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The Voice S24 Semifinals - Predict.


The Voice S24 Semifinals - Predict.  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick the 4 PVs you think will happen (Not want)

    • Huntley
    • Ruby Leigh
    • Nini Iris
    • Mara Justine
    • BIAS
    • Jacquie Roar
    • Lila Forde
    • Jordan Rainer
    • Mac Royals

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Ruby and Huntley are obviously a lock to make the finale. I think Nini and Mara/Lila will get the pv as well. For the instant save I feel like it's between Jacquie/Lila/Mara if they are there and didn't ge the pv.

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Going into the week I would’ve said Ruby and Huntley are looks with Jacquie and Nini being able to get PVs. They would want more than two coaches there so then IS would be between Mac Lila and Bias with Mac favored imo. Now I think bias has a chance for PV over Jacquie or Nini and Mac could still get IS.

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Huntley and Ruby remain to be as locked as they can be.


Jordan, BIAS, and maybe Mac, would be added to the IS category. 


I'm leaning towards Jacquie needing to sing too, I think she'll be the one to win it if she's in the IS.


Lila being given the pimp spot intrigues me, perhaps she's very close to a PV? I think her or Mara will get the 4th PV now that I think about it. I think Nini will get the 3rd PV as well. 


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