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ANTM RE-Reloaded! All Cycles Completed!!!


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Elimination #8

6 models stand before me, but I have just 5 photos in my hands. The first name I'm going to call this week is...


Katarzyna! Your commercial wasn't necessarily the greatest we've ever seen, but you looked comfortable and delivered your lines fluently and with ease. That's not an easy feat when speaking a language you don't know. Congratulations on your third FCO to date! Your score this week was 23.

Also safe are...


Fatima - 30
Dominique - 35
Anya - 50

Will Aimee and Lauren please step forward? Only one of you will make it through. Aimee, you started this competition strong, but lately, you've plateaued. You're consistently decent, but you haven't been surprising us in recent weeks. Lauren, your run has been the opposite of Aimee's: inconsistent with occasional moments of brilliance. You have a lot of editorial potential, but we feel like your drive has gone out the window.


Based on overall scores, only one of you can continue on. And that person is...


Congratulations, Aimee. Your consistency won out over Lauren's less consistent body of work. If you don't wow us next week, though, you will definitely be heading home.

Lauren, this means you are out. Even though you definitely have a high fashion look, we feel like modeling isn't really your passion. You're not someone who should be pigeonholed, nor do I think you'd want to pigeonhole yourself. I don't doubt that in time, you'll find what it is that you truly love. Best of luck to you.


~Eliminated Model's Portfolio~
















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  • rdhaley96 changed the title to ANTM RE-Reloaded! ELIMINATION #8 POSTED! (C10)



Photoshoot #9 - Roman Castle Couture


























Like always, rank these pictures from best (1) to worst (5). Comments are optional (but always encouraged!). Voting will remain open until Wednesday morning/afternoon, so you have at least 36 hours to vote.



My Ranking:

1. Fatima - The composition here is fantastic, and she's serving it, too. It's simultaneously regal and sinister. I love the bend in the back and her hand on the wall. 

2. Anya - It's not necessarily the most memorable picture in her portfolio, but it's still very dynamic. I love her styling here, and I see a lot of commitment in her pose.

3. Dominique - I go back and forth between her and Anya, but I feel like Dominique looks a bit draggish here. That's the only aspect of this picture I don't like. Everything else is great.

4. Katarzyna - I really like her body language here, but her expression is dull. Granted, I'd say part of that is the makeup (a more dramatic lip color would've made the shot better).

5. Aimee - I feel like she'd most likely get swallowed up in this shoot. She could have possibly surprised people, but regardless, I think it's her time to go.

Edited by rdhaley96
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  • rdhaley96 changed the title to ANTM RE-Reloaded! PHOTOSHOOT #9 POSTED! (C10)

1. Fatima

2. Dominique

3. Anya

4. Aimee - based on week 1 I think she could have killed this... but I can't rank her higher than the above. The chosen picture is lovely though

5. Katarzyna - I fully believe they chose a lackluster picture deliberately. Not trying to send her home, just my honest ranking for this bad shot. Sending my votes early so everyone after can counteract and carry her to the Top 4 where she deserves lol

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Elimination #9

5 models stand before me, but I have just 4 photos in my hands. The first name I'm going to call this week is...


Fatima! You didn't necessarily get the easiest styling to work with, but you used it to your advantage and turned out one of your best pictures to date. This picture is magnificent, and I can't think of a high fashion magazine that wouldn't be thrilled to run it. Congratulations on your second best photo to date! Your score this week was 20.

Also safe are...


Anya - 31
Dominique - 33

Will Aimee and Katarzyna please step forward? Only one of you will make it through. Aimee, you're the youngest one here, but your age hasn't stopped you from taking quite a few strong pictures. However, your body of work has flatlined a bit, and we feel like maybe your lack of experience is starting to show. Katarzyna, you've had a very consistent run in this competition. However, apart from a few of your pictures, you've typically just been "good" from week to week rather than "great."


Based on overall scores, only one of you can continue on. And that person is...


Congratulations, Katarzyna. Your overall body of work is much stronger than Aimee's. However, if you want to make it to the end, we need to see greatness from you, not just "decent enough."

Aimee, this means you are out. We feel like at this stage, the others are more ready to truly get out there, but you shouldn't let that take away from your performance here. You've done a lot of work that you should be proud of, and I think in time, you'll be ready to get out there just like these other girls. Best of luck to you.


~Eliminated Model's Portfolio~


















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  • rdhaley96 changed the title to ANTM RE-Reloaded! ELIMINATION #9 POSTED! (C10)



Photoshoot #10 - Paparazzi






















Like always, rank these pictures from best (1) to worst (4). Comments are optional (but always encouraged!). Voting will remain open until tomorrow afternoon/evening, so you have at least 30 hours to vote.



My Ranking:

1. Anya - She apparently lucked into this shot, but in a way, I think that's more authentic to the shoot; it looks like a genuine caught moment. It's absolutely stunning. 

2. Katarzyna - I could see her doing a great job here. Her look would fit this shoot well, and she can definitely act. I find this picture really interesting, too.

3. Fatima - Her smile is beautiful, but I feel like the long shot doesn't hold up that well. It reads uncomfortable, but not in the way that would work for this shoot.

4. Dominique - The body isn't terrible, even if she's kind of blending into the male model, but the close up is very unflattering. She looks old and draggish.

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