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Television Shows Rankdown


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Cold Case

Gossip Girl*


So Little Time*
The Price Is Right*
Brothers & Sisters*

The Seven Deadly Sins

Rescue Me


* Claimed


Elliott and Victoria are the two cutters that still need to claim shows for the write-ups, but anyone is free to step in for them if they like.

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1 hour ago, QueenKalie said:

cut CSI and Criminal Minds.

Funny how you mentioned your mother being upset with those cuts or at least with Criminal Minds, because my father would be upset with you on those cuts too. :lmao:


34 minutes ago, vee_ said:

ummm check the Lizzo thread for slayage WALLABEE!

OK I'll check there later tonight. ❤️ Gotta watch Survivor and The Masked Singer. :giggle: 


27 minutes ago, NGM said:

save Flavor of Love 

omggg #bless :wub: 


21 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

#Bless you I was prepared to do the writeups for those because they were the only shows left I watched and I assumed they were getting cut.

Double blessing on this, as I was prepared for FOL getting cut and doing a write-up for it.

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20 minutes ago, *Wallace said:

I knew and was hoping for you to claim those as I know you love those shows. :(:hug: 

Thanks. :( Not too surprised to lose one of them, but didn’t see the other coming. :(  

Still catching up on write-ups, but I read yours for One in One. ❤️ I never heard of the show before you,  but I like what I read about it from you and I could probably enjoy it. You gave it a great write-up. :hug:  

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1 hour ago, miss denise said:

I would prefer waiting since I will feel very overwhelmed if a new round starts before I do my two write-ups. :blushingwave:

Ooh awww yeah I feel the same way. I think it would be fine to wait it out a bit for the write-ups before we start the new round.


1 hour ago, miss denise said:

Thanks. :( Not too surprised to lose one of them, but didn’t see the other coming. :(  

Still catching up on write-ups, but I read yours for One in One. ❤️ I never heard of the show before you,  but I like what I read about it from you and I could probably enjoy it. You gave it a great write-up. :hug:  

Awww I understand. I'm so sorry about that. :(:hug:


Aww thank you! 😄 Yeah It was a really fun show and I think you would like it if you were to watch it.

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I understand wanting to wait until all the write-ups are posted before continuing the game, but I think you'll all understand why I want to post this now. 330 television shows remain, and we will be down to the Top 300 after these next two rounds. This is how it will work:



Secret Nominations: 

Every ranker will privately send me a list of 5 television shows he or she wants to see nominated for elimination. Everyone's Top 2 choices will be nominated. However, I request additional shows in case another ranker picks the same shows as you. Once I get everyone's nominations, I will post the thirty nominated shows myself. All fifteen rankers will cut and save on a first come, first serve basis. Rankers are allowed to cut a show they nominated.



Random Nominations: 

I will randomize the remaining 315 shows. Thirty shows will be nominated, and everyone will cut and save at a first come, first serve basis.


But before we begin with these two rounds, all rankers are allowed to send me two television shows they will like to be immune during these two rounds. However, I will not reveal which ranker requested which shows to be safe. Your choices will be anonymous even if there's a still a chance other rankers figure out your choices.


Send me your immunity picks as soon as possible! The deadline is 24 hours after the remaining write-ups are posted.

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I'm pretty sure I've saved Godless before or, at the very least, have asked other people to save it. However, this is a fair spot for this show to get cut. Overall I enjoyed it, but it certainly has its issues. Godless is a Western miniseries that aired on Netflix in 2017. Basically, the series is about a town where the majority of the men died in a tragic mining accident and the women are forced to run the town. Or else that's what was advertised. Tbh I was really excited for this show. A feminist Western was intriguing to me. Westerns are typically a male-dominated genre so I wanted to see how this would go with a female angle. However, the show ended up mainly being about the rivalry between the outlaw Roy Goode and his former boss and father figure Frank Griffin. And with that, it turns into any old Western you'll find. Good vs. evil. One white guy vs. the other. It was an entertaining story don't get me wrong! But it's nothing I haven't seen before. It lacked creativity and uniqueness. They fell into typical Western tropes and I was rather disappointed (though Griffin was frighteningly played by Jeff Daniels which earned him a well-deserved Emmy award).

The B-storyline is what held most of my attention. That was Mary Agnes McNue, played by the incomparable Merritt Wever (who won an Emmy for this role), trying to run the town like a man the best she could. Men were trying to buy the town and take over, but she was confident the women can control the town and they don't need men (it helped that she was a raging lesbian so she literally didn't need a man for anything :wub: :wub: ). Mary Agnes was the star of Godless and the last episode with the big fight was worth the price of admission alone. If you've got nothing to do one weekend I'd recommend checking the show out. There's also a mini-storyline with Thomas Brodie-Sangster that I enjoy as well. However, it could've been so much better and I'm sad about the wasted potential.

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The Price is Right


Me specifically looking for a picture with Da'Vonne? More likely than you think :wub: . The Price is Right is a fine 11 am game show. You can watch it at your doctor's office in the waiting room. Or throw it on at work on mute. Or maybe one day you wake up and you're 80 years old. Price is Right is the perfect show for you then! I watch the show when I'm like home sick or sitting in the doctor's room so I've got no complaints about it. I think they lie! Those prices are hella not true unless I'm shopping at the wrong grocery stores. But it's just a television show. Drew Carrey is a charismatic host and I liked him. Bob Barker was obviously an iconic host and no one will live up to him. If you don't know what the show is about you play random games, usually about guessing prices of things, and you can win fabulous prizes and money. There's also a big wheel you can spin if you're lucky and I wish I could spin the wheel. They did a primetime special once with stars of Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race so that was fun. This is totally a fair spot for The Price is Right to go.

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Brothers and Sisters


I'm not entirely sure why I claimed Brothers and Sisters for my writeup. I've wanted to watch the show and I've never gone around to it so I guess why. I love a good family drama and it stars Queen Sally Field so I'm sure it's right up my alley. Brothers and Sisters is about a family, as I'm sure you can guess. Sally Field plays the matriarch of the family. Her husband dies either before the series or at the beginning of the series and the family has to deal with the repercussions. Hmm sounds like Six Feet Under. She has five kids. Gay Matthew Rhys is definitely the kid I care about the most and would want to follow. Conservative activist Calista Flockhart? Keep it! The storylines on the show tend to revolve around the family's relationships with each other along with the romantic relationships they have with other characters. It's also frequently about their various jobs and businesses they have or run. Like I said, I don't think this is a plot-driven show at all, very much a character-driven program. I prefer character-driven shows so that's why I think I'd like it! It ran for five seasons and Sally Field won an Emmy for it (its_what_she_deserves.gif). I doubt I'll check out the show any time soon but one day maybe I'd like to!

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Cold Case was a drama that aired on CBS for seven seasons from 2003 to 2010. Holy f*ck, has it really been off the air that long? Aired in the heyday of CSI/Law & Order: SVU (which is apparently still airing new episodes?)/Criminal Minds (I think), Cold Case took a unique approach in that its team was solving crimes and murders of yesteryear. Obviously some suspension of disbelief was required, even if it did test that sometimes. Such as when they solved a murder from 1919. I mean, I get that the victim's great-great-granddaughter wanted closure of something but c'mon now. Despite that, Cold Case was one of my favourite shows when it aired, as I liked the concept of it being about past crimes. It also tried to film their flashback sequences using whatever type of film was popular in that era, and featured popular music of the time in each episode's flashbacks, as well. As a huge film nerd, I loved these finer attention to details. 


Some of my favourite episodes/some of the more notable ones of the show's run were:

  • The Runner - An episode about impoverished communities and crooked cops.
  • Fly Away - An episode about single motherhood. Legit heartbreaking episode, tbh.
  • The Letter - An episode that dealt with racism pre-Civil Rights Movement.
  • Resolutions - My favourite episode of the first season. Deals with jealousy and lust.
  • The Plan - Super creepy episode that deals with pedophilia and child molestation, but the acting in it was top tier.
  • The Badlands - The season two premiere about an impoverished community due to integrated racism and is kind of a follow-up to the pilot.
  • Daniela - An episode about trans* rights, homophobia and acceptance.
  • The House - Not necessarily one of all-time faves from the episode, but the soundtrack is exclusively Johnny Cash so I'm giving it a shoutout.
  • The Sleepover - An episode about bullying that was loosely inspired by the Shanda Sharer murder.
  • It's Raining Men - An episode centred around homophobia and the AIDs crisis in the 80s that Ronald Reagan did jack sh*t for. 🙂
  • Strange Fruit - An episode loosely inspired by Emmitt Till that deals with racism.
  • Best Friends - A GLAAD Media Award-winning episode that deals with homophobia and racism in the 1930s. A truly iconic episode.
  • The Promise - Another episode about bullying, but this one focuses on body shaming and is another truly heartbreaking episode. Part of that is because they use Sarah McLachlan for the final song and y'all know Sarah is the queen of making us cry!
  • Bad Night - I don't remember much about this episode, but there's a plot point centred around the film Halloween so naturally I stan.
  • Colors - An episode that's inspired by Jackie Robinson, this episode deals with racism in sports in the 1940s.
  • Saving Patrick Bubley - This is a dark, unsettling episode that deals with teenage gang violence, poverty as the result of institutionalized racism and drug abuse. Not my favourite episode of the series (though it's a top tier one), but objectively, probably the best episode?
  • A Perfect Day - An episode about child abuse. Hard to watch, but another one I recommend if you can stomach it.
  • Detention - So this is my favourite episode of the entire series. :wub: Has some dark plot points about sexual molestation, but is a solid episode that deals with teenage bullying and feeling like an outcast. It takes place in the early 90s, so all of the music is alternative rock and grunge.
  • Dog Day Afternoon - Hard to really describe the episode, but it centres around a bank robbery.
  • One Night - It has a problematic portrayal of an illness and was rightfully dragged because it's a yikes plot point. That said, it's a good episode otherwise and has some rather creepy stylistic choices that add to its chilling factor.
  • Rampage - Loosely inspired by the Columbine massacre, this episode centres around teenage bullying.
  • The War at Home - Deals with post-traumatic stress disorder and war-related trauma. It also features a Dido song, so I wanted to point that out.
  • Saving Sammy - Deals with mental illness and the bullying one receives as a result of that.
  • Fireflies - An episode all about racism post-civil rights movement. David Henrie is in it, so I have to stan. It also has a great ending that actually leaves you not feeling like the world is trash.
  • Forever Blue - An ICONIC episode that deals with homosexuality and hate crimes. It received praise and acclaim from multiple publications and is frequently cited as one of the finest episodes of the entire franchise.
  • A Dollar, A Dream - An episode that deals with homelessness resulting from the death of a husband. Jennifer Lawrence plays one of the characters in the episode, and her mother in the episode was played by the same actress who would play her mother in The Hunger Games. :giggle:
  • Offender - An episode centred around a father who wants to enact revenge for his son's death following a child molestation case.
  • Torn - The aforementioned episode that takes place in 1919. It's an interesting episode to watch considering there's not a lot of resources for the team to use, but in all honesty... it's my least favourite episode of the series.
  • Thrill Kill - This episode is inspired from the West Memphis Three, and features music entirely by Nirvana. This soundtrack was intended for the episode Detention above, but they couldn't afford the licensing back then.

And to be completely honest, I don't remember much of the last three seasons so I'll stop there for now until I get a chance to rewatch them and return to this write-up.

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So Little Time


So Little Time is a sitcom starring Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen that aired on ABC Family, which I guess was technically called Fox Family when the show premiered. Wow, I did not remember that.  Well, let me give some background of how I got into this show. One of the things I was known for ( :giggle: )  during my childhood was how much of a huge fan I was of Mary-Kate & Ashley (who did not like to be called "The Olsen Twins" so I will not). It started when I was a very little girl, and I was obsessed with them and all their shows, movies, clothes, make-up, hair, and everything for so so many years. I won't get into it too much because this is about a particular one of their shows, but I looked up to them and idolized them so much. They were my ~everything~ in the celeb/entertainment world and all I wanted to be growing up. bye2.gif.7960d44992e1eeff806cdce1d9856c29.gif If only I could have been their triplet, I would have. They were my biggest obsession before I discovered that boys were cute. :giggle: But they are probably the reason I always longed to have a sister, and why I have also always wanted to have twin daughters one day.  ❤️ 



Anyway, I watched anything and everything MKA did, and I watched it all about a million times. :haha: So Little Time premiered in 2001 and came towards the end of their childhood acting careers, as they were 15 during the show's run and it was the last sitcom they did. bye2.gif.7960d44992e1eeff806cdce1d9856c29.gifThere were still some more movies, and well technically, also voice work for one episode of The Simpsons, but yeah.  This show only aired for one season, which surprises me, because it felt like much longer. I guess because I watched the episodes so many times and they probably ran in syndication for awhile. The season did have 26 episodes though, which is really good and more than a lot of shows get these days. Even shows with more seasons could have that many or less episodes.


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The show centers around twin sisters Riley (played by Mary-Kate) and Chloe (played by Ashley). Despite being twins, the girls are of course, very different. Riley is much more laid back and easy going, while Chloe is a perfectionist and overachiever. It always amused me because in their movie Winning London, Mary-Kate played Chloe and Ashley played Riley. They aren't the same characters, and the show has no relation to the movie, but it's funny that they had the same names, yet the roles were reversed. And for another fun connection, one of Chloe's love interests on So Little Time is played by the same actor who played her (Ashley's) love interest in their movie, Holiday in the Sun. :giggle: Oh, so many coincidences.  Anyway, the girls go to school at Malibu High School and the show focuses on their typical high-school problems, as well as dealing with their separated parents. They live in a beachfront home with their mom, Macy, and the nanny, Manuelo, who is so funny and always getting into trouble. Here he is with the catch phrase he'd always say. :haha: 


The girl's dad Jake lives in a trailer park, and he still gets along well with their mom, so we see all of them often.  And then there is the boy next door, Larry, who is obsessed with and been in love with Riley since they were kids, but she doesn't have the same feelings for him. She pretty much views him as annoying and a geek, although he won't give up and his love for her is cute. 


tumblr_mzs97f4j2i1qfrhhpo1_250.gifv tumblr_mzs97f4j2i1qfrhhpo2_250.gifv


He does end up dating other girls at times, which can make Riley jealous... even though she denies wanting to be with him. :giggle: Their relationship is one of my favorites of the show, although he ends up getting together with another girl near the end. :/  The fans have spoken and love Riley and Larry. (!)  There are fan videos of them on YouTube, so I will post one to reminisce on their cuteness and my love for them. :wub: 



The main cast can be rounded out with Tedi, who is a family friend and model.  Macy (the mom) is fashion executive, and Tedi will often model her clothes, as well as just be there for the family.




In parts of each episode, the girls would confess their thoughts on things to the camera outside on the lifeguard stand on the beach. They'd have their rants and get out their emotions during that alone time. :haha: bye2.gif.7960d44992e1eeff806cdce1d9856c29.gif This is the only gif I can find, but there were more serious moments than this, although they were also over-dramatic for humor. 


Z5ho7Z2.gif SLT-chocolate-gif-1429835507.gif?quality


 I wanted to post some clips from the show, but YouTube is mostly full of full episodes, which is even better..  except not so much for write-up purposes and sharing moments. :haha: Oh well. It looks like this playlist has the whole series (which I'm sure I'm only posting for myself, but maybe someone else will be interested): https://youtu.be/juutzywgUbM?list=PLE9BDF741F0EA124D


There is also this behind the scenes video of the show:



Also, bloopers videos are always fun. :giggle:




So Little Time was first released on DVD in 2002 in four separate volumes, before So Little Time: 5 DVD Gift Set containing the whole series released in 2005. There was also a whole book series of 17 novels published based on some of the show's episodes, as well as new stories featuring the characters. So the show actually lived on for a few years! I definitely purchased (or my mom purchased for little Denise :giggle:and read those books multiple times as well. :wub: 


nZc5HD0.gif wEZijHp.gif


I knew this show wouldn't be long for this game, since it was so short-lived and I don't know if anyone else even watched it, but it is very dear to my childhood heart, so I was always going to want to protect it, if I could. ❤️ I believe I saved it on one earlier round. It got much further than I would have expected, so I'm glad for that and am happy to have gotten to do the write-up myself. :wub: 


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I hope to post my Gossip Girl write-up tomorrow. ❤️ This one will take me longer. :blushingwave:


3 hours ago, *Wallace said:

Awww I understand. I'm so sorry about that. :(:hug:


Aww thank you! 😄 Yeah It was a really fun show and I think you would like it if you were to watch it.

Thanks. :hug: 


I may have to add it to my list. stuart.gif


3 hours ago, Steven_ said:


Random Nominations: 

I will randomize the remaining 315 shows. Thirty shows will be nominated, and everyone will cut and save at a first come, first serve basis.

This is absolutely terrifying. fear2.gif.7033c7e13ce052c5fafb193cfe7f96c3.gif

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16 minutes ago, miss denise said:

I hope to post my Gossip Girl write-up tomorrow. ❤️ This one will take me longer. :blushingwave:


Thanks. :hug: 


I may have to add it to my list. stuart.gif


This is absolutely terrifying. fear2.gif.7033c7e13ce052c5fafb193cfe7f96c3.gif

If you could write all that for So Little Time with 1 season/26 episodes, I can only imagine what you would do for Gossip Girl. :omg::dead: 


Yayyy, as you should. 😄 


Ugh the randomizer round always terrifies me. 😢 

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37 minutes ago, *Wallace said:

Amazing write-ups posted - Alex, Elliott and Denise! :clap: Those Cold Case and So Little Time write-ups were soo specially well detailed. :omg:  


Thank you. ❤️


35 minutes ago, *Wallace said:

If you could write all that for So Little Time with 1 season/26 episodes, I can only imagine what you would do for Gossip Girl. :omg::dead: 


Yayyy, as you should. 😄 


Ugh the randomizer round always terrifies me. 😢 

But really...image.gif.d6365f4cf98b090ca5a2ccd7cf2bdecf.gif

So many shows, so little time. image.gif.d7ed67e0aee113ba228d03f05bf244df.gif (no pun intended)



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Great write up for Cold Case! That’s another of those shows that I don’t watch regularly,  but the episodes I’ve seen have all been great. I actually remember a good amount of the ones you detailed above. 

The So Little Time writeup was also great! It’s been so long, I had almost forgotten about the show... But younger-Kaley was also very into all things Mary Kate and Ashley (mostly the movies though). But going through the writeup, I definitely remember the show (and I know I had the books as well). Amazing job!


I like now that we’re getting down to more of the shows people care about, so the write ups are getting more detailed and personal ❤️

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