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Weekly Rank The Couples - DWTS 32


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10 rankings for week 7.


Week 7 (+/- Week 6)

1. Ariana & Pasha - 1.8 (=)

2. Xochitl & Val - 2.4 (=)

3. Jason & Daniella - 3.2 (+1)

4. Charity & Artem - 3.8 (-1)

5. Lele & Brandon - 4.8 (=)

6. Alyson & Sasha - 5.6 (=)

7. Barry & Peta - 6.6 (=)

8. Harry & Rylee - 7.8 (+1)


Week 8 rankings will go until Tuesday, November 21st at 8 PM EST

-Please include the eliminated couple.

-Please no strategic rankings. This isn't a game, so don't rank a popular couple low just to help out your favorites.

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12 rankings for week 8!

Week 8 (+/- from Week 7)

1. Ariana & Pasha - 1.6 (=)

2. Xochitl & Val - 2.3 (=)

3. Charity & Artem - 3.2 (+1)

4. Jason & Daniella - 3.8 (-1)

5. Alyson & Sasha - 4.5 (+1)

6. Barry & Peta - 5.4 (+1)

7. Harry & Rylee - 7.0 (+1)


Week 9 rankings will go until Tuesday, November 28th at 8 PM EST

-Please include the eliminated couple.

-Please no strategic rankings. This isn't a game, so don't rank a popular couple low just to help out your favorites.


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