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Battles Premiere - Favorite Performance


Battles Premiere - Favorite Performance   

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose:

    • Austin Montgomery vs Tanner Fussell - Folsom Prison Blues
    • Rowan Grace vs Jillian Jordyn - Fingers Crossed
    • Valarie Harding vs Dia Malai - Bust Your Windows
    • Morgan Myles vs Steven McMorran - Wrecking Ball
  2. 2. Grade the Episode

    • A (amazing)
    • B (good)
    • C (ok)
    • D (Subpar)
    • F (fail)

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4. Austin Montgomery vs. Tanner Fussell - this felt like a pale imitation rather than an artistic interpretation. I chose Tanner as my winner because he at least gave some alternative flavor to his parts to make himself stand out.

3. Rowan Grace vs. Jillian Jordyn - the improvement here from both girls is obvious. I like how appropriate the song choice is to their artistry as well.

2. Dia Malai vs. Valarie Harding - solid R&B pairing. While the winner is pretty obvious, I think Dia did some really cool choices to keep Valarie on her toes.


1. Morgan Myles vs. Steven McMorran - they made it work despite the bizarre song choice. I looooooove Steven's voice, you can just hear the alternative rock in his voice here. I'm glad he was saved, I need to hear more!

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Great battles!

1. Steven McMorran vs Morgan Myles - I liked this much better upon a rewatch. Morgan had one of my favorite auditions, and Steven had one of my least favorites so color me surprised that I actually preferred him. I loooved the presence of his voice in the harmonies. No straining this time around. Morgan was excellent as expected, and I did actually prefer her in the beginning of the song.

2. Rowan Grace vs Jillian Jordyn - Rowan was stellar here. She got me from her first line and until her last. Jillian also improved a ton. 



3. Valarie Harding vs Dia Malai - This was decent, it just didn't grip me as much as I wanted it to. Valarie has a very powerful voice.



4. Austin Montgomery vs Tanner Fussell

Edited by FloorWax
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1 hour ago, erik g said:

1. Rowan and Jillian

2. Valerie and Dia

3. Morgan and Steven

4. Austin and Tanner

Edited my ranking. Both were great, But I think i preferred Morgan and Steven over Valerie and Dia

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1. Morgan vs. Steven*: Both were great! Morgan sounds like Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson, while Steven has an operatic voice with some folk influences. Steven deserved a save!


2. Dia* vs. Valarie: Both were very good! Valarie was maybe a bit better technically, although Dia did great as well and really embodied the song (Valarie also got the emotions of the song across). Valarie deserved the win, but I’m very disappointed Dia was eliminated. 




3. Austin vs. Tanner: I preferred Tanner but liked both. Not sure if a steal or save would be warranted considering how many artists there are, but Tanner went out on a high note!


4. Jillian vs. Rowan: Jillian improved greatly from her very mediocre blind! She sounded good, but you can tell she doesn’t have a lot of experience. Rowan has a great, airy voice! They didn’t match the magic of the original, but they were good! I preferred Rowan.

Bold means they were better (not sure who out of Dia and Valarie were better), while a star means whomever is not bolded still deserved a steal or save.


Edited by Anybody354
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Really enjoyed this one. A- for me as well.


1. Morgan vs Steven: Aside from that slightly iffy opening harmony, they shined together throughout. Morgan displayed inmense power and Steven kept up with her admirably, plus the harmonies were fantastic on those choruses. I actually prefer Steven´s tone, but I can´t deny the masterclass Morgan gave, so she gets the win. Great job by both.


2. Rowan vs Jillian : Rowan stepped it up big time. Loved the combination of softness and power, and she sounded splendidly polished. Jillian left behind the nerves as well. Pleasantly surprised by this one.


3. Austin vs Tanner : This one grew on me big time, since it initially didn´t grab me, but honestly, they did mesh well together, and despite imitation issues, the performance was quite enjoyable. Giving this one to Austin, since I think he carried a better deal of the song.


4. Valerie vs Dia: Vocally, it was more proficient than my 3rd choice, but it left me a bit cold, like I was waiting for a climax that never really arrived. I would have awarded the win to Dia, personally. I think she embodied the character well, and as a whole, left a sense of who she is as an artist.


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1. Morgan vs Steven

2. Rowan vs Jillian

3. Valarie vs Dia (Valarie was better throughout but I like Dia’s voice more)



4. Austin vs Tanner


Battle premiere was good but it didn’t have the highs of last season’s. I gave it a B.

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4 minutes ago, Daillon said:

Battle premiere was good but it didn’t have the highs of last season’s. I gave it a B.


Decent compared to last season, amazing compared to this past season :haha:

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1. Rowan vs. Jillian — iconic, amazing, sooo impressive. Both of them stepped it up a ton. Really wish Jillian got a steal/save.

2. Valarie vs. Dia — hard for me to pick a winner; Valarie was stronger vocally but Dia was more in character.

3. Morgan vs. Steven — frankly, I think I would’ve preferred this if it were a Morgan solo performance. She hit some very impressive notes. Steven also was vocally impressive but it didn’t sound very natural; perhaps he just needs a song choice that’s more in his vocal zone?

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11 hours ago, QueenCami said:

1. Rowan vs. Jillian — iconic, amazing, sooo impressive. Both of them stepped it up a ton. Really wish Jillian got a steal/save.

2. Valarie vs. Dia — hard for me to pick a winner; Valarie was stronger vocally but Dia was more in character.

3. Morgan vs. Steven — frankly, I think I would’ve preferred this if it were a Morgan solo performance. She hit some very impressive notes. Steven also was vocally impressive but it didn’t sound very natural; perhaps he just needs a song choice that’s more in his vocal zone?

Gonna give this an A, because all three performances were strong. Last year’s battle premiere lineup was also very good, but I don’t want to be super stingy with my As because, ultimately, I think it’s going to be hard to get more consistently strong episodes (particularly with the episodes w/ more performances).

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