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SYTYCD Worldwide Rankdown


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Missy Morelli



I honestly could not remember who this is. Even looking at her picture she kind of looks familiar but I do not remember from which season or anything she did unfortunately, hence she is getting eliminated. She was just the first name that I did not think was saved and one that I did not know, so apologies if anyone is mad at eliminating her, I really do not have any ill will towards her. Googling her, it looks like she was a jazz dancer on Season 8 and she was one of the first ones eliminated so yay at me eliminating the right person lol. Sorry girl, but congrats on making it past Cycle 1! I believe that should be 50 words so yay!


Save Matthew

Choreo Thayne

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Paris Torres


If only IDF would let me embed IG pictures again because in the past 10+ years, Paris looks much better than her very bad bio pic from SYTYCD5. I didn't realize that Paris had made it through the first round until I saw her name on this list. Making through the first round is more than enough for the first eliminee from Season 5 but this is where her journey should end in this rankdown. She danced one bad hip-hop routine with Tony Bellissimo and was cut. I don't remember who was in the bottom with her. But Wikipedia is telling me it was Asuka and Karla so this seems like a fair elimination.


Saving: Asuka????

Choreo: Matt Dorame


And only because I have to.

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Tony Bellissimo | SYTYCD US5

Tony Bellissimo was a hip-hop dancer who was the first male eliminated during season five. Tony was an early favourite of mine as I thirsted after him but his journey was short lived enough to make an overall lasting impression on me. Tony was partnered with Paris Torres and danced a hip-hop routine during their first week. It was pretty good overall and would personally place five routines below theirs but America disagreed. It must’ve been a bit disheartening for him to see the door after dancing his style but we all know the show is a popularity contestant and not based on how well you dance. I think he should’ve lasted longer but I’m good with him going here. Here is their first and final performance.



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Okay, I'm locking in those choices that Elliott and Andrew made above. They still owe me the write-ups. I reserve the right to decide a deadline for the write-ups if too much time goes by, but there isn't a deadline for now.


Front page is updated! @sublymonal has 24 hours from this post to nominate 24 dancers. Names in bold on the front page cannot be nominated again. 

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Derek Watches NL3


Top 18

  • Raquel/Stefano - Disco - Boogie Wonderland: not once in the history of the world has that lift swinging the girl around the guy’s legs looked good. Oh well. Also lol at his tilt in the beginning. These are the kinds of clues I need to figure out what style everyone is, hahaha. This was whatever overall. Oop Dan didn’t like it
  • Stephanie/Caggie - V.Waltz - Hijo de la Luna: okay well I didn’t really follow the drunken storyline here and it was pretty bumpy in hold. Uh oh Euvgenia looks kind of mad lol.
  • Cheroney/Junes - Hip Hop - The Way I Are: her look is giving me Julia Mitomi vibes. Also why do I hate this guy instantly?? Biting finger to be sexy is automatic disqualification. This piece was a big nothing and the camera went cuckoo at the end.
  • Hettie/Floris - Jazz - Rehab: omg Jay-Z is on this track lol. I hate that move where they get off the floor backward over their toes. This guy is kind of goofy and forgets he’s performing sometimes, yet Hettie is still letting him outdance her in parts smh. Umm Dan really loves Floris for some reason. At least he admitted it was far from perfect because a lot of the partnering was just bad
  • Lise/Chico - Modern - One: idk about this song, but this was fine. Some interesting moments but mostly whatever. wtf is going on with this guy’s hairline. Also lol at her just standing there for like three 8 counts
  • Agar/Jesse - Cha Cha - Let’s Get Loud: this was mostly passable. he looked kind of like a ballroom dancer but she looked labored by the middle/end of this. Also what is up with this show’s obsession with the foot cam lol
  • Natascha/Eldrick - Lyrical Hip Hop - Love the Way You Lie: oooo look at this couple 👀. omg she’s taller haha. I’m on the fence with this routine. Didn’t do enough. But I think I like them
  • Evelyne/Joren - Broadway - When You’re Smiling: idk if it’s his outfit but something seems unusual about his body proportions. Anyway, ew the movement they were given didn’t match this song at all. And they put like 5% energy into it, which made it worse. Ok, Dan hated it too lol I’m not crazy. OMG Dan’s comment to the audience is hilarious.
  • Enora/Lorenzo - Modern - Sorry Seems to Be: WHAT is going on with his hair, it’s like he left the barbershop in the middle of his haircut. And this song is atrocious. Even with all that, this was my favorite of the night. Why did they cut to some random guy in the audience at the end. Okay I don’t speak Dutch but I’m hearing padre and papa and they are hugging now so I think I get it lol. Oh and he wears a hat on the weird side of his hair. Doesn’t excuse it but okay
  • Group - Animale: um why is the host molesting people before the routine. Oh wow Chico can move. This was probably better than all their previous season group routines. But Cheroney kind of dances ahead of the beat… UM who tf is this random guy who comes on stage in the middle of this
  • Eliminated
    • Cheroney: kind of a random choice except for the group routine but whatever fine
    • Joren: yeah that tracks


Top 16

  • Stephanie/Caggie - Jazz - Stepping Stone: I liked her in this. He kind of danced like he took some Nyquil before coming out. This song makes me think of Amy and Damien
  • Lise/Chico - Disco - Daddy Cool: oh no they totally beefed the very first lift. and there was nothing good enough after to save it
  • Evelyne/Junes - Foxtrot - NY, NY: ugh not this guy again. WHOA this was like actively bad. And the music excerpt is awful too. One of the worst ever yikes.
  • Enora/Lorenzo - Hip Hop - DJ Got Us Fallin: was this good or was it just after the worst routine???
  • Hettie/Floris - Modern - Try Sleeping: the ending was kinda weird but this was better than last week. ummm are Floris and Dan dating or something
  • Agar/Jesse - Lyrical Hip Hop - Cry Me a River: failure to launch. really questionable choreography and way too intense of a storyline for this song
  • Raquel/Jesse - Jive - Ik Leef Niet Meer Voor Jou: this was the angriest weirdest f*cking jive I’ve ever seen in my life. No no no no no no no
  • Natascha/Eldrick - Modern - Use Somebody: surprise surprise, Derek the contemporary dancer liked the contemporary routine. But the thing where the spotlight shines directly into the camera needs to stop
  • Group - Bad Romance: WHO DID THIS??? omg this was embarrassingly bad. wow wowowowowowowowowowowow
  • Eliminated
    • Jesse: meh
    • Evelyne: how is she the one who gets cut from her partnership while her donkey-ass partner is still here, he must be a mind-blowing soloist or something
Edited by FrogLenzen
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4 minutes ago, FrogLenzen said:

Lise/Chico - Modern - One: idk about this song, but this was fine. Some interesting moments but mostly whatever. wtf is going on with this guy’s hairline. Also lol at her just standing there for like three 8 counts


4 minutes ago, FrogLenzen said:

Lise/Chico - Disco - Daddy Cool: oh no they totally beefed the very first lift. and there was nothing good enough after to save it


4 minutes ago, FrogLenzen said:

Enora/Lorenzo - Hip Hop - DJ Got Us Fallin: was this good or was it just after the worst routine???



  • Haha 1
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Sandra Colton was a tap dancer, as evidenced by the solo above. She was part of the first season of SYTYCD, which only had a Top 16 and went home the first week after performing a lyrical routine with Artem. I like Sandra, and her tap solos were great, but I wasn’t really surprised she went home since, during season 1, the routines were repeated and her and Artem’s lyrical was inferior to Blake and Destini’s version. There’s not much more to say about her, so I think she’s an appropriate cut here but glad she made it past the first round of cuts.

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