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Question for "The Voice" Forum Users Who Watched Idol for the First Time This Season (Due to the Voice’s New Off-Season)


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I know there are quite a few of you who joined us this season due to The Voice no longer having a Spring cycle. Some of you may have stopped watching somewhere along the way, while others lasted the whole season (congrats! lol). Anyways, what were your thoughts on Idol? What does Idol do better/worse than The Voice from your perspective? Will you be tuning into Idol again next year? 

Edited by m1key
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18 minutes ago, m1key said:

I know there are quite a few of you who joined us this season due to The Voice no longer having a Spring cycle. Some of you may have stopped watching somewhere along the way, while others lasted the whole season (congrats! lol). Anyways, what were your thoughts on Idol? What does Idol do better/worse than The Voice from your perspective? Will you be tuning into Idol again next year? 

Honestly I didn't like Idol at all and probably won't watch it next Spring. Idol does have a few cool things like letting them sing originals and I did like the concerts that Hunter Girl and others got to perform that was cool. But there is way too much fodder at the start and the early rounds are really hard to pay attention to. Live rounds I'm not really a fan of the theme stuff. Them having to sing Disney songs all the time is dumb and pointless. Plus the only contestants that I liked were treated as fodder while boring white guys with guitars were monopolizing the air time. The few girls that got shown a lot also didn't do much for me so oh well. It was worth a shot but maybe a new spring show will pop up and I can watch that instead.


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Early rounds can suck to get through, its not interesting like The Voice. I also hate how they bring an insane amount of montages until the Top 24/Live shows. 


I do like how they can do their own originals if wanted(Idk if they can fully choose when to do so, but whatever) 


I hate the live voting though, who the hell thinks its a good idea to vote within only 2/3 hours of the actual show? Doesn't this invalidate the East Coast? or West Coast, I don't know. AGT and The Voice do overnight voting, so that's good for them.


Yes, themes can suck and Disney night is unoriginal(I looked over past seasons and they clearly repeat most of the songs just because) 


I only mostly tuned in for Allegra and stayed for Leah's growth arc, so that's a good thing to come out of it. 


If The Voice doesn't go back to Spring rotations, then I guess I'll watch it again, but only to see if someone doesn't suck and can bring a good performance.

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I actually enjoyed it lol. My biggest problem i had with Idol in the past is that auditions took so long and there were people that i'll probably never see again and i stopped watching by the second episode of hollywood, but since i sticked around this time i've been enjoying it for the most part, i think i might watch next season too (i might skip the auditions though 💀). One thing they really need to work on is showing at least 1 full performance in Hollywood of each of the Top 24. Not just throw them into voting like they did Elli and Sage (and allegra but at least she got her duet fully shown). I still prefer The Voice, but i've enjoyed Idol more than I expected too. oh and yes i think the voice should allow originals lol

Edited by erik g
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Ok, first of all, i hated the format for the pre-taped rounds, everything is rushed and all over the place and they put much attention on singers that didn't even make it to Top 24 (cough* Kelsie Dolen *cough*) just because their sob stories, while straight up ignoring singers that actually advanced to Top 24. As a Voice fan, it was painful watch them montaging the hell out of Allegra, it was awful, i hated it so much. And not only that, completely ignoring singers like Kendra and Anaya and others. At least in The Voice, if you pass the auditions, they are gonna acknowledge your existence, even if it's just in a montage. I can't imagine how awful has to be to audition for American Idol, advancing to the Hollywood Week, only for them to pretend that you don't exist.   


Now, entering  the voting rounds, it's clear the contrast between the level of vocalists in The Voice and the level of vocalists on American Idol. Like, the level in The Voice is painfully superior. Part of it has to be the age limit, American Idol obviously is never gonna have an acomplished vocalist with decades of experience like Wendy Moten, but The Voice has also had very extremely talented young powerhouses like Jershika, for example, that in American Idol are nowhere to be found (there was Nicolina, who was great but compared to some of The Voice's  powerhouses, she clearly falls behind them) , , so yeah, the age-limit is not an excuse. Even when it comes down to the teenagers, the ones that audition for The Voice are clearly more ready, take a look at Gihanna from Season 20 or Hailey Mia from last season, they both managed to give great live performances despite having almost no experience, to the point where when you compare them to the teenagers that auditioned for American Idol this particular season (maybe excluding Kenedi, but we never watched her perform live), it's very hard to don't notice the difference. Of course, there have been acomplished teenagers on American Idol like Casey last season, but overall,  girls like Elli and Emyrson gave me the impression that they entered the show without knowing themselves well as artists (They are definitely talented though, i just think that they need more years to achieve their full potentials, in Idol they didn't achieve that, please Bk, don't kill me lol) 


Now, one positive aspect, is that in Idol more unique artists like Leah or Casey last season have more chance to advance. In The Voice, alternative/indie singers are left behind in favor of talented but rather generic contestant. Also, it's great that they can show their artistry by singing originals, one thing that American Idol did right with Allegra was letting her sing her original on national TV. With that said, please, no originals on The Voice. The voters of The Voice should vote in base of which voice they prefer (that's the freaking name of the show) not in base of who can write songs lol.  


The live voting honestly didn't bother me, but yeah, now that i think it, it is unfair for the contestants that perform later on the show. 


Now, about the question that if i gonna watch next season, hopefully not. I have a problem with these shows and it's that i take them way to seriously. I really need a rest of them. And if i'm gonna watch one, i prefer to watch one that i actually can enjoy instead of one like Idol that just keeps me frustated about all of the negative aspects of it. 

Edited by Gustavo527
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With regards to the format, my favorite aspect of it is the number of live shows, as well as getting to perform on a stage in Hawaii, it's nice seeing them singing outside the studio for once.


That said, I have more complaints than I do compliments for the format. As mentioned by @QueenMae16 earlier, the single episode live voting format is terrible and unfair, as it gives a major disadvantage to those who perform later and those whose hometowns are not on the East Coast. The pre-live rounds aren't much better. Especially as I knew who was going to make Top 24 beforehand, the auditions were a slog to get through because they kept giving loads of screentime to people who won't make it far, all the while taking away screentime from people who DO make ot far. I'm indifferent to Hollywood Week, because while it causes some manufactured drama, at least we get to know the contestants more, something that never happens on The Voice.


As for the talent level, I genuinely do think The Voice demolishes Idol, or at least the ABC version of it. For example, this season's "power belters": Nicolina, Jay, and Christian, pale in comparison to the Voice's cast of divas. Okay, Christian can probably hold his own (as much as I didn't enjoy his performances), but my point still stands. Many of these people who made the Top 24 would be complete battle fodder (Cameron, Dan, Danielle, Tristen, even Emyrson) It likely has to do with the age limit, which I guess makes sense for the premise of the show, but I'd rather watch a singing show without one. I will give Idol this though: A contestant like Leah couldn't dream to make it far on The Voice, and I'm endlessly happy to see someone like her make it to the finale on Idol. Also, I like Noah better than most country males on The Voice recently 💀

Edited by FloorWax
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I have been watching Idol since s17. I gotta say I really loved s17 and s20 (especially the latter.)


I'm not gonna compare them, since I've only watched 4 seasons of Idol, and many people here say that the earlier seasons were way better than these new seasons.

Edited by Hamza Tufail
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57 minutes ago, Gustavo527 said:

Ok, first of all, i hated the format for the pre-taped rounds, everything is rushed and all over the place and they put much attention on singers that didn't even make it to Top 24 (cough* Kelsie Dolen *cough*) just because their sob stories, while straight up ignoring singers that actually advanced to Top 24. As a Voice fan, it was painful watch them montaging the hell out of Allegra, it was awful, i hated it so much. And not only that, completely ignoring singers like Kendra and Anaya and others. At least in The Voice, if you pass the auditions, they are gonna acknowledge your existence, even if it's just in a montage. I can't imagine how awful has to be to audition for American Idol, advancing to the Hollywood Week, only for them to pretend that you don't exist.   


Now, entering  the voting rounds, it's clear the contrast between the level of vocalists in The Voice and the level of vocalists on American Idol. Like, the level in The Voice is painfully superior. Part of it has to be the age limit, American Idol obviously is never gonna have an acomplished vocalist with decades of experience like Wendy Moten, but The Voice has also had very extremely talented young powerhouses like Jershika, for example, that in American Idol are nowhere to be found (there was Nicolina, who was great but compared to some of The Voice's  powerhouses, she clearly falls behind them) , , so yeah, the age-limit is not an excuse. Even when it comes down to the teenagers, the ones that audition for The Voice are clearly more ready, take a look at Gihanna from Season 20 or Hailey Mia from last season, they both managed to give great live performances despite having almost no experience, to the point where when you compare them to the teenagers that auditioned for American Idol this particular season (maybe excluding Kenedi, but we never watched her perform live), it's very hard to don't notice the difference. Of course, there have been acomplished teenagers on American Idol like Casey last season, but overall,  girls like Elli and Emyrson gave me the impression that they entered the show without knowing themselves well as artists (They are definitely talented though, i just think that they need more years to achieve their full potentials, in Idol they didn't achieve that, please Bk, don't kill me lol) 


Now, one positive aspect, is that in Idol more unique artists like Leah or Casey last season have more chance to advance. In The Voice, alternative/indie singers are left behind in favor of talented but rather generic contestant. Also, it's great that they can show their artistry by singing originals, one thing that American Idol did right with Allegra was letting her sing her original on national TV. With that said, please, no originals on The Voice. The voters of The Voice should vote in base of which voice they prefer (that's the freaking name of the show) not in base of who can write songs lol.  


The live voting honestly didn't bother me, but yeah, now that i think it, it is unfair for the contestants that perform later on the show. 


Now, about the question that if i gonna watch next season, hopefully not. I have a problem with these shows and it's that i take them way to seriously. I really need a rest of them. And if i'm gonna watch one, i prefer to watch one that i actually can enjoy instead of one like Idol that just keeps me frustated about all of the negative aspects of it. 

As someone who previously liked American idol better “origanally” in the earlier seasons over the voice but then switched over to liking the voice than American idol during these new seasons - 

Do you really think that Wendy moten & Jersheka was better than 

“Jennifer Hudson”

”Joshua Ledet”


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Just now, Voice188 said:

As someone who previously liked American idol better “origanally” in the earlier seasons over the voice but then switched over to liking the voice than American idol during these new seasons - 

Do you really think that Wendy moten & Jersheka was better than 

“Jennifer Hudson”

”Joshua Ledet”


Sorry, maybe i should have clarified, when i wrote this, i just had in mind this particular season (where i watched almost every performance) and maybe previous seasons on ABC, of which i watched several random performance. I was not referring to Idol's golden days. 


Anyway, don't listen to me, i'm just a random guy who likes to complain about talent shows on a internet forum while having no talent myself. Don't take my posts so seriously lol.

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43 minutes ago, FloorWax said:

With regards to the format, my favorite aspect of it is the number of live shows, as well as getting to perform on a stage in Hawaii, it's nice seeing them singing outside the studio for once.


That said, I have more complaints than I do compliments for the format. As mentioned by @QueenMae16 earlier, the single episode live voting format is terrible and unfair, as it gives a major disadvantage to those who perform later and those whose hometowns are not on the East Coast. The pre-live rounds aren't much better. Especially as I knew who was going to make Top 24 beforehand, the auditions were a slog to get through because they kept giving loads of screentime to people who won't make it far, all the while taking away screentime from people who DO make ot far. I'm indifferent to Hollywood Week, because while it causes some manufactured drama, at least we get to know the contestants more, something that never happens on The Voice.


As for the talent level, I genuinely do think The Voice demolishes Idol, or at least the ABC version of it. For example, this season's "power belters": Nicolina, Jay, and Christian, pale in comparison to the Voice's cast of divas. Okay, Christian can probably hold his own (as much as I didn't enjoy his performances), but my point still stands. Many of these people who made the Top 24 would be complete battle fodder (Cameron, Dan, Danielle, Tristen, even Emyrson) It likely has to do with the age limit, which I guess makes sense for the premise of the show, but I'd rather watch a singing show without one. I will give Idol this though: A contestant like Leah couldn't dream to make it far on The Voice, and I'm endlessly happy to see someone like her make it to the finale on Idol. Also, I like Noah better than most country males on The Voice recently 💀


Originally I loved & preferred American Idol older seasons far more better than The voice & since the new seasons my preference has flipped - I now prefer the voice way more than the new seasons of idol 


You commented that the power belters on the voice were more superior than the ones on idol


But that’s the thing that the “New seasons” of American idol has struggled with ..  the new seasons of American idol does not cater to power belters like the old seasons -


In my opinion I don’t think Wendy moten , jersheka, etc.. would stand a chance next to the “old idol powerbelters” such as


Jennifer Hudson, Joshua ledet, Jessica Sanchez ...  



Also, jay was not a powerbelter - he sung r&b & different genres but was not a powerbelter which brings me to my point - 


You say Leah would t stand a chance on the voice , the same thing can be said to cam from the voice


If cam (the winner of the voice spring 2021) was on American idol , I don’t think he would have made it past top 10 ... 







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2 hours ago, Voice188 said:

In my opinion I don’t think Wendy moten , jersheka, etc.. would stand a chance next to the “old idol powerbelters” such as


Jennifer Hudson, Joshua ledet, Jessica Sanchez ...  


yeah, but I wasn't referring to the old seasons. Also, we never know, Wendy was 55, maybe in her prime she could 🤣

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Both shows need to somehow get younger, more open minded viewers.


On either show a great pop singer like Kelly Clarkson or Jordin Sparks would never win now a days. Or someone like Adam Lambert who is good enough for Queen might not even make Top 10 because he's too controversial.


I guess there fin3 with only having like 5 million viewers though because they dont have to pay actual stars so these shows are probably relatively cheap to produce

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Damn...I didn't know how many of y'all were just The Voice fans migrating here. I just wanted to give my counterpoint, as someone who has never been able to get into The Voice.


First of all, speaking of the format. I personally find the Voice has way too much focus on the judges and the format is quite unfair in that the decisions are made right after performances without seeing all of them as well as the pairings tournament style. Then, you have the live rounds, which I don't know why, but the American Idol sets and costumes and props just feel so much more effortful and visually appealing than the same red-black duotone that the Voice uses for everything.


And then speaking of the elimination format... you'll have the first live round where half of the people are cut and then single eliminations for like three weeks and then half of the cast is eliminated again. It feels super jarring on those mass cuts...I miss single eliminations on Idol but atleast once you get to the finalist stage it's always double elimination without insanely structured cuts. 


Contestant wise, I never noticed a gap in vocal talent. I like the character and following contestants along their journey and wanting to be emotionally moved by their performances. Sometimes that can be through contestants like Nicolina but she isn't necessarily a powerhouse in that sense. She is able to hit high notes but she only uses them when it is relevant to the arc of the song. American Idol emphasizes the story of a performance much more than the raw "look what notes I can hit" and you can definitely see that in the voting patterns. I don't agree with all the country artists advancing super far, but that just goes to show how the emphasis on American Idol is on storytelling, emotional connection, and their artistic identity. Leah and Catie have been two of my favorite contestants of all of ABC Idol, and I could never imagine contestants like that on The Voice. 

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45 minutes ago, sneaky said:

Both shows need to somehow get younger, more open minded viewers.


This isn't really possible on network tv since most young people don't watch network tv. The only way you could do this would be to switch to a streaming service but then you are losing out on a lot of money so they wouldn't do that till the numbers drastically drop.

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I’m not a new viewer to Idol, but I have preferred the Voice as a tv show for a while. (Still HATE how they handle their promotion of alumni though)


The thing Idol does much better is the sheer number of songs that the contestants will have sung before they get to the finale win. A Voice contestant can now win without even accumulating an albums’ worth of songs performed. Not to mention that the length of the rounds allows viewers to forget who the contestants are. 

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15 minutes ago, redwood79 said:

Leah and Catie have been two of my favorite contestants of all of ABC Idol, and I could never imagine contestants like that on The Voice. 

This makes no sense to me considering that one of the few successful Voice contestants is Melanie Martinez, the quirkiest of quirky girls, who auditioned playing the tambourine with her feet.

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On 5/20/2022 at 7:09 AM, erik g said:

Oh yeah the age limit NEEDS to go. 29???? 

I think the age limit on Idol is a good thing because Hollywood deems people over 30 as uncapable of gaining success unless they already have it. For talent purposes, an age limit could be seen as a bad thing, but for marketebility purposes, it makes a lot of sense. 

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8 minutes ago, m1key said:

I think the age limit on Idol is a good thing because Hollywood deems people over 30 as uncapable of gaining success unless they already have it. For talent purposes, an age limit could be seen as a bad thing, but for marketebility purposes, it makes a lot of sense. 

Yeah if you're trying to pretend that your show produces stars then yeah the age limit makes sense.

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12 minutes ago, m1key said:

I think the age limit on Idol is a good thing because Hollywood deems people over 30 as uncapable of gaining success unless they already have it. For talent purposes, an age limit could be seen as a bad thing, but for marketebility purposes, it makes a lot of sense. 

AI actually loosened its original age restrictions. When the show premiered, the contestants had to be between 16 and 24 at audition, although they could turn 25 during the run of the show. It wasn’t until a few seasons in that they caved and raised it to 28 at audition/turn 29. Even later, they also lowered the minimum age to 15.


The show was based on the UK Pop Idol and that’s all they were looking for. No country singers at all.



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1 hour ago, AngelaKD said:

This makes no sense to me considering that one of the few successful Voice contestants is Melanie Martinez, the quirkiest of quirky girls, who auditioned playing the tambourine with her feet.


That was ten years ago lol...and Melanie is actually one of the few Voice contestants I've liked and even then I feel like her journey was hampered by the Voice format and she reinvented herself for Crybaby and it worked really well. 

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7 hours ago, redwood79 said:


That was ten years ago lol...and Melanie is actually one of the few Voice contestants I've liked and even then I feel like her journey was hampered by the Voice format and she reinvented herself for Crybaby and it worked really well. 

Off-topic but i'm happy to see that someone here appreciates Melanie:teeheewave:

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