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ANTM RE-Reloaded! All Cycles Completed!!!


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1. Elyse - easily 

2. Ebony - idk whatever

3. Nicole

4. Giselle - another swimsuit shot, another basic pose

5. Katie

6. Kesse - you deserved the FCO last week, what happened here

7.  Adrianne - bad

8. Robin - not a model

9. Shannon - I want to rank her higher because I know she has some of the only good photos this cycle but this is just so bad wow

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4 hours ago, Alex95 said:

I actually don’t mind Robin’s shot here...? I mean it’s not amazing, but none of them are. And she is actually portraying an emotion. I know that’s a low bar, but the bar is truly low for this shoot.


For me, it's the worst of a crap bunch. There's a lot about her picture that isn't her fault (the terrible photography, makeup, and by far the tackiest swimsuit). With that said, she's not helping matters at all. She looks like a pissed off 50 year-old woman who accompanied her model daughter to the set and was for some reason asked to take part in the shoot. It's dreadful and probably in my bottom 20 or so of the entire series. 

Edited by rdhaley96
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Elimination #2

9 models stand before me, but I have just 8 photos in my hands. The first name I'm going to call this week is...


Elyse! You were tied with another model this week, but 8/15 voters preferred your photo. This isn't a great picture, but we didn't choose anyone's best picture this week for some reason, so there we go. You still showed that you can in fact be sexy in a photo. Congratulations! Your score this week was 38.

Also safe are...


Giselle - 38
Kesse - 61
Adrianne - 69
Nicole - 86
Katie - 90
Ebony - 91

Will Robin and Shannon please step forward? Only one of you will make it through. Robin, we really do appreciate that you offer something different to the competition, but that can only take you so far if you don't deliver. Out of the two photoshoots we've done, you've misfired on both. Shannon, you have a lot of potential to be great, but for some reason, you're not connecting in your pictures. A pretty face doesn't do you any good if you can't capture it well in a photo.


Based on overall scores, only one of you can continue on. And that person is...


Congratulations, Shannon. Both pictures in your portfolio so far have been hot garbage, and you were saved only by Robin being worse. Get it together.

Robin, this means you are out. You have a personality that can light up a room, but being realistic, I don't see a modeling career in the cards for you. However, if you play to your strengths and continue to stand up for what you believe in, I'm sure you'll carve out your own niche in life. Best of luck to you.

~Eliminated Model's Portfolio~




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  • rdhaley96 changed the title to ANTM RE-Reloaded! ELIMINATION #2 POSTED! (C1)



Photoshoot #3 - Beauty Shot With Snakes






































Like always, rank these pictures from best (1) to worst (8). Comments are optional (but always encouraged!). Voting will remain open for about 40 hours.



My Ranking:

  1. Elyse - I find this shot pretty overrated, but it's still stunning. I love how serene yet quirky this is.
  2. Adrianne - Very powerful. The eyes really draw you in. I love the snake in this one, too. 
  3. Shannon - Definitely her best shot so far. I love how sensual this feels, and her interaction with the snake really works. 
  4. Katie - I like the angle and how she's showcasing her jawline. It's a beautiful picture of her. 
  5. Giselle - It's a very strong shot, but I just prefer some of the others. I love how both she and the snake are looking at the camera.
  6. Ebony - I feel like she could have done so much better with this makeup and snake. It's kind of sad looking. 
  7. Nicole - It's just an uncomfortable picture. I like her hair and overall styling, but she's not carrying any of it well. 
  8. Kesse - Yikes. I like her sort of avant-garde makeup here, but she's not doing it justice at all. I don't know how she managed to look so dead. 
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  • rdhaley96 changed the title to ANTM RE-Reloaded! PHOTOSHOOT #3 POSTED! (C1)

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