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The American Politics Thread!

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32 minutes ago, psterina said:


I totally agree! They did it to themselves.

I had news personalities that I genuinely liked as well. I still do, but meh. I like Lester Holt for example, the anchor of NBC Nightly News. He happens to be a Republican. I didn’t know that at first before I actually began looking. That’s how it should be. Don Lemon is a committed leftist basically, someone repping for one side publicly and he wasn’t always that way pre-Trump. I could have taken a guess, but the bias wasn’t blatant. 

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Does anyone know, what Hammer & Scorecard is?  Besides being a military surveillance tool, it can also change votes, up to 3%.  People are not aware of cyber warfare


Here is Lt. General Thomas McInerney, talking about its use, in this election. 


Cyber Election Fraud



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City of Detroit employee Jessy Jacob stated in an affidavit she personally witnessed — and in some cases was instructed — to backdate thousands of absentee ballots the day after the election to make them appear legal even though they were not in the Qualified Vote File and had not arrived by the deadline.


There's so much info out there ... I can't keep up




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On 11/10/2020 at 10:01 PM, TeamAudra said:

I agree to a point, but if he would have been a little less of an a**hole, maybe we wouldn’t be faced with the prospect of four years of Joe Biden. There have been brief moments where he’s shown some humility, and I thought it was very effective. But..more often than not, he followed it up by shooting himself in the foot. 

All true regarding Trump, but I really don't believe we'll get four years from biden. He was just a Trojan horse for Kamala, imo. Self proclaimed "top cop" when she was AG of California. She's a phony who shouldn't be where she is, and will be a puppet president.

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Lmao this thread. I swear if psterina's account wasn't from 2012 I would actually think they were a Russian bot. They certainly type like one.

But who needs outside influence to spread misinformation when you can get your own citizens to do it? Maybe the Russians really did win this one.

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7 hours ago, Someone648 said:

Both. But at least I can live knowing I never once supported the whiniest, most hilariously pathetic man in the U.S. as president. Here’s hoping he rots.

He has a thin skin, I doubt you’ll find someone that honestly can say different. That said, what do you make of both the national media’s insistence that we need to move, nothing to see here in the least with any level of fraud, particularly in PA? I’m not saying there IS widespread voter fraud, but you would think if folks were honest, you’d want these lawsuits to play themselves out and at least give about 72 million people comfort that things were on the up and up. It won’t change the outcome, but whenever anyone essentially says “don’t look over there,” now I’m going to want to. The president’s voters want that confidence and that he tried absolutely everything. What stings to some and I think I’ve said it before, it was a winnable race. It wasn’t McCain vs. Obama. The economy is coming back, we got good news from Fauci on the vaccine (conveniently right after the election), but Trump did let his ego get in the way. Horrendous first debate performance, lack of empathy and accountability surrounding the virus, though short of closing things up sooner and handling the messaging better, I’m not sure what else he could have done. Biden basically runs on a message of not tweeting mean things and promoting mask wearing and wins. 



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1 hour ago, Drew said:

He has a thin skin, I doubt you’ll find someone that honestly can say different. That said, what do you make of both the national media’s insistence that we need to move, nothing to see here in the least with any level of fraud, particularly in PA? I’m not saying there IS widespread voter fraud, but you would think if folks were honest, you’d want these lawsuits to play themselves out and at least give about 72 million people comfort that things were on the up and up. It won’t change the outcome, but whenever anyone essentially says “don’t look over there,” now I’m going to want to. The president’s voters want that confidence and that he tried absolutely everything. What stings to some and I think I’ve said it before, it was a winnable race. It wasn’t McCain vs. Obama. The economy is coming back, we got good news from Fauci on the vaccine (conveniently right after the election), but Trump did let his ego get in the way. Horrendous first debate performance, lack of empathy and accountability surrounding the virus, though short of closing things up sooner and handling the messaging better, I’m not sure what else he could have done. Biden basically runs on a message of not tweeting mean things and promoting mask wearing and wins. 



Apart from some democrats touting Russiagate, no one questioned the 2016 results when Trump was called as the projected winner. When he was projected, he gave a victory speech and Hillary conceded the night of the election. Now, because Trump didn't get his way, he can just throw around baseless accusations of voter fraud and everyone is supposed to just accept it and hold off because the overgrown man child got his feelings hurt? Sure, let him waste money in the courts if he wants and puff out his chest so his supporters think he's fighting back, but all he's doing is sowing doubt in the democratic process of American elections. Even if the courts find absolutely no evidence of wide spread voter fraud and he loses all the cases he's filed, do you really think his supporters will just accept that? Do you think Trump will accept that? The guy still hasn't accepted that he lost the popular vote in 2016 even though he won the election. This shit isn't going away regardless of what happens and it's all due to Trump and his bootlickers.


Do I believe there isn't at least a few cases of voter fraud? No. There were over 150 million votes cast this year, so I highly doubt there weren't at least a few cases, but no way in hell do I believe there was enough fraud to actually change the outcome of the election.


The thing about the Covid vaccine is it was from Pfizer who self funded that vaccine. Pretty shameful of the Trump administration to attempt to take credit for this when they had nothing to do with it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/11/09/no-pfizers-apparent-vaccine-success-is-not-function-trumps-operation-warp-speed/

They could've intentionally held off on announcing these results until after the election for sure, but I would have too if I knew the current president would try to take credit for something he had no part in just to try and boost his favor-ability before the election.




Also, if the above is true, does that give Trump a pass to just hole up in the White House for the next 2 months and not do anything? We still have an economic and housing crisis going on and covid is beginning to spike again and where has Trump been? Sitting on twitter retweeting conspiracy theories and attacking the democratic process because he lost. So because he lost, he just gives up on the American people until he's no longer president? Yeah, really strong leadership.

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2 hours ago, Drew said:

He has a thin skin, I doubt you’ll find someone that honestly can say different. That said, what do you make of both the national media’s insistence that we need to move, nothing to see here in the least with any level of fraud, particularly in PA? I’m not saying there IS widespread voter fraud, but you would think if folks were honest, you’d want these lawsuits to play themselves out and at least give about 72 million people comfort that things were on the up and up. It won’t change the outcome, but whenever anyone essentially says “don’t look over there,” now I’m going to want to. The president’s voters want that confidence and that he tried absolutely everything. What stings to some and I think I’ve said it before, it was a winnable race. It wasn’t McCain vs. Obama. The economy is coming back, we got good news from Fauci on the vaccine (conveniently right after the election), but Trump did let his ego get in the way. Horrendous first debate performance, lack of empathy and accountability surrounding the virus, though short of closing things up sooner and handling the messaging better, I’m not sure what else he could have done. Biden basically runs on a message of not tweeting mean things and promoting mask wearing and wins. 



The media’s “called the election” for well over 100 years now. Obviously we gotta wait for the final count and whatnot, but historically, voter fraud has been virtually nonexistent and hasn’t had enough of an effect on any election in the U.S. Obviously we have millions of extra mail-ins this year so I think it’s fair to scrutinize in some aspects (for example, we apparently had a congresswoman’s team set up a fake ballot drop off place here a few districts over and she apparently won... haven’t looked into that further yet but if that congresswoman were blue I’m sure Trump would’ve said something by now) but these “pallets of ballots” and “suddenly 100,000 ballots found overnight” things? Embarrassing excuses. Sure, let them play out. Hearing each of Trump’s lawsuits fail is fine with me. This is a man who wasn’t told no growing up and it’ll certainly enrage the man-child more. As long as he doesn’t have to be physically dragged out in January, let him waste his time continuously embarrassing himself. 

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2 hours ago, Drew said:

He has a thin skin, I doubt you’ll find someone that honestly can say different. That said, what do you make of both the national media’s insistence that we need to move, nothing to see here in the least with any level of fraud, particularly in PA? I’m not saying there IS widespread voter fraud, but you would think if folks were honest, you’d want these lawsuits to play themselves out and at least give about 72 million people comfort that things were on the up and up. It won’t change the outcome, but whenever anyone essentially says “don’t look over there,” now I’m going to want to. The president’s voters want that confidence and that he tried absolutely everything. What stings to some and I think I’ve said it before, it was a winnable race. It wasn’t McCain vs. Obama. The economy is coming back, we got good news from Fauci on the vaccine (conveniently right after the election), but Trump did let his ego get in the way. Horrendous first debate performance, lack of empathy and accountability surrounding the virus, though short of closing things up sooner and handling the messaging better, I’m not sure what else he could have done. Biden basically runs on a message of not tweeting mean things and promoting mask wearing and wins. 

I already know how this is going to play out. It'd be one thing if once the lawsuits and recounts were completed that everyone screaming about fraud were to say "okay we believe the results are legitimate". That won't happen though. Instead the tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists that Trump somehow turned a number of Republicans into are going to scream about this being a coverup to get him out of office. There is no way that the folks who believe that there was widespread fraud will step back from that ledge when it's proven that there was no widespread fraud. Just like how there are still people who believe in Pizzagate, 9/11 inside job, etc.   

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28 minutes ago, Smoochy said:

Apart from some democrats touting Russiagate, no one questioned the 2016 results when Trump was called as the projected winner. When he was projected, he gave a victory speech and Hillary conceded the night of the election. Now, because Trump didn't get his way, he can just throw around baseless accusations of voter fraud and everyone is supposed to just accept it and hold off because the overgrown man child got his feelings hurt? Sure, let him waste money in the courts if he wants and puff out his chest so his supporters think he's fighting back, but all he's doing is sowing doubt in the democratic process of American elections. Even if the courts find absolutely no evidence of wide spread voter fraud and he loses all the cases he's filed, do you really think his supporters will just accept that? Do you think Trump will accept that? The guy still hasn't accepted that he lost the popular vote in 2016 even though he won the election. This shit isn't going away regardless of what happens and it's all due to Trump and his bootlickers.


Do I believe there isn't at least a few cases of voter fraud? No. There were over 150 million votes cast this year, so I highly doubt there weren't at least a few cases, but no way in hell do I believe there was enough fraud to actually change the outcome of the election.


The thing about the Covid vaccine is it was from Pfizer who self funded that vaccine. Pretty shameful of the Trump administration to attempt to take credit for this when they had nothing to do with it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/11/09/no-pfizers-apparent-vaccine-success-is-not-function-trumps-operation-warp-speed/

They could've intentionally held off on announcing these results until after the election for sure, but I would have too if I knew the current president would try to take credit for something he had no part in just to try and boost his favor-ability before the election.




Also, if the above is true, does that give Trump a pass to just hole up in the White House for the next 2 months and not do anything? We still have an economic and housing crisis going on and covid is beginning to spike again and where has Trump been? Sitting on twitter retweeting conspiracy theories and attacking the democratic process because he lost. So because he lost, he just gives up on the American people until he's no longer president? Yeah, really strong leadership.

You summed up the main points I wanted to make better than I did.


The MAGA march this weekend is going to be a complete sh*tshow and he knows it. He's encouraging it and he's gonna use it to his advantage to cause further chaos. This man's essentially a cult leader, although calling him a charismatic leader is a biiiig stretch. He's responsible for this level of doubt being cast on the election and just like all so many of his other ramblings over the past few years, it's based very little in any facts or logic. Whether or not he finally gives up and concedes, his supporters won't care. Nothing will be smooth about this transition, whether it comes from the man himself ultimately refusing to concede or his followers refusing to accept that their leader couldn't convince enough Americans to vote for him.

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18 minutes ago, Someone648 said:

The media’s “called the election” for well over 100 years now. Obviously we gotta wait for the final count and whatnot, but historically, voter fraud has been virtually nonexistent and hasn’t had enough of an effect on any election in the U.S. Obviously we have millions of extra mail-ins this year so I think it’s fair to scrutinize in some aspects (for example, we apparently had a congresswoman’s team set up a fake ballot drop off place here a few districts over and she apparently won... haven’t looked into that further yet but if that congresswoman were blue I’m sure Trump would’ve said something by now) but these “pallets of ballots” and “suddenly 100,000 ballots found overnight” things? Embarrassing excuses. Sure, let them play out. Hearing each of Trump’s lawsuits fail is fine with me. This is a man who wasn’t told no growing up and it’ll certainly enrage the man-child more. As long as he doesn’t have to be physically dragged out in January, let him waste his time continuously embarrassing himself. 

I love that where Trump went to university was used as proof of his IQ. When others go to nice, Ivy league schools, the first comment is usually "yeah well with enough money you can pay your way into and through any school". But for Trump it's clearly a sign of his intelligence. It's not like his father couldn't have done exactly the same thing that disvalues so many others Ivy League education. 

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1 hour ago, Someone648 said:

"He's responsible for this level of doubt being cast on the election"  

"it's based very little in any facts or logic." 

6 states shut down counting election night  "IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT" for casting doubt.

PA supreme court changes their election rules violating U.S. Constitution (fact) "IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT" for casting doubt.

Media reports "Biden the winner" when they knew Trump had not conceded and states where still counting/recounting. "IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT" for casting doubt.




We get it. "IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT" that's all you can regurgitate in every comment. Yawn. 



Edited by Nutterbutter
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4 hours ago, ButterflyEffect said:

Lmao this thread. I swear if psterina's account wasn't from 2012 I would actually think they were a Russian bot. They certainly type like one.

But who needs outside influence to spread misinformation when you can get your own citizens to do it? Maybe the Russians really did win this one.


Blah Blah Blah Word salad, that means nothing.  Here, let me bring you some more misinformation.  Oooppsss! I mean ...  this REALLY IS your choice for president, doing what he does best...  Existing in a world, of confusion. And while I'm at it ... I'll show you, how The Hill, also didn't show you the footage, like they SHOULD HAVE, instead, as they kept their camera, on Trump, while this insanity plays out.  But, Trumps reactions, are priceless and hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :rofl:







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2 hours ago, Someone648 said:

The media’s “called the election” for well over 100 years now. Obviously we gotta wait for the final count and whatnot, but historically, voter fraud has been virtually nonexistent and hasn’t had enough of an effect on any election in the U.S. Obviously we have millions of extra mail-ins this year so I think it’s fair to scrutinize in some aspects (for example, we apparently had a congresswoman’s team set up a fake ballot drop off place here a few districts over and she apparently won... haven’t looked into that further yet but if that congresswoman were blue I’m sure Trump would’ve said something by now) but these “pallets of ballots” and “suddenly 100,000 ballots found overnight” things? Embarrassing excuses. Sure, let them play out. Hearing each of Trump’s lawsuits fail is fine with me. This is a man who wasn’t told no growing up and it’ll certainly enrage the man-child more. As long as he doesn’t have to be physically dragged out in January, let him waste his time continuously embarrassing himself. 



The media can "call it", but IT DOESN'T HOLD WATER. Not until states, and then, the Electoral College, "call it", THEN ... IT WILL BE VALID.  Until then ...NO, NOT VALID

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1 minute ago, psterina said:

The media can "call it", but IT DOESN'T HOLD WATER. Not until states, and then, the Electoral College, "call it", THEN ... IT WILL BE VALID.  Until then ...NO, NOT VALID

Obviously. I addressed that literally the sentence right after. You can ease your caps there.

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