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What is IDF's Least Favorite Season?


What is your least favorite (recent) season?  

37 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick one (I provided the winner/notable details in case you forgot the details of a season)

    • S10 (Alisan Porter won - Christina's last season)
    • S11 (Sundance Head won - Alicia and Miley's first season)
    • S12 (Chris Blue won - Only season for montages to be uploaded in full to YouTube, idk nothing really notable this season)
    • S13 (Chloe MK won - JHud's first season, Miley had an all female team)
    • S14 (Brynn Cartelli won - Kelly's first season, the Block and Save introduced)
    • S15 (Chevel won - JHud's last season, Robegate, "Comeback Stage" introduced)
    • S16 (Maelyn won - John's first season, Adam's last season, Cross Battles)
    • S17 (Jake Hoot won - Nothing really notable happened this season?)
    • S18 (Todd Tilghman won - Nick's first season, COVID interrupted the lives, teams reduced to 10)
    • S19 (Carter Rubin won - Gwen's first win)
    • S20 (Cam Anthony won - Kelly skipped the battles and was replaced by Kelsea Ballerini)
    • S21 (Girl Named Tom won - Ariana's first season, first season to return to 12-member teams and a typical pre-COVID format)
    • S22 (tbd winner - Camila's first season, first season to increase teams to 14 and have 3 way KOs)

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I remember S11 being a widely hated season back in the day, but I'm curious as to what the general consensus is nowadays. Is S16 the worst purely because of the Cross Battles? Is S18 the worst because of the COVID interruption to the Lives? Is S20 the worst because it brought Nick Jonas back for some reason? Was it any other one for a variety of other reasons?

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didn’t watch 11, voted for 18. virtual live shows were rough.. and allegra was bussed w “overjoyed” having to learn it overnight then perform it immediately in the morning when i think she wanted “river” instead.


some tragic performances too; all-male public votes for the top 17 removed most suspense for top 9 (though ofc i clung onto hope that allegra/zan/megan/toneisha/joanna) would get the public vote.


one good thing is that i have more appreciation for todd now. i think i always liked his blind, but i appreciate his knockout more now.

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If I had to rank these based on recent memory:

1. S13

Great seasons

2. S10

3. S21

4. S17

5. S12

Good season ruined by the format

6. S20

7. S15

8. S18



9. S19

10. S14

11. S11

12. S16

S22 is heading towards the bottom but I doubt the lives will be as bad as S11, S14 or S16.

Edited by Daillon
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1 minute ago, Daillon said:

If I had to rank these based on recent memory:

1. S13

Great seasons

2. S10

3. S21

4. S17

5. S12

Good season ruined by the format

6. S20

7. S18

8. S15



9. S19

10. S14

11. S11

12. S16

S22 is heading towards the bottom but I doubt the lives will be as bad as S11, S14 or S16.

Interesting putting S14 so low. I'd definitely call it a Zzzzz season, but I don't remember anything particularly offensive happening that season besides Kyla I guess getting robbed (but I also have little memory of that season).

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2 minutes ago, ikwonic said:

Interesting putting S14 so low. I'd definitely call it a Zzzzz season, but I don't remember anything particularly offensive happening that season besides Kyla I guess getting robbed (but I also have little memory of that season).

The live shows were sooooo rough. Not many people could sing live and the ones that did were very inconsistent. 

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S18 for me. It wasn´t even the contestant´s fault, it was Covid. The remote live shows were so boring. 


It´s not near close to the bottom, but I´m mad at how the format ruined S20, because we had a great cast, and the season had tons of potential to have a great 6 weeks.

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My rankings:



1. S15 (somehow still ended up being fantastic despite the comeback stage and robegate)

2. S21 (loved Ari, didn't love some of the decisions/results but overall great season with lots of talent)

3. S13 (so much talent and all my favorites made it far)

4. S10 (super predictable season, but lots of amazing talent + christina)

5. S12 (very comfy season. lots of good song choices and nice performances. everyone got a pretty fair edit)

6. S17 (a lot of my favorites got eliminated early, but i can't say anything bad about the season as a whole)



7. S14 (pretty boring season, not many standout performances, lots of awkward controversies/situations)

8. S16 (so much talent ruined by a terrible format. everything after the battles was awful, but the auditions and battles were some of the best we've ever had)

9. S19 (don't remember much about this season. lots of forgettable contestants, but some decent ones too)

10. S18 (COVID sucked, Nick sucked, but there were lots of standouts and some good early round performances)



11. S11 (weird edit, super rushed blinds, live shows were a flop)

12. S20 (bad format, boring coaches, probably the worst battle round we've ever had)

13. S22 (terrible format, lots of robberies so far, blake seems bored/i hate camila's decisions so far)


Edited by ikwonic
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I remember liking s15 and s21 a lot. So, these are my favs.


For the bottom I guess s14 or s16(I agree with Dailon on what he said about s14. Kyla was by far the best of the season and even she was inconsistent{still deserved to win though})


s20 had the potential of being one of the best but short format ruined it. Contestants were robbed big time. We were deprived of witnessing "moments" because I think the cast was capable of giving us that. I mean imagine if the older seaons had that format? Moments like "Over You" would've never come.


s22 is also very underwhelming aorn. And that's pretty sad becuse we have a lot of talented singers this season but the song choices are awful for the most part.

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I think season 22 has the weakest performances ive seen since watching, specifically the blinds and KOs (only the s16 cross battles are worse). So season 22 is my pick. It's the number of off pitch performances which has been unusual for the prelive rounds. Lives could change that though.

Edited by Hsamid
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season 22 is impossible to judge because we're in prelives. s15 and s16 had phenomenal prelives rounds and then completely fell apart after; we can't really judge anything until the season's over. 


anyway i'm a big fan of season 4 slander but that's an unpopular opinion i think? so i probably would have to say season 16

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21 minutes ago, erik g said:

Ur not lol

yeah same i’m having a good time tbh. some subpar performances but i mean it’s the voice i’m gonna enjoy it even if some weeks i don’t find a performance i really love. 


spoilers ahead:

plus the top 16 looks rly rly good. i’m expecting some excellent live performances.

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2 hours ago, ikwonic said:

Definitely agree. Least favorite moment/decision so far?

Here is the thing. I'm gonna write a BIG rant, so be prepared if you really want to read it.


What bothers me most about the season is how both the producers and the social media team (particulary, the people that manages the Youtube channel) have been handling things since the season started. 


With the producers, they montaged a lot of contestants that turned chairs in the blinds when they could have easily shown at least some of them instead of making us lose time with 10 minutes intro packages of no chairs. This happen every season I guess. However, last season there were only 4/48 montages, this season there were 6/56, which means that there is bigger percentage of montages this time. But the worst thing definitely is the knockout montages. If they knew the elections were coming, they should have tought twice before bringing a cast of 56 contestants. There was literally no way in which they could have distributed all the 36 knockout performances in three episodes, they messed up big time. Eliminating 40 contestants pre-lives is also big non-sense. Just bring 48 contestants as usual, is not that hard. We could have had 6 live shows instead of only 5 and three triple eliminations.  


And with the social media team, first, what they are supposed to win by geolocking the performances?? The only thing they win is mediocre Youtube viems, and if the contestants are getting less exposure due to the stupid montages, they are gonna receive even less exposure with this bulls**t. Youtube is where the international fans follow the show and they are doing a big disservice to both us and the contestants by doing that. And if they think that somehow is gonna boost their Facebook/Twitter viems, they are wrong. The fans that follow vía Youtube are simply gonna stop following the show, they are not gonna bother to follow social media to keep up with it (And yes, i know VPN exists, very annoying to have to activate the VPN every time i want to watch a performance, and probably a lot of fans think the same). And when i thought things  couldn't get worse, boom, they decide to only upload the KO's of contestants that advanced to the live shows, when the eliminated contestants also deserve to have videos of their performances.


So yeah, all these things have really make it hard for me to enjoy the season. They have managed to make it unbearable. I'm still watching because i enjoy the show, mostly because i like to see how the contestants grow during the competition. Now, with that said, i admit that the auditions weren't that exciting for me, there were whole episodes where i wasn't blown away by any of the contestants (even though all of them were good to some degree). Definitely one of the weakest seasons for Blind auditions. The Battles were better, but the Knockouts are, so far, not that great. I'm getting dissapointed by some of my favorites and i don't share the same excitement as social media and IDF over some of the contestants. So, yeah, that's it. I definitely enjoyed the Season 21 pre-lives a lot more. And i'm keeping my expectatives low for the live shows.


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20 minutes ago, peachfuz said:

anyway i'm a big fan of season 4 slander but that's an unpopular opinion i think? 

:shock: Curious to know why you didn’t like it.


Btw I didn’t know people liked S15. There have been worse seasons but I haven’t been as tempted to drop the show as I was with S15 just because it was soooo boring. They put together the most boring and cookie-cutter cast possible :yawn:

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Okay sure season 22 has had questionable song choices but to be honest the talent is frickin phenomenal so far. The knockouts have been enjoyable and I feel like idf isn’t enjoying it as much because of the 3 way KO and we aren’t used to it. The battles have been the best of the season so far and I’ve enjoyed many blind auditions and knockouts. We can’t judge and say this season is underwhelming when we only seen 3 rounds and heck the knockouts aren’t finished yet. Considering the talent so far going in the top 16 the live shows look to be promising. You can say your opinion and say it’s underwhelming but I would keep it until the whole season ends, Let’s pray for those who think that that it’s gets better for them while for me I’m loving this season so far!

Edited by VoiceSelf12
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21 minutes ago, Daillon said:

:shock: Curious to know why you didn’t like it.


Btw I didn’t know people liked S15. There have been worse seasons but I haven’t been as tempted to drop the show as I was with S15 just because it was soooo boring. They put together the most boring and cookie-cutter cast possible :yawn:

Funny, I didn't know people didn't like S15. I get it from the standpoint of the cast not having variety in terms of genre, and not many "artist" type contestants, (although its a bit odd anyone that doesnt at least like rnb or country watches the show since they dominate the voice) but I don't know how you can like singing and at the very least not appreciate the singing talent the season had. One of the most stacked in terms of vocalists imo.





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26 minutes ago, Misirlou said:

I get the pre-lives complaints over S22, but we need to hear them live still. So I won´t judge it until then.


S17 has personally been the most fun I´ve had while watching this show. I throughly enjoyed it. S21 comes second.

The thing with the voice is, the live rounds are almost always worse than prelives (for obvious reasons) in terms of vocal issues from pitch to nerves. So the fact that rounds that are supposed to be pitch corrected and auto tuned are showing those issues plentifully is a bit concerning..


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2 minutes ago, Hsamid said:

The thing with the voice is, the live rounds are almost always worse than prelives (for obvious reasons) in terms of vocal issues from pitch to nerves. So the fact that rounds that are supposed to be pitch corrected and auto tuned are showing those issues plentifully is a bit concerning..


We have to consider there are more contestants than usual, and thus we have seen a lot of subpar performances that have caused people to go home. We aren´t gonna see those contestants in lives. For that part at least, I think everyone out of the Top 16 has had at least a good moment so far. (Brayden´s audition grew on me over time).

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