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Top 12 Predictions + 2 Bonus (After Hollywood)


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  • istersay changed the title to Top 12 Predictions + 2 Bonus (After Hollywood)

I think the press release said we’re getting a Top 12, so I’m gonna do the Top 10 plus 2 judges wildcard picks. 

Before Hawaii, I’m thinking…


1. Iam Tongi

2. Colin Stough

3. Wé McDonald

4. Kaeyra 

5. Elijah McCormick

6. Megan Danielle

7. Haven Madison

8. Mariah Faith 

9. Lucy Love

10. Oliver Steele


11. Tyson Venegas 

12. Marybeth Byrd

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1. Marybeth 

2. We 

3. Elise 

4. Megan 

5. Olivia 

6. Haven



1. Iam Tongi 

2. Elijah 

3. Colin 

4. Zachariah 

5. Matt 

6. Michael 

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Based on the amount of TV air time and what the general public would normally go for, this is my list of predictions:



We Ani













Bonus (assuming these are wildcarded): Olivia/Paige and Dawson/Pjae





Edited by jazzontherocks
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On 4/17/2023 at 11:26 PM, sublymonal said:

Based on what I saw the past two nights:


1. Iam

2. Tyson

3. Colin

4. Matt

5. Michael

6. Marybeth

7. Nutsa

8. Megan

9. Wé

10. Zachariah

11. Oliver

12. Haven


Based on tonight:

  1. Iam
  2. Colin
  3. Tyson
  4. Oliver
  5. Haven
  6. Megan
  7. Nutsa
  8. Mary Beth
  9. Zachariah
  10. Michael
  11. Mariah
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My Top 12 after the Semifinals:



Iam Tongi

Warren Peay

Matt Wilson

Tyson Venegas (P)



We Ani


Olivia Soli


Lucy Love

Nailyah Serenity

Marybeth Byrd

Hannah Nicolaisen


First Four Out:

Zachariah Smith

Megan Danielle

Paige Anne

Mariah Faith


Bring on the WaffleFest! :muwahaha:

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Hmm! I think the judges will try to make it an even gender split going into the Top 12 with their wildcard so whichever way it falls in the ratio, I expect them to make it even.



1. We

2. Nailyah

3. Nutsa

4. Marybeth

5. Kaeyra

6. idk about the last woman Haven probably, maybe Meghan?




1. Iam

2. Warren

3. Zachariah

4. Tyson

5. Oliver

6. Michael


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