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GIGI HADID : Welcome to the seventh week of the competition where our models will be channeling

Cycle 10's Fuerza Bruta. This photoshoot is certainly one of their most challenging, thus far, where 

we will expect them to give us a dynamic pose, movements, or even in a water setting with vibrant

colors. Will they manage to impress the panel of judges ? We are about to find out but first, let's say

hello to our judges - celebrity photographer, Mike Ruiz and ANTM Cycle 10's contestant, Katarzyna !


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GIGI HADID :  Judges, what are you expectations for this week ? 


MIKE RUIZ I expect the models to show us some improvements, especially in the pose departement.


KATARZYNA I only have high expectations because I slayed this photoshoot. So good luck, b!tches !


GIGI HADID Thank you, judges ! And now, let's the judging commence.... 





GIGI HADID Fatima, let's start with the positive of this picture : I applaud you for going down the creative route for this shoot. I love the intensity in your pose, and I could certainly see this pose working in the actual Fuerza Bruta shoot.  That being said, I have some small criticisms : I do wish it was a full body shoot, and that there was some water element. But overall, it is an interesting take on the theme and I enjoyed it. 


MIKE RUIZ When I saw this picture, I was so intrigued. I saw just the top half and was excited to scroll down and see the rest... and then there was no rest. It's a stunning picture visually, but it's incomplete. It's a shame, because I think this could have been one of the strongest of the week if your whole body was in the frame.


KATARZYNA I have to agree with my colleagues here. It is a striking photo with those color choices and the movement your body is giving, however the cropping sadly makes the end result to feel incomplete. It could have easily been FCO had we seen your whole body in it.






MIKE RUIZ I love that you incorporated water into your picture this week, and you look absolutely fantastic here. I guess this just feels a bit... obvious for me? I've already seen this type of picture from you, so at this point, I'm wanting you to branch out more and go for something that'll really surprise me. It's still a great shot, but I think if you want to see a 9 or better from me, you'll have to think more outside the box.


KATARZYNA I agree with Mike on this one as it certainly looks a bit repetitive and similar to what you has given us in previous weeks. The Gemini shoot a couple of weeks back comes right to mind when I see this. Having said that, you look stunning and I like the rawness that you're giving me. I think you did a great job this week, but I want you to be more daring in your choices for the next shoots.


GIGI HADID Nyle, you're certainly nailing the pose element of the brief. And I love the position of your head, and the look on your face - there's something so relaxing about it.  I also like the inclusion of water in the setting, although I wish there was some water splash or something to elevate the picture. That being said, I am not necessarily a fan of the crop of the picture, as well as the black & white as I wish there was more colors to make the image stand -out. Overall, I believe you did the best you could with what you were given, even though the picture gives me more Zumanity than Fuerza Bruta. 





KATARZYNA : Perfection!! You commanded this picture like no other and was able to deliver a very striking pose that fit perfectly the brief. Every aspect from this photo was just that well though that the result couldn't be anything else than perfect. This is your best photo so far in the competition. 


GIGI HADID Eugena, WOW... You absolutely killed the pose aspect of the brief, which is the most important part of the shoot.  While there's a few modification that could have elevated it, such as more vibrant colours or some cropping, this picture is the closest one to fit the Fuerza Bruta vibe.  As a whole, this is a strong picture from your part !


MIKE RUIZ The entire visual of this picture is spectacular. Your pose fills the frame and draws all the attention to you despite the background, and it all feels well-thought out without being contrived. I think if your face had caught the light more, this would be a perfect 10 for me; you're not quite registering as 100% yourself here. Still, great job. 





GIGI HADID :  Allison, I do admire your take on this theme but I feel that we are losing you in this picture ? I really like your pose but I find myself focusing too much on the loss of your left arm and the crop of your right arm.  That being said, the overall feel of the picture is really convincing me that you are part of Fuerza Bruta. 


KATARZYNA Allison you have a very distinct look that can easily fall into being repetive but I really appreciate that despite that, you have made an effort to present us different looks in each of your photos. I like what you did this time with your face and the choices you made with your body language. My only critique would be that i wish the cropping of the picture was different and I could see your entire body, as I think it had the potential to be a perfect picture. But overall a very nice photo from you.


MIKE RUIZ  LOVE the colors here, and the elongation of your body really makes the picture stand out. Facially, it's good, but I also think you could be stronger. I would have liked to see you commit more to an emotion of some sort, be it serenity, strength, et cetera. Overall, though, very good work in my book.





GIGI HADID  Erin, I really like this image.  For me, your image is the closest one to the actual shoot from Cycle 10.  This would have been a home run, for me, had your image been a full body shoot with more vibrant colors in the water, and perhaps a rotation of the image. Overall, this is a great image and I can certainly see the influence of the original shoot. 


MIKE RUIZ Visually, it's gorgeous. You're really committing to a feeling of sensuality here, especially in your expression, and the water only accentuates what you're already doing. I agree with Gigi that I would have liked a bit more color, and I personally would've liked to see a little more free-flowing movement in your pose, as the body reads a bit linear. All that said, it's still a fantastic shot.


KATARZYNA  I'll pretty much echo Gigi and Mike's comment and tell you that you look fantastic in this and it is definitely a good representation of the Fuerza Bruta theme. Again like some of the pictures before, the complete display of your body could have taken this into the perfection area, however it is still a great great picture so good job this week Erin.





KATARZYNA : I think this is a very nice approach to the theme and I appreciate that you took a risk while doing your poses. The dress looks divine and I like how it compliments itself well with your make-up and face. My only critique would be that I hope I wasn't losing your neck behind the dress as I think it would have made this even more regal. Having said that, I really like this and I think you're on your way back to the Naima we have loved since the beginning.


GIGI HADID  Naima, I love how you look like you're under water especially with the movement of your garments - I have to command you as you're the only one who gave us movement with their garments, similar like the original shoot.  My only criticism is that I wish you had a more dynamic pose but I blame that on the corset which seems to restrain you with your movement. Overall, this is a commendable effort & I like the overall feel of the image.


MIKE RUIZ It's a very regal image, which I think works quite well for the theme, and you look phenomenal in the costuming. Like Gigi, I would have liked a looser pose, and I feel like facially, you look a bit squished. Just remember to be aware of your angles. 





MIKE RUIZ : It's a very visually intriguing picture, and I especially love the movement in your legs. I do feel like the shot is slightly tentative from the waist up, though. Your arms are a bit flimsy and are just sort of hanging there without much purpose. It's important to remember to be cognizant of every part of your body. 


KATARZYNA This is definitely a return to form Winnie. I love that you went with a dynamic pose and that you were able to create those angles with your arms and legs, without losing the intensity on your face. The movement of the dress is pretty spectacular and it adds to an already very good picture. Very very good job this week Winnie.


GIGI HADID Winnie, I think this is your best image in WEEKS.  In this picture, we can totally see that you pushed yourself with your pose and styling - I personally love your dress and its colors as it reminds me of the colors featured in the original Fuerza Bruta show.  Like Naima, I love the movement of your dress especially how it looks like water is coming off of the dress.  While there's a lot of positive with your image, I could have done with the shoes and I wish your right arm wasn't cut off or perhaps in a different position.  But as a whole, this picture is a strong one and certainly up there as one of the highlight of the week, in my opinion. 





KATARZYNA  I love that after your first FCO you just decided to keep slaying and you just managed to deliver another flawless picture Leila. There's really nothing to critique here, you just slayed this hard and it is as perfect as a photo can get. Flawless.


MIKE RUIZ The impact of this picture is just stellar. That doesn't look like an easy pose to pull off underwater, but you're pulling it off effortlessly. The legs, the arm, it all comes together so well, and the drama... wow. My only critique here is that you lost the light a bit in your face, so like Eugena, you're not exactly recognizable in this shot. That said, it's still my favorite of the week from both a composition and a modeling standpoint. Fantastic work. 


GIGI HADID Leila, I am speechless by this image.  I believe this is as close to perfection that we will get with this photoshoot.  Just wow!





GIGI HADID I am kinda confused by this picture ?  You look gorgeous but I feel that you failed to hit a lot element of the brief, especially giving us a dynamic pose or some movements.  You look gorgeous, and I think under a different theme, this image would have been a hit but again, I fail to see how this is tie to the actual shoot or Fuerza Bruta's concept - it's just a bit too dark for my liking. 


MIKE RUIZ I disagree with Gigi on this one, actually. I think the picture is definitely on brief, with the dramatic vibes in both your hand positioning and the overall composition of the shot. You did a great job capturing the drama of the shoot, and your expression is to die for. What might be missing are some of the more interesting, unexpected angles that would've really made the shot pop that much more. That aside, I think this is a good return to form for you, regardless of what happens this week.


KATARZYNA I think you look stunning and this picture could have been an FCO in a different theme, but like Gigi I failed to see the connection to theme.





MIKE RUIZ The overall image is strong, but I think a lot of that is due to the composition. I like what you're doing with your pose; it's one of the more free-flowing images of the week. Facially, you lose me a bit. Perhaps you were going for a more serene expression, but it just reads a bit blank. I almost wish your face wasn't straight to camera; a different angle might've executed that serene vibe better. 


GIGI HADID: While the element of the shoot isn't necessarily tied in with Fuerza Bruta, you absolutely nailed the pose - you have one of the most convincing pose of the week, in my opinion.  And I love how piercing your eyes are in this picture.  Had this picture been taken in a water setting like the Cycle 10's photoshoot, I do believe that your pose would have fitted right in.   I just wish you had more vibrant colors in the picture to really elevate the image but overall, it is a strong image !


KATARZYNA My comments to AzMarie pretty much applied to you this week as well Don. Your face is to die for and like Gigi and Mike said, the positioning of your body is just on point. But again I just don't see the connection with the theme in this one.  













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GIGI HADID : Models, for the next theme, you will have to take on ...
































In the 8th week of the competition, you will be taking on Cycle 23's "Avant Garde Supermarket" !

Your main goal for the week will be to serve some avant garde fashion / haute couture. We will

be looking to sell your outfit or accessories as fashionable, luxurious, wearables. Your challenge

for this theme will be to make sure that your outfit or accessories are not wearing or overshing

your modelling - we do not want to lose you in the picture.  No requirement regarding the pose 

or a full-body shoot - the main thing to remember is that we do not want to lose you in the picture. 



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4 minutes ago, .Rei said:

was this really a theme???? did that picture get FCO??? yikes



No, it did not get FCO.

I went with some of my favourites photo for the graphics, or in India case, because she looks like GiGi :giggle: 

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