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Big Brother Live Feeds Discussion


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2 hours ago, *Lily said:

I really wanna get feeds this year because due to the pandemic I finally would have some time to check them out. :haha: I just don’t know the best way to do it outside the US :( I’ve seen people have managed to do it and idk if there’s an easy way, but if by any chance anyone knows of a way to do it please PM me!! ❤️ 

Can you use a VPN with CBS All Access?

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5 minutes ago, Elliott said:

Can you use a VPN with CBS All Access?


I think there may be some sort of work-around with a VPN from what I've seen. I might just stay with the clips on Twitter as it's easier, but tempting to look into it. :haha:

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4 minutes ago, *Amanda said:

Or they can both stay? 🙂 



That’s fine with me but if I have to pick one of those two, I want to keep Day. I’m hoping for David and Christmas to go right away and have the 14 actual All Stars play.

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Idk where y'all getting these hot takes from everyone when I have read about next to no strategy convos last night. Cody told Tyler he has his back and......? I guess the Nicole and Dani gossip sesh, but that was more harmless gossip than serious strategy talk.

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11 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

Idk where y'all getting these hot takes from everyone when I have read about next to no strategy convos last night. Cody told Tyler he has his back and......? I guess the Nicole and Dani gossip sesh, but that was more harmless gossip than serious strategy talk.


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Some updated I've seen online:



- Alliances started to brew, Dani/Nicole F were talking game together and Ian/Nicole F struck up an all-winners alliance, Cody/Tyler have a confirmed alliance after Cody said "I got you bro" to Tyler before they went to sleep

- The HOH room was full of people all night, people didn't want to leave and it was a standoff lol. At the end of the night, Dani basically demanded that Tyler left the HOH room, I think she's sniffing out Tyler already

- Nicole A was talking to Kevin about having PTSD from watermelons last season

- Memphis dragged Jackson to filth to Janelle

- Nicole F. seems to be gunning HARD for Nicole A. for whatever reason, Dani also wasn't the biggest fan of her. They talk about their dealings with her podcast together.

- Nicole A. and Ian struck up a "nerd friendship"

- Enzo and Day provided for the Team Good Feeds all night, Enzo talking about the origin of "Meow Meow" and Day talking about teaching Paul BB

- Old school alliance between Janelle, Kevin, Memphis, Kaysar and Keesha looked to be possibly forming?

- Day was already acting fed up with Nicole F. just being in her presence lol

- Janelle was dragging crazy ass Danielle from BB14, her and Ian were actually both dragging BB14

-  Day seems to be good with Bayleigh and Keesha from what I saw



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I’m enjoying the mindless small talk lol. I ended up finding..a place with the feeds idk how good it’ll be over the season, but Kevin and Memphis are just up early talking about where they live and I’m enjoying that it’s not all too fast-paced strategy talk just yet. Hopefully that’ll start soon!

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I’m glad we got to hear Day speak about how she doesn’t like the Mama Day nickname. It’s soooo ridiculous especially since she was only 27 when she was first on the show! (And on top of that, there’s definitely the ‘coincidence’ that Jocasta was nicknamed Mama J the season before). I saw Bayleigh mention she used it in a DR session and they told her to say Da’Vonne instead, so I’m glad we’ll be hearing less of it.

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12 minutes ago, *Lily said:

I’m glad we got to hear Day speak about how she doesn’t like the Mama Day nickname. It’s soooo ridiculous especially since she was only 27 when she was first on the show! (And on top of that, there’s definitely the ‘coincidence’ that Jocasta was nicknamed Mama J the season before). I saw Bayleigh mention she used it in a DR session and they told her to say Da’Vonne instead, so I’m glad we’ll be hearing less of it.

Clay gave her the nickname and she was NOT her for it!

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Nicole F. may be last on my rankings now, even with Christmas in the house. Every time the feeds cut to her last night, she was just complaining about something. 🙄


Da'Vonne mentioning Keesha's birthday last night was funny. She quoted "Anybody want cake?" and Memphis started laughing. 😂


I also saw Janelle and Ian talking about BB14, including how Danielle just lied about Janelle all the time.

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1 minute ago, Steven_ said:

Nicole F. may be last on my rankings now, even with Christmas in the house. Every time the feeds cut to her last night, she was just complaining about something. 🙄


Da'Vonne mentioning Keesha's birthday last night was funny. She quoted "Anybody want cake?" and Memphis started laughing. 😂


I also saw Janelle and Ian talking about BB14, including how Danielle just lied about Janelle all the time.



You know thats who Nicole is right?  

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