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Musician Discography Rankdown (Bonus Round)


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2. Behind These Hazel Eyes (2004, prod. by Max Martin + Dr. Piece of Sh*t, written by Max Martin + Dr. Piece of Sh*t)

Album: Breakaway




US Billboard Hot 100: #6 (Single)

US Adult Contemporary (Billboard): #13 (Single)

US Adult Top 40 (Billboard): #1 (Single)

US Mainstream Top 40 (Billboard): #2 (Single)

US Billboard Pop 100: #3 (Single)

United States Certification (RIAA): Platinum (Single)





Derek: 7

Gigi: 4

Andy: 3

Steven: 2

Sola: 5

Wally: 3

Anne: 5

Elliott: 13

QK: 2

Tom: 1

Chris: 5

JC: 4

Kaley: 1

Lily: 8

Amanda: 5

Andrew: 19

Denise: 4

Priscilla: 7

Victoria: 4


Final Average = 5.368




On 10/1/2020 at 8:55 PM, miss denise said:

It is near impossible for me to choose between most of the singles from Breakaway, especially as they are all so different.  I guess that is the one and only good thing for me about "Breakaway" (and "Beautiful Disaster" (Live) even though it's not a single) not making the finals. :broken: I feel this one may be a bit overlooked compare to the other huge hits, but I always felt a strong personal connection with this. I love the rocking melody right from the start and how the chorus contrasts so much from the verses. Kelly tends to do that often and it is always so powerful and effective. And again, the build-up from the verses into the chorus is pure slayage!


"Now I can't breathe, No, I can't sleep, I'm barely hanging on" crying.gif.7e8f61590c9fa4716d4470d08bc8c503.gif :omg: 


Ugh it so relatable.  The song pretty much talks about trying to remain strong and not letting others see how much pain they really caused.




Ugh, that whole chorus is so intense and powerful... as is the entire bridge.




I love how much her voice powers through and especially how it soars at the very end! Absolutely amazing.




 Wow.  And that little "anymore" she sings in falsetto. :broken: Everything about this really resonates with me so much. Love the key change and the ad-libs... ugh all so amazing. What a song.


"But you won't get to see the tears I cry, behind these hazel eyes"  crying.gif.7e8f61590c9fa4716d4470d08bc8c503.gif


I would often sing this song to myself and try to make it sound still good with the one-syllable of "blue" eyes. :broken:


On 9/28/2020 at 8:16 PM, taylorkat said:

A favorite.


On 10/1/2020 at 3:57 PM, *Lily said:

I mean this song always just reminds me of Fefe Dobson's "Stuttering" and if that ain't a plus then I don't know what is. But anyway... iconic song!


On 9/30/2020 at 11:43 PM, JC said:

Another epic favorite that I would be happy at #1.


On 10/1/2020 at 7:16 PM, sublymonal said:

To paraphase N*cki M*naj talking about Heidi's makeup, "I hate hate hate..." the title of this song.


On 9/30/2020 at 12:54 PM, aliasocfan said:

Why yes, this is a superior break up song to Since U Been Gone and I regret nothing. 


On 9/30/2020 at 8:44 PM, *Chris said:

One of my all-time favourite song of hers - I love everything about this song. And the music video? Iconic. 


On 9/28/2020 at 8:51 PM, #jeah said:

Always been one of my favorites from her. The chorus is an earworm! I had this on repeat for years growing up because you can’t get the damn chorus out of your head. The lyrics are really dark though. Like, REALLY depressing and they match the almost angry vibe of the music itself, with the crunchy guitars and noisy percussion. Just a genius song and her glory note in the last chorus slays!


On 9/30/2020 at 12:14 PM, *Wallace said:



I absolutely love “Behind These Hazel Eyes” and of course this song needed to be in the finals so thank you Tom for advancing this through into the finals. I really struggled with ranking my #3 and #4 songs and kept going back and forth on them but fortunately “Behind These Hazel Eyes”  got the #3 spot. But that’s nothing bad as I really do love this song soo much! I love this song right from the hard rocking music at the start and Kelly’s “oh oh oh oh oh.” I do love how calm and subtle the verses are and how it’s such a contrst from that powerful booming chorus. I do really love the pre-chorus of the song:


Now I can't breathe

No, I can't sleep

I'm barely hanging on


And of course, the chorus is amazing and flawless:




Can't deny it, can't pretend

Just thought you were the one

Broken up, deep inside

But you won't get to see the tears I cry

Behind these hazel eyes




Then from the 2nd verse, I also love the line where Kelly sings: So together, but so broken up inside. :broken: But then that bridge is another amazing powerful part of the song I love too!


Swallow me then spit me out

For hating you, I blame myself

Seeing you it kills me now

No, I don't cry on the outside




:omg: Ugh…. all of this pain Kelly feels is just not…. right. :broken: I love the angst she has while singing this. And of course that killer big note and the soft falsetto notes. ❤️ And the rest of her ad-libs towards the end of the song….. so flipping good! I really love the music video too, and I also think it’s one of Kelly’s hottest videos. :wub: This better rank high! I’m sure it will but just not sure where.







1. Because of You (2004, prod. by David Hodges + Ben Moody, written by Kelly Clarkson + David Hodges + Ben Moody)

Album: Breakaway




US Billboard Hot 100: #7 (Single)

US Adult Contemporary (Billboard): #3 (Single)

US Adult Top 40 (Billboard): #2 (Single)

US Mainstream Top 40 (Billboard): #1 (Single)

US Dance Club Songs (Billboard): #24 (Single)

US Latin Pop Airplay (Billboard): #30 (Single)

US Pop 100 (Billboard): #1 (Single)

US Billboard Pop Songs All-Time Charts (1992-2017): #27 (Single)

United States Certification (RIAA): Platinum (Single)





Derek: 8

Gigi: 2

Andy: 2

Steven: 6

Sola: 1

Wally: 6

Anne: 2

Elliott: 7

QK: 3

Tom: 4

Chris: 1

JC: 12

Kaley: 4

Lily: 5

Amanda: 13

Andrew: 8

Denise: 2

Priscilla: 2

Victoria: 2


Final Average = 4.737




On 10/1/2020 at 8:55 PM, miss denise said:

This is definitely one of Kelly's most well-known and iconic songs and is one that is so close to my heart. I am grateful to not relate to the story at all, but I still feel the emotion it in so much. :broken: I never get tired of listening to this, despite how sad it is. I just love the realness of it and of course, Kelly KILLS the vocals, as expected. You can also get chills right from the start with the simple piano arrangement. heart.gif.c504acb42b19a5dcec1a32eb64b25cb0.gif And Kelly's opening vocals are so so beautiful and heartbreaking. crying.gif.7e8f61590c9fa4716d4470d08bc8c503.gif


 "I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery" crying.gif.7e8f61590c9fa4716d4470d08bc8c503.gif 


The song really needs nothing more than her voice and the powerful lyrics, so I am so glad they let both of those things shine through. The story is so emotional.  BECAUSE OF YOUUUUUUUUUU. :broken: 


"Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk, Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt, Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me, Because of you, I am afraid" 


The whole thing is so memorable, strong, and iconic. My actual favorite line in the song though is in the second verse where she says:


"I cannot cry because I know that's weakness in your eyes. I'm forced to fake a smile, a laugh every day of my life. My heart can't possibly break when it wasn't even whole to start with"


Yes, ALL OF THAT. It is all so good, so real, so raw, and so sad. crying.gif.7e8f61590c9fa4716d4470d08bc8c503.gif  Even though I can't relate to this specific story or situation, I can certainly apply these lyrics to other things in my life. :broken:  Ugh. AND THIS BRIDGE. It is so dramatic. The music is perfection. The lyrics are perfection. Her vocals are perfection. So many Kelly bridges are amazing and powerful, but this is up there with my favorites, for sure.


"I watched you die, I heard you cry every night in your sleep" :omg: 


I just want to quote the entire thing because it's all SO GOOD and really builds up more and more with every single line. SLAY.


"And now I cry in the middle of the night, for the same damn thing"  :omg: 


I can't shout it because I can't say that word ( :giggle: ) but KNOW how much Kelly belts that, then sings some lyrics softer, then slays the key change and all the rest of this song! CHILLS. EVERYWHERE. ON EVERY INCH OF MY SKIN. Ugh, and the flawless ending with the soft music and her soft vocals.  What a perfectly heartbreaking and perfectly perfect song. heart.gif.c504acb42b19a5dcec1a32eb64b25cb0.gif 


On 9/28/2020 at 8:16 PM, taylorkat said:

Probably my favorite Kelly song.  I know I didn't rank it first, but I have my reasons.


On 9/30/2020 at 12:54 PM, aliasocfan said:

This song gets me every time I hear it. Just so raw and emotional. 


On 10/1/2020 at 3:57 PM, *Lily said:

Really powerful song, came from an obviously raw and tough place and you can tell by how much she sings her heart out on it.


On 9/30/2020 at 11:43 PM, JC said:

Gorgeous song that I can not believe I have to rank so low.


On 10/1/2020 at 7:16 PM, sublymonal said:

One of her best emotional ballads, always tugs at my heart strings.


On 9/28/2020 at 8:51 PM, #jeah said:

The best song off Breakaway and almost tied with my #1, this song is brutal. Like BTHE these lyrics are just depressing, but it’s a lot more obvious in this song because this is a ballad so you pay much more attention to her words. This is a song about her relationship with her father and every line is heartbreaking. There’s no resolution, it’s just Kelly going on about the pain that he caused her. Everything is gorgeous here and Kelly has never sounded better since imo.


On 9/30/2020 at 8:44 PM, *Chris said:

When I think of Kelly Clarkson, this is the song that comes to mind. Not only is the song is one of my favourite ballad of hers, it is also one of my all-time favourite of hers - I absolutely love her voice and the emotions convoyed in the song.  I also really love her duet with Reba on this song ❤️ 


On 9/30/2020 at 12:14 PM, *Wallace said:



Gahh “Because of You” is definitely one of Kelly’s most heart wrenching and heartbreaking songs…. and is definitely a song that gets to me. :broken: I always consider “Because of You” to be one of my favorite Kelly ballads, and of this specific Top 21, this is my favorite Kelly ballad in this mini-rankdown which I will put at #6. I definitely see this song being a contender to do really well in this game - will it be enough to win? I don’t know but I wouldn’t be mad. As we know, “Because of You” tells the story of her broken relationship with her father and the pain she had to endure from him not being there for her. :broken: I love how she starts off singing the song softly with so much vulnerability where she sings: I will not make the same mistakes that you did. I will not let myself. I do really love how the song builds up on the chorus and how the chorus goes with Kelly singing:


Because of you

I never stray too far from the sidewalk

Because of you

I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt

Because of you

I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me

Because of you

I am afraid




Then another one of my favorite parts comes from the latter part of the second verse where Kelly singing:


I'm forced to fake

A smile, a laugh every day of my life

My heart can't possibly break

When it wasn't even whole to start with


Ugh wow at those lyrics. :( But then the bridge is another beast part of the song that is sooo bone chilling and wow…. and I absolutely love it where Kelly sings:


I watched you die

I heard you cry every night in your sleep

I was so young

You should have known better than to lean on me

You never thought of anyone else

You just saw your pain




THAT LAST PART (aka those last two lines) is so wow! :omg: That part always stands out to me and gives me chills. :omg: Ooh and the music video is so sad too with the little girl playing the younger version of Kelly. :(:broken:

Edited by Deeee
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Catching up on 6-3! 


“Miss Independent.” :wub: Ooooh love that Denise and I both ranked this at #5. :wub: And AHA this was Lily’s #1….. what I’ve been trying g to figure out. 😮 But wow LOTS of Top 10 rankings for MI - except like 4 rankings. 😮 And oooo this is one of Tom’s low rankings. :haha: Gahh I do wish this ranked a bit higher but I do really love this song and it’s such a classic Kelly jam! :bobo: Yesss to everyone’s comments on what a great early 00s pop jam this was! :bob: Loving Denise’s comments on this song…. such a fun jam!


Well danggg, I was hoping for “Since U Been Gone” to do better. :( I mean…. I am NOT surprised with it coming in at #5 and ranking ~low but grrr, bummed. OMG Elliott ranks this at #20. This guy legit hates me, omggg. 😐 And this was Tom’s other low ranking at #21….. and oooo I see his comments on it, which I don’t agree with but I figured that would be his motive/tanking of it. Anyway, this SUBG is legenardy, iconic, an anthem and is THAT SONG no matter what anyone says. Actually Denise SAYS IT ALL with her comments. (!) Amazing write-up. Omgg wait, this was meant for Hilary Duff? I don’t believe or remember that. :lmao: SLAYY @ Steven, QK and Priscilla ranking this at #1 with me. :wub:


Noww I am actually shocked that “Sober” came in at #4 as I thought it was a shoo-in for Top 3. Omg I was soo scared I would be its only low ranker but sooo glad that isn’t the case. :haha: But not surprised seeing Sober being sooo many people’s #1s - with Andy/Anne/Elliott/Denise/Victoria. Woww…. 5 #1s. :omg: And 4 #2s. 😮 I get all the love for it as it is a fantastic song but i just prefer many others. Another really amazing write-up from Denise there and ahhh I really love reading your love for this song. ❤️ 


OMGGG another song, aka Piece by Piece with sooo many #1s taken out. What are we dong to each other. :dead: Wow PBP has some really amazing stats with 4 #1s in there from Derek/JC/Amanda/Andrew. :omg: And alll of its rankings in everyone’s Top 15. 😮 Wow this looks like a sure winning song. Really such a beautiful song and very deserving of making it this high.


OMGG this set took out most of our #1s. :dead: Curious on who all got #1s left.... will find out soon. Slayy and loving the BTHE and BOY Top 2 though…. both amazing songs! :wub: Would be pleased with either one of these winning. ❤️ 

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1 hour ago, Steven_ said:

Not me ranking “Piece By Piece” lower than everyone else. :stealth:

I was rooting for a “Since U Been Gone” win, but oh well. Hopefully “Behind These Hazel Eyes” wins from the remaining three songs.

omggg same to all of this, except me ranking PbP second lowest. 🙈


1 hour ago, Deeee said:




























































































Wow lots of really tight rankings. 😮 Wow Andrew still with his #19 remaining. :dead:  


1 hour ago, Steven_ said:


GO US! :wub: 


1 hour ago, #jeah said:

*changes rankings to reveal Walk Away made the top 3*


1 hour ago, aliasocfan said:

Unless it's a surprise twist that allows Already Gone to make the Top 3. That would be acceptable. 

:dead:  :wub: 

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Just now, FrogLenzen said:

Never forget that Clive Davis tried to tell Kelly that Because of You wasn't a good song because it didn't rhyme. lmao nice try, bud.

Clive Davis thought pop was a good musical direction for Mr. Reverse Racism is a Thing Himself, so we been knew.

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1 hour ago, FrogLenzen said:

Dee serving us Tyra Banks live show realness with this reveal


1 hour ago, Elliott said:

What is the opposite of recency bias because that is every round in this game? :/

*judges in Lemonade, Anti, Meaning of Life and The High Road*

People always complain about recency bias. :dead: 

1 hour ago, Elliott said:

*looks at those rankings for Sober*

I expected this from @*Wallace but not you, @*Lily!

We do not question Lily's actions in this house. 🙂 




And boy you ranked my favorites as your Bottom 2.... so you can not talk. 🙂 

1 hour ago, 1234567890 said:

You can’t complain with your rank if Since U Been Gone.


1 hour ago, QueenKalie said:

Yeah Elliott deserved this fate for all his tragic rankings.

Right. (!) 

1 hour ago, 1234567890 said:

This is why @~Tom~ should banned from this randkdown. SUBG deserves better.

I totally expected that ranking from him. :broken:

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4 minutes ago, Deeee said:

Does anybody mind doing the discography for The Chicks and sending it to me? LOL. I have other things to attend to. If not, it'll start sometime tomorrow after class when I have the time for it.

It's getting late here but @*Chris or I will get to it tomorrow. :thumbs: 

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1 hour ago, miss denise said:



omg I love how you have the gifs and lyrics alternating like you're singing along. :haha:  We also seemed to have a similar reaction to the bridge. :giggle: 


And yeah I had all these same kind of thoughts about its winning potential. 

Awww lmao I wish I could have found a gif with the words in between but no luck. :lmao: 


UGH Yeah I definitely saw that coming. Bummed but not surprised.

1 hour ago, 1234567890 said:

What does @*Wallace have against being sober? I thought he didn’t drink. 💔

I don't. :dead: 


1 hour ago, miss denise said:





Although I knew this was coming. :broken: 

Aww sorry, Denise. :( At least you knew it was coming. :blushingwave:  I feel bad giving a low ranking to your #1. :blushingwave:

1 hour ago, #jeah said:

I had to question my friendship with Wally for a second when I saw his ranking. :broken: 


1 hour ago, 1234567890 said:

Same. :( 

Awww sorry, you all. I actually didn't care for "Sober" for awhile but it's grown on me over the years. Far from one of my ultimate faves from Kelly but do really like it. 


1 hour ago, ~Tom~ said:

@*Wallace is the one who should be banned. :yes: 



You are not excused with that SUBG #21 ranking, Thomas. 🙂 

1 hour ago, FrogLenzen said:

Kaley leaving me STRANDED with my Irvine rank. lol but yes, thank you for advancing it!!!

Lmaoo I was shocked seeing Kaley ranking it 9th and you 2nd. :dead: 

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21 minutes ago, *Wallace said:

“Miss Independent.” :wub: Ooooh love that Denise and I both ranked this at #5. :wub:  Loving Denise’s comments on this song…. such a fun jam!


Anyway, this SUBG is legenardy, iconic, an anthem and is THAT SONG no matter what anyone says. Actually Denise SAYS IT ALL with her comments. (!) Amazing write-up. 


Noww I am actually shocked that “Sober” came in at #4 as I thought it was a shoo-in for Top 3. Omg I was soo scared I would be its only low ranker but sooo glad that isn’t the case. :haha: Another really amazing write-up from Denise there and ahhh I really love reading your love for this song. ❤️ 


Slayy and loving the BTHE and BOY Top 2 though…. both amazing songs! :wub: Would be pleased with either one of these winning. ❤️ 


Thank you again for all the love of my comments! ❤️  Although 😢 at the bold. Not me.


Yayy same thoughts. ❤️ 


8 minutes ago, *Wallace said:

And boy you ranked my favorites as your Bottom 2.... so you can not talk. 🙂 


But I didn't. 😢


1 minute ago, *Wallace said:

Aww sorry, Denise. :( At least you knew it was coming. :blushingwave: 


Yeah. That was one reason I wasn't sure if it would win since I knew you wouldn't rank it too high. :( Although maybe it still could have, but I didn't know where everyone else would rank it.

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59 minutes ago, Steven_ said:

@*Wallace and I had a lot of similar rankings. :haha: 


Gooo us there, Steven! :bobo:  I was def surprised seeing how much we agreed! :lmao: 

52 minutes ago, FrogLenzen said:

Hmmm what kind of message should I leave Wally for when he catches up....

You can say anything you want. I am sure you ranked my very favorites low too. :lmao: 

46 minutes ago, miss denise said:

I love both songs so much that I don't care which wins. :wub: 😢 

Samee. ❤️ 

40 minutes ago, miss denise said:


Thank you. :wub: :hug: 



Thanks again for all this! :hug: AND LOL I FORGOT about that comment. So happy you saw it. :wub: :wub: :wub: 



I did eventually, but I was thinking it was gonna be SUBG or something. :haha: I never thought of WA as one of the big ones. 



LMAOOO That had me cracking up. :dead: 


OMGG I was soooo fearing and thinking this too. :dead: I was super worried but thank goodness that wasn't it, hahaha. Samee.

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