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Crisis On Hand: An American Idol Finalists Ranking List


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13 hours ago, Bk1234 said:

I think @miss denise did a good job on these clues, so I’ll just share my opinions! 😁


Dennis Lorenzo- I don’t really remember much from him except “In My Blood” and his finale performance which just seemed like he was yelling. 😅 I always get so confused between him and Dimitrius... 😂


Thank you! :hug:  And OMGG you too with Dennis and Dimitrius. :dead:  I knew I was confusing him with someone. Now I'm more confused, but I think Dennis is the one I preferred.


10 hours ago, Crisis said:

It was the same for me regarding Aaliyah, as in she was before my time as well and watched her later on. Speaking of Tori Kelly, it's funny how the biggest name to come from S9 is one who didn't even make it to the voting rounds. :haha:


Based on the number of guesses, it looks like that set was a difficult one. :haha:


I'm a notoriously poor note taker, so it's definitely not that (definitely not as good as Trent apparently). 😅 Most of it is based on memory, though my best memories are from S1-S7. There were a few whose journeys I had to rewatch because I couldn't remember some of them, like Walker for example. I also rewatch a few things to verify if I remembered something correctly or not.


040. Considering how much I loathed her back then, I never thought she would grow on me this much. 😆 Fair enough about the rest of the comments, though now I'm curious which performances you liked that I didn't care for. 🤔


031. Agree with everything except for him being my favorite (but being #2 isn't too bad). I'll have to check out the video when I have more time. 👍


5/5! I'll talk about a couple of the clues. I mentioned Paris giving Kevin his nickname in his write-up, so anyone would've gotten that if they read or remembered it. As for Dennis, he said something along the lines of changing the voters' minds after not being voted into the Top 10 and before his WC performance. Everything else is self-explanatory.



Ah, I see. :(  I don't think I saw any reruns when I watched it. Yes, this comes up sometimes regarding Tori, and is very ironic. :haha: 


I noticed. :haha:  


Oh lol I'm just so impressed with all the little details you mention that I don't even remember reading :lmao: Although some I do, but I wouldn't think of them. And definitely can't think of every performance from everyone, although I used to be good at recalling those in earlier seasons. :haha: Thanks for explaining!


- I wouldn't have either! Two of my favorites were "I Will Always Love You" and "Thank the Lord for the Night Time." 

- Yay, I hope you like it! ❤️ 


Oh, I actually remember this on my own rather than from your previous write-up. :haha:  Don't remember Dennis saying this but it makes sense. I think pretty much anyone who didn't get the votes would say this. :haha: 

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10 hours ago, Bk1234 said:

I don’t know if this counts as “discussing clues (if it does, I’ll edit this), but if my guesses for these next clues are right, one of these is definitely wrong. 🤔 Also, @miss denise (fellow Archie fan) is so good at this and I love it! 😂


Aww thank you! :wub::hug:I don't know a lot of them right away and it definitely gets my brain working. :haha: 


9 hours ago, blackfield said:

and she is also faster.. 


5 hours ago, Crisis said:

Not always. :haha:


:shock: :dead: 


But yeah, I often miss out on the days where I'm not around online. :haha: 

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1 hour ago, miss denise said:


Aww thank you! :wub::hug:I don't know a lot of them right away and it definitely gets my brain working. :haha: 




:shock: :dead: 


But yeah, I often miss out on the days where I'm not around online. :haha: 

you and me both. love these kind of riddles.. 

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2 hours ago, miss denise said:


Ah, I see. :(  I don't think I saw any reruns when I watched it. Yes, this comes up sometimes regarding Tori, and is very ironic. :haha: 


Oh lol I'm just so impressed with all the little details you mention that I don't even remember reading :lmao: Although some I do, but I wouldn't think of them. And definitely can't think of every performance from everyone, although I used to be good at recalling those in earlier seasons. :haha: Thanks for explaining!


- I wouldn't have either! Two of my favorites were "I Will Always Love You" and "Thank the Lord for the Night Time." 

- Yay, I hope you like it! ❤️ 


Understandable. Agreed about the irony regarding Tori. :haha:


Sometimes I'm surprised at the little details I remember. I usually don't think of them until I'm ready to post the contestant and then I'm like "oh yeah, that happened; maybe I should add it to the write-up". :haha: To be honest, I don't remember every performance either, especially from those who I'm indifferent to at best; those were the toughest write-ups for me as I can recall more details from contestants I like and dislike. No problem with the explanation!


- As I mentioned in her write-up, I'm not much of a fan of the Whitney Houston version because I thought she overdid it, which is the version I thought Syesha was doing. Thank the Lord for the Night Time was OK for me.

- I watched the video, and I liked it indeed! The song reminds me of a 70s funk record with a modern touch. Clark did his thing with it. 👍

2 hours ago, miss denise said:


Aww thank you! :wub::hug:I don't know a lot of them right away and it definitely gets my brain working. :haha: 


52 minutes ago, blackfield said:

you and me both. love these kind of riddles.. 


Glad to see both of you enjoy them! 😄


Due to a slow day at work, I was able to bang out the next set of write-ups. I should have them within an hour or so before calling it a night. 🌚

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To paraphrase The Temptations, "get ready here it comes"! The clues for 30-26:


- I may break some hearts with the ranking of this contestant
- Matthew McConaghey
- Caught up in spircles
- Had to climb quite a bit
- A song title that was on this contestant after an Utopian breakout


30. Hollie Cavanagh: Season 11 (4th Place)


Leading off this set is Hollie Cavanagh. I actually meant to put her in the previous set, but here we are. Anyway, Hollie is a contestant who I have a serious soft spot for. How could I not? I thought she was really cute and likable. 🤗 In addition, she had a powerful voice coming out of that tiny frame of hers, though it appears it’s rather polarizing, as is Hollie herself apparently. Admittedly, Hollie wasn’t someone who I kept an eye on that much at the beginning of S11; however, I found myself seriously rooting for her around maybe the halfway point of her journey. Speaking of which, we have to go back to S10 for the beginning of it. She made it all the way to the final cuts before she became a casualty, yet J-Lo told her to come back within a year or two after getting more experience and she could potentially win the whole thing. Hollie took that to heart and came back the following season where she was invisible until the final cuts again, but this time she made it to the Top 24 25. She sang Reflection in the semis which was a good performance. She would advance to the finals where she would give two strong performances in the first two weeks with All The Man I Need and The Power Of Love. Based on her first three performances, it looked like what J-Lo said the year before had a strong possibility of happening (except not really because it was pretty easy to see Phillip was going to win, lol). However, Hollie hit a rough patch after TPOL, starting with Honesty during Top 10 week. She would then follow that with Jesus Take The Wheel which was another underwhelming number. She would hit what I thought was her lowest point the following week with Flashdance…What A Feeling, which was her first up-tempo number of the season. She appeared to give it her best effort, but there were times I had to turn away from the screen. It wasn’t even bad in a fun train wreck way like Julia DeMato’s; it was just bad. 😣 She managed to survive it and proceeded to give what I felt was her most underrated performance of the season with Perfect. I thought she did a great job slowing down the song and gave a really solid vocal. The judges, however, thought differently and pretty much ripped her for it. 😕 I think it was that moment when I started to cheer Hollie on because I thought the judges were being unfair. Apparently, the voters did as well because Hollie wasn’t even in the B3 that week after being there two of the previous three weeks. It appeared to be a confidence boost for Hollie because she gave two solid performances the following week with Rolling In The Deep and Son Of A Preacher Man, with the former being my favorite. She had mixed results the following week with a rather weak performance of Save Me and a strong performance of The Climb, though I can’t stand the song. The following week she had two more strong performances with River Deep, Mountain High and Bleeding Love; I actually thought she was the best that evening on both of her performances. Despite this, Hollie was in the B3 each of the three weeks. Top 4 rolled around, and I was hoping Hollie would somehow crack the Top 3. To do so, however, to use a baseball analogy, she needed to hit a home run in at least one of her performances seeing who she was up against. Unfortunately, she managed to hit only two singles with Faithfully and I Can’t Make You Love Me. They weren’t bad by any means, however, the others had at least one stand out performance (yes, I’m including Jessica’s AIATYING despite thinking it was overrated). Nonetheless, I was still hoping for a miracle; sadly, that didn’t happen as she was eliminated the following night. I was hoping she’d at least outlast Jessica, though technically she did at first (another reason to dislike the save, :haha: just kidding Jessica fans, maybe 😉). Regardless, Hollie certainly had one heck of a roller-coaster ride from being a potential front runner to scrappy underdog, and it was one I enjoyed for the most part.


29. Jennifer Hudson: Season 3 (7th Place)


Jennifer Hudson or J-Hud is someone who is probably more well known for her post-Idol career than her time on Idol; it makes sense as she is one of the Idol alums who’s had a strong mainstream career. If I were to rank contestants based mostly on their post-Idol careers, she would easily be Top 5 if not Top 3. However, as I mentioned a number of times, this list is primarily based on how much I like them and enjoyed them on Idol; therefore, this write-up will focus more on her time then. J-Hud had a big personality and a voice to match it. Her run didn’t exactly get off to the best start, however. She had issues using her voice properly, plus she had some odd fashion sense. She started off by singing Imagine while a part of Group 1 in the semis. It was an OK performance all things considered though I thought she overdid it at times. She didn’t advance to the finals, which I pretty much expected because I felt Fantasia and Diana had better performances that evening. However, J-Hud was invited back to perform in the WC round where she sang I Believe In You And Me, which was a much better effort than her previous performance. Fortunately, she was Randy’s WC and therefore advanced to the finals. She sang Baby, I Love You during the Top 12 which I felt was a bit on the underrated side. Nonetheless, J-Hud found herself in the B3 but managed to hang on and sing for another week. Speaking of which, she sang No One Else On Earth which I felt was her worst performance of the season. She would follow that up with another underwhelming performance of Heat Wave. She would find herself in the B3 again but once again manage to survive. At this point I was ready to write her off because although I thought she had a tremendous upside, it looked like she would never be able to put it all together. However, that all changed the following week when she unleashed Circle Of Life. That was my favorite performance of the night, barely edging out George, and is in my Top 10 of the season. That performance would prove to be the turning point for J-Hud as she would have two more solid performances with I Have Nothing, which I stated in Trenyce’s write-up was my favorite version of the song, and especially Weekend In New England, which was my favorite of the night. It looked as if J-Hud was poised to have a really deep run in the finals as she was building great momentum. Unfortunately, that momentum was halted in the worst way imaginable because the following night was the night of the infamous Three Divas B3 with J-Hud being the one sent home. There were some theories floating around as to how this happened. One is since she, Fantasia, and LaToya were similar singers, some vote splitting may have occurred. Another was J-Hud’s home city of Chicago had a power outage at the time of voting and therefore, she may have potentially lost a good number of votes. 🤷‍♂️ Either way, there was some outrage surrounding the results at the time; the main one I remember was Elton John calling America racist for placing the Three Divas in the B3. Despite her disappointing finish, as mentioned at the beginning of this write-up J-Hud has managed to have a stellar career post-Idol. I could talk about it more, but I don't want to make this write-up any longer than it is. :haha: Regardless, J-Hud is someone I’ve enjoyed after her somewhat of a rocky start.


28. Caleb Johnson: Season 13 (1st Place)


Caleb is the second of the three winners who were repeat auditioners to appear. He was a vocal powerhouse with incredible range, and I thought he was the most dynamic performer of the season. However, all wasn’t well for Caleb during his time on Idol. There were two major knocks against him. One was he often suffered from foot in mouth disease; he clearly had no filter. The most infamous example is when he called his fans the r-word for suggesting I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing during Top 5 Week. I won’t even try to make excuses for it; that was just terrible, and his so-called apology wasn’t much better. 😒 Needless to say, I was really disappointed in him. The second had to do more with his music style, which was considered to be really outdated and thus, there were question marks regarding his win. Did he deserve his win? Absolutely, because he got the votes to do so. Was he a “worthy” winner? I say it depends on how you look at it. If it’s viewed based solely from a marketability standpoint, then he was the worst choice of the Top 4 and Jena would’ve been the best bet. However, if viewed based on his body of work during the season, I say he was absolutely a “worthy” winner. Speaking of his body of work, I know Caleb auditioned twice (S10 and S11) before finally breaking through in S13. I remember in S11 during the Vegas Rounds when he asked for water, and Steven Tyler told him “dude, you’re surrounded by it”. 😂 Fast forward to S13 where he was picked to perform and gave a solid performance of Stay With Me. He advanced to the finals where he got off to a solid start. I enjoyed his first two performances Pressure And Time and Working Man. However, I really enjoyed Skyfall the following week. I never expected him to sing Adele and had my reservations on how he would do. Needless to say, he pulled it off, and it’s my second favorite performance of his. The Edge Of Glory was OK but not as strong as his previous performances. The following week, however, he gave my favorite performance of the season with Dazed And Confused. It’s not easy to pull off Led Zeppelin, but if anyone could it was Caleb. Boy did he ever! In addition, the band looked like they were having a blast with the number. He followed that with a solid performance of Chain Of Fools and another strong number with Faithfully the subsequent week. Family Tree was another good performance, followed by two more solid numbers with Sting Me and Undo It. For the former, that was the performance in which he dropped the mic and crawled on his knees to retrieve it without missing a beat 😅; for the latter, I’m not sure about this, but I recall a good number of Carrie fans not being too fond of his rendition. Personally, I thought it was fine. It would be the following week in which Caleb started to descend a bit. He gave his first poor performance with the aforementioned I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing; however, he rebounded with Still Of The Night later that evening. He would proceed to give two mediocre performances with You Give Love A Bad Name and Travelin’ Band and a solid performance of Maybe I’m Amazed the following week. During Top 3, however, he had some vocal cord issues, which were on full display as all three of his performances (Never Tear Us Apart, Demons, and his reprise of Dazed And Confused) were rough. For DAC, the most memorable thing was him slamming the mic stand at the end of the performance. In spite of his poor showing, he made it to the finale where he would have a strong performance of Dream On. It was much better than his previous Aerosmith showing, though there were thoughts he wouldn’t be able to handle the song with his vocal cord issues, especially the legendary scream. However, he was able to nail it. His other two performances were OK. They turned out to be enough because he would eventually be crowned the winner. Unfortunately, it was predictable to see Caleb would struggle post-Idol due to his preferred genre not being marketable at the time; having said that, it doesn’t detract from him being a strong performer during his season. Despite his shortcomings, I did enjoy Caleb a lot during S13.


27. Carrie Underwood: Season 4 (1st Place)


I don’t know how much trouble I’ll be in for this one, but I'm going to stick to my guns. :haha: The Idol country queen has a lot of positives going for her. For starters, she is an incredible singer who is capable of singing almost anything. In addition, she appears to be a total sweetheart and a gem of a person. One of the biggest things I like and respect the most about Carrie is that no matter how big and successful she got, she always has appreciated and given thanks to Idol for her career, which is refreshing to see since a good number of former contestants try to distance themselves from Idol. I’m not sure if this is true or not (maybe a die-hard or two can confirm this for me assuming they don’t want to kill me first :haha:), but I heard she gives the Top 2 of each season her personal phone number in order to contact her if they have any questions, which is really nice if so. Last, but certainly not least, not only is she one of the most beautiful women to appear on Idol, she is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen period. 😍 So, it’s probably being asked why isn’t she any higher you douche-bag. 🤣 Well, as with J-Hud, if I were to place more emphasis on what they do outside of Idol, she would be; in fact, she would be second on my list right behind Kelly. However, once again, this list is based primarily about the contestants during the show, and I just happen to like other contestants more - including some from her own season. This doesn’t mean I don’t like her because I do (trust me if I didn’t, she wouldn’t be anywhere near this high). With all of this said, on to her time on Idol…

Carrie wasn’t always the performer she is today. In fact, if there was a knock on her, it was thought she was too wooden on and off stage, almost as if she were robotic; after all, a nickname I've seen and heard tossed around was Farmbot because she grew up on a farm and all. :haha: Having said that, she’s always had the voice. She started off her Idol journey with Could’ve Been, which was a strong performance. The following week she sang Piece Of My Heart, which I didn’t care for mainly because she did the Faith Hill version, who I’m not the biggest fan of. Her next two performances Because You Love Me and When Will I Be Loved were fine. It was the following week, however, where Carrie would give probably her most acclaimed performance with Alone; in fact, it made Simon, who notoriously hated country music, declare not only would Carrie win the season, she would go on to sell more records than any other Idol contestant. Depending on who is asked or where the numbers come from, he may or may not have been wrong about that. Personally, at the time I liked Jessica Sierra’s performance better, but Alone is right up there now. Carrie would follow that with two solid performances of Independence Day and Hello, Young Lovers. The following week Carrie would sing Love Is A Battlefield which is a huge guilty pleasure of mine. That was the week Fantasia visited the contestants and advised them not to be afraid to get ugly. Carrie must’ve taken that to heart because she tried to be this tough girl, but she wasn’t all that believable. I thought Simon nailed it when he told her she looked like a kitten trying to become a tiger. 😂 Her next performance, MacArthur Park, was her weakest up to that point, but then again that is a terrible song no one can make sound good. I didn’t care too much for her next performance When God-Fearin’ Women Get The Blues either. The following week she had two solid performances of Trouble and Bless The Broken Road, though once again I didn’t really buy the tough girl act for the former, especially when she sang the I’m evil parts. Carrie would have mixed results the subsequent week. Her first performance, Sin Wagon, was solid although I didn’t think it measured up to the version Amy Adams did the year before. However, her second performance, If You Don’t Know Me By Now, was easily her worst of the season. She was out sung by Anthony Fedorov; that’s all that needs to be said. 😕 Regardless, she made it to the Top 3 where she had a solid night all things considered. I enjoyed her first performance Crying, didn’t care too much for Making Love Out Of Nothing At All, and thought Man! I Feel Like A Woman was fun and underrated. She had an OK night during the finale though I thought Bo was slightly better. It didn’t matter because she would eventually be crowned the winner. I thought it was close; however, after the season Nigel said not only was Carrie the top vote getter every week, she was #1 by wide margins and thus, her victory was a landslide. Unfortunately, Carrie would fade into obscurity and never be heard from again. 😂 In all seriousness, she became a huge star, and it’s often debated who has had the better career between her and Kelly. Though I liked her on the show, I’ve come to like her even more after it. So yeah, there are my thoughts on Carrie (this is definitely the longest write-up I've done; heck it may be longer than most of the contestants I've ranked ahead of her :haha:).


26. Nadia Turner: Season 4 (8th Place)


Speaking of contestants from S4 I liked more than Carrie (though I still like her a lot)... :haha: Nadia was a sexy, fierce, confident, and charismatic performer who I looked forward to each week during her season. She was like this soul/rock hybrid who was a breath of fresh air compared to most of the other contestants that season. She started off with a strong performance of The Power Of Love, a different song from the Celine Dion title which Melinda Lira sang right before her and one I have never heard before; I thought she had the best performance of the night as she gave a confident vocal and worked the stage. I didn’t care too much for her following performance My Love; it was just an OK performance. However, I loved Try A Little Tenderness; it may very well be my favorite version done on the show. I think it was around this point where I considered Nadia to be my favorite contestant of the season (though that’s not the case now, she’s still my third favorite of the season). She made it to the finals where she gave what I thought was her best pure vocal and one of the best performances of the season with You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me; it is certainly a performance I go back to watch from time to time. Unfortunately, she took a step back the following week with an awkward performance of Time After Time in which she came out with a “frohawk” (yes, Nadia did it before Sanjaya, lol) and messed up the words. In addition, she tried to make it an up-tempo rock number which just didn’t work. She landed in the B2 that week, but fortunately she didn’t leave which would’ve been a disappointment if she did. She somewhat redeemed herself the following week with a solid performance of I’m The Only One. Unfortunately, she once again found herself in the B3 which I was disappointed to see because I felt either Scott or Anthony should’ve been down there. Regardless, Nadia survived to give what I felt was the best performance of the night with As Long As He Needs Me. I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I preferred her version to Melinda’s as great as that was. 🤷‍♂️ Unfortunately, Nadia would give her weakest performance of the season the following week with When I Dream. For starters, she picked a rather obscure song that can be risky with voters; however, if said song is sung or performed well, it could be a risk that could very well pay off. Sadly, that wasn’t the case with Nadia, as her performance was rather boring and long; in fact, it nearly put me to sleep at the time 🥱, and considering it was the first performance of the night, that’s not a good thing. In spite of this, I was hoping she would be able to survive it considering who was still around at the time; however, that was not the case because she would be eliminated the following night. I knew it would be her after Scott was sent to safety first and pretty much knew Bo wasn’t going anywhere despite his B2 placement (though it would’ve been one heck of a shock if he were to be eliminated that night). While her run had a disappointing ending, I can look at Nadia’s time on Idol in a positive light for the most part.


030. Hollie Cavanagh

029. Jennifer Hudson

028. Caleb Johnson

027. Carrie Underwood

026. Nadia Turner


With Caleb's appearance, my S13 favorite has now been revealed. Here's the updated list:









S08: Allison Iraheta

S09: Crystal Bowersox



S12: Candice Glover

S13: Jessica Meuse

S14: Quentin Alexander

S15: La'Porsha Renae

S16: Jurnee

S17: Laci Kaye Booth

S18: Jovin Webb


Here what's to come next (assuming I have any followers left after this set, lol):

- Ability larger than a body part
- "Tell me where love goes when it's gone..."
- Kicking mail service
- Wears hometown out front
- Hmph, some makeover...


I won't post the next set until Wednesday at the earliest assuming it's done by then. I'm calling it a night and will deal with the potential aftermath tomorrow. 😂

Edited by Crisis
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14 hours ago, Crisis said:

030. Hollie Cavanagh

029. Jennifer Hudson

028. Caleb Johnson

027. Carrie Underwood

026. Nadia Turner

My Opinions


-Had to climb quite a bit- Hollie Cavanagh. Out of all the amazing contestants in this set, Hollie is the one that I am most sad to see ranked! 😅 You got yet another one of my all-time favorites! 💔 (Though it’s good, because I thought two were going to be in this set... 👍) Hollie was such a fun girl who amazed me with her vocal abilities every time. I loved her performance of “Reflection,” and “The Climb” is one of my favorites of the season. ❤️ Hollie also seemed to have a great relationship with her fellow contestants, namely Joshua and Skylar, which was always fun to see! 😂 To respond to your claim about the judges being too hard on her, it is possible that she was always compared to Jessica (who I thought was worse)... 🤔 Also, how could I forget that she was British too?! 😁 

-A song title that was on this contestant after an Utopian breakout- Jennifer Hudson. Ironically, Hudson’s biggest struggle on the show was not singing, but gaining popularity! 😅 Overall, I also really liked her performance of “The Circle of Life.” 👍


-Matthew McConaghey- Caleb Johnson. I liked him, but I didn’t love him, especially after some of the things he said on the show. 😒 I would have preferred a Jena win, but hey, he was fairly consistent on the show. 👍 His “Dream On” performance was legendary! 😅


-I may break some hearts with this ranking-Carrie Underwood. I really enjoyed her performance of “Alone,” and I’m glad to see that she has found success. I was surprised to not see her in the S18 “We Are the World” since she’s usually in every finale! 😅


-Caught up in spircles- Nadia Turner. No comment. 

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are you trying to get in trouble or just had a death wish? this set of the ranking definitely deserves a comment! and i will add it with my guesses at your clues.. 

030. Hollie Cavanagh - Had to climb quite a bit. because that song was one of her best. between her and jessica she wins hands down. vocally and likeability. such a powerful voice for a tiny person. i think she could have been much better winner and more commercial than anyone on that season. yet season 11 was when people lost interest and she faded back into obscurity. still she is one of my favs. 

029. Jennifer Hudson - Caught up in spircles. is it because she did circle of life and was eliminated after? yet can't remember much of her run on idol besides that bottom 3 divas.. season 3 was dominated by fantasia who just wiped the floor with everyone else on that season. or maybe because i saw the season WAY AFTER she was announced the winner so i already knew what to expect.. (like watching a thriller knowing who the murderer is). 

028. Caleb Johnson - A song title that was on this contestant after an Utopian breakout. are referring to his single fighting gravity? still loved his performances during idol and both his duets with jessica meuse (not so much the one with jena.. ) yet never thought he would be a good and successful winner. mostly because his style is to generic and unoriginal and the fact that season 13 was when original songs debuted on idol. caleb was a good singer for covers and as a lead for a cover band but as an artist he lacks that singer/songwriter skills for success especially in the rock genre. so no. i don't think he was a worthy winner and not surprised with how his career turned out. pretty much forgotten. 

027. Carrie Underwood - I may break some hearts with the ranking of this contestant. being a fav of many around here. it was my first idol season watching within 24 hours after the original air. such good times on the idol message boards!! i believe it was one of her performances that started the "note from the mic stand" thread after she kicked the mic stand.. still she wasn't my fav during the season as i had two others who i liked more.. her run splits in two for me: until top 5 albeit a good singer, she seemed to be lacking personality, but for some reason from top 5 onwards i started to enjoy her more and she started showing some stage presence. i never held a candle to alone performance. and she wasn't spared of simon's criticism, my fav was when he compared her performance to a washing soap commercial from the 50s (such vivid imagination..). still i only started to like her after idol with her debut album. she also seems having great sense of humor (loved her with brad paisley hosting an award show). 

026. Nadia Turner - Matthew McConaghey. this is by elimination process so there is no connection. unless i was off with another clue. can't remember much of her besides that one performance of the dusty springfield song but i prefer hollie singing it.. 


With Caleb's appearance, my S13 favorite has now been revealed. Here's the updated list:

so now we have TWO & HALF favs in common!!! 🙂 let me try again figuring this out: 


S01: kelly 


S03: fantasia

S04: bo 

S05: katherine or chris

S06: melinda

S07: cook

S08: Allison Iraheta

S09: Crystal Bowersox

S10: haley

S11: josh 

S12: Candice Glover

S13: Jessica Meuse

S14: Quentin Alexander

S15: La'Porsha Renae

S16: Jurnee

S17: Laci Kaye Booth

S18: Jovin Webb

Edited by blackfield
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14 minutes ago, Crisis said:

@Bk1234, I'm heading out the door, so I'll respond to your comments when I have the time. For now, I'll say 3/5 are correct. 😉

I swapped Carrie and Caleb's clue because those are the only two I could think of switching around. 😅

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9 hours ago, Bk1234 said:

My Opinions


-Had to climb quite a bit- Hollie Cavanagh. Out of all the amazing contestants in this set, Hollie is the one that I am most sad to see ranked! 😅 You got yet another one of my all-time favorites! 💔 (Though it’s good, because I thought two were going to be in this set... 👍) Hollie was such a fun girl who amazed me with her vocal abilities every time. I loved her performance of “Reflection,” and “The Climb” is one of my favorites of the season. ❤️ Hollie also seemed to have a great relationship with her fellow contestants, namely Joshua and Skylar, which was always fun to see! 😂 To respond to your claim about the judges being too hard on her, it is possible that she was always compared to Jessica (who I thought was worse)... 🤔 Also, how could I forget that she was British too?! 😁 

-Matthew McConaghey- Jennifer Hudson. Ironically, Hudson’s biggest struggle on the show was not singing, but gaining popularity! 😅 Overall, I also really liked her performance of “The Circle of Life.” 👍


-I may break some hearts with this ranking- Caleb Johnson. I liked him, but I didn’t love him, especially after some of the things he said on the show. 😒 I would have preferred a Jena win, but hey, he was fairly consistent on the show. 👍 His “Dream On” performance was legendary! 😅


-A song title that was on this contestant after an Utopian breakout-- Carrie Underwood. I really enjoyed her performance of “Alone,” and I’m glad to see that she has found success. I was surprised to not see her in the S18 “We Are the World” since she’s usually in every finale! 😅


-Caught up in spircles- Nadia Turner. No comment. 


Now only 2/5 are correct. 🙁


Hollie: Oof at ranking another one of your all time favorites. I would ask out of curiosity who was the other one you thought would be ranked in this set, but it's better off not to say anything. 😉 Agreed about her being a fun girl and her vocal abilities. She did appear to have great relationships with other contestants, especially Joshua; in fact, I remember him crying as Hollie was singing her swan song. Yeah, they did seem to compare her and Jessica while favoring Jessica. 😕 Of course we can't forget she's British!


Jennifer: Pretty much this.


Caleb: Fair enough about everything written here.


Carrie: I was curious about her not being a part of We Are The World as well. Maybe she had other plans because I doubt she would've turned it down if asked seeing how often she's appeared over the years.


5 hours ago, blackfield said:

are you trying to get in trouble or just had a death wish? this set of the ranking definitely deserves a comment! and i will add it with my guesses at your clues.. 

030. Hollie Cavanagh - Had to climb quite a bit. because that song was one of her best. between her and jessica she wins hands down. vocally and likeability. such a powerful voice for a tiny person. i think she could have been much better winner and more commercial than anyone on that season. yet season 11 was when people lost interest and she faded back into obscurity. still she is one of my favs. 

029. Jennifer Hudson - Caught up in spircles. is it because she did circle of life and was eliminated after? yet can't remember much of her run on idol besides that bottom 3 divas.. season 3 was dominated by fantasia who just wiped the floor with everyone else on that season. or maybe because i saw the season WAY AFTER she was announced the winner so i already knew what to expect.. (like watching a thriller knowing who the murderer is). 

028. Caleb Johnson - A song title that was on this contestant after an Utopian breakout. are referring to his single fighting gravity? still loved his performances during idol and both his duets with jessica meuse (not so much the one with jena.. ) yet never thought he would be a good and successful winner. mostly because his style is to generic and unoriginal and the fact that season 13 was when original songs debuted on idol. caleb was a good singer for covers and as a lead for a cover band but as an artist he lacks that singer/songwriter skills for success especially in the rock genre. so no. i don't think he was a worthy winner and not surprised with how his career turned out. pretty much forgotten. 

027. Carrie Underwood - I may break some hearts with the ranking of this contestant. being a fav of many around here. it was my first idol season watching within 24 hours after the original air. such good times on the idol message boards!! i believe it was one of her performances that started the "note from the mic stand" thread after she kicked the mic stand.. still she wasn't my fav during the season as i had two others who i liked more.. her run splits in two for me: until top 5 albeit a good singer, she seemed to be lacking personality, but for some reason from top 5 onwards i started to enjoy her more and she started showing some stage presence. i never held a candle to alone performance. and she wasn't spared of simon's criticism, my fav was when he compared her performance to a washing soap commercial from the 50s (such vivid imagination..). still i only started to like her after idol with her debut album. she also seems having great sense of humor (loved her with brad paisley hosting an award show). 

026. Nadia Turner - Matthew McConaghey. this is by elimination process so there is no connection. unless i was off with another clue. can't remember much of her besides that one performance of the dusty springfield song but i prefer hollie singing it.. 


With Caleb's appearance, my S13 favorite has now been revealed. Here's the updated list:

so now we have TWO & HALF favs in common!!! 🙂 let me try again figuring this out: 


S01: kelly 


S03: fantasia

S04: bo 

S05: katherine or chris

S06: melinda

S07: cook

S08: Allison Iraheta

S09: Crystal Bowersox

S10: haley

S11: josh 

S12: Candice Glover

S13: Jessica Meuse

S14: Quentin Alexander

S15: La'Porsha Renae

S16: Jurnee

S17: Laci Kaye Booth

S18: Jovin Webb


Maybe both; however, based on my S18 rankings, people should know to expect the unexpected by now. :haha:


2/5 on the guesses. As for the rest of the commentary:


030. She could've very well been a valid winner; however, Phillip was winning that season no matter what :haha:

029. Her run started off roughly before Circle Of Life, then she started to build momentum before her elimination

028. Can't say I disagree with everything written here. He was a strong performer but had virtually zero chance of mainstream success post-Idol

027. Again, can't say I disagree with what's written

026. Fair enough


As for your guesses on my favorites per season, the only one I can say is incorrect is S11 because Joshua has been ranked already. 😆

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9 hours ago, Bk1234 said:

My Opinions


-Had to climb quite a bit- Hollie Cavanagh. Out of all the amazing contestants in this set, Hollie is the one that I am most sad to see ranked! 😅 You got yet another one of my all-time favorites! 💔 (Though it’s good, because I thought two were going to be in this set... 👍) Hollie was such a fun girl who amazed me with her vocal abilities every time. I loved her performance of “Reflection,” and “The Climb” is one of my favorites of the season. ❤️ Hollie also seemed to have a great relationship with her fellow contestants, namely Joshua and Skylar, which was always fun to see! 😂 To respond to your claim about the judges being too hard on her, it is possible that she was always compared to Jessica (who I thought was worse)... 🤔 Also, how could I forget that she was British too?! 😁 

-A song title that was on this contestant after an Utopian breakout- Jennifer Hudson. Ironically, Hudson’s biggest struggle on the show was not singing, but gaining popularity! 😅 Overall, I also really liked her performance of “The Circle of Life.” 👍


-Matthew McConaghey- Caleb Johnson. I liked him, but I didn’t love him, especially after some of the things he said on the show. 😒 I would have preferred a Jena win, but hey, he was fairly consistent on the show. 👍 His “Dream On” performance was legendary! 😅


-I may break some hearts with this ranking-Carrie Underwood. I really enjoyed her performance of “Alone,” and I’m glad to see that she has found success. I was surprised to not see her in the S18 “We Are the World” since she’s usually in every finale! 😅


-Caught up in spircles- Nadia Turner. No comment. 

New edited clue guesses! 😅 If these are right, I’ll explain my confusion! 😂

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5 minutes ago, Bk1234 said:

New edited clue guesses! 😅 If these are right, I’ll explain my confusion! 😂


This edit paid off because they're all right this time! I'll explain them later tonight unless someone else does. 

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7 minutes ago, Crisis said:


This edit paid off because they're all right this time! I'll explain them later tonight unless someone else does. 

Oh yay!!! 😁 So what stumped me was JHUD. I thought the clue “Matthew McConaghey” referred to her since she was in the movie “Sing,” where I believe McConaghey was the main character. 

Edited by Bk1234
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035. Dennis Lorenzo - Hmm, I loved his Can You Feel the Love Tonight performance but he doesn't stand out to me in the grand scheme of things. 

034. Paris Bennett - Loved her, one of the highlights from my favorite season! Her audition is my favorite across all the seasons, and MTTG and her two jazzy perormances (Fever and These Foolish Things) were also awesome. Also thought Wind Beneath My Wings and All I do were great and underrated. 

033. Kree Harrison - I was a big Kree fan. I loved her country performances, but I also loved her big ballads like Up to the Mountain and bluesy performances like Evidence. I wish we'd seen more like that throughout the season (she tried with Hurts So Bad, but that was a disappointment). 

032. Jurnee - She was great and robbed. :( I think if she had more of a musical identity she could've made it further though. 

031. Clark Beckham - HAHAHAHA at your Alex Preston shade, I agree. He turned it happy and mid-tempo and destroyed the essence of the song. But this is about Clark. He was my favorite of S14 and I agree with you on your favorite performances of his. He should've won. 

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5 hours ago, Bk1234 said:

Oh yay!!! 😁 So what stumped me was JHUD. I thought the clue “Matthew McConaghey” referred to her since she was in the movie “Sing,” where I believe McConaghey was the main character. 


I was not aware of that, so I can see how others could be stumped by it, seeing as it could refer to two contestants in this set. 😅 I'll go ahead and explain the clues now (apologies to @miss denise) :


Hollie Cavanagh: Had to climb quite a bit (referring to Hollie's underdog run and her singing The Climb)

Jennifer Hudson: A song title that was on this contestant after an Utopian breakout (J-Hud has a song called Spotlight, which was certainly shined on her after her breakout role in Dreamgirls, which had to have been an Utopian, or dream, experience for her)

Caleb Johnson: Matthew McConaughey (not because he physically resembles the actor. 😂 McConaughey stars in the movie Dazed And Confused, which is a song Caleb performed on Idol)

Carrie Underwood: I may break some hearts with the ranking of this contestant (double entendre: Carrie is a very popular Idol contestant not just on IDF, but in general, so some may be sad or brokenhearted to see her ranked where she is. Also, her debut album is titled Some Hearts, which is within the clue)

Nadia Turner: Caught up in spircles (Nadia sang this line in her Time After Time performance. 😂 The actual line is "caught up in circles")


3 hours ago, ~Tom~ said:

035. Dennis Lorenzo - Hmm, I loved his Can You Feel the Love Tonight performance but he doesn't stand out to me in the grand scheme of things. 

034. Paris Bennett - Loved her, one of the highlights from my favorite season! Her audition is my favorite across all the seasons, and MTTG and her two jazzy perormances (Fever and These Foolish Things) were also awesome. Also thought Wind Beneath My Wings and All I do were great and underrated. 

033. Kree Harrison - I was a big Kree fan. I loved her country performances, but I also loved her big ballads like Up to the Mountain and bluesy performances like Evidence. I wish we'd seen more like that throughout the season (she tried with Hurts So Bad, but that was a disappointment). 

032. Jurnee - She was great and robbed. :( I think if she had more of a musical identity she could've made it further though. 

031. Clark Beckham - HAHAHAHA at your Alex Preston shade, I agree. He turned it happy and mid-tempo and destroyed the essence of the song. But this is about Clark. He was my favorite of S14 and I agree with you on your favorite performances of his. He should've won. 


035. Fair enough

034. S5 is my favorite season as well! Her audition was certainly a highlight. Can't say I disagree too much with the rest of the comments.

033. Pretty much agree with everything here. I wanted to see more performances like Evidence as well.

032. I thought her music identity was pop-R&B. Either way, I wish she wouldn't went further

031. I enjoyed Alex for the most part, but that performance was horrendous; it was one of my least favorites of the season (which is saying a lot considering the season being discussed :haha:). Pretty much agree with everything regarding Clark except for him being my favorite seeing that I have one more S14 contestant to rank. I would've liked to see him win, but after the perceived bussing he got towards the end of the season, he was probably better off not winning.


As I mentioned in my most recent set, I won't be posting a new one until tomorrow evening at the earliest; in fact, I haven't even started the write-ups yet. 😅 I'll start working on them ASAP. 👍 In the meanwhile, the time could be used for others to catch up (assuming they're still around, that is :haha:).

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22 hours ago, Crisis said:



Sometimes I'm surprised at the little details I remember. I usually don't think of them until I'm ready to post the contestant and then I'm like "oh yeah, that happened; maybe I should add it to the write-up". :haha: To be honest, I don't remember every performance either, especially from those who I'm indifferent to at best; those were the toughest write-ups for me as I can recall more details from contestants I like and dislike. No problem with the explanation!


- As I mentioned in her write-up, I'm not much of a fan of the Whitney Houston version because I thought she overdid it, which is the version I thought Syesha was doing. Thank the Lord for the Night Time was OK for me.

- I watched the video, and I liked it indeed! The song reminds me of a 70s funk record with a modern touch. Clark did his thing with it. 👍


I really don't know how you do it. :haha:  I would definitely have to do a lot of rewatching to have such detailed comments. 


- That's why I said they were two of my favorites that you didn't care for. :teeheewave: 

- Oh yay, I'm so glad! 😄  I agree. :bobo: 


030. Hollie Cavanagh: Aww I really liked Hollie since the previous season and she was one of my favorites too. I always though she was so lovable and I really like her voice too. I pretty much agree with your thoughts on all her performances. I was rooting from her from the start though (and since S10), so she was always a favorite of mine. Glad she was safe after "Perfect." ❤️  But sad about her many other B3 appearances. She also seems like an odd one to be polarizing. :haha: She was a little underdog though and glad she made it as far as she did. I also loved her friendship with Joshua. ❤️ 

029. Jennifer Hudson: I like her much more post-show than during the season, although I didn't mind her and enjoyed most of her performances. "She had issues using her voice properly, plus she had some odd fashion sense." :lmao:  I agree about her turning point and that was so memorable to me, as was her elimination, of course.  She has definitely had an incredible career that I don't think anyone really expected from a 7th placer, although the show was still in the early years, so we couldn't really know. But she's proved to be super successful and I am happy for her.

028. Caleb Johnson: Oh, I did not remember Caleb had auditioned before. 😮  I agree he was an exciting performer with a big range, and in a season that was super underwhelming for me, he was definitely one of the bright spots. Once again, I agree on pretty much all your thoughts on his performances. I also thought he was a deserving winner, and it's a shame nothing really came of him or his career (that I know of) following the show. :( 

027. Carrie Underwood: I absolutely LOVE and adore her and she is one of my all-time favorites. :wub:  Agree about both her amazing voice and how she seems as a person. ❤️ I also love her loyalty to Idol, and i do remember hearing many years ago about her giving her phone number to the top 2.  I always do my Idol rankings as balance of their time on the show + career after, and feel it would be so hard and not true to my personal feelings if it was or the other since it all forms my opinion. But I understand how you're doing it here and never question your rankings, even when I disagree. :haha:  Carrie has definitely grown immensely as a performer since her time on Idol and I agree with that! She was still a major favorite of mine then, as I loved her voice, personality, and everything about her. Her blossoming into such a huge star has been amazing to watch and I love her music so much. "Alone" will always be one of my favorites and biggest standout Idol performances for me. :omg: Soo incredible and so unexpected from her!  Sad you didn't care for MLOONAA as that was another one of my top favorites from her that I thought was amazing.  :broken: I love that the audience loved her so much to give her a landside win all season and wish we could see the voting numbers from every year. :haha: 

026. Nadia Turner: I was never too crazy about her,. She just didn't do much for me, unfortunately, but I did love "Try A Little Tenderness." I also seem to remember her being good friends with Mario, which won some points with me. :haha: LOL your comment about going to sleep with her final performance. :dead:  


I guessed Hollie and Nadia from when you posted the clues in the last set, and also figured Kelly or Carrie was the one about breaking hearts. I get the Caleb one now from the Matthew McConaughey movie. :haha:  Don't get the Jennifer one - but okay, I see you just explained it in the above post. 

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6 hours ago, Crisis said:


This edit paid off because they're all right this time! I'll explain them later tonight unless someone else does. 


6 hours ago, Bk1234 said:

Oh yay!!! 😁 So what stumped me was JHUD. I thought the clue “Matthew McConaghey” referred to her since she was in the movie “Sing,” where I believe McConaghey was the main character. 

so what is the connection to “Matthew McConaghey”!? because that one threw me off.. the clues are getting harder or maybe trying to get into his head.. you already posted the explanation above.. 

i will change my season 11 guess to elise testone as she is the only one left.. unless i forgot someone.. 

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On 7/21/2020 at 2:14 PM, Crisis said:

To paraphrase The Temptations, "get ready here it comes"! The clues for 30-26:


- I may break some hearts with the ranking of this contestant
- Matthew McConaghey
- Caught up in spircles
- Had to climb quite a bit
- A song title that was on this contestant after an Utopian breakout


30. Hollie Cavanagh: Season 11 (4th Place)


Leading off this set is Hollie Cavanagh. I actually meant to put her in the previous set, but here we are. Anyway, Hollie is a contestant who I have a serious soft spot for. How could I not? I thought she was really cute and likable. 🤗 In addition, she had a powerful voice coming out of that tiny frame of hers, though it appears it’s rather polarizing, as is Hollie herself apparently. Admittedly, Hollie wasn’t someone who I kept an eye on that much at the beginning of S11; however, I found myself seriously rooting for her around maybe the halfway point of her journey. Speaking of which, we have to go back to S10 for the beginning of it. She made it all the way to the final cuts before she became a casualty, yet J-Lo told her to come back within a year or two after getting more experience and she could potentially win the whole thing. Hollie took that to heart and came back the following season where she was invisible until the final cuts again, but this time she made it to the Top 24 25. She sang Reflection in the semis which was a good performance. She would advance to the finals where she would give two strong performances in the first two weeks with All The Man I Need and The Power Of Love. Based on her first three performances, it looked like what J-Lo said the year before had a strong possibility of happening (except not really because it was pretty easy to see Phillip was going to win, lol). However, Hollie hit a rough patch after TPOL, starting with Honesty during Top 10 week. She would then follow that with Jesus Take The Wheel which was another underwhelming number. She would hit what I thought was her lowest point the following week with Flashdance…What A Feeling, which was her first up-tempo number of the season. She appeared to give it her best effort, but there were times I had to turn away from the screen. It wasn’t even bad in a fun train wreck way like Julia DeMato’s; it was just bad. 😣 She managed to survive it and proceeded to give what I felt was her most underrated performance of the season with Perfect. I thought she did a great job slowing down the song and gave a really solid vocal. The judges, however, thought differently and pretty much ripped her for it. 😕 I think it was that moment when I started to cheer Hollie on because I thought the judges were being unfair. Apparently, the voters did as well because Hollie wasn’t even in the B3 that week after being there two of the previous three weeks. It appeared to be a confidence boost for Hollie because she gave two solid performances the following week with Rolling In The Deep and Son Of A Preacher Man, with the former being my favorite. She had mixed results the following week with a rather weak performance of Save Me and a strong performance of The Climb, though I can’t stand the song. The following week she had two more strong performances with River Deep, Mountain High and Bleeding Love; I actually thought she was the best that evening on both of her performances. Despite this, Hollie was in the B3 each of the three weeks. Top 4 rolled around, and I was hoping Hollie would somehow crack the Top 3. To do so, however, to use a baseball analogy, she needed to hit a home run in at least one of her performances seeing who she was up against. Unfortunately, she managed to hit only two singles with Faithfully and I Can’t Make You Love Me. They weren’t bad by any means, however, the others had at least one stand out performance (yes, I’m including Jessica’s AIATYING despite thinking it was overrated). Nonetheless, I was still hoping for a miracle; sadly, that didn’t happen as she was eliminated the following night. I was hoping she’d at least outlast Jessica, though technically she did at first (another reason to dislike the save, :haha: just kidding Jessica fans, maybe 😉). Regardless, Hollie certainly had one heck of a roller-coaster ride from being a potential front runner to scrappy underdog, and it was one I enjoyed for the most part.


29. Jennifer Hudson: Season 3 (7th Place)


Jennifer Hudson or J-Hud is someone who is probably more well known for her post-Idol career than her time on Idol; it makes sense as she is one of the Idol alums who’s had a strong mainstream career. If I were to rank contestants based mostly on their post-Idol careers, she would easily be Top 5 if not Top 3. However, as I mentioned a number of times, this list is primarily based on how much I like them and enjoyed them on Idol; therefore, this write-up will focus more on her time then. J-Hud had a big personality and a voice to match it. Her run didn’t exactly get off to the best start, however. She had issues using her voice properly, plus she had some odd fashion sense. She started off by singing Imagine while a part of Group 1 in the semis. It was an OK performance all things considered though I thought she overdid it at times. She didn’t advance to the finals, which I pretty much expected because I felt Fantasia and Diana had better performances that evening. However, J-Hud was invited back to perform in the WC round where she sang I Believe In You And Me, which was a much better effort than her previous performance. Fortunately, she was Randy’s WC and therefore advanced to the finals. She sang Baby, I Love You during the Top 12 which I felt was a bit on the underrated side. Nonetheless, J-Hud found herself in the B3 but managed to hang on and sing for another week. Speaking of which, she sang No One Else On Earth which I felt was her worst performance of the season. She would follow that up with another underwhelming performance of Heat Wave. She would find herself in the B3 again but once again manage to survive. At this point I was ready to write her off because although I thought she had a tremendous upside, it looked like she would never be able to put it all together. However, that all changed the following week when she unleashed Circle Of Life. That was my favorite performance of the night, barely edging out George, and is in my Top 10 of the season. That performance would prove to be the turning point for J-Hud as she would have two more solid performances with I Have Nothing, which I stated in Trenyce’s write-up was my favorite version of the song, and especially Weekend In New England, which was my favorite of the night. It looked as if J-Hud was poised to have a really deep run in the finals as she was building great momentum. Unfortunately, that momentum was halted in the worst way imaginable because the following night was the night of the infamous Three Divas B3 with J-Hud being the one sent home. There were some theories floating around as to how this happened. One is since she, Fantasia, and LaToya were similar singers, some vote splitting may have occurred. Another was J-Hud’s home city of Chicago had a power outage at the time of voting and therefore, she may have potentially lost a good number of votes. 🤷‍♂️ Either way, there was some outrage surrounding the results at the time; the main one I remember was Elton John calling America racist for placing the Three Divas in the B3. Despite her disappointing finish, as mentioned at the beginning of this write-up J-Hud has managed to have a stellar career post-Idol. I could talk about it more, but I don't want to make this write-up any longer than it is. :haha: Regardless, J-Hud is someone I’ve enjoyed after her somewhat of a rocky start.


28. Caleb Johnson: Season 13 (1st Place)


Caleb is the second of the three winners who were repeat auditioners to appear. He was a vocal powerhouse with incredible range, and I thought he was the most dynamic performer of the season. However, all wasn’t well for Caleb during his time on Idol. There were two major knocks against him. One was he often suffered from foot in mouth disease; he clearly had no filter. The most infamous example is when he called his fans the r-word for suggesting I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing during Top 5 Week. I won’t even try to make excuses for it; that was just terrible, and his so-called apology wasn’t much better. 😒 Needless to say, I was really disappointed in him. The second had to do more with his music style, which was considered to be really outdated and thus, there were question marks regarding his win. Did he deserve his win? Absolutely, because he got the votes to do so. Was he a “worthy” winner? I say it depends on how you look at it. If it’s viewed based solely from a marketability standpoint, then he was the worst choice of the Top 4 and Jena would’ve been the best bet. However, if viewed based on his body of work during the season, I say he was absolutely a “worthy” winner. Speaking of his body of work, I know Caleb auditioned twice (S10 and S11) before finally breaking through in S13. I remember in S11 during the Vegas Rounds when he asked for water, and Steven Tyler told him “dude, you’re surrounded by it”. 😂 Fast forward to S13 where he was picked to perform and gave a solid performance of Stay With Me. He advanced to the finals where he got off to a solid start. I enjoyed his first two performances Pressure And Time and Working Man. However, I really enjoyed Skyfall the following week. I never expected him to sing Adele and had my reservations on how he would do. Needless to say, he pulled it off, and it’s my second favorite performance of his. The Edge Of Glory was OK but not as strong as his previous performances. The following week, however, he gave my favorite performance of the season with Dazed And Confused. It’s not easy to pull off Led Zeppelin, but if anyone could it was Caleb. Boy did he ever! In addition, the band looked like they were having a blast with the number. He followed that with a solid performance of Chain Of Fools and another strong number with Faithfully the subsequent week. Family Tree was another good performance, followed by two more solid numbers with Sting Me and Undo It. For the former, that was the performance in which he dropped the mic and crawled on his knees to retrieve it without missing a beat 😅; for the latter, I’m not sure about this, but I recall a good number of Carrie fans not being too fond of his rendition. Personally, I thought it was fine. It would be the following week in which Caleb started to descend a bit. He gave his first poor performance with the aforementioned I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing; however, he rebounded with Still Of The Night later that evening. He would proceed to give two mediocre performances with You Give Love A Bad Name and Travelin’ Band and a solid performance of Maybe I’m Amazed the following week. During Top 3, however, he had some vocal cord issues, which were on full display as all three of his performances (Never Tear Us Apart, Demons, and his reprise of Dazed And Confused) were rough. For DAC, the most memorable thing was him slamming the mic stand at the end of the performance. In spite of his poor showing, he made it to the finale where he would have a strong performance of Dream On. It was much better than his previous Aerosmith showing, though there were thoughts he wouldn’t be able to handle the song with his vocal cord issues, especially the legendary scream. However, he was able to nail it. His other two performances were OK. They turned out to be enough because he would eventually be crowned the winner. Unfortunately, it was predictable to see Caleb would struggle post-Idol due to his preferred genre not being marketable at the time; having said that, it doesn’t detract from him being a strong performer during his season. Despite his shortcomings, I did enjoy Caleb a lot during S13.


27. Carrie Underwood: Season 4 (1st Place)


I don’t know how much trouble I’ll be in for this one, but I'm going to stick to my guns. :haha: The Idol country queen has a lot of positives going for her. For starters, she is an incredible singer who is capable of singing almost anything. In addition, she appears to be a total sweetheart and a gem of a person. One of the biggest things I like and respect the most about Carrie is that no matter how big and successful she got, she always has appreciated and given thanks to Idol for her career, which is refreshing to see since a good number of former contestants try to distance themselves from Idol. I’m not sure if this is true or not (maybe a die-hard or two can confirm this for me assuming they don’t want to kill me first :haha:), but I heard she gives the Top 2 of each season her personal phone number in order to contact her if they have any questions, which is really nice if so. Last, but certainly not least, not only is she one of the most beautiful women to appear on Idol, she is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen period. 😍 So, it’s probably being asked why isn’t she any higher you douche-bag. 🤣 Well, as with J-Hud, if I were to place more emphasis on what they do outside of Idol, she would be; in fact, she would be second on my list right behind Kelly. However, once again, this list is based primarily about the contestants during the show, and I just happen to like other contestants more - including some from her own season. This doesn’t mean I don’t like her because I do (trust me if I didn’t, she wouldn’t be anywhere near this high). With all of this said, on to her time on Idol…

Carrie wasn’t always the performer she is today. In fact, if there was a knock on her, it was thought she was too wooden on and off stage, almost as if she were robotic; after all, a nickname I've seen and heard tossed around was Farmbot because she grew up on a farm and all. :haha: Having said that, she’s always had the voice. She started off her Idol journey with Could’ve Been, which was a strong performance. The following week she sang Piece Of My Heart, which I didn’t care for mainly because she did the Faith Hill version, who I’m not the biggest fan of. Her next two performances Because You Love Me and When Will I Be Loved were fine. It was the following week, however, where Carrie would give probably her most acclaimed performance with Alone; in fact, it made Simon, who notoriously hated country music, declare not only would Carrie win the season, she would go on to sell more records than any other Idol contestant. Depending on who is asked or where the numbers come from, he may or may not have been wrong about that. Personally, at the time I liked Jessica Sierra’s performance better, but Alone is right up there now. Carrie would follow that with two solid performances of Independence Day and Hello, Young Lovers. The following week Carrie would sing Love Is A Battlefield which is a huge guilty pleasure of mine. That was the week Fantasia visited the contestants and advised them not to be afraid to get ugly. Carrie must’ve taken that to heart because she tried to be this tough girl, but she wasn’t all that believable. I thought Simon nailed it when he told her she looked like a kitten trying to become a tiger. 😂 Her next performance, MacArthur Park, was her weakest up to that point, but then again that is a terrible song no one can make sound good. I didn’t care too much for her next performance When God-Fearin’ Women Get The Blues either. The following week she had two solid performances of Trouble and Bless The Broken Road, though once again I didn’t really buy the tough girl act for the former, especially when she sang the I’m evil parts. Carrie would have mixed results the subsequent week. Her first performance, Sin Wagon, was solid although I didn’t think it measured up to the version Amy Adams did the year before. However, her second performance, If You Don’t Know Me By Now, was easily her worst of the season. She was out sung by Anthony Fedorov; that’s all that needs to be said. 😕 Regardless, she made it to the Top 3 where she had a solid night all things considered. I enjoyed her first performance Crying, didn’t care too much for Making Love Out Of Nothing At All, and thought Man! I Feel Like A Woman was fun and underrated. She had an OK night during the finale though I thought Bo was slightly better. It didn’t matter because she would eventually be crowned the winner. I thought it was close; however, after the season Nigel said not only was Carrie the top vote getter every week, she was #1 by wide margins and thus, her victory was a landslide. Unfortunately, Carrie would fade into obscurity and never be heard from again. 😂 In all seriousness, she became a huge star, and it’s often debated who has had the better career between her and Kelly. Though I liked her on the show, I’ve come to like her even more after it. So yeah, there are my thoughts on Carrie (this is definitely the longest write-up I've done; heck it may be longer than most of the contestants I've ranked ahead of her :haha:).


26. Nadia Turner: Season 4 (8th Place)


Speaking of contestants from S4 I liked more than Carrie (though I still like her a lot)... :haha: Nadia was a sexy, fierce, confident, and charismatic performer who I looked forward to each week during her season. She was like this soul/rock hybrid who was a breath of fresh air compared to most of the other contestants that season. She started off with a strong performance of The Power Of Love, a different song from the Celine Dion title which Melinda Lira sang right before her and one I have never heard before; I thought she had the best performance of the night as she gave a confident vocal and worked the stage. I didn’t care too much for her following performance My Love; it was just an OK performance. However, I loved Try A Little Tenderness; it may very well be my favorite version done on the show. I think it was around this point where I considered Nadia to be my favorite contestant of the season (though that’s not the case now, she’s still my third favorite of the season). She made it to the finals where she gave what I thought was her best pure vocal and one of the best performances of the season with You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me; it is certainly a performance I go back to watch from time to time. Unfortunately, she took a step back the following week with an awkward performance of Time After Time in which she came out with a “frohawk” (yes, Nadia did it before Sanjaya, lol) and messed up the words. In addition, she tried to make it an up-tempo rock number which just didn’t work. She landed in the B2 that week, but fortunately she didn’t leave which would’ve been a disappointment if she did. She somewhat redeemed herself the following week with a solid performance of I’m The Only One. Unfortunately, she once again found herself in the B3 which I was disappointed to see because I felt either Scott or Anthony should’ve been down there. Regardless, Nadia survived to give what I felt was the best performance of the night with As Long As He Needs Me. I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I preferred her version to Melinda’s as great as that was. 🤷‍♂️ Unfortunately, Nadia would give her weakest performance of the season the following week with When I Dream. For starters, she picked a rather obscure song that can be risky with voters; however, if said song is sung or performed well, it could be a risk that could very well pay off. Sadly, that wasn’t the case with Nadia, as her performance was rather boring and long; in fact, it nearly put me to sleep at the time 🥱, and considering it was the first performance of the night, that’s not a good thing. In spite of this, I was hoping she would be able to survive it considering who was still around at the time; however, that was not the case because she would be eliminated the following night. I knew it would be her after Scott was sent to safety first and pretty much knew Bo wasn’t going anywhere despite his B2 placement (though it would’ve been one heck of a shock if he were to be eliminated that night). While her run had a disappointing ending, I can look at Nadia’s time on Idol in a positive light for the most part.


030. Hollie Cavanagh

029. Jennifer Hudson

028. Caleb Johnson

027. Carrie Underwood

026. Nadia Turner


With Caleb's appearance, my S13 favorite has now been revealed. Here's the updated list:









S08: Allison Iraheta

S09: Crystal Bowersox



S12: Candice Glover

S13: Jessica Meuse

S14: Quentin Alexander

S15: La'Porsha Renae

S16: Jurnee

S17: Laci Kaye Booth

S18: Jovin Webb


Here what's to come next (assuming I have any followers left after this set, lol):

- Ability larger than a body part
- "Tell me where love goes when it's gone..."
- Kicking mail service
- Wears hometown out front
- Hmph, some makeover...


I won't post the next set until Wednesday at the earliest assuming it's done by then. I'm calling it a night and will deal with the potential aftermath tomorrow. 😂

I've been following this thread for a while now. I told myself to comment only when my favorite shows up. I'm pretty sure that my all-time favorite will appear on the next set. 😱😱😱😭😭😭


I can also sense that my third all time favorite will also appear.


Tough set ahead!!! But I'll keep my mouth shut due to the prohibition!


I wish you can rank them higher. :(

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Does this happen to anyone else? I guess that a contestant is going to be in the next set because of one clue, they end up in the next set, but they go along with a different clue! 😅 So far this has happened to me with Maddie Poppe and Jennifer Hudson. 

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Here’s my comments on the rankings:


1.  This is a good spot for Hollie.  I liked her but preferred Jessica.

2.  Jennifer probably needed time to be a star.  This is a close enough spot for her.

3.  I’d have ranked Caleb lower but that might be in part because I’m not fond of rock music, at least hard rock.

4.  I’d have ranked Carrie higher than Bo, but I liked her less than Nadia or Vonzell.  And yeah, she wasn’t really a great performer back then.

5.  Nadia was my first favorite in Season 4.  Unfortunately, voters preferred Scott for some reason and Nadia made some indulgent song choices.

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10 hours ago, miss denise said:


I really don't know how you do it. :haha:  I would definitely have to do a lot of rewatching to have such detailed comments. 


- Oh yay, I'm so glad! 😄  I agree. :bobo: 


030. Hollie Cavanagh: Aww I really liked Hollie since the previous season and she was one of my favorites too. I always though she was so lovable and I really like her voice too. I pretty much agree with your thoughts on all her performances. I was rooting from her from the start though (and since S10), so she was always a favorite of mine. Glad she was safe after "Perfect." ❤️  But sad about her many other B3 appearances. She also seems like an odd one to be polarizing. :haha: She was a little underdog though and glad she made it as far as she did. I also loved her friendship with Joshua. ❤️ 

029. Jennifer Hudson: I like her much more post-show than during the season, although I didn't mind her and enjoyed most of her performances. "She had issues using her voice properly, plus she had some odd fashion sense." :lmao:  I agree about her turning point and that was so memorable to me, as was her elimination, of course.  She has definitely had an incredible career that I don't think anyone really expected from a 7th placer, although the show was still in the early years, so we couldn't really know. But she's proved to be super successful and I am happy for her.

028. Caleb Johnson: Oh, I did not remember Caleb had auditioned before. 😮  I agree he was an exciting performer with a big range, and in a season that was super underwhelming for me, he was definitely one of the bright spots. Once again, I agree on pretty much all your thoughts on his performances. I also thought he was a deserving winner, and it's a shame nothing really came of him or his career (that I know of) following the show. :( 

027. Carrie Underwood: I absolutely LOVE and adore her and she is one of my all-time favorites. :wub:  Agree about both her amazing voice and how she seems as a person. ❤️ I also love her loyalty to Idol, and i do remember hearing many years ago about her giving her phone number to the top 2.  I always do my Idol rankings as balance of their time on the show + career after, and feel it would be so hard and not true to my personal feelings if it was or the other since it all forms my opinion. But I understand how you're doing it here and never question your rankings, even when I disagree. :haha:  Carrie has definitely grown immensely as a performer since her time on Idol and I agree with that! She was still a major favorite of mine then, as I loved her voice, personality, and everything about her. Her blossoming into such a huge star has been amazing to watch and I love her music so much. "Alone" will always be one of my favorites and biggest standout Idol performances for me. :omg: Soo incredible and so unexpected from her!  Sad you didn't care for MLOONAA as that was another one of my top favorites from her that I thought was amazing.  :broken: I love that the audience loved her so much to give her a landside win all season and wish we could see the voting numbers from every year. :haha: 

026. Nadia Turner: I was never too crazy about her,. She just didn't do much for me, unfortunately, but I did love "Try A Little Tenderness." I also seem to remember her being good friends with Mario, which won some points with me. :haha: LOL your comment about going to sleep with her final performance. :dead:  


I guessed Hollie and Nadia from when you posted the clues in the last set, and also figured Kelly or Carrie was the one about breaking hearts. I get the Caleb one now from the Matthew McConaughey movie. :haha:  Don't get the Jennifer one - but okay, I see you just explained it in the above post. 


Sometimes, I don't know how I do it either. :haha:




030. I agree with everything except rooting for her from the start. I was happy to see her make it as far as she did as well considering everything.

029. I remember the judges, Simon in particular, used to crack on her outfits early in the season and she would be like "you don't like my outfits?!". :lmao: I pretty much agree with the commentary here. I think it was her breaking out that showed it's possible to do something without winning; it just takes some hard work, determination, and some luck.

028. Once again, I agree with nearly everything here. It is a shame nothing really happened for him post-Idol; however, it was pretty much expected due to his style. 😕

027. Completely understandable about ranking contestants based on what they do on and off the show. Thank you for respecting the way I'm doing this even if you disagree. 😁 As for Carrie, it is also understandable how you (and others) feel that way about her. I don't think I've come across anyone who's had a negative thing to say about her; actually, I take that back. I have a friend who hated Carrie's guts because she was a die-hard Bo fan and was devastated when Carrie won. 🤣 She's since come around and likes Carrie now, but I think her Carrie hatred rivaled my Syesha hatred back then. :lmao:

026. Fair enough about her. Yeah, her final performance wasn't exactly the most fun. 😅


4 hours ago, laumopera said:

I've been following this thread for a while now. I told myself to comment only when my favorite shows up. I'm pretty sure that my all-time favorite will appear on the next set. 😱😱😱😭😭😭


I can also sense that my third all time favorite will also appear.


Tough set ahead!!! But I'll keep my mouth shut due to the prohibition!


I wish you can rank them higher. :(


Welcome. At least should your favorite(s) appear in the upcoming set, solace can be taken in that they're in my Top 25 which is higher than some of the favorites of other posters (I think I upset @x3 because of u for posting her all time favorite already, seeing as she hasn't commented since then :haha:) .


11 hours ago, blackfield said:

i will change my season 11 guess to elise testone as she is the only one left.. unless i forgot someone.. 


2 hours ago, Bk1234 said:

I think you forgot Erika Van Pelt. 😉




41 minutes ago, CarmenSandiego said:

Here’s my comments on the rankings:


1.  This is a good spot for Hollie.  I liked her but preferred Jessica.

2.  Jennifer probably needed time to be a star.  This is a close enough spot for her.

3.  I’d have ranked Caleb lower but that might be in part because I’m not fond of rock music, at least hard rock.

4.  I’d have ranked Carrie higher than Bo, but I liked her less than Nadia or Vonzell.  And yeah, she wasn’t really a great performer back then.

5.  Nadia was my first favorite in Season 4.  Unfortunately, voters preferred Scott for some reason and Nadia made some indulgent song choices.


1. Glad you think so. 👍

2. Pretty much agreed.

3. Fair enough. Everyone has their own musical preferences.

4. Fair enough about her.

5. Pretty much agreed, especially with her indulgent song choices. She did say she was more into the artsy fartsy type of songs and not so much into the mainstream ones. :haha:

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6 hours ago, Crisis said:



Welcome. At least should your favorite(s) appear in the upcoming set, solace can be taken in that they're in my Top 25 which is higher than some of the favorites of other posters (I think I upset @x3 because of u for posting her all time favorite already, seeing as she hasn't commented since then :haha:) .




🤣🤣🤣 I'm lurking.

  • Haha 1
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11 hours ago, Crisis said:


029. I remember the judges, Simon in particular, used to crack on her outfits early in the season and she would be like "you don't like my outfits?!". :lmao: I pretty much agree with the commentary here. I think it was her breaking out that showed it's possible to do something without winning; it just takes some hard work, determination, and some luck.

027. Completely understandable about ranking contestants based on what they do on and off the show. Thank you for respecting the way I'm doing this even if you disagree. 😁 As for Carrie, it is also understandable how you (and others) feel that way about her. I don't think I've come across anyone who's had a negative thing to say about her; actually, I take that back. I have a friend who hated Carrie's guts because she was a die-hard Bo fan and was devastated when Carrie won. 🤣 She's since come around and likes Carrie now, but I think her Carrie hatred rivaled my Syesha hatred back then. :lmao:


- LOL I remember that too and can kind of hear her voice in my head saying that. :dead:  Such good memories. And very true!

- I'm glad you understand my thoughts on that as well. ^_^ Of course. :hug: Oh wow, your friend... yikes. I'm so glad she at least likes Carrie now, although too bad not the same 180 that happened with you and Syesha. :haha:  

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51 minutes ago, miss denise said:


- LOL I remember that too and can kind of hear her voice in my head saying that. :dead:  Such good memories. And very true!

- Oh wow, your friend... yikes. I'm so glad she at least likes Carrie now, although too bad not the same 180 that happened with you and Syesha. :haha:  


- So can I; that season definitely had its fair share of characters and personalities. :haha:

- Yeah, it's too bad it's not the same 180, but at least it's something. She still takes tiny jabs at her now and then, but I can tell she respects and admires Carrie a lot after getting over her hatred (I think she may have a girl crush on her though she'll 100% deny it if asked about it). :haha:


I'm putting the finishing touches on the next set and should have it up in my next post (which looks like it'll be on the next page🤞).

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