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Weekly Rank The Couples - DWTS 32


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1. Ariana & Pasha
2. Xochitl & Val
3. Jason & Danirlla
4. Alyson & Sasha
5. Charity & Artem
6. Lele & Brandon
7. Barry & Peta
8. Mira & Gleb
9. Matt & Koko
10. Harry & Rylee
11. Tyson & Jenna
12. Mauricio & Emma
13. Jamie Lynn & Alan
14. Adrian & Britt

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1. Xochitl & Val

2. Jason & Daniella

3. Charity & Artem

4. Ariana & Pasha

5. Lele & Brandon

6. Alyson & Sasha

7. Barry & Peta

8. Harry & Rylee

9. Mauricio & Emma

10. Mira & Gleb

11. Matt & Koko

12. Jamie Lynn & Alan

13. Tyson & Jenna

14. Adrian & Britt

Edited by m1key
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1. Xochitl & Val

2. Ariana & Pasha

3. Charity & Artem

4. Alyson & Sasha

5. Lele & Brandon

6. Jason & Daniella

7. Barry & Peta

8. Mira & Gleb

9. Jamie Lynn & Alan

10. Harry & Rylee

11. Mauricio & Emma

12. Tyson & Jenna

13. Matt & Koko

14. Adrian & Britt

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1. Xochitl & Val (+2) - Yeah, I'll give her the edge. Xochitl & Jason were really my top two all season long, but it's nice to put the winner first.

2. Jason & Daniella (+2) - Could've been first if he didn't have that slightly rough spot in the middle of the season. Still a really fun contestant to add to the DWTS runners-up circle.

3. Charity & Artem (+4) - I feel like Alyson got the growth arc edit, but it was Charity who really came out of nowhere the second half of the season and came into her own.

4. Ariana & Pasha (+4) - Peaked a bit too early and plateaued a bit towards the end, but still a great season and showing for her.

5. Barry & Peta (+5) - My underdog king, he really came out of nowhere and ate this season up :wub: :wub:

6. Mira & Gleb (-4) - She was honestly good???? She deserved better idk.

7. Lele & Brandon (-2) - Lol I really liked her and was mourning her elimination, but idk I kinda also forgot about her the second she left :ph34rwave:

8. Alyson & Sasha (-7) - As a proud proponent of team underdog, idk Alyson never 100% worked for me. Still love her and am proud of all she accomplished.

9. Matt & Koko (-1) - King deserved better!

10. Mauricio & Emma (+1) - He was mostly fine, left at a good time, idk.

11. Tyson & Jenna (-2) - Lol I really had frontrunner vibes from him pre-season what a terrible call.

12. Harry & Rylee (=) - Terrible dancer, terrible attitude, see you never. Good luck to any of you Perfect Match watchers who have to deal with another reality show of him :kissbye:

13. Jamie Lynn & Alan (=) - The euphoria of her and Adrian in the B2 is a moment I will never experience in my life again.

14. Adrian & Britt (=) - Give Britt a ringer next season!

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1. Charity & Artem (=)
2. Xochitl & Val (+6)
3. Ariana & Pasha (+4)
4. Jason & Daniella (=)
5. Lele & Brandon (+5)
6. Alyson & Sasha (-4)
7. Mira & Gleb (-2)
8. Barry & Peta (+1)
9. Mauricio & Emma (+5)
10. Harry & Rylee (+2)
11. Tyson & Jenna (-8)
12. Jamie Lynn & Alan (-6)
13. Adrian & Britt (-2)
14. Matt & Koko (-1)

My #2-#4 have been a tossup all season but I think I like these rankings for them, atm.

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  1. Ariana & Pasha (=)
  2. Jason & Daniella (+4)
  3. Xochitl & Val (+2)
  4. Charity & Artem (-1)
  5. Lele & Brandon (-3)
  6. Alyson & Sasha (-2)
  7. Mira & Gleb (+3)
  8. Barry & Peta (+4)
  9. Tyson & Jenna (-2)
  10. Matt & Koko (-2)
  11. Mauricio & Emma (-2)
  12. Harry & Rylee (+1)
  13. Jamie Lynn & Alan (-2)
  14. Adrian & Britt (=)
Edited by *Chris
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01. Ariana & Pasha

02. Charity & Artem
03. Mira & Gleb

04. Alyson & Sasha

05. Lele & Brandon

06. Mauricio & Emma

07. Barry & Peta
08. Jason & Daniella

09. Xochitl & Val

10. Jamie Lynn & Alan

11. Harry & Rylee

12. Tyson & Jenna

13. Matt & Koko

14. Adrian & Britt

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1. Charity & Artem (+1)

2. Ariana & Pasha (+1)

3. Xochitl & Val (+2)

4. Jason & Daniella (+2)

5. Alyson & Sasha (-4)

6. Barry & Peta (+4)

7. Mira & Gleb (+1)

8. Lele & Brandon (-1)

9. Mauricio & Emma (+3)

10. Matt & Koko (+1)

11. Tyson & Jenna (-7)

12. Jamie Lynn & Alan (+1)

13. Harry & Rylee (-4)

14. Adrian & Britt (=)

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  • 8 months later...

10 rankings overall!


Overall (+/- from pre-season)

1. Ariana & Pasha (+4) - 2.4

2. Xochitl & Val (=) - 2.7

3. Charity & Artem (=) - 3.1

4. Jason & Daniella (+2) - 3.8

5. Alyson & Sasha (-4) - 5.0

6. Lele & Brandon (-2) - 5.9

7. Barry & Peta (+5) - 6.7

8. Mira & Gleb (=) - 7.0

9. Mauricio & Emma (+4) - 9.8

10. Tyson & Jenna (-3) - 10.8

11. Harry & Rylee (-1) - 10.9

12. Matt & Koko (-1) - 11.0

13. Jamie Lynn & Alan (-4) - 12.0

14. Adrian & Britt (=) - 13.9

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