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GIGI HADID : Welcome to the fifth week of the competition where our models will be giving us their take on
Cycle 3's Zodiac photoshoot. They will need to provide us with a dynamic while portraying a zodiac sign or an
element (air/fire/earth/water/wood) or anything related to astrology (consolations, planets, stars).   We are about

to find out how successful the models were but but first, let's check in with our beloved judges ;


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GIGI HADID : Welcome back judges ! We are in the fifth week of the competition, is there anything that you
expect from models especially at this point of the competition ? Or any advices, especially from you Katarzyna?


MIKE RUIZ Consistency is certainly going to be key from now on, but they also have to remember that taking
risks will pay off in the long run. Playing it safe at this point of the competition won't cut it, going forward. 


KATARZYNA My advice... be yourself ! Make sure you know how to let your presence known, as you all know
that it took me way too long to show personality during my season. But now that I am a top model and a judge,

I am no longer that boring model from ANTM but the fierce judge from ANTM : LEGENDS. Yes, Tyra is shook!


GIGI HADID Thank you judges & I am sure that the models will take those advices and run with it!






GIGI HADID : Eugena, I might not be able to speak for the other judges, but this image is absolutely spectacular.  This is the first week that you were able to achieve every part of the brief, especially nailing the most important part, a dynamic pose, to really elevate your image.  On top of your pose, I am in love with your styling and your facial expressions.  We can easily see what you were trying to portray, although I do wish you had a bow in your hand but that's just some little editing. Overall, this is one of your best yet and you should be proud of the image that you just produced !


MIKE RUIZ : I think your pose works terrifically for the theme. You look strong and statuesque. The close-up could be a bit more powerful, but overall, this is definitely your best picture so far.


KATARZYNA I understand where Gigi comes from about you nailing the brief with this photo. The whole idea and composition of the shot really worked for you. Your body looks absolutely amazing and it is a very good representation of Sagitarius as a zodiac sign. The only did that didn't work that much for me is your face, I think you were more focused on the rest of your body that you forgot to give more intensity to your expression. But it is a minor critique on an overall very solid picture.






MIKE RUIZ : I'm not 100% sold on the demure approach you took this week, but I actually really like the overall silhouette of your picture. You were very mindful of your body here and created some fantastic angles. I do believe you could have done better, but I think we're holding you to a higher standard because we know how much you've worked post-show.


KATARZYNA : I think the Gemini sign is arguably the easiest to portray so if you're going with that route I would not accept anything less than stelar. And to me this is just average to be honest. You look nice, your outfit looks good but you didn't take any risks whatsoever and this is just gonna be forgotten by the end of the show. A bit disappointed from you Winnie this week.


GIGI HADID: Miss Winnie, there's no denying that you nailed the brief by giving us a dynamic pose & not making us guess which signs you're suppose to portray.  That being said, I do wish that you could have pushed yourself more with your pose as there's a bit of a lack of creativity ; This is exactly what I expected from someone portraying Gemini as it's very similar to Tatiana's picture from the shoot in C3.  Overall, you look great as always and it's a great image - just remember to not be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone to take some risk, as we all know that you are capable of delivering some breathtaking pictures.






KATARZYNA : I don't think anyone has been as consistent as you this cycle. This is once again, a wonderful photo from you. The choices made in this photo with the twins having different outfits, personalities and looks was just brilliant. The little detail with the painting on the back was also the cherry on the top. I really really love this picture. Brilliant Naima, once again.


GIGI HADID : Naima, you have yet to take a wrong step in the competition and this week is no exception.  I am absolutely in love with your take on gemini - the contrast of the red & black, the image of the twins behind you, and both of your pose are flawless.  Overall, this image is a HIT, in my book ! 


MIKE RUIZ : I think the overall image is stronger than the sum of its parts. I don't love the version of you in the background; I think your front self is stealing the show from her a bit. Nonetheless, I like that this is a different sort of take on the theme, and I agree with the others that the little details like the painting really make the picture stand out.






MIKE RUIZ This picture is simply magical. You look so at peace, gliding effortlessly through the water and elongating yourself perfectly. Truly a wonderful exemplification of your theme. Not too much more to add.


GIGI HADID Fatima, this image could have represented water but I have to say that I love that you used it to represent pisces, as everything about this image works for it (e.g. : your pose, the movement, the colors).  Simply put, this image is flawless.


KATARZYNA : There's nothing really to critique with this picture. It is one of the best photos I've ever seen and it couldn't be more connected to Piscis. This reminded me to a photoshoot I did years ago called Fuerza Bruta that I also nailed. Funny how I'm having all this Deja Vu's with you this cycle Fatima.






MIKE RUIZ : t's a beautiful picture. The styling is on-point, and you carry it well. I really like the innocent approach you took, although I think if you had relaxed into the shot just a bit more, the overall shot might've had more impact. Still, you did great. That close-up especially is superb.


GIGI HADID : You absolutely look gorgeous in this image while representing mother nature, which I assume is why you decided to go with the earth element.  That being said, I do wish you had a more dynamic pose instead of just sitting there and giving us face - no issues with giving us faces but a dynamic pose could have elevated the image, for me.  


KATARZYNA : I think you look stunning on this picture but like Gigi said I wish you could have taken more risks with your pose. I think this would have worked better for a beauty shoot instead. Good job but you could have meet the brief better.






KATARZYNA I'm sorry Don but this just didn't worked for me this time. I think there's a risk when you put on an outfit like this to not make fun of the theme. It just look like you put on a costum and decided that that would do. Your face looks great but except for that, nothing else worked for me.


GIGI HADID : Don, I absolutely love your level of commitment here with the styling. That being said, I do wish you could have given us more personality in this picture - I wish you could have been sitting on a throne or showing more passion or theatrical in this image, as that's what Leos are known for.  As well, I do wish we could have gotten a more dynamic pose... As a whole, the image is not terrible but I wish your commitment to the image did not stop at the styling. 


MIKE RUIZ I think you definitely look the part with your styling. I agree that this isn't a take on the theme that's typical, but I actually sort of like that. You look almost like a lion that's been cast out from the pride. I think if that was the approach you were you going for, I would've liked to see a bit more commitment. Otherwise, though, I do like this picture.






GIGI HADID : Leila, I am absolutely WOW'ed by you in this image.  This week, you nailed everything from the brief - dynamic pose, and you managed to portray Aquarius perfectly with your styling of a goddess in front of the waterfalls.  Another excellent week, for you! 


MIKE RUIZ : Again, you absolutely nailed it. You look simultaneously elegant and powerful in this picture, and you're working wonderfully with the setting to create this image of a warrior. Superb job for the second week running.


KATARZYNA : This is just stunning Leila. There's so many great parts from this photo. Your face looks fierce AF. The position of your arms are flawless. The position of your body, stunning. Your pointed feet, spectacular. Two weeks on row with a home run. Amazing!







MIKE RUIZ  I think it's a really cool shot. Like with Leila, there's both a serenity and a strength to your picture that really works for me. You're carrying the styling quite well and look very tall. The biggest drawback here for me is just that there's too much that distracts away from you. Get rid of the clutter in the background, crop the shot a little closer, and it'd be up there as one of my favorites this week.


GIGI HADID Azmarie, let's start with the positive of this image : your styling is on point, from head to toe especially those pants which are to die for.  But unfortunately, that's not enough to make the image to standout from this crop of excellent images ; I wish the setting of the image was a bit more different as it feel more like a candid runway picture than a photoshoot. And for the post, I think you could have really elevate it if your upper body would have been turned towards the camera with you serving us FACE. Overall, a strong attempt with this brief but it simply doesn't measure up to the other images for me.


KATARZYNA: I see where Gigi comes from cause this just doesn't fit the brief at all in my opinion, there's nothing that read Piscis to me. Having said that, I think you look absolutely stunning on this and I love this photo. Had the theme been runway show, your would have been the best of the week, but I have to take some points cause you missed the mark on the theme.






KATARZYNA Oh my!!! Are you single Nyle? I have my very good friend Rei that would be very interested 🙂 I think this is another strong picture from you that just fit the overall Gemini theme very well. And you looked spectacular doing. Congrats.


GIGI HADID : Nyle, I love how you showcase two different personalities in this image which represents Gemini perfectly.  The setting of the image is risky but I do like the vulnerability, and I think this is what sets your image apart from the other two images.  As an overall image, I enjoy it and I believe you were able to achieve what you wanted to achieve with this theme. 


MIKE RUIZ : I think the photo almost crosses into OnlyFans territory, but other than that, it's a very compositionally intriguing shot. I like the symmetry in your poses and the juxtaposition of the closed eyes to the open eyes. This picture definitely fits your theme.






GIGI HADID : Allison, this is an excellent take on the theme / brief.  On top of being a fan of your take on the theme, I really love your styling and the way you photographed. I am unsure how my fellow judges will feel about this image but I know that I love it !


MIKE RUIZ : It's interesting. I'm usually your biggest fan, but this isn't my favorite picture from you. I like the demure approach you took, but I feel like you're getting washed out by almost every aspect of the shot, from the makeup to the lighting and even to the headpiece. I do like the wardrobe here, but I just wish you yourself stood out more.


KATARZYNA : This is definitely the most artsy approach to this theme and I sort of like it. It is definitely a different attempt in comparison to the rest of the pictures but I like that you took a risk and you gave a strong picture. I think my major complaint would be the pink and circles background as it overlapped with the whole galaxy vibe, but I still like what you did with your body and your face. So a good attempt from you Allison.






MIKE RUIZ : While I wish you were doing a little bit more with the pose, this picture is definitely a striking one. The dress looks phenomenal and is totally on-brief, and there's a confidence to what you're doing here that I don't usually see from you. Very good work.


KATARZYNA : Definitely the most creative photo of the bunch. I think this is your best photo of your journey and it reaches the level that we know you can give us every week. If you survive, I beg you to keep this same level.


GIGI HADID : For me, you win the most creative image of the week - I love how you have the constellation portrayed on your dress while giving us a bit of Black Swan realness with your style.  My only criticism is that the quality of the background take a the focus a way from the stars on your dress. Overall, this was a great image !






GIGI HADID Toccara, I appreciate your take on Taurus as you decided to showcase some of their traits (e.g.: powerful, determined, fearless) instead of trying to look like a Taurus.  Overall, I think you were able to achieve that and produce a strong image - I do wish we could see more of your face as that's been our criticism from your image since the start of the competition.  


KATARZYNA This doesn't necessarily read Taurus to me, I think it would have been better if you had picked Leo instead. I like your body language and how you're giving a lot of attitude on your pose. I do agree with Gigi about the face. If you survive, please focus more on your eyes and your expression.  


MIKE RUIZ I like the attitude in your pose, and you're carrying the wardrobe very well. Having said that, I do feel that just like Allison, you look a bit washed out in your picture this week. I agree with the other judges that I would've liked your face to be more visible, because I think that could have taken this over the top.















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GIGI HADID Models, the upcoming photoshoot will be the one that might set some of you apart.
You are asked to take on a theme from Cycle 17 of America's Next Top Model.... 



























Up to this point, you were asked to take more risks and go down a more editorial route. But this week, you will be participating

in a campaign for Very.com. You can go down whichever route you wish (e.g.: edgy, chic, casual). Remember that while you are

modelling, you must also be able to showcase your outfits / accessories and make us want to buy it. To really elevate your picture

and to set you apart, do not hesitate to showcase a dynamic pose  or a pose with motion like Sophie, Laura, and Kyle; If you are able

to sell of your garment while giving us that kind of pose, you have what it takes to be in the competition. At the end of the day, you

have to remember that you are a TOP MODEL and not a catalogue model so we are expecting high quality image for this theme !



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  • *Chris changed the title to ANTM : LEGENDS (Week 5's Photoshoot / Week 6's Theme Posted)

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