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Big Brother 25


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1 hour ago, *Wallace said:

Not another Bowie Jane win with these mental comps, lol.

Once she won, this Double Eviction was pretty much set in stone.  She was the only woman dumb enough to not target Matt and Jag.


This was the last easy chance to get Jag out, and Cirie blew it.  (Yes, I'm putting it ALL on Cirie, because she had that HoH Competition in the palm of her hand and choked majorly.)


Not that there aren't still more chances.  It'll just be harder now, because he can play for every Veto going forward.


But they could've made it happen tonight!  He was awful at that Veto Competition!  If Cirie or America had gotten the HoH Competition and nominated him, he'd have lost the Veto and been gone!

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This end game is so boring :yawn:


felicia… wtf,going to jag with ciries thoughts :wacko:


bowie Jane win, I like to say it’s jags hoh all over again 

I don’t think big brother is for cirie. With survivor, there’s team and individual competitions. In big brother, there’s more comps and she’s not good at comps

nobody else wants to go after jag:wacko:


its crazy how cirie has lasted this long😂

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6 hours ago, FunkyFrankie said:

I think they’re more mental comps though 

That’s the point though. There haven’t been nearly enough mental comps this season. The show used to have a good balance of physical and mental comps, but these past few seasons have been very heavy on the physical ones. And without that balance, you get a situation like this season where the same 2-3 people win 90% of the comps so it becomes boring to watch. That DE could’ve been exciting if the veto was a mental comp instead of a physical one that was another easy win for Matt/Jag.


Until the show returns to the balance it used to have, strong and athletic males will continue to win a majority of the comps and we’ll see repeats of what happened this season.

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I appreciate twitter pretty much posting every Cirie clip from the episode so I don't have to watch it ❤️. Cirie's DR flipping off Matt, Jag, and Bowie Jane is certainly the DR highlight of the season.


This might be crazy to say, but entertainment wise this might be my favorite Cirie season of her RTV career? Maybe it's recency bias and I have to rewatch Micronesia which has previously been my favorite. But she truly gave us everything this season from gameplay to entertainment to humor to drama. There's literally nothing more you can want from an RTV character than what Cirie has provided this season. She's a legend for a reason and unfortunately those three jealous haters just can't relate 🙂

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Ugh Matt being a disappointing Fields son in nominating Cirie. 😭 I'm SO disappointed in him. :broken: 


Ah yeah I thought Cirie's last DR flipping off Matt/Jag/Bowie Jane was hilarious. Even when she's mad and ticked off at people, she does so in a charming and fun way. :haha: 

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The only compliment I will pay to BJ this season is now she's gone 100 days in big brother without a nomination. The longest season gives her the biggest record ever. Most of the greats can't say they went a whole season  without being nominated. So she's done something right and that alone I'd give her a pity win over either of the boys.




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Cirie's eviction. 😢 She's such a legend, class act and it's been a joy watching her on Big Brother. ❤️ She certainly made it much further than I expected as I thought she would have been targeted a long time ago. :haha: But making it 93 days with being such a reality TV show legend is so impressive! :yes: 


Eh I was feeling meh about a Bowie Jane HoH win. But like Sola, I'll give her some credit. She's really impressive in these mental challenges and the tiebreaker questions. Funny how she ended up in a tie 3 times and won them all. :haha: It's also very impressive how she's never been on the block when I thought she would have been the pawn star of the season.


Although with a Bowie Jane HoH, I'll take that for the off chance of a Jag blindside. But I will be prepared and expect that not to happen because nothing exciting like that will happen. :haha: I fully expect Felicia to go on Sunday.


OMGG whoa, I just realized.... one good thing about this Final 3 is that I got 3 of my 4 draft picks in the Final 4. :omg: Matt, Bowie Jane and Felicia. Sadly I expect them all to lose to Jag.

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4 hours ago, Alex95 said:

With Cirie's eviction is guarantees that someone will be winning the drafts!






We're in two 3 vs. 1 situations where it looks like @Steven_ and @*Wallace are the favorites to win their drafts. However, @*Lily and @jarmon are still alive looking to pull off an upset.

Woww slayy Steven & I on having 3 draft picks remaining! :omg: I feel like this is the best I've ever done on the BBUS draft.


Although it also just occurred to me that I very well could lose all 3 of my draft picks next week as I feel Jag has the best chances of winning. :dead: But I suppose Matt and Bowie Jane could have a shot as well.

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