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Which female will get the PV in the playoffs?


Which female will get the PV in the playoffs?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Which female will get the PV in the playoffs?

    • Desz
    • Madeline Consoer
    • Cami Clune
    • Tamara Jade
    • Chloe Hogan
    • Bailey Rae
    • Payge Turner
    • Worth the Wait
    • None of the Above

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46 minutes ago, TeamAudra said:

Worth The Wait will get the PV, unless they deliver a trainwreck on Monday. 

Desz has a chance too. 

i agree. i would have voted for both wtw and desz. however, this condition may prove difficult to satisfy, as we could hear in their BA itself some issues. they seem to have improved but who knows. as a fan of theirs, i have checked out their stuff from pre-show, and they sounded good, but i don't know if it's live and i also don't know if they'll flop under pressure - especially since they have two teens, and teens are known to struggle under pressure on this show. 

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2 minutes ago, ashwinner said:

i agree. i would have voted for both wtw and desz. however, this condition may prove difficult to satisfy, as we could hear in their BA itself some issues. they seem to have improved but who knows. as a fan of theirs, i have checked out their stuff from pre-show, and they sounded good, but i don't know if it's live and i also don't know if they'll flop under pressure - especially since they have two teens, and teens are known to struggle under pressure on this show. 

This time, the teens are on stage with their mommy. That’s a lot different than solo. They can be less than perfect and still get through. 

Edited by TeamAudra
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2 hours ago, KimberlyxKyla said:

we need to mentally prepare ourselves for the worst and pray we get pleasantly surprised during the results show😥

you're right! also, i love all of the people in your signature (except sugar joans, who i don't know). i'm curious - do you not like kymberli?

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12 hours ago, ashwinner said:

you're right! also, i love all of the people in your signature (except sugar joans, who i don't know). i'm curious - do you not like kymberli?

i love queen kymberli!😍  i didn’t know if i wanted my signature to list all of my favorites or just one favorite per season, but i chose to do the latter so i can keep my signature relatively short😂 other favorites of mine that i didn’t include in my signature are Judith Hill, Keisha Renee, Tish Haynes Keys, SandyRedd, Beth Griffith-Manley, Khalea Lynee, Myracle Holloway, and Cedrice!

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The thing is, I´m kinda expecting WTW to flop, since they clearly don´t have their harmonies down as what has been shown so far (Of course, they could have improved, but I´ll wait to see first). I expect Desz to perform well, and she does have a chance if Ryan actually goes with rock or country. If he sticks to opera however, I feel he´s got it.

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I wouldn't be surprised is none did 

Team blake we have Jim 

Team Gwen we have Carter 


Team John there is John H.. but I am honestly wondering if he can get votes.. not cause he can't sing.. but I'm worried about his tone... 


Bailey could get country vote, but not team Blake..  Tamara who had two killer pre live performances 


team Kelly 


Ryan seems to have momentum.. and tanner again is country..


All three of the ladies on this team are deserving ..I will say Desz 

the most likely to get PV 


I honestly think they might all have to be saved.. which is crazy!








Edited by seamaidencora
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I think Carter and John are locks unless they completely flop which I wouldn't say is very likely. On Team Blake I wouldn't say anyone is DOA just yet, Ian seems to have the least amonut of momentum going in but I can see it happening tbh. WTW, Sid and Jim seem to all be getting the solid about of support going in.

I expect WTW to flop. Many talked about Mia's nerves but I think the other sister may have it even worse, in some moments she seemed really anxious like she didn't know what's coming next. None of three are good vocalists and their strongest asset - harmonies were sometimes flawed in the taped rounds that get a great amount of editing and work. An even closer fight will be Desz vs Ryan, as some mentioned above I don't doubt that Desz will knock it out of the park. The question is if Ryan will be able to deliver on the level that he did in his blind.

So basically, Desz is our only hope of a female getting the PV

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1 hour ago, KimberlyxKyla said:

i love queen kymberli!😍  i didn’t know if i wanted my signature to list all of my favorites or just one favorite per season, but i chose to do the latter so i can keep my signature relatively short😂 other favorites of mine that i didn’t include in my signature are Judith Hill, Keisha Renee, Tish Haynes Keys, SandyRedd, Beth Griffith-Manley, Khalea Lynee, Myracle Holloway, and Cedrice!

ooh so much taste yessss

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