A GRANDMA MOVE TBH). Despite being a supposedly lucky Cricket, Cri-Kee himself does not believe he was lucky but after all the events of Mulan, Mushu comments that maybe Cri-Kee is lucky after all. I mean Mulan didn't die so I guess that's lucky? IDK. Anyway, the majority of the filmmakers didn't believe Cri-Kee was a necessary character. Like me they forgot about him. So I guess it's good that he's meeting his end to this rankdown now lest he keep slipping through our fingers.





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I’m questioning my sanity a little bit bc I know I have nominated characters from Pinocchio, but I don’t remember seen her on the list at all, otherwise I would have nominated her already. She’s kind of a non-entity to be honest, she’s there on Geppetto’s workshop, and outside of reacting to things and a few small gags (the tombstones) she kinda does nothing. I’m honestly struggling to get to 100 words so time to add dumb sh!t as usual: 


- Voiced by Pinto Colvig

- Featured in KH games

- Cameo on Aladdin


If that’s not enough I will add filler everywhere.

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Timothy Q Mouse



I have a rant to say about Timothy Q Mouse but I'm crazy busy right now. Basically I think Timothy Q Mouse is awful. I don't think he's a friend to Dumbo, I think he's a power hungry monster who just wants to be a circus manager, not caring about Dumbo's feelings at all. Did Dumbo ever express interest in being a circus performer? No! He was forced into it by a bunch of animal abusers, the same ones who killed his mom. And Timothy just wants him to be a star even though this is a depressed elephant! Timothy thinks the solution to all of Dumbo's problems is to become a circus performer. Therapy is a better option imo, but that's just me. He's an abusive manager and not a friend and we need to stop treating him as such!


Save Gill and Waternoose

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This should be what's left:


Go Go Tomago (Big Hero 6)
Pacha (Emperor’s New Groove)
Zeus (Hercules)
Mrs. Ladybug (James and the Giant Peach)
Celia Mae (Monsters Inc)
Georgette (Oliver and Company)
Bullseye (Toy Story)
Mayor Lionheart (Zootopia)

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Grandmother Willow 


Grandmother Willow is a four-hundred-year-old sentient weeping willow tree who serves as a maternal figure and guide to Pocahontas in the movie Pocahontas. She is already legendary as willow trees normally only live 70-100 years, but she ages more like an oak. As she is a tree, many animals find home in her branches, and Pocahontas also finds comfort in her, as she goes to her for advice. Grandmother Willow is the one who tells Pocahontas that the spinning arrow she dreamed about is pointing her down her path, and she must listen to the spirits of the earth and allow them to guide her direction. She imparts more wisdom when she persuades John to speak to Pocahontas's father and stop the fighting, because as she says, ripples start small but quickly grow, and someone has to start them.   Grandmother Willow is also the one who identifies John Smith's compass as the spinning arrow from the dream.


She also has special healing medicine within her bark that Pocahontas uses to help John with his pain. And earlier in the movie, she uses her roots to trip and vines to whip (it rhymed :giggle: ) Ben and Lon and scare them off from Pocahontas and John. So, she does a lot of good and adds a lot of wisdom to Pocahontas's life. She is a nice character who provides a lot of comfort and support for Pocahontas, but I feel comfortable making this cut at this time. I also learned from Disney Wiki that her character was originally intended to be a male named Old Man River, so that is a fun fact.


Saving:  Pegasus



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Celia Mae (Monsters Inc.)




Celia spends her entire screen time angry with her boyfriend Mike Wazowski. Though Celia refers to him as "Googley Bear" or "Googley Woogley." LOL. Rightfully so! Mike never keeps her in the loop and is constantly in danger in the film! She is just trying to be a support partner. Except she does slap Mike and tackle him like a linebacker, so she has her faults as well. LOL. But I would probably do the same if you kept a human child a secret from me and caused me to sustain major injuries as a result of the large dome utilized by the CDA to protect from fatal germs. Especially when I am trying to enjoy Harryhausen's Japanese food for dinner! At least they make up in the end. Oh, and she is a mix between a Gorgon-Cyclops-Medusa, which makes her one of the cooler monsters in the film.



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My main concerns have been cut or saved already! I’d like to wait until I’m at my home computer to do a proper write up. However, if later I’m the last one left please tag me and I’ll put something together quickly as a placeholder. 

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