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Thoughts on S24?


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Some questionable decisions all around but the pool of talent was more than enough to make up for it. Though, I did notice that the RnB and especially the country cast which usually dominate the show were pretty weak. I understand why the country fans didn't vibe with this season. I, however, am very glad that for the first time since Chloe, a rocker ended up on top. One of the more enjoyable seasons in recent memory for sure.

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One of the stronger seasons talent-wise, questionable decisions along the way (mostly Gwen) but ultimately, the right singers made the top 2 and America actually did right in choosing the winner. Reba's introduction has been pretty good. Not a fan of all her feedback, she's a bit too button-happy, and I'm not sure she knows how to coach non-country artists, but none of these issues really affected the season overall. Hope that she works that out over the next however many seasons she stays on for. Niall solidified himself as one of the best additions overall (since Kelly, really). I personally love Gwen but 100% see why a lot of people don't; John's still cool but I like his dynamic with this cast in particular better than when he's with Blake. That back-and-forth didn't feel as tight as it was with Adam/Blake. John fits with Niall/Gwen/Reba a lot better. And on the note of Blake... I barely even felt his absence. That's a positive change. The format itself was wonky, but some of that can be attributed to the writer's strike.


Overall, A-/B+ season I think. Definitely more memorable and enjoyable than S22 and S23.

Edited by Someone648
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Prelives was stacked with talent, particularly the blinds. I'd say up there with the likes of S21. 


 the battle round was probably the weakest its ever been. Rarely anyone meshed well together, it was either very lopsided, or they simply didn't sound good together.


KO rounds were decent, but there weren't any breakout moments like what you'd expect in the KOs.


Playoffs however, were some of the best I've seen on the show. A lot of contestants had some of, if not their best performances of the season, and I would go as far to say there weren't any bad performances which is a rarity for Playoffs.



Now, unto live shows... while others had their moments, Team Niall contestants were the only ones who could consistently replicate the quality of their prelive performances every round, I actually thought the lives were a bit disappointing.


So overall, since the talent of this season was immense with a few of them making it far, I'd say overall it was a very good season.


At the same time, due to how deep the talent pool was, we lost a lot of contestants with incredible ability prematurely for various reasons. Moreso than your typical season. Cause of that, I couldn't help but feel this season had a lot of missed potential.

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