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Does Anyone Have Spoilers From Older Seasons?


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2 hours ago, TheVoiceFan2 said:

Emily not being here is a crime✋

We could've had an Addison/Emily/Jon or Adam top 3, but :/ 


Also two things I've wondered but never gotten answers on:

  1. Why was season 12 the only season to get montages posted in full? TPTB had never done it before and they haven't done it since.
  2. Was there any indication in Season 16's spoilers that Maelyn was going to be the one to beat (given so many strong auditions + the Cross Battles being a surprise twist)?
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Alright so this is purely speculative but one of the things I really wanted to know was the S18 battle tapings order and based on the YouTube videos (Carson saying steal, steal or save, or nothing) I found this


Team Kelly order of battles filmed:

Megan vs Samantha

Micah vs Gigi
Anaya vs Chelle

Tayler vs Jules (this was in the thread)

Mandi vs Sara (this was in the thread)


Team Nick order of battles filmed

Roderick vs Joanna

Allegra vs Michael

Tate vs Anders

Arei vs Samuel (this was in the thread)

Jacob vs Kevin (this was in the thread)


Team John order of battles filmed

Mike vs Zach 

Mandi vs Cammwess

Darius vs Nelson

Zan vs Brittney

Thunderstorm vs Cedrice (this was in the thread)


Team Blake order of battles filmed

Joei vs TMH

Todd vs Jon

Toneisha vs Jacob

Levi vs Jamal (this was in the thread)

Cam vs Kailey (this was in the thread)



don’t ask me how I know (I’m rlly observant LMFAO) but the battles in taping 1 were (in no order))

Roderick vs Joanna

Megan vs Samantha

Micah vs Gigi

Todd vs Jon

Joei vs TMH

Mandi vs Cammwess

Mike vs Zach



Taping 2

Allegra vs Michael

Tate vs Anders

Anaya vs Chelle

Toneisha vs Jacob

Darius vs Nelson
Zan vs Brittney


obviously a lot of what Carson says can be edited, BUT what we see in the audience not 😌 that said I could be wrong LMFAO but considering how it went down this order and assignment makes sense.

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Also another mini fun fact

Lauren vs Hello Sunday

Marybeth vs Dane & Stephanie

Gracee vs Brennan 

Will vs Jared

Myracle vs Elise

(were all in the same taping. Probably taping 3 considering Lauren was a steal, and she was probably stolen before Dane & Stephanie and Brennan. At least before Dane/Stephanie since they were just told to say goodbye to John)

Kyndal vs James

Rose vs Jessie

Zach vs Cory

Joana vs Matthew

Jake vs Steve

(these were also part of the same taping, likely taping 2)


Mendeleyev vs Preston, Kat vs Josie as well as Jake vs Caroline were all probably a part of taping 4, but I’m not exactly sure


If I find anything else from the battle tapings for S17 I’ll edit this post if y’all are interested lol

Edited by TheVoiceFan2
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36 minutes ago, Hamza Tufail said:

Guys does anyone remember, Mandi Castillo vs Brandin Jay?

I’m pretty sure the initial spoiler was Cammwess vs Brandin Jay singing Señorita in the battles (LMAOOO) and then upon seeing the battle preview and finding out the battle pairing was Mandi vs Cammwess (and Brandin wasn’t on the show) the song choice of “Señorita” started to make a lot more sense.

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11 minutes ago, TheVoiceFan2 said:

I’m pretty sure the initial spoiler was Cammwess vs Brandin Jay singing Señorita in the battles (LMAOOO) and then upon seeing the battle preview and finding out the battle pairing was Mandi vs Cammwess (and Brandin wasn’t on the show) the song choice of “Señorita” started to make a lot more sense.

Wait, was it Camm Vs Brandin??? I thought it was Mandi vs Brandin. Lol at my memory.

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Just now, Hamza Tufail said:

Wait, was it Camm Vs Brandin??? I thought it was Mandi vs Brandin. Lol at my memory.

It was definitely Cam vs. Brandin in the spoilers lol. I forgot who sent me that but I asked them and sent them the accounts of each and they said they were sure it was both of them :haha:

I was not at all surprised when it turned out they were wrong about Brandin but I still don't get how on Earth you confuse Brandin and Mandi. Mandi was already a known contestant at that point, just not confirmed regarding team or anything I believe.

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2 minutes ago, Someone648 said:

It was definitely Cam vs. Brandin in the spoilers lol. I forgot who sent me that but I asked them and sent them the accounts of each and they said they were sure it was both of them :haha:

I was not at all surprised when it turned out they were wrong about Brandin but I still don't get how on Earth you confuse Brandin and Mandi. Mandi was already a known contestant at that point, just not confirmed regarding team or anything I believe.

I didn't read any stuff form the spoilers thread other than the OP.

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On 5/7/2021 at 12:59 AM, TheVoiceFan2 said:

Also another mini fun fact

Lauren vs Hello Sunday

Marybeth vs Dane & Stephanie

Gracee vs Brennan 

Will vs Jared

Myracle vs Elise

(were all in the same taping. Probably taping 3 considering Lauren was a steal, and she was probably stolen before Dane & Stephanie and Brennan. At least before Dane/Stephanie since they were just told to say goodbye to John)

Kyndal vs James

Rose vs Jessie

Zach vs Cory

Joana vs Matthew

Jake vs Steve

(these were also part of the same taping, likely taping 2)


Mendeleyev vs Preston, Kat vs Josie as well as Jake vs Caroline were all probably a part of taping 4, but I’m not exactly sure


If I find anything else from the battle tapings for S17 I’ll edit this post if y’all are interested lol

S17 had mystifying battles so please do! The battles were so great that season, but why would they put all the good battles on later tapings :wacko:

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  • 9 months later...
On 5/2/2021 at 1:58 PM, TheVoiceFan2 said:


Chevel vs Sarah Grace (I THINK it was the first knockout of the first taping? Or at least 100% sure the first knockout of their respective taping)

Deandre vs Jake

Patrique vs Sandyredd

Kirk vs Colton

Makenzie vs Mike

(those last two I’m not so sure about knowing beforehand but anyone who might remember could confirm)


I know this thread is super old, but I tried to piece together the order of the S15 KOs based on this info and Carson's comments after each performance.


I'm going to assume that the coaches have a lot of say in the order of battles/KOs, based on comments coaches have made (John telling Deion in S20 that he would probably get stolen ;) -> His battle ended up in Taping 1) and just the obvious fact that first tapings are always stacked, while last tapings are always filled with either fodder pairings/montage bait. 


So at first, I thought it was odd that those 5 pairings would've been in taping 1, leading to me having a lot of questions. However, I have some theories.

  • Why were there so many underwhelming pairings/KOs with no steals in Taping 1? 
    • Jake and Deandre was probably the pairing Adam was most passionate about and Jake was probably meant to win with Deandre getting stolen, but after Jake flopped, he had no reason to not pick Deandre. Adam probably wanted to save Jake, but realized he didn't really deserve it after that performance/he reasoned that it would be better off used on RADHA/Reagan or Keith/Tyke.
    • MaKenzie vs. Mike was a fodder pairing, but honestly, so were all of JHud's other pairings besides Patrique vs. SandyRedd, so this KO probably just ended up in Taping 1 (as opposed to the other JHud pairings) by default.
  • Why would Blake's first pairing be Kirk vs. Colton? Why wouldn't he prioritize Kameron Marlowe vs. Dave Fenley or Michael Lee vs. Chris Kroeze, which were all "better" or "more even" pairings, at least in Blake's eyes?
    • I think this was actually master strategizing by Blake. He clearly knows how to "game" the show really well, and I think putting Kirk vs. Colton in the first taping was an example of how good Blake's strategizing is. After all, SEVEN out of his 8 contestants in the KOs made it to the Lives...
    • Blake was smart to save his save until the end, as it doesn't depend on the other coaches. He probably knew that Colton would've had a tough time getting stolen, being a 1 chair turn who had already been dumped, and he probably knew only JHud would steal Colton, whereas Kameron would have an easier time nabbing a steal. Therefore, he probably wanted Kirk vs. Colton to be his first pairing, as this would be Colton's only chance of getting stolen.

Still, if you were to tell me that that list of 5 pairings was actually Taping 2, I would easily believe that too lol. Anyways, here is how I'm pretty sure the KOs of S15 went, and in what order. I also included Carson's comments in quotation marks. I'm like 99% sure most of this is accurate, but please correct me if anyone notices any mistakes.




K: Chevel Shepherd vs. Sarah Grace (Sarah SAVED) - "Sarah is available to steal or save"

J: Patrique Fortson vs. SandyRedd (SandyRedd SAVED) - "SandyRedd is available to steal or save"

A: Deandre Nico vs. Jake Wells - "Jake is available to steal" (based on Carson's inflection, it's obvious they edited out Carson saying that Jake could be saved as well. JHud and Kelly also expressed sentiments that alluded to that they thought about stealing Jake, meaning this pairing came before Kelly and JHud's steals were used)

B: Kirk Jay vs. Colton Smith (Colton stolen by JHUD) - "Colton is available to steal or save"

J: MaKenzie Thomas vs. Mike Parker - "Mike is available to steal"



A: Tyke James vs. Keith Paluso (Keith stolen by KELLY, Adam tried to save) - (I think this had to be the first pairing of Taping 2, as I physically cannot imagine Kelly saving her steal for any later than this lmao.)

B: Dave Fenley vs. Kameron Marlowe (Kameron stolen by ADAM) - "Kameron is available to steal or save" (Editing was WEIRD for this one. They didn't air the coaches reactions to Kameron getting stolen, or Adam explaining to Kameron why he stole him. Maybe Adam clowned on Blake for not using his save and Blake explained his strategy that he was saving his save, and they had to edit this out?)

J: Franc West vs. Tyshawn Colquitt - "Tyshawn is available to steal"

B: Michael Lee vs. Chris Kroeze (Chris SAVED) - "Chris is available to save" (At this point, all the coaches besides Blake would've used their steals, so this comment from Carson would make sense)

A: Reagan Strange vs. RADHA (RADHA SAVED) - "RADHA is available to SAVE" (Probably either edited out Carson saying "steal" or since Adam was very clearly reaching for his button, maybe Carson only said "save" as it was obvious Adam was about to save her. On the contrary, maybe this pairing was the first of Taping 3 and Kelly's 3-way KO was the last of Taping 2 and no steals were left for RADHA?)



K: Kymberli Joye vs. Zaxai vs. Natasia Greycloud (Natasia stolen by BLAKE) - "Natasia is available to steal" (Blake was waiting for a pop girl, probably Delaney or Claire, so it makes sense that this pairing would be a later one. I think this pairing was in Taping 3 due to logistical reasons, as this KO would've taken a long time to film similar to the 4-way KOs and it would make sense to put it amongst the later pairings that would be quick to film with no steals/saves left)

J: Kennedy Holmes vs. Anthony Arya - "No comment"

B: Funsho vs. Katrina Cain - "No comment"

A: Steve Memmolo vs. Delaney Silvernell - "No comment"

K: Abby Cates vs. Claire DeJean - "No comment"



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36 minutes ago, ikwonic said:

I think this was actually master strategizing by Blake. He clearly knows how to "game" the show really well, and I think putting Kirk vs. Colton in the first taping was an example of how good Blake's strategizing is


umm, I'm pretty sure the coaches don't get to decide which pairings go in which tapings.

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17 minutes ago, FloorWax said:


umm, I'm pretty sure the coaches don't get to decide which pairings go in which tapings.

I don’t see why they WOULDNT get input. I don’t think they decide which tapings per se, but they definitely decide the order in which their own battles/KOs will occur in.

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Has anybody managed to find blind audition taping spoilers from earlier seasons? Or just taping spoilers in general?


Also, a lot of this discussion brings up points about the order of airing the battles and knockouts. Casme vs. Rio and Liam vs. Ryan should not have been taping 3 battles. Also, Rachel vs. Bradley definitely should not have been a taping 3 battle either. I think that the coach comeback is good because coaches can choose artists who would have gotten a steal or save if they were in an earlier taping.

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1 hour ago, Anybody354 said:

Has anybody managed to find blind audition taping spoilers from earlier seasons? Or just taping spoilers in general?


Also, a lot of this discussion brings up points about the order of airing the battles and knockouts. Casme vs. Rio and Liam vs. Ryan should not have been taping 3 battles. Also, Rachel vs. Bradley definitely should not have been a taping 3 battle either. I think that the coach comeback is good because coaches can choose artists who would have gotten a steal or save if they were in an earlier taping.

Yeah all of those battles deserved steals for sure. It’s interesting to note that all of the people you mentioned, besides Rio, were all 1-2 chair turners. On a show where your “value” is based on chair turns, it sucks how they all got the short end of the stick.



I want to add that while I think the number of chairs someone got is a factor in what taping they get scheduled for, I don’t think it’s the only factor, otherwise tapings would just follow some calculated formula or something that we’d already know. Still, keep in mind that all of the 4 chair turners (including Kinsey who kinda got 4 chairs in the Battles) were in Taping 1 of the KOs this season, bar Carson who was in the first pairing of Taping 2. Meanwhile, 11/12 of the people in Taping 3 were 1 or 2 chair turns. No way this is a coincidence.

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19 minutes ago, ikwonic said:

I want to add that while I think the number of chairs someone got is a factor in what taping they get scheduled for, I don’t think it’s the only factor, otherwise tapings would just follow some calculated formula or something that we’d already know. Still, keep in mind that all of the 4 chair turners (including Kinsey who kinda got 4 chairs in the Battles) were in Taping 1 of the KOs this season, bar Carson who was in the first pairing of Taping 2. Meanwhile, 11/12 of the people in Taping 3 were 1 or 2 chair turns. No way this is a coincidence.

This is generally true, although there are exceptions. For example, Aaron and Gymani were both four chairs, but they got placed in taping 3. 


With that being said, I wonder why TCS vs. Parker were in taping 4. Parker would have been a good steal. She has such an awesome, soothing tone and great control. A similar thing could be said about Jack vs. Sabrina. Their battle was arguably better than some of the taping 2 battles, but they managed to get put in taping 3 regardless, and probably after all of the steals were gone. 

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17 minutes ago, Anybody354 said:

This is generally true, although there are exceptions. For example, Aaron and Gymani were both four chairs, but they got placed in taping 3. 


With that being said, I wonder why TCS vs. Parker were in taping 4. Parker would have been a good steal. She has such an awesome, soothing tone and great control. A similar thing could be said about Jack vs. Sabrina. Their battle was arguably better than some of the taping 2 battles, but they managed to get put in taping 3 regardless, and probably after all of the steals were gone. 

Yeah I definitely think Aaron and Gymani being in a late taping proves that coach input plays a role in it, and it isn’t all just based on chair turn. It doesn’t surprise me that Holly vs. Wyatt, Kinsey vs. GNT, and Jershika vs. Jeremy would all get scheduled before Aaron and Gymani.


Parker absolutely deserved to get stolen based on her battle, but with Kelly’s stacked team, she really didn’t have any fodder at all (apart from I guess Xavier/Carolina) to put in a late taping, so I guess Parker getting a bad taping was just an unfortunate by default situation. I’m sure it’s a somewhat similar situation with Jack vs. Sabrina, as the only fodder John had was Janora, who DID end up getting a worse time slot than Jack and Sabrina. Of course, fodder is subjective, but at the same time, it’s usually not too difficult to tell what the pecking order is on each team.

Edited by ikwonic
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20 minutes ago, ikwonic said:

Yeah I definitely think Aaron and Gymani being in a late taping proves that coach input plays a role in it, and it isn’t all just based on chair turn. It doesn’t surprise me that Holly vs. Wyatt, Kinsey vs. GNT, and Jershika vs. Jeremy would all get scheduled before Aaron and Gymani.


Parker absolutely deserved to get stolen based on her battle, but with Kelly’s stacked team, she really didn’t have any fodder at all (apart from I guess Xavier/Carolina) to put in a late taping, so I guess Parker getting a bad taping was just an unfortunate by default situation. I’m sure it’s a somewhat similar situation with Jack vs. Sabrina, as the only fodder John had was Janora, who DID end up getting a worse time slot than Jack and Sabrina. Of course, fodder is subjective, but at the same time, it’s usually not too difficult to tell what the pecking order is on each team.

Most of Blake’s and some of Ariana’s battles this past season were mediocre, so I think that a lot of those could have been put in later tapings. The insistence on making each coach proportionally represented in the tapings is unfortunate as Kelly’s and John’s battles this season as a whole were very strong.

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9 hours ago, Anybody354 said:

Most of Blake’s and some of Ariana’s battles this past season were mediocre, so I think that a lot of those could have been put in later tapings. The insistence on making each coach proportionally represented in the tapings is unfortunate as Kelly’s and John’s battles this season as a whole were very strong.

Yeah, the fact that Sophia Bromberg vs. Jim and Sasha and Libianca vs. Tommy Edwards got to be in Taping 2 really speaks volumes... If it's any consolation, at least Blake and Ariana held onto their steals until Taping 3 instead of immediately dumping them in Taping 1 like the coaches usually do, which is probably why there were less robberies this season than usual.

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8 hours ago, ikwonic said:

Yeah, the fact that Sophia Bromberg vs. Jim and Sasha and Libianca vs. Tommy Edwards got to be in Taping 2 really speaks volumes... If it's any consolation, at least Blake and Ariana held onto their steals until Taping 3 instead of immediately dumping them in Taping 1 like the coaches usually do, which is probably why there were less robberies this season than usual.

Blake tried to use his steal once during taping 1, and Ariana tried twice. That being said, neither coach actually ended up using their steal there, and both held off until taping 3 (except for Ariana, who failed again in taping 2 when trying to steal Jershika). I think the order of battles this season was weird, but the steals were used wisely and/or for singers who did well in the battles. I still wish that coaches had an extra steal or save in battles, but then, the math would get weird with 9 people per team. Maybe there could be three-way knockouts?

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I'm not sure how well documented this is, since most of the early S17 threads are gone and I've never seen it mentioned here, but I'm pretty sure the orders that each team filled up are what is below. S17's auditions weren't particularly interesting since all the teams filled up at relatively the same time (unlike S19 and S20 where John and Kelly respectively had 3 spots to fill after everyone else's team was full), but it's interesting to see how the editors/producers managed to move certain people around. 


Team Gwen:

  1. Elise Azkoul
  2. Brennen Henson
  3. Kyndal Inskeep
  4. Royce Lovett
  5. Rose Short
  6. Jessie Lawrence
  7. Kiara Brown
  8. Myracle Holloway
  9. James Violet
  10. Calvin Lockett
  11. Jake Haldenvang (Might've been the first one of his taping?)
  12. Caroline Reilly

Team Blake:

  1. Cory Jackson
  2. Marina Chello
  3. Jordan Chase
  4. Joana Martinez
  5. Josie Jones
  6. Kat Hammock
  7. Cali Wilson
  8. EllieMae
  9. Ricky Duran
  10. Ricky Braddy
  11. Zach Bridges
  12. Matthew McQueen

Team John:

  1. Khalea Lynee
  2. Katie Kadan
  3. Matt New
  4. Mendeleyev
  5. Max Boyle
  6. Preston C. Howell
  7. Marybeth Byrd
  8. Will Breman
  9. Dane and Stephanie
  10. Destiny Rayne
  11. Jared Herzog
  12. Zoe Upkins

Team Kelly:

  1. Brooke Stephenson (Person in hat #1)
  2. Injoy Fountain (Person in hat #2)
  3. Maybe Lauren Hall (Person in hat(?) #3)

-I think Brennan was somewhere around 6th and we know that Gracee was last. I don't think we know anything else about Team Kelly unfortunately. 


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On 2/13/2022 at 7:55 PM, ikwonic said:

I'm not sure how well documented this is, since most of the early S17 threads are gone and I've never seen it mentioned here, but I'm pretty sure the orders that each team filled up are what is below. S17's auditions weren't particularly interesting since all the teams filled up at relatively the same time (unlike S19 and S20 where John and Kelly respectively had 3 spots to fill after everyone else's team was full), but it's interesting to see how the editors/producers managed to move certain people around. 


Team Gwen:

  1. Elise Azkoul
  2. Brennen Henson
  3. Kyndal Inskeep
  4. Royce Lovett
  5. Rose Short
  6. Jessie Lawrence
  7. Kiara Brown
  8. Myracle Holloway
  9. James Violet
  10. Calvin Lockett
  11. Jake Haldenvang (Might've been the first one of his taping?)
  12. Caroline Reilly

Team Blake:

  1. Cory Jackson
  2. Marina Chello
  3. Jordan Chase
  4. Joana Martinez
  5. Josie Jones
  6. Kat Hammock
  7. Cali Wilson
  8. EllieMae
  9. Ricky Duran
  10. Ricky Braddy
  11. Zach Bridges
  12. Matthew McQueen

Team John:

  1. Khalea Lynee
  2. Katie Kadan
  3. Matt New
  4. Mendeleyev
  5. Max Boyle
  6. Preston C. Howell
  7. Marybeth Byrd
  8. Will Breman
  9. Dane and Stephanie
  10. Destiny Rayne
  11. Jared Herzog
  12. Zoe Upkins

Team Kelly:

  1. Brooke Stephenson (Person in hat #1)
  2. Injoy Fountain (Person in hat #2)
  3. Maybe Lauren Hall (Person in hat(?) #3)

-I think Brennan was somewhere around 6th and we know that Gracee was last. I don't think we know anything else about Team Kelly unfortunately. 


Where’d you find this? And is there any taping info for blinds that you all could find in the archives given the crash?

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2 hours ago, Anybody354 said:

Where’d you find this? And is there any taping info for blinds that you all could find in the archives given the crash?

I wasn’t able to find anything from the thread unfortunately, but during the first night of the battles, each of the coaches was shown holding these papers which show their teams in a seemingly random order. However, the last person on each of the sheets happens to be the last person to fill each team, which pretty convincingly means that they’re in order of how they filled the teams. This would also make sense, since a lot of the 4-chair turns were in the earlier half of each team.


They only showed us the back of Kelly’s paper though, and all I could make out was seemingly 2-3 people with hats and based on Kelly’s/the crowd’s reactions, it would make sense that Brooke was the first member of Team Kelly.

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Do we know anything about S18's taping order? There was some weird editing in the last night of auditions.


In Kailey Abel's audition, Kelly said that she didn't turn since "a lot of us have only one spot left", meaning that one or some of the teams still had maybe 2 spots left, while others had only one. Nick and Kelly both outwardly said they only had one spot left when she auditioned, and after Kailey left they showed Blake saying his team was full, implying that he also only had one spot when Kailey auditioned.


This would imply that John still had at least 2 spots left on his team when Kailey auditioned, which goes against how the producers ended up editing things, as Cedrice was the only person aired that John got after Kailey.


Theoretically, Kailey also might not have been Blake's last team member either and he might've had 2 spots left when she auditioned as well.


Seems like including that quote from Kelly was a bit of a slip up on the editors part and I wonder how the last night of auditions actually went down.

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