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Alex95 last won the day on April 17

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About Alex95

  • Birthday 06/11/1995

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  1. Katherine Izzo (Bachelor) Brooklyn Willie (Bachelor) Alyssa "Aly" Jacobs (Bachelor) Christina Mandrell (Bachelor)
  2. 5 Betty Yirsaw - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][Nicole] - NICOLE Britney Haynes - [Alison][Alison][Alison][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [Nicole][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [Alison][Alison][][][][][] Ika Wong - [Nicole][Nicole][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [Alison][Alison][][][][][] Jun Song - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][][][][] Karen Singbell - [][][][][][][] Rachel Reilly - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][NIcole] - NICOLE Sarah Hanlon - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][] Cassandra - Nicole ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted. The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.
  3. https://insidesurvivor.com/australian-survivor-planning-australia-vs-usa-season-with-survivor-legends-57299 Tina Wesson needs to come back to dominate Australia again!
  4. 4 Betty Yirsaw - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][][][] Britney Haynes - [Alison][Alison][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [Alison][Alison][][][][][] Ika Wong - [Nicole][Nicole][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [][][][][][][] Jun Song - [Nicole][Nicole][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [][][][][][][] Rachel Reilly - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][][][][] Sarah Hanlon - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][] Betty - Nicole ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted. The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.
  5. VOTE TO ADVANCE SIX Hand in my Pocket - Alanis Morissette - 8 (Elliott, Erik, Derek, Richard, Gigi, Corey, QK, Tom) You Learn - Alanis Morissette - 6 (Elliott, Derek, Richard, Corey, QK, Tom) No More I Love You's - Annie Lennox It’s Oh So Quiet - Bjork - 5 (Derek, Richard, Lily, Tom, Alex) On Bended Knee – Boyz II Men - 2 (Erik, Richard) Baby - Brandy - 4 (Erik, Gigi, Lily, Corey) Gangsta's Paradise – Coolio feat. L.V. - 4 (Elliott, Derek, Gigi, Alex) Name - The Goo Goo Dolls - 3 (Corey, QK, Alex) One of Us - Joan Osbourne - 3 (Elliott, Tom, Alex) Just A Girl - No Doubt - 8 (Elliott, Erik, Derek, Gigi, Lily, Corey, QK, Alex) High and Dry - Radiohead - 6 (Erik, Richard, Corey, QK, Tom, Alex) Kiss From A Rose – Seal - 4 (Erik, Derek, Lily, Tom) I Could Fall In Love – Selena - 3 (Richard, Gigi, Lily) Red Light Special - TLC - 3 (Elliott, Gigi, Lily)
  6. Katherine Izzo (Bachelor) Brooklyn Willie (Bachelor) Alyssa "Aly" Jacobs (Bachelor) Christina Mandrell (Bachelor) Rachel Recchia (Bachelor in Paradise) Jess Girod (Bachelor in Paradise) Kathy Swarts (Golden Bachelor) Joan Vassos (Golden Bachelor)
  7. @*Lily is your cut for Bachelor Jess or BIP Jess?
  8. 3 Betty Yirsaw - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][][][][] Britney Haynes - [Alison][][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [Alison][][][][][][] Ika Wong - [Nicole][Nicole][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [][][][][][][] Jun Song - [Nicole][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [][][][][][][] Rachel Reilly - [Nicole][Nicole][Nicole][][][][] Sarah Hanlon - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][] Betty - Nicole ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted. The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.
  9. @Solaris is up next to make his first 16 nominations.
  10. 2 Betty Yirsaw - [Nicole][Nicole][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [Alison][][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [Alison][][][][][][] Ika Wong - [Nicole][][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [][][][][][][] Jun Song - [Nicole][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [][][][][][][] Rachel Reilly - [Nicole][Nicole][][][][][] Sarah Hanlon - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][] Betty - Nicole ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted. The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.
  11. Great work @Steven_ as per usual!
  12. 1 Betty Yirsaw - [Nicole][][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [][][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [Alison][][][][][][] Ika Wong - [Nicole][][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [][][][][][][] Jun Song - [Nicole][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [][][][][][][] Rachel Reilly - [Nicole][][][][][][] Sarah Hanlon - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][] Betty - Nicole ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted. The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.
  13. About 8 and a half hours @jarmon @*Chris Abhishek "Shake" Chatterjee (House of Villains) Jenkin Edwards (Big Brother UK) Sisi Superstar (Canada’s Drag Race) Tom Bryant (Big Brother UK)
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