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The Amazing Race Rankdown (WINNER REVEALED ON PAGE 87!)


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17 hours ago, *Amanda said:

@JC is next to nominate. You cannot nominate:


Brent & Caite

Rob & Amber

Brendon & Rachel

Natalie & Nadiya

Caroline & Jennifer

Reichen & Chip

Adam & Bethany

Joe & Bill

Kevin & Drew

Rachel & Elissa

Ron & Christina

Dan & Jordan

Lucas & Brittany

Just bringing this over so JC can see it.

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Frank & Margarita

Flo & Zach

Kelly & Jon

Millie & Chuck

Chip & Kim

Colin & Christie

Lance & Keri

Rachel & Dave

Misti & Jim

Keith & Whitney

Cody & Jessica

Kynt & Vyxsin

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Lance & Keri




saw noms posted right before I decided to go to bed and decided to cut the team that I think was the least big name out of this group. Honestly don't remember this team at all they probably did something memorable to make it this far but I don't remember it so oh well. Even looking at a picture of them didn't jog my memory of who they are. But anyways Lance and Keri were on season 15 and finished in 8th place so that's not that impressive really. They got married after the race and had 3 kids so congrats to them on that. Lance applied for Survivor first originally but they saw a picture of Keri and wanted them for Amazing Race instead. Maybe he should have done Survivor instead and he might have done better in that or maybe not who knows. 


Saving Keith & Whitney

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  • *Amanda changed the title to The Amazing Race Rankdown (JC Nominations Posted)




The only two rankers that would save Cody & Jessica have chosen to save other teams. Therefore, I'll do their write-up since they have no chance surviving this round now. Cody & Jessica first competed on Big Brother 19 in 2017. They met, fell in love, and were a dating couple by the time their season of Big Brother wrapped up and The Amazing Race began. They became fan favorites and were invited to compete on the 30th season of The Amazing Race. Jessica was already back in the real world as she was evicted pre-jury, but Cody pretty much went straight from the jury house to traveling around the world on The Amazing Race. Cody & Jessica started off the race well, placing second in the first leg and then winning the second leg. They also had good relationships with other racers, particularly Alex & Conor and Kristi & Jen. However, Cody & Jessica faltered a bit in the middle of the race as they were just barely hanging on. Their choice to U-Turn Trevor & Chris ended up helping them avoid elimination as Cody & Jessica got lost on their way to the Pit Stop. It seemed like Cody & Jessica's time on the race would come to an end in Zimbabwe as they were one of the recipients of the Double U-Turn. In addition, Cody was struggling with the singing task and nearly gave up. However, they managed to finally complete the task before Eric & Daniel. Their placements began to improve as they came in second place in the two legs before the finale. Cody's athletic prowess was an asset, but Jessica was worried she'd end up being the reason they lost the race. Instead, Jessica became the reason they won the race. She was the first to complete the final puzzle, allowing Cody & Jessica to cross the Finish Line first and win the million dollars. Overall, Cody & Jessica were a strong team that never argued with each other and did well enough to be worthy winners of the race. The way their story played out was pretty neat too. They were bullied and ostracized in the Big Brother house, but they stayed strong together and went on to win The Amazing Race shortly afterwards. They ended up getting the last laugh over the people who treated them badly on Big Brother. Not only did Cody win the $25,000 Big Brother fan favorite prize, but he and Jessica won a million dollars together too. That's more than the amount of money the Final 2 of Big Brother ended up getting combined. Since their time on The Amazing Race, Cody & Jessica have gotten married and have children together too. I like Cody & Jessica and rooted for them on both Big Brother and The Amazing Race, but I know a lot of rankers here aren't fans. They aren't my first choice to cut, but I know Cody & Jessica were on borrowed time here. Plus, I'd rather someone who was a fan do their write-up anyway. So out they now go from the rankdown, but at least Cody & Jessica managed to make it this far.


Saving Flo & Zach.


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Millie & Chuck

Season 4




Finally! I've been wanting to get rid of Millie Mole and the Werewolf forever. This team's hook was that they were a wholesome dating Christian couple who were still virgins and everything. This is despite the fact that they had no chemistry and clearly didn't even like each other. Watching their relationship implode as they got more and more miserable throughout the race actually got uncomfortable to watch at times. I think people also don't realize they were enormous assh*les? Seriously, if Kelly & Jon and Reichen & Chip were a 10 on the assh*le scale, Millie was AT LEAST a 9.5. She started alliances with other crappy teams that got eliminated early, ostracizing other teams in the process, and then wondered why nobody liked her near the end of the race. She constantly nagged at Chuck to do things her way and wouldn't even consider his opinion on things, and then bitched about how he treated her on the rare occasion they DID do things his way. It's just little things like that which add up that really grind my gears.


Basically, this team was good for two (well, maybe three) things:

1. Millie smashing her face into a fiacre,

2. Kelly & Jon taking the piss out of them all race,

3. The deathmatch in their final leg which finally sealed their doom.


Oh and I also don't doubt they (were) homophobic. Just watch Chuck's reaction while Reichen & Chip were coming out to everyone. :rolleyes: 


Save Colin & Christie

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Misti & Jim


First of all, RIP Jim :broken:. I still can’t believe we lost him, he was so young :(. I seemed to remember Jim being pretty harsh, but he was actually really nice. He was just intense as hell. I think Misti & Jim were really interesting early on, but then kinda just became blandly competent after Morocco. However, I still enjoyed them well enough, and Misti is one of the most angelic women to ever run the race!
When we met Misti & Jim, Jim admitted he was competitive and he wanted to be the most dominant team ever. It reminded me a lot of Colin & Christie’s opening confessional and I had really high expectations for Misti & Jim. They obviously got off to a really strong start, coming in first place for two of the first three legs and coming in second place on the other leg. I was impressed by them, of course. And then the Denmark leg happened. Aka, Jim gets humbled. Misti & Jim screw up the detour due to missing one tiny detail and has to switch to the other one. Then Misti screws up the roadblock after not reading her instructions correctly. This was the moment that would expose who Jim is. They were doing great before then, how does Jim handle pressure? It turns out, he’s really supportive. Just looking at Jim, I really expected him to just blow up on Mindi for how she f*cked up that roadblock. But he didn’t? He was really sweet and supportive, and took responsibility for his own mistakes. I was #SHOOK. It was honestly so refreshing to see. I felt so bad for Misti at the roadblock because you could tell how frustrated she was getting. I was so happy for her when she solved it, and I was happy for them getting saved by the NEL (though they should’ve been forced to use their save once Jim handed it to Phil and I think it was bullshit that they got to hang on to it (even though it never really mattered lol)).
After surviving their trainwreck leg in Denmark, it was clear Misti & Jim were not gonna be the toxic couple I feared they would be. After their speed bump, they recovered and were pretty strong they were kinda boringly competent, but they still had some fun moments here and there. I don’t know why I’m so drawn to Misti, but she really is just such a sweetheart. And that accent :wub:. She’s up there with Mallory (not in TAR 24 lol) as racers who just radiate joy on this show. Misti talking about how her knickers were in a twist at the final roadblock :dead:. Like that’s not really that funny, but just the way Misti says it makes it funny lol. Misti & Jim just surprised me at every turn. When Kym & Alli started hating on them I wanted to see a super petty war. But instead Jim was like, “We like Kym & Alli but we like everyone else more ^_^” No!!!!! How are you so nice?!  
Misti & Jim don’t give me enough content in the second half of the show for me to be a stan unfortunately. They’re good, but not amazing. Amy & Maya and Brooke & Robbie were really breaking through at that point while Misti & Jim were fading into the background. I do feel like they kinda got robbed since Amy & Maya should’ve gotten fourth place, but as an Amy & Maya stan I did not mind. I still can’t believe what happened to Jim after the race though :(. I hope Misti has found some sort of peace and I really wish her all the best :wub:


Save Kynt & Vyxsin

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Rachel & Dave
Rachel Brown and G. David "Dave" Brown Jr. are a team of Army Wife & Combat Pilot and the Official Winners of The Amazing Race 20. Cutting winners might be not be a popular choice but of that is left they are who I decided to cut at this point. All who I would of been passionate about saving was already saved #blessed. Anyways Rachel and Dave were pretty dominate during season 20. Because of their domination with Art and AJ I didn't find that season very entertaining to watch but that may be unpopular but that's how I feel. You knew they were going to win very early on so blah.

Saving: Kelly & Jon

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I went back and forth on my decision and I landed on Frank & Margarita over Chip & Kim as I slightly preferred them over Frank & Margarita. But this cut is still a difficult one as I really enjoyed Frank & Margarita on their season & certainly top team of Season 1 for me. They essentially dominated the first season by finishing near the top during every legs. I  really thought they would have been able to win but that was not the case - literally, the finish line was made for them considering where it was located but luck was not on their side for this one; Them being so excited about winning and not being the case really killed me.  Overall, they're definitely one of the top tier team of that season & remains one of my favourite separated couple to compete on The Amazing Race - I feel the production has yet to find a likeable separated couple like them. 


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