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4 minutes ago, sneaky said:

I'm obviously not a Trump fan but these oligarchs have the opposite affect than they think. Bush put this country in the crapper and people disliked him so much that they picked a little known Jr Senator rather than a candidate from another oligarch family. And then after Obama they picked an orange buffoon because they have so much distaste for politicians and the ruling class.

Well, I have my own feeling about a lot of the things you've said. I think it's difficult to hold onto the White House when the economy is teetering like that. I think any Democrat would have won in 2008 because they were the party out of power. 

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23 minutes ago, Drew said:

I read a story at the beginning of all this about a black business owner that had his bar destroyed and it wasn't insured. How is THAT fair? Whenever I see anyone damaging property, looting and whatnot, it makes my blood boil. I'm not saying property and material things are more important than people, but you have to think there's a better way to get your point across. 

Yes, he’s had a long time dream to open a sports bar. A grand opening was planned for this Spring, but it was delayed due to the virus. Now, it’s burned down. He’s a firefighter for a local suburb, and his wife is a former member of Sounds of Blackness. 


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11 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

I would suggest what you just said in the post above is more likely what would be discussed in a masters level sociology class, than just throwing out the term, “white privilege.” Thought provoking arguments are always better, even if everyone participating in the discussion isn’t in agreement on everything. People on both sides of the aisle immediately shut down when they see certain words and phrases used frequently by their political adversaries. The objective should be to motivate people who might not otherwise give priority to an issue/problem to pay attention.  

None of us have a social media platform, so we don’t have to worry about it so much. Over the last week, we’ve seen varying tactics on social media, to draw attention to the cause. If you want to known whether they were effective at reaching their core audience, read the comments (minus the obvious trolls). 


tbh I think social media politics has been a detriment to politics in general - Especially on the left.


So many people have false information because of memes and tweets.

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Overwhelming bipartisan support against “Defund the Police.” 


Biden will need to distance himself from these people ASAP. 

The pollster simply asked whether they favor or oppose “Cut funding for police departments.”  

Imagine what the numbers would be if they asked whether we should eliminate the police, and replace it with something else, as has been suggested by some  radical members of the Democrat party. 




...Despite calls by activists and protesters to defund police departments, most Americans do not support reducing law enforcement budgets. Close to two-thirds (65%) oppose cutting police force funding. Just 16 percent of Democrats and 15 percent of Republicans support that idea....


Full poll results at the link....


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Believe it or not that is not some random high school or college kid...that is the Mayor of Minneapolis. Looked like things were going well for him, until he said he does not support abolishing the police department, and they told him to “get the F out of here,” and “go home, Jacob, go home.” 😂




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4 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

Believe it or not that is not some random high school or college kid...that is the Mayor of Minneapolis. Looked like things were going well for him, until he said he does not support abolishing the police department, and they told him to “get the F out of here,” and “go home, Jacob, go home.” 😂



Dont worry. If America cant slowly phase out Private medical insurance for medicare for all no way will they cut the police dept. Not that I'm interested in that.

4 hours ago, TeamAudra said:



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8 hours ago, mercfan3 said:


tbh I think social media politics has been a detriment to politics in general - Especially on the left.


So many people have false information because of memes and tweets.


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8 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

Believe it or not that is not some random high school or college kid...that is the Mayor of Minneapolis. Looked like things were going well for him, until he said he does not support abolishing the police department, and they told him to “get the F out of here,” and “go home, Jacob, go home.” 😂




Adding to this, here a video of Minneapolis Mayor Frey walking away, getting booed, and “shame, shame, shame....” Toward the end, someone threw a water bottle at him. Reminder....he’s a very liberal Mayor, he just don’t believe we should abolish the police department. 


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He should probably just get it over with and resign. The problem is, anyone who might take over might be even worse, like the President of the City Council, Lisa Bender, who is in full blown, abolish the police department mode. So, for that reason, I guess he can stay. LOL. 


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It's going to be interesting to see how Mitt Romney ends up being regarded historically, compared to someone like Susan Collins, and to the rest of the GOP during the Trump years in general.



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11 hours ago, RWG said:

It's going to be interesting to see how Mitt Romney ends up being regarded historically, compared to someone like Susan Collins, and to the rest of the GOP during the Trump years in general.



I'm honestly so proud of him. I think history will regard him extremely well. There's nothing wrong with being supportive of the movement. The crux of it isn't extreme at all. 

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I’m not a fan of either Trump or Romney, but I’m old enough to remember when he kissed Trump’s ass when he wanted a cabinet position, after ripping him during the campaign. I’ll pass. 


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15 hours ago, RWG said:

It's going to be interesting to see how Mitt Romney ends up being regarded historically, compared to someone like Susan Collins, and to the rest of the GOP during the Trump years in general.

likely as a man who only shows a hint of backbone when it looks good for him to do so and won't cause any of his constituent base to turn on him. 

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4 hours ago, TeamAudra said:

I’m not a fan of either Trump or Romney, but I’m old enough to remember when he kissed Trump’s ass when he wanted a cabinet position, after ripping him during the campaign. I’ll pass. 


Your perception of someone will color how you view everything they do. President Trump is a good example of that. If someone hates him, they'll find a way to blame for everything. With respect to Romney, I viewed going for Secretary of State as his attempt to help right the ship. Would it have been a good move for him? Yes, duh. I'm not saying people don't have selfish motivations. That's how humans operate, lol. I'm saying he saw an opportunity to serve the country and his president and took it. It doesn't mean you can't profoundly disagree with the way someone carries and conducts themselves day in and day out. Trust me, it's what I've grappled with the most these past few years. 

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It’s interesting that Collins, Murkowski, McCain, and Romney all have shown essentially the same amounts of backbone against Trump.


2 of them are perceived badly, 2 are perceived as heroes. It’s interesting...


I’m not suggesting we look poorly on McCain and Romney either. I just find it odd that Murkowski and Collins are vilified - even more so than the people who never show any sort of backbone.


anyway, here is a video of Harris talking about police reform in 2006. She’s been - and she’s the right person for this moment. It’s a shame we can’t have an intelligent discussion, and instead have to immediately turn to catch phrases..



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54 minutes ago, mercfan3 said:

It’s interesting that Collins, Murkowski, McCain, and Romney all have shown essentially the same amounts of backbone against Trump.


2 of them are perceived badly, 2 are perceived as heroes. It’s interesting...


I’m not suggesting we look poorly on McCain and Romney either. I just find it odd that Murkowski and Collins are vilified - even more so than the people who never show any sort of backbone.


anyway, here is a video of Harris talking about police reform in 2006. She’s been - and she’s the right person for this moment. It’s a shame we can’t have an intelligent discussion, and instead have to immediately turn to catch phrases..




Joe needs to announce her as his VP already and move on. Together they will be unstoppable and the earlier they make it official the better. I'm already looking forward to her 2024 campaign when Joe bows out for a 2nd term and let's her take over. It will happen.

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24 minutes ago, Jonathan said:



Damn a Biden landslide is looking good!

Still five months away! I wouldn't be making predictions just yet, didn't work out so well last time. 

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Yeah - who knows what will happen. Although Trump is probably in the worst position of any incumbent.

Joe doesn’t have 40 years of propaganda and misogyny stacked against him either.


and his ability to sell himself as an extension of the Obama administration will be a positive. Clinton tried that, but a lot of times after 8 years, people itch for something new. 

after getting something new, my guess is a lot of people would like an extension of the Obama administration...

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14 hours ago, mercfan3 said:

Yeah - who knows what will happen. Although Trump is probably in the worst position of any incumbent.

Joe doesn’t have 40 years of propaganda and misogyny stacked against him either.


and his ability to sell himself as an extension of the Obama administration will be a positive. Clinton tried that, but a lot of times after 8 years, people itch for something new. 

after getting something new, my guess is a lot of people would like an extension of the Obama administration...

The polling certainly looks that way, but we know how much stock to put in the polls when Donald is involved, lol. It's purely anecdotal but many of my friends who support him and even begrudgingly still view him as the lesser of two evils won't discuss it with their friends because people can't discuss issues now and have rational discussions. We will have to see. 

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23 hours ago, Drew said:

I'm honestly so proud of him. I think history will regard him extremely well. There's nothing wrong with being supportive of the movement. The crux of it isn't extreme at all. 

Mitt has come a long way since his first time meeting a black person



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