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Big Brother 23


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6 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

This cast has potential...I'm cautiously optimistic.


5 minutes ago, 1234567890 said:

He passed on the deal and still got it. :dead:

Yikes that has gotta hurt.  :haha: 

4 minutes ago, *Amanda said:

Can't wait for three weeks from now when we all hate this cast. :giggle: 

And 70-75% of us will quit on the season. :dead: 

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Why would you win 3/3 of these competitions off the spot, when the 3rd one has absolutely nothing on the line for it? That's telling everybody "Hey I can win these competitions with ease!". Cmon Frenchie. Shoulda threw the dice throwing competition, he almost did. I'd be hiding my frustration if I am on Team Joker.

Edited by Blindy
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Enjoyed the first episode! Takeaway from BB22 and BB23 is that I do enjoy the live premieres but it just makes for a kinda awkward and repetitive opening competition. Watching the same comp four times gets a little dry. I did, however, enjoy the teams being allocated (those 'pairs' to pick from were very clearly pre-determined but I did enjoy that it allowed the coaches to make choices based on little snippets) and also Julie telling Frenchie to do the comp even after he didn't take the offer :haha:


Obviously very early days but I think this is a really promising cast, I enjoyed a lot of the intro packages. Hannah was almost my pre-season #1 but I didn't feel like we got enough to go off, but she really shone for me in her package, I'm super excited for her. I think it's a stellar female cast on early impressions though.  Azah, Claire, Hannah all seem great, loving Tiffany, enjoyed Whitney and Sarah Beth more than I expected to, interested to see more of Alyssa. I wasn't sure what I was going to think about Britini with all we saw early on, but I don't think we knew anything about her autism prior to the show, kudos to her and I wish her the best!


Unsurprisingly I'm less hyped about the guys just yet but I think there's some great promise there too. Kyland and the Dereks were early standouts to me. I know on paper Travis seems like the odd ones out on the already-iconic Queens team but I honestly didn't mind him at all? I think he obviously wanted to bro down going into the game but I'm kinda excited to see what he's like on his team. Frenchie was probably the person I cared for the least so my first reaction was 'lol of course HE wins HOH' but honestly, safety for Azah and Derek F? Can't complain! I'm keeping an open mind on everyone so far.

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Just watching now and avoiding spoilers, but just wanted to comment that seeing Travis without his shirt off in the opening minutes made me much happier that I chose him in the draft. He still needs a haircut though or a shaved head UNF.


OMGOD anyone notice the subtle #BLM on Frenchie's car in his intro? Did not expect that :wub: Maybe I will enjoy him more than I thought, he is completely different from what I thought he'd be, he could definitely do some damage, how did @*Wallace draft so well? Grandpapa Wally and his wisdom from old age ❤️ 

Edited by JC
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Oh snap, I legit have one person on every team #hedgemybets :giggle:


Love that the underdog team won, did not expect that!

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On 7/8/2021 at 3:56 PM, JC said:

OMGOD anyone notice the subtle #BLM on Frenchie's car in his intro? Did not expect that :wub: Maybe I will enjoy him more than I thought, he is completely different from what I thought he'd be, he could definitely do some damage, how did @*Wallace draft so well? Grandpapa Wally and his wisdom from old age ❤️ 

Lol thanks for that. I like my draft soooo I am hoping I did draft well here since I usually bomb on these. :haha: 


I don't appreciate the Grandpa comment though. 🙂 We are close in age!


On 7/8/2021 at 9:03 PM, 1234567890 said:

Damn, that sucks so much. :(

Ughh no.... that sucks for Christie. :( 

On 7/9/2021 at 5:50 AM, taylorkat said:

They should let Christie come back for another season.


On 7/10/2021 at 2:49 PM, QueenKalie said:


Oooh goodnesss.... leave it to BBB Twitter find people's past records. 🙈

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On 7/7/2021 at 6:08 PM, Alex95 said:

Team Jokers - Captain Frenchie - Azah - Britni - Derek F.

Team Aces - Captain Whitney - Brent - Derek X. - Hannah

Team Kings - Captain Christian - Alyssa - Xavier - Sarah Beth

Team Queens - Captain Claire - Kyland - Tiffany - Travis

A reminder. 😮

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