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1 hour ago, mercfan3 said:

My grandmother had Covid. She lives in a nursing home that was locked down. Although she has recovered, there was a very real possibility that she was going to die there - alone. 

And I believe the President Said lives lost from Blue States don’t matter.


The only reason I don’t want him to die is that I want to see him put in jail after he loses the election. But I hope he suffers. 

On the bright side if he does suffer it will teach his base to be respectful and wear a mask

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Based on the reports from his doctors and the video he tweeted out, he seems to have mild symptoms (no fever, no shortness of breath), so he’ll probably be back out on the campaign trail in a couple weeks. If he wasn’t the President, he’d be resting at home. Granted these things can go the other way, but they seem to be pulling out all stops to make sure that doesn’t happen. 

I don’t believe anything a CNN reporter tweets or says when citing “sources.” Especially Acosta. 

Also, the experts say wearing a mask does not help prevent one from getting infected. A large percentage of American people seem to think it does. 

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6 minutes ago, mercfan3 said:

What expert is that? Unless you were talking about Six months ago..All the experts I’ve seen disagree. 

Trump took experimental drugs, then remisdovor and something else today. Odd for someone who says he is doing well. 

The mask is supposed to prevent you from spreading it to others, not to protect you from getting it. At least that’s what they’ve been telling us for several months. Did they change it again? 

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"But wait...isn't ANTIFA just an idea??? How can it have a 'ringleader'? Lol"  (This was a comment, in comment section).  Couldn't resist!!!  :P


ANTIFA Ringleader Arrested After HARRASSING #walkaway Rally! Immediately Starts To CRY LIKE A BABY!   :lmao:




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He looks a little better than yesterday. Not quite as pale. I’m standing by what I said earlier. He doesn’t seem very sick, and he’s in the hospital because he’s the President.  I realize there’s a chance I might have to eat my words, but I doubt it. 


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Trump was on oxygen and was given experimental treatment. And hospitalized. He may be on the mend now, and his conditions may or may not worsen. But his case clearly has not been a mild one.

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8 minutes ago, RWG said:

Trump was on oxygen and was given experimental treatment. And hospitalized. He may be on the mend now, and his conditions may or may not worsen. But his case clearly has not been a mild one.

Well, if he was knocking on death’s door, he’ll probably tell us all about it when it’s over. He might even exaggerate the severity of his symptoms. It makes for a better story. 

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^ That would be good as it might encourage his supporters to take it more seriously. Claiming his body vanquished the virus easily and the hospitalization and treatments were all precautionary because he's the president seems more in keeping with his SOP.

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10 minutes ago, psterina said:

On another note .... 

Why am I not surprised, that it would be Tulsi Gabbard, that would introduce legislation, to pardon Assange & Snowdon? Only because  .... she is the best!!!



I'm cool with that but...u know she supports Biden right?

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10 minutes ago, sneaky said:

I'm cool with that but...u know she supports Biden right?


I know that all of the primary contestants, signed a pledge saying, that they would support the nominee.  They had to, in order to run on the Dem ticket. That, is a FACT. She does, live up to her word. Another fact is .... she hasn't been vocal, at all about supporting him, since she 1st dropped out of the race. If you know different than that, show me, cuz .... I've looked. 


I'll also say ... since President Trump (I'm sure Drew, remembers me saying that I would NEVER call him President Trump), is bringing the troops home from Iraq, with Afghanistan, to follow ... I'd be curious, to know who she is actually voting for. 

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17 hours ago, psterina said:

I'll also say ... since President Trump (I'm sure Drew, remembers me saying that I would NEVER call him President Trump), is bringing the troops home from Iraq, with Afghanistan, to follow ... I'd be curious, to know who she is actually voting for. 

I can confirm, that was the case. 😄


On a somewhat off topic but vaguely related note, someone on a podcast I've recently started listening to said something about President Trump that almost completely encapsulates how I feel. You have the hardcore Trump supporters, the never-Trumpers, and this guy put himself into a third category called a "sometimes Trumper." That is to say, when he says something off, use your judgment when calling it out but when you agree with the policy generally and he does something right, give praise. He's far from a perfect leader, that person doesn't exist and has never existed. If anything, I've spent more than three years trying to almost make him into what I want him to be and he's who he is when it comes down to it. There are positive things to be said for that as well as negatives. 


I'm not sure if you agree with me, but the level of peer pressure to condemn him at every turn, the hyper-focus by the mainstream media to blame him for everything and call out every single white lie/falsehood/stretch of the truth is exhausting. Will the president say something I disagree with and/or frame something the wrong way, step on his own messaging and perpetuate more harm than good on occasion? Yes, but it's as if the media will focus on that as opposed to the substance and effectively become the very thing Trump began his first campaign accusing them of. [/rant]  

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With about a month to go this what I'm thinking the map will look like come election night, based on state-level polling to date (with a heavy bias towards pollsters with good track records and newer polls versus older).

Georgia and Ohio are dead heats. I think it would be unprecedented to see Georgia flip so I can't bring myself to lead Democrat on that one. 

With these results, I can see Trump refusing to relinquish power and claiming electoral fraud, causing mass protests, anarchy, and eventually civilian death. Though that may happen no matter the result. 

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28 minutes ago, ButterflyEffect said:


With about a month to go this what I'm thinking the map will look like come election night, based on state-level polling to date (with a heavy bias towards pollsters with good track records and newer polls versus older).

Georgia and Ohio are dead heats. I think it would be unprecedented to see Georgia flip so I can't bring myself to lead Democrat on that one. 

With these results, I can see Trump refusing to relinquish power and claiming electoral fraud, causing mass protests, anarchy, and eventually civilian death. Though that may happen no matter the result. 

Only thing I'd change on that map would be NC. I think NC slightly goes to Trump, but not by much (probably 1% or less).


Unfortunately, you're probably not wrong on you last statement. Trump will call BS regardless of what happens unless he's the outright winner.

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Just because a state is "blue", I wouldn't count on them actually voting blue, this time. MN & MI, with all the jobs that President Trump has/is bringing back .....  I dunno.  And, Not only, are there all the #walkaway people, but there's quite a swath of people, that are NOT voting for Biden or Trump. People, that DID vote blue last time.   



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Average polling lead based on projected vote share (average adjusted polling, incumbency, economics) via 538 :
MN: Biden +8
MI: Biden +7

I'd be much more sheepish if leads were hovering around the margin of error of the state-level polls, as they were for Clinton in 2016. Which is why I'm hesitant to say anything definite about Ohio or Georgia, as their projected polling averages are:
OH: Tie (adjusted polling average only has Biden +0.4)
GA: Trump +0.2 (adjusted polling average Biden +0.5)

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1 hour ago, ButterflyEffect said:

Average polling lead based on projected vote share (average adjusted polling, incumbency, economics) via 538 :
MN: Biden +8
MI: Biden +7

I'd be much more sheepish if leads were hovering around the margin of error of the state-level polls, as they were for Clinton in 2016. Which is why I'm hesitant to say anything definite about Ohio or Georgia, as their projected polling averages are:
OH: Tie (adjusted polling average only has Biden +0.4)
GA: Trump +0.2 (adjusted polling average Biden +0.5)

I don’t know much about Michigan, but Minnesota is so difficult to poll, because it’s either deep red or deep blue, depending on the zip code. It’s very easy to get a skewed result, if they’re not calling enough folks in outlying areas or the Northern suburbs. I doubt very much Biden has an 8 point lead. 

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3 hours ago, ButterflyEffect said:


With about a month to go this what I'm thinking the map will look like come election night, based on state-level polling to date (with a heavy bias towards pollsters with good track records and newer polls versus older).

Georgia and Ohio are dead heats. I think it would be unprecedented to see Georgia flip so I can't bring myself to lead Democrat on that one. 

With these results, I can see Trump refusing to relinquish power and claiming electoral fraud, causing mass protests, anarchy, and eventually civilian death. Though that may happen no matter the result. 


I agree with this map. It's been my thinking too. I'd love to see GA TX IA and OH to take it over 400 but I'm not betting on it.  But yeah Trump is a cult leader so I'm sure some of his followers are more than willing to sacrifice their own lives for him if he loses. Truly sad and disgusting.

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