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GIGI HADID : Welcome to the eight week of the competition where our models will be channeling haute-couture

or avant-garde as they were assigned Cycle 23's Avant Garde Supermarket for this week's photoshoot. The main

goal for the week was to sell their outfit as wearable, luxury, and fashionable. And of course, they have to ensure

that their garment is not overshadowing their modelling or not wearing them - they have to not get lost in their 

garment.  And now, let's welcome our panel of well-respected photographer, Mike Ruiz, and top model, Katarzyna!


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GIGI HADID Thank you for channeling the avant-garde week !

It's time to see how our models made out with Avant-Garde's week !





GIGI HADID  Naima, when I think of avant-garde, this is exactly what comes to mind ! In my opinion, you nailed everything from the styling to the facial expression. And you managed to make the overall look seem expensive & luxurious - you're wearing it and not letting it wear you.  After your performance of the last two weeks, it is safe to say that the Naime we once knew is back & letting her presence known. 


MIKE RUIZ It's a phenomenal shot. The composition is great, the wardrobe is fantastical yet elegant, and you pull it off with ease. I think with a little more shape in the arms, this would be a perfect 10 for me. Absolutely great work, all in all.


KATARZYNA I think this is your best photo so far in the competition and you had had some great ones up until this point, so that says a lot already. This is just perfection in my eyes. You look so regal and I actually like that you went soft with your pose cause with that outfit and look you didn't really need to go super crazy. Bravo Naima.





MIKE RUIZ : It's another great picture of you. The pose looks effortless but well-thought out at the same time, and your face photographed amazingly. Personally, I would've liked to see you play into a more whimsical vibe with your styling, but that's my only complaint.

KATARZYNA : I normally take issue whenever I'm not able to see the eyes cause that's usually the way to connect to the audience, but this time around it doesn't actually subtract to the overall product as your profile looks absolutely stunning and your styling is very much on point. I would have liked to see though a more Avant Garden vibe from you and a better croping of the picture but it is a great attempt nevertheless. 


GIGI HADID :  I appreciate that you went the high-fashion route despite it not being "out-there" as we would expect from Avant-Garde or Haute Couture. But the overall styling, from the sunglasses to the hair, along with the pose really brings it all together. You look expensive & chic, and I am here for it! The only criticism is that I do wish the crop of the picture would have been different but overall, this is a great picture !





GIGI HADID Winnie, there's no denying that look the part for the week although I do think you could have pushed yourself a bit more, which been one of the criticism that we've had since the start. I know that in the past I criticized you for your expression for being lifeless, but in this picture, it somehow work for me as I do get sadness when looking at the picture.  That being said, I feel the flowers are taking too much space in the picture, from your outfit and the overall picture.  Overall, this is a great attempt at the theme but I believe you could have pushed yourself a bit more. 


KATARZYNA I think you had all the components to make this a home run. You had the look, the face, setting, the flowers. Everything was there but it somehow ended up being a flop. The flowers took up half of the photo and covered that beautiful dress you are wearing. Like Gigi said, I don't mind the sad look as it could have fit the mood of the picture, but there's a difference between sadness and just lacking intensity on your expression which is what just happened this time. You better step up next week Winnie.


MIKE RUIZ This is a disappointment for me. The composition of the shot is eye-catching, and you pull off that headpiece so well, but otherwise, I don't get much from the picture. You're completely covered up from the abdomen down, and what little of your pose that's visible is just a whole lot of nothing. Just overall not the right approach for the shoot.





KATARZYNA : One of the most interesting compositions so far for sure. You look divine and like my colleagues said, that dress is just incredible. I don't mind if the pose is simple as long as you back it up with a very intense face and I would say that this is not on the level that we know you can deliver. Had you shown more intensity on the eyes this could have easily been another FCO for you Leila. It is still a terrific job though. 


GIGI HADID Leila, first of all, the dress is stunning - I could totally see this one being wore by some of the top models of the world on the runway for some of the biggest haute-couture designer in the world.  There's something about this picture that's incredibly intriguing between the "angelic" feel meet a dark feel.  My only issue, this week, is that I wish there was more versatility to the picture as you're just standing there - you're doing so perfectly - as it give me the impression that the outfit is wearing you / outshining you instead of the other way around. 


MIKE RUIZ I'm gonna echo Gigi for this one. It's absolutely a brilliant shot from a composition and wardrobe perspective, and you're doing your part here to pull everything off. I just would've liked you to step outside the box slightly more, because what you're bringing to the shot is a bit on the safe side. All things considered, still a terrific job.





GIGI HADID : There's something that happened to you, since last week, as this is the 2nd week in a row that you completely blown me away ! Thus far, this week, you are really the only one who went all-out with this theme - you are giving us AVANT GARDE from head to toe, from your make-up to your hair to the outfit. You're not letting the dress wear you while you're modelling it - it's obvious that you understand the garment that you are wearing especially by the way you found a way to add movement to it while giving us an incredible pose.  Another week & another slay from you, Eugena! 


MIKE RUIZ Hm, I can see where Gigi is coming from here, but I can't say I completely agree. The styling is very much on-brief, and the pose accentuates it brilliantly. There's just something about you here that reads somewhat wooden... perhaps it's your expression. I think with a few tweaks, this could have been a knockout, but it's not quite there.


KATARZYNA Ugh I wanted to love this as much as a Gigi did but like Mike said, there's something that is missing for me to give it all the high marks I wanted to. I think it all comes down to the face for me, I mean you look stunning like you usually do but it reads a bit frantic for me. The rest of the picture is pretty much spectacular and i think you pretty much nailed the brief the best.





MIKE RUIZ In terms of the brief, this is just snoozy for me, in all honesty. You look gorgeous here like always, but I don't see you bringing anything I can really latch onto. It's a great picture of you that doesn't fit the brief at all, and I really want to see you step out again like you have in past shoots.


GIGI HADID : Similar to Erin, you decided to go on an different take on the theme by going more high-fashion than avant-garde. But unlike Erin, there's nothing with the picture that gives it haute-couture feeling, wether it be accessories or styling, beside your hair. You absolutely look gorgeous, in this picture, but unfortunately, it just doesn't fit the overall brief for me. And I will be honest, I was hoping that you would have pushed your limit with this shoot, especially after your close-call, last week.


KATARZYNA I will pretty much echo the comments of my colleagues. You look stunning as usual and given a different theme you would have probably sailed to the top, unfortunately this just doesn't fit the brief at all and it just seems like you just picked just a nice picture from you and didn't worry about the theme.





GIGI HADID : Allison, this theme was made for someone like you & you did not disappoint.  Everything in the picture was thought through - the make-up, the hair, the pose, the facial expression, the outfit, the accessories and props, and the overall setting of the picture. All of those thing combine gives us a flawless picture for this theme! 


MIKE RUIZ I think you get a bit swallowed up by the styling and makeup here, but otherwise, I love the character you're bringing to the photo. You're really one of the only ones this week to commit to a role of sorts, and for me, that makes all the difference this week. Superb work.


KATARZYNA I agree more with Mike than I do with Gigi on this one, cause I also think the whole styling is actually subtracting from the overall result a bit. There are definitely some brilliant bits like the gloves and the use of the hands but the make-up is a bit too much for me. I still think that you really commited with your attitude and I like some of the choices you took but I would have preferred that you were the star of the photo and not everything else.






KATARZYNA : I think the same comments that I made to Fatima apply to you this week Don. It is a great picture like my colleagues said but it just doesn't fit the theme.  You have also gotten criticism over the weeks of your lack of versatily when it comes to your modeling and this is another example of something that you have already gave us before. 


GIGI HADID : There's no denying that this theme should have been a miss or a challenge for you, but you were able to deliver a great picture !  I am in love with your pose, and I think you look fantastic as always!  You were really able to showcase the look to the best of your ability without letting it outshining you. My only issue is that I do wish the picture was not in black & white as I think it would have elevated the picture.  Excellent job !


MIKE RUIZ : It's certainly an interesting shot. Ultimately, though, I'm not 100% getting the brief here. This was your chance to go very fantastical and try something new, yet I feel like you're still in that "pretty boy with an edge" box. It's overall a good picture that falls short of the theme for me, and I think if you survive this week, you'll want to work more on adapting to the creatives you're given.






GIGI HADID :  I have to be honest that I was very nervous for you, this week, but you managed to actually surprised me, the most. The styling is certainly avant-garde and it really helps you stand-out among the other models. I do love that you are giving us variety in term of your pose, this week, while still serving us some good expression.  That being said, I do have some little issues - I wish your neck was straight instead of tilted as we completely lost your neck. As well, I do wish we could seen your body in its entirety but overall, this is a great take on the theme - you should be proud of yourself for pushing yourself out of your comfort level !


MIKE RUIZ For me, this is somewhat of a disappointment. While I like that you were one of the ones to go more avant-garde with the styling, you're modelling it in a halfhearted way. I think you certainly look handsome and interesting, but you also look stiff and bored. Also, from a technical perspective, I don't want to see any more of these low-resolution shots, either. Your modeling shouldn't be the only high quality part of your pictures.


KATARZYNA It's definitely a tough week for you boys. While I think you did much better than Don there are also some negatives as well that shouldn't be forgiven. Like Mike said, we expect better resolution from all of your photos, so everybody should start paying attention to it. And like Gigi said, had you straightened out your neck, the overall shot would have looked much better. I give you props for actually committing to the Avant Garden theme though. 













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GIGI HADID : Models, for the next theme, you will have to take on ...





























In Cycle 20, the models participated in a campaign to promote one's flaws & embracing them. 

With this theme, you will channelling a similar approach - we are asking you to showcase what

makes you UNIQUE (e.g.: height, hair, eyes, forehead, nose, etc). You have to also remember 

that this is a CAMPAIGN - we will expect some HIGH QUALITY modelling while embracing your

uniqueness / flaws. We want to see you guys push yourself - playing it safe will not cut it with 

this theme.  As well, if you wish to elevate your image, an image with other models or in a 

similar setting (e.g.: school) would help you achieve that.  And when you're submitting your

picture, I ask that you provide us with your flaw or your uniqueness as it help you sell your image.



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  • *Chris changed the title to ANTM : LEGENDS (Week 8's Photoshoot / Week 9's Theme Posted)

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