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RuPaul’s Drag Race - General Discussion Thread


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3 minutes ago, Elliott said:

Alaska was the tenth winner overall, and her finale was August 2016. Since then, the following winners have happened:

Sasha Velour

Not Shangela Trixie Mattel


Monét X Change

Trinity the Tuck

Yvie Oddly

The Vivienne

Jaida Essence Hall

Shea Couleé



Plus the two Drag Race Thailand winners.

and people ask why it's so hard for me to keep up. smh.

  • Haha 1
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9 minutes ago, Elliott said:

Alaska was the tenth winner overall, and her finale was August 2016. Since then, the following winners have happened:

Sasha Velour

Not Shangela Trixie Mattel


Monét X Change

Trinity the Tuck

Yvie Oddly

The Vivienne

Jaida Essence Hall

Shea Couleé



Plus the two Drag Race Thailand winners.

Wow that is just so much. :lmao: The show got really big and popular since 2017 which is an amazing thing.


And yay thanks for getting me to the next page. Thoughts will be posted on the next post.

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Anastarzia Anaquway: I feel like Anastarzia Anaquway has one of the most unique and interesting names of a Drag Queen. Seems so out of the box. As a competitor, Anastarzia was fine but didn’t really stand out. It was cool she’s done many drag pageant competitions and won them over the years but it just didn’t seem to click on here. Her red Canadian fabric outfit was cool. Ooh gosh on the Her-itage Moments episode where she talked about being shot in the Bahamas for being gay - and having to teach herself to breathe and walk again…. that was such a sad & tragic story. :broken: So glad she recovered from that. She did have a really nice pageantry runway look here. But then eek the Not Sorry About It girl group rap battle was a really bad episode for her. :( Anastarzia struggled with the recording of the song. But not only that,  also struggled with the dancing and choreography. I don’t normally notice someone being a bit off - but… she was really off and lacking so much energy. It was all lackluster. Then I also found her “Absolutely Not” lip sync performance lackluster and just there. It was sad how she had to battle against her close friend in Tynomie. I would have liked seeing how Anastarzia would come back from this but I wasn’t disappointed to see her go either. OMGG wow at how she didn’t leave a message on the mirror for the remaining queens. :dead:


BOA (B*tch On Arrival): Ooh BOA…. I actually really like her name and find it really hilarious and fun. :haha: But ooo gosh….. as a competitor I really did not get BOA at all. And I didn’t really find her to be particularly impressive. And ugh that pains me because I really wanted to like her. The judges really confused me with their reactions to BOA’s runway looks earlier on the season (like the first 2-3 weeks). I was really surprised she landed in the Top 3 on the premiere design challenge episode with that green bathing suit look with potatoes as pasties look? I didn’t think that look was impressive but she sold the runway and had character in her runway. And this was a reoccurring theme for the next few weeks… that i just didn’t get. Was I missing something? I did expect BOA to shine on the acting/comedic based challenges but the opposite happened. She struggled on with her acting and remember her lines on The Muffragettes group on the Her-itage Moments. I did think she was fun performing in the Not Sorry About It girl group rap battle performance and this was probably my favorite week from her. I wasn’t super impressed like the judges were but this was fun. I didn’t like her silver metal bra/dress/diaper combo outfit and it seemed quite messy. i thought she had the weakest look of the House of Rust team and I was kinda surprised she didn’t Bottom 2. Ugh then I was disappointed again with BOA with her Gypsy Rose snatch game performance. As I said, I was expecting her to be a comedy queen but she played the character safe and didn’t go out there and take the risks to be funny. It fell flat and again I was surprised she didn’t land in the Bottom 2. I was kinda over BOA as a competitor and yeah she delivered another underwhelming performance on the STAR SIXTY-NINE commercial. :( She did not bring the funny or hilarity that her other two mates in Rita or Jimbo brought and was just in her head again. I actually kinda felt her runway looks got a little better towards the end although they still weren’t anything too standout or special. But I guess she just didn’t have the spark to sell those outfits. Her story on her last episode of getting beat up in a bloody way and being unconscious was absolutely terrible. I’m so sorry BOA went through that but so glad she recovered. :( But yeah I just wasn’t a fan of BOA throughout her time here.


Ilana Verley: Ilana was a really compelling character and I liked the strong story she brought of representing Indigenous people and non-binary people and I felt she represented those communities well. I enjoyed Ilana in this competition but she was never really a big standout to me at the same time. I thought she did well on the first design challenge with her theme - although it wasn’t a particular standout. I did feel bad for how Ilana was chosen last a couple times for the group challenges like in the Her-itage Moments and the Not Sorry About It episodes. But yeah in that girl group rap battle challenge, she came off uncomfortable and lacking confidence with her performance skills and the dancing wasn’t too good. But i did remember her light blue runway look and this was a strong runway look that kept her out of the bottom so that was good on Ilana. Ooh gosh that Single Use Queens episode was a rough one for Ilana. I liked how she had this Showgirls theme with the Maison Papier team but then Jumbo was doing her own thing so Ilana changed her idea to accommodate Jimbo’s theme. I liked the concept and storytelling but it’s a shame her outfit wasn’t that good. :( I did feel really bad with how Ilana was breaking down having to compete against Tynomi. :broken: But then she delivered such a strong “Girlfriend” lip sync battle. :dead: I thought Ilana did well as Rebecca More on Snatch Game. I mean I don’t know who Rebecca is so I can’t comment on how accurate her portrayal was. But it was actually a fine middle of the road performance. She wasn’t standout’ishly good or terribly bad. I did kinda enjoy Ilana on the Sarah & Sarahson’s Sister Separation Specialists segment on the STAR SIXTY-NINE episode. I get how her character lacked levels and needed more variety but I did enjoy how stupid and silly her character was.  With that BOA vs. Ilana “Scars to Your Beautiful” lip sync, I was fine with either going but I liked and felt more emotion from Ilana so she was deserving of staying. The Miss Moose Jaw was another kinda rough episode for Ilana. She missed the mark with her Miss Erable (Pouty Sad Sack) character and went about it the wrong way. She came off more moody and angry and it was kinda of uncomfortable to watch. I actually really enjoy her runway look this week with the lavender dress. But yeah at this point I did feel it was her time to go. So yeah I do like Ilana as a person and what she stands for but not a fan of her run too much.


Jimbo: Jimbo was the weird and quirky Queen of the season and as you know those types of Queens can be hit or miss for me / takes me some getting used to and becoming a fan of. That was the case with Jimbo but I id grow to really enjoy her. Jimbo did really impress right from that premiere design challenge episode with the long rainbow themed dress. That was a strong, fun and quirky look and she sold it. A deserved Top 3 spot for her. Jimbo was a standout with playing the old closeted judge in The Muffragettes group on the Her-itage Moments episode. Then how she revealed herself from a judge to a closeted drag queen was so hilarious. :lmao: I don’t really remember her performance in the Team Dwolls group on the Not Sorry About It girl group rap battle  episode. All I do remember was Jimbo struggling on the choreography and her being mad at herself not picking up the choreography. But she wasn’t terrible enough to be in the Bottom so that’s good. Omggg Jimbo with her Maison Papier group with Ilana & Tynomi was…. something else. Yikes Jimbo was not liking their idea and just wanted to do her own thing. It worked out for Jimbo as her paper styled Queen inspired dress was a great and strong look -and far better than Ilana & Tynomi’s knights look. It seemed like Jimbo was like “Well I’m not gonna go out there in those hot mess outfits you two have” or something? :haha: But she h ad a good fashion and Marie Antoniette old school look that totally worked. Her portrayal as Joan Rivers on Snatch Game was amazing and hysterical. She had Joan down so perfectly and really shone from start to finish. She had me cracking up every time she was on stage. :dead: I also loved her Celine Paris Fashion 2019 week look too. This was pretty much my favorite week of Jimbo’s and I saw her as a true contender here (even though I did some other weeks too). I thought Jimbo was fun & hilarious on the STAR SIXTY-NINE episode. She played Debbie D*ckhole on The B.E.L.L.E.S. episode and she was once again so OTT, crazy and hilarious with her character. That “IT’S MY SPECIAL DAY” line was so hilarious from her! :lmao: Oooh and this was another runway look I really loved from her where she had that full on denim jean catsuit look. I think that was when Jimbo peaked as she slowed dipped down in the challenges and runway looks on her last three weeks. She was hilarious with her Miss Behavin’ (Sex positive horndogess) character. She had fun and does well with the overtly sexualized characters and she wash hilarious with how OTT she was there. Sadly her runway look wasn’t so well liked here and the judges were hating her make-up and dress being so poofy and not really a pageant look which I did get. I thought Jimbo did a really good job at transforming her partner Eka into her drag family in the Welcome to the Family episode. They did resemble each other  well. Their red leather latex outfits did have that overtly sexual feel to it and it seemed off brand from her quirkiness. I thought they did well with the looks - but it was middle ground for me. Jimbo had one of, if not her actual weakest episode, on The Snow Ball 3 looks outfit. Neither of her three looks were that strong or really popped. I did think her first two looks were fun but I didn’t care for her Ice Queen Eleganaza look. I did agree with the judges that her looks took a decline in quality, didn’t stand out like her past looks and it came off like she was feeling comfortable. Or maybe she used up her best looks and ideas early on? She did well with her “Closer” lip sync but I did think Rita was the stronger lip sync performer so I agreed with Jimbo going out here.  But this surprised me as i really thought Jimbo would have been a shoo-in for the finale but I was fine with her missing out.


Juice Boxx: Aww I kinda enjoyed Juice Boxx on her one episode stay. I did have higher expectations for Juice Boxx to do well (despite not really liking her drag name) but then the having the Got Much Ru-sic video Prance theme on the premiere design challenge did not work in her favor. The outfit was definitely very basic and simple. Sewing and designing wasn’t her thing so that was kind of to be expected. I felt really bad and scared for Juice Boxx when she had a panic attack on stage though. :fear: I enjoyed her “I Really Like You” lip sync performance. I felt she gave a slightly more consistent performance despite but didn’t deliver those wow moments that Lemon brought. Based on just that one episode, I wish she would have stayed over Kyne but oh well.



Kiara: I enjoyed Kiara throughout her time on this season. I felt for the most part Kiara was kind of was safe and middle of the road for the majority of her run. I wish she had more moments to shine and stand out but I did enjoy her. I thought she had a fun first look on the premiere episode with the Got Like a Prairie look. I think Kiara’s best and shining moment was being apart of the Burnt Tuck scene on the Her-itage Moments episode. Her character was really hilarious and she had this shtick comedy acting done so well. She really threw herself into everything asked of her. :haha: I was looking forward to Kiara in the Not Sorry About It girl group rap battle episode as she said she has done girl groups drag performances but she kinda faded into the background and didn’t really stand out. The judges also were commenting on her runway looks looking basic which yeah I did understand that. I was surprise she wore a gold Disco diva jumpsuit after how Kyne got panned for hers. Kiara did have a strong week with the La Maison Boraga team on the Single Use Queens episode. Her team had great cohesive looks together and I was happy for Kiara finally getting good comments for her runway look here. Then I was really looking forward to her Mariah Carey Snatch Game performance but it turned out to be boring and a dud of a performance. I felt she could have done more and add in more diva’ish Mariah mannerisms but they were not there. I did like her runway look. But it was easy to call Kiara would be in the Bottom 2. But whoa, she really impressed me and delivered on that “I Drove All Night” lip sync battle. :omg: Both Kiara & Priyanka killed that that I thought both were going to stay and both deserved to. But on the basis of her run, I was fine with Kiara going. i just wish she had better standout moments as I did enjoy her.



Kyne: Oh Kyne…. I went through such a journey with her on her two-episode stay on the show. I liked her at the very start and then when she won the snowstorm wind machine photoshoot. Then Kyne kept saying how she was going to win this premiere design challenge with all of this confidence. At first I found the ~joke funny but then the more she went on with how she was going to win and how great she thought her gold Disco outfit (with falling disco golden balls) was, the more annoyed I got. Then her attitude and defensiveness with thejudegs was really cringe and annoying to watch too. Ugh I thought she lucked out she didn’t land in the Bottom 2 there. Then OMGG Kyne forgiving Brooke Lynn for her comments the previous episode. Uhhhh what? This was so ridiculous. :dead:  She was fine in  The Muffragettes group  but she lacked personality and wasn’t memorable. And yikes that Urusla runway look was a downgrade from her earlier first time in drag look. At least Kyne took the judges critiques better the second time around and was really supportive of Tynomi when she was getting emotional after the lip sync performance in which case i found Kyne’s performance underwhelming there. I was totally fine with Kyne levying when she did. She left on a better note on Episode 2 than what would have been had she left on Episode 1 (where I was verging o can’t standing her lol). But I felt Kyne was all hype and no delivery…. so did not end up being a fan.


Lemon: Lemon was probably one of the biggest surprises for me and the Queen that grew the most on me this season. I didn’t think much of Lemon on the first episode with that first runway look she designed. It wasn’t a great look and it landed her in the Bottom 2. I was even ~fine with her going after this episode but then she delivered a really strong “I Really Like You” lip sync battle and deserved to stay. I did like Lemon’s backstory of how she was a dancer and went to the Alvin Alley school and then got into drag. Lemon did a complete 180 where she really nailed it on the Her-itage Moments improv challenge and for someone with not much proper experience? She was really such a standout and nails her Lisette character and yeah a deserving challenge win for her. So this proved to me Lemon could be a competition, she which she did prove. She was fun as a member of Team Dwolls and calling herself a “rap-tress” and being all into rap and that exchange with Jeffrey. :haha: She danced and performed well but I did expect her to stand out more. I thought Lemon had a nice look on the House of Rust metal group but it also felt out of place with BOA and Priyanka’s look as her dress was more red and theirs was silver. That didn’t really mesh well to me. But I did like how her runway looks were improving. Lemon was freaking hysterical and so spot on as JoJo Siwa on Snatch Game.  She was OTT/exrta/loud and all. That was seriously such a perfect portrayal of her. :haha: I also really enjoyed Lemon on the STAR SIXTY-NINE episode with Kitty & Kat sketch with Priyanka. They made a really great team and were so funny to watch! :haha: Then that split and coming up from it move was insane. :dead: It’s a shame her denim jean look got really panned from the judges… that was just so gah. And ugh I did not like how the other Queens said she should go just for a bad runway look when she was great/better than some others in her ad. :/ So glad she didn’t Bottom 2 here. I’m sad that Welcome to the Family makeover episode wasn’t a good episode for Lemon. I did like how she gave her partner Rebal the name of Lime. And Lemon & Lime were cute names. But yikes….. Lemon did a bad make-up job on Lime with really aging and making her look old.I wasn’t ready for Lemon to go at this point but when she was in the Bottom 2 against Rita, I knew her time would be up. She did end her journey on great note with that “You Oughta Know” lip sync which was a killer lip sync. :omg: So yeah Lemon did really well and did become one of my favorites.


Priyanka: I guess I will not try to hide the obvious but yes Priyanka was my favorite contestant of the first Canadian season and she was the Queen I was most invested in. Priyanka had a great likable and fun/funny personality but she also had a lot of depth to her with wanting to represent her Caribbean, Indian and West Indian ethnicity and always wanted to represent queer POC well and I felt she did that perfectly. I just found her really rootable, even though it wasn’t quite instant per se but it did happen sitll kinda quickly. I also love how Priyanka started off as a Kids TV host and then transformed being a drag queen and was one of the newer queens doing drag. Priyanka didn’t stand out too much for me on the first episode but I do think she had a nice first design look on the premiere design episode. Priyanka did start standing out more to me on the Her-itage Moments acting  episode. I can’t exactly remember what her character’s name was but I do remember her acting well and being really funny and ditzy with the character. :haha: But it was that third episode, where Priyanka was a member of the Mooseknuckles on the Not Sorry About It girl groups rap battle episodes, where I felt she really stood out to me. She was fantastic in this performance - with great performing, lip synching and just all around amazing stage presence. She also had a really fun runway look with that blue & red Quebecky hair themed outfit. It was this episode where I decided I was really invested and took notice of Priyanka, and was pretty much deciding her to be my favorite. And I never looked back. Oooh I thought Priyanka slayed it on the Single Use Queen episode where she was apart of the House of Rust team. I thought she designed a great outfit and nailed the runway walk. She learned a lot from Stacey’s runway lesson because Priyanka really worked the runway like a supermodel. The judges said she gave off Iman & Naomi Campbell vibes which I agreed on. She was my personal favorite this week so it was a bummer how the rest of the group’s look (namely BOA) wasn’t as strong as her. :( But week Priyanka gave a very disappointing performance as Miss Cleo on the Snatch Game episode. I was excited for this as you could make Miss Cleo funny but Priyanka gave a dull and lackluster performance. The Bottom 2 performance was deserved and I was kinda glad about it because she really nailed it with her “I Drove All Night” lip sync performance. That was SOO good! :omg: I also loved her two in one Celine runway looks too and how she had the Celine character down too. :haha: I really enjoyed her on the STAR SIXTY-NINE episode with the Kitty & Kat sketch with Lemon. They were really funny and had good chemistry as a duo. They had the characters roles done too. It’s a shame her denim jean look didn’t impress the judges but I liked it. I was hoping for Priyanka to redeem herself as Miss Demeanor (Angry Hothead) on the Miss Moose Jaw but this was another let down. I think I remember she had a mix of good and bad moments with this character, probably more bad and did seem a bit one note lacking variety and shades of her character.  I don’t really get how a Kids  TV show host could be so bad at improv challenges though. Thankfully this was the only thing Priyanka was really bad on but i worried for her chances of making the final. She did have a beautiful runway look and delivered another strong lip sync performance of Allie X’s “Hello.” Thankfully Priyanka was able to make a strong redemption for herself on the Welcome to the Family makeover episode with Elton as Elektra. I thought Pritanka had a strong connection with each other  and Priyanka really transformed Elton into her drag sister and it was really believable. I thought they had good matching outfits and had a blast on the runway. Priyanka was far away my favorite this episode and I was so glad she won her second challenge here. :ohyeah: I thought Priyanka did well on the Snow Ball episode! Her Executive Holiday Party (Holiday CEO) outfit was a lot of fun. She had this OTT Christmas lover outfit and character down so perfectly. :Haha: Then her playing a hungover drunk type character with the Icy Walk of Shame look was a lot of fun too. :haha: I liked both of her outfits there too.  Sadly her Ice Queen Eleganza look was her weakest look and the outfit was not that memorable but I did like her look outside of the outfit. Thankfully Jimbo and Rita did even worst overall so that Priyanka was safe to not land in the Bottom 2. I was so relieved about that and thankful she made it into the finale! I thought Priyank was really great on the U Wear it Well episode. Priyanka delivered a really strong full of star quality performance and really came offf like a pop star in that performance. :omg: she owned it and was my favorite of that group performance. Then her last runway look was gorgeous and she looked like an Indian Goddess. I love it when Queens pay homage to their heritage and Priyanka did that wonderfully here (and the other times she did it in the past). I was definitely rooting for Priyanka but was unsure if she ould pull off the win because Rita & Scarlett were all strong competitors. But I was really surprised and sooo pleased that Priyanka won it! :spaz: As I said, I found Priyanka really likable, rootable and provided a strong backstory to make you root for her.


Rita Baga: It was nice seeing Rita Baga representing the French Canadians in this competition and making it all the way to the final. Whether if Rita was my actual favorite or not, there was no denying what a strong and standout competitor she was. She came in very polished with a lot of experience. I just enjoyed the high fashion and poise she brought to the competition. Right from  that premiere episode design challenge where she won with the Quebec-Froid theme and she had this really great high fashion look and just rally owned that look. Rita did well on the Her-itage Moments acting challenge and being a member of the Mooseknuckles on the Not Sorry About It girl groups rap battle episodes but I can’t remember my thoughts of how she did there and yeah she wasn’t really a standout to me there. i do remember Rita more from the latter episode as she surprised me with what a great voice she had. Rita delivered another strong runway look as a member of the La Maison Boraga plastic team on the Single Use Queens episode. Her group had a really strong cohesive look and Rita had this big massive outfit that was the best of her group so it wasn’t a major surprise she won (even though she wasn’t my individual favorite). At this point, I still wanted more from Rita as I felt more of a designs/look Queen vibe from her. Thankfully Snatch Game happened and she delivered a hilarious and funny performance of Edith Piaf there. :haha: I don’t even know who Edith is (except that she is a french singer that Chris loves). Rita continued on impressing me with her acting as Anita Hotdog in team on the STAR SIXTY-NINE episode. I love how she used a mix of her french and english but delivered such a fun and hilarious character. :haha: I don’t think I was expecting her to win but well did. I did like that Punk rock goddess denim jean outfit she had on this runway. She kinda reminded me of P!nk there. It was impressive how she got her 3rd win here. I thought Rita did okay as Miss Match’d on the Miss Moose Jaw. I felt like it was one of those moments where she nailed two previous acting/improv challenges  but this one didn’t stand out as much. I felt she could have gone more over the top. But then after that week, I felt Rita struggled toward the end of the season which was the wrong time to struggle. I did not care for the clown themed outfits she created with her partner in Rainer on the Welcome to the Family makeover episode. I liked how Rita explained the backstory of it but the outfits were my lesser favorites. She did really slay it with her  “You Oughta Know”  lip sync which I was not expecting. :omg: Then Rita shockingly fell flat on The Snow Ball episode with those 3 looks. I didn’t really care for her first two outfits. The first look was kinda boring/meh to me. The second one was really funny and hilarious but I liked it more for the comedic humor of it but didn’t think it was a look fit for the show. I did like her Ice Queen Eleganaza look but it wasn’t as great or outstanding like her past looks. So a second week in the Bottom 2 for Rita was shocking but she delivered another great lip sync performance with “Closer” so I had no issue with her making it into the final. Rita did worry me with how bad and off she was with learning the choreography in the U Wear It Well finale performance. She did deliver a very good performance come showtime. But sadly for me, her “U Wear It Well” and “You’re a Superstar” performances were my least favorite of the 3, so I would have been a bit disappointed if she had won there. I do think Rita started off as probably arguably strongest competitor but then had a downward run towards the last few weeks so that was a shame to see. :( Still am a fan and enjoyed Rita’s time on the show.



Scarlett Bobo: Scarlett Bobo was an interesting contestant for me. I will be honest and admit I didn’t really start off as a Scarlett fan. Scarlett’s punk rock drag style obviously suits them but it took me some time to really get into it. I also found Scarlett a bit annoying and whiny early on the season and it kinda bugged me. But I did warm to Scarlett as the season progressed and Scarlett never took a wrong step. Scarlett did have a decent design look on the premiere episode but it wasn’t a standout. I did enjoy Scarlett & Ilana playing the twins on the Her-itage Moments acting challenge episode. They were very well matched. Ooh and this was the runway where Scarlett was playing with this fire shallowing trick stuff which was soo insane. I did feel Scarlett had their breakthrough episode as  a member of the Mooseknuckles on the Not Sorry About It girl groups rap battle episodes. Scarlett gave a fun & fearless performance and really got to showcase who Scarlett is. Scarlett did very well on the La Maison Boraga plastic team on the Single Use Queens episode. Her group had a really strong cohesive look which was all so cool to see. Scarlett gave a really fun impersonation of Liza Minnelli on the Snatch Game episode. Scarlett had her voice and mannerisms down so well but sadly for Scarlett, there were a number of other stronger standouts this episode. I remember being kinda annoyed with Scarlett being mad working with Ilana on the the STAR SIXTY-NINE episode. But Scarlett gave a really fun and hilarious performance as Sarah & Sarahson’s Sister Separation Specialists. Scarlett gave a great range of variety with their character. Scarlett had a really strong week as Miss Informed on the Miss Moose Jaw. Scarlett delivered another really hilarious and fun performance here and was just so entertaining to watch. Scarlett also had a really strong runway look. All of the positive comments had me thinking this was going to be Scarlett’s first challenge win but then that didn’t happen. That made me feel sad for Scarlett. :( Even though I was happy for Lemon wining that. It was nice seeing Scarlett winning that puppet imitation challenge. Oooh but then Scarlett chose Dennis as their partner on the Welcome to the Family episode which really confused me as he was darker skin and they did not have a family resemblance on paper - but Scarlett did a really impressive job transforming Dennis into the drag sister. They had these fun rock/pop star look and lmao I loved the Lady Gaga & Beyoncé Telephone themed looks. :haha: So after many weeks of being so consistent but never winning the main challenge, Scarlett was more determined than ever to get that win and tired of being underestimated but wow she realy rocked it hard on the Snow Ball episode! Scarlett really delivered 3 strong looks and i loved how all of the looks were so different, distinct but all that Scarlett Bobo  episode. Scarlett was the only one to deliver all 3 strong looks, so it was obvious they would win and it was sun a big moment seeing Scarlett winning this challenge. I was very happy for Scarlett to achieve this. Then I thought Scarlett had a really strong episode on the U Wear it Well episode. Scarlett delivered a really good verse but a really strong performance. Loved how they performed and tackled all the choreography so effortlessly. Then I thought Scarlett slayed it on that “You’re a Superstar” performance. Scarlett really pulled all the stops and showcased all of their tricks here. This was an entertaining lip sync and Scarlett was my actual favorite of this performance. I was kinda fearing thinking Scarlett was going to win but i was secretly happy that didn’t happen as I was rooting for someone else more. :haha: But I did really enjoy Scarlett’s run…. Scarlett may not have had the most wins but was always a strong consistent competitor and really peaked at the right time.


Tynomi Banks: Tynomi was a queen who I was really looking forward to. First off, I love her name as a mix of Tyra & Naomi. :haha: She had all of this buzz and had the fellow queens in awe and in shock with her being ni the competition. Of course I never heard of her before but I see and learned she is a big name in Toronto drag scene so that was cool. So I was definitely shocked and surprised with how much she struggled in the competition as I was expecting her to be this seasoned professional that would slay everything but yeah that wasn’t the case. The Eh-laganza Eh-xtravaganza design outfit episode was the only episode she was safe and avoided the Bottom 2. She had a Lumber janes plaid outfit which I kinda liked although it wasn’t a standout. But then Tynomi struggled with everything else. She was struggling with her lines and lacked any humor or proper good acting in the Burnt Tuck group on the Her-itage Moments episode. Her acting was just there and blah. I had high expectations for her on the Not Sorry About It girl group rap battle challenge episode as it was a performing+dance based challenge. Tynomi brought great natural dancing but then didn’t lip sync her lyrics and did’t seem to know her own lyrics. Then the judges hated her hair runway look which I didn’t completely agree on? I liked it and yeah I don’t think i would have put Tynomi in  the Bottom 2 this wee but it happened. It was a bummer seeing her battle against Anastarzia as they gained such a close friendship. :( Then Tynomi had another rough week on the Single Use Queens episode where she had this knight theme outfit. I liked the story of Maison Papier but yeah her loo did look cheap compared to Jimbo’s. It was really sad seeing Tynomi getting worse critiques and how much it was really affecting her performances. :( It was like she would freeze up or be in her head… ugh it was heartbreaking. :broken: I kept from mentioning her lip syncs but will do so now but she really delivered and brought that fire & spark in all of her lip sync battles. She fully deserved to stay in the first two battles. I would even say the 3rd one too but I think of it as a “three strikes and you’re out” as killer lip syncs can’t always save you soo I think it was the right time for her to go. I’m just sad Tynomi didn’t meet her expectations and just could never bring that fire for the main challenges that she brought for her lip sync performances. :(



  1. Priyanka
  2. Lemon
  3. Scarlett Bobo 
  4. Rita Baga
  5. Jimbo
  6. Kiara
  7. Ilana Verley
  8. Tynomi Banks
  9. BOA
  10. Anastarzia Anaquway
  11. Juice Boxx
  12. Kyne


Elliott guessed it at Priyanka being my favorite. :haha: That was the only constant for me. 2-6 are also faves and those are the ones I kept changing throughout the season. The bottom 6 are pretty clear for me.

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4 minutes ago, FrogLenzen said:

Wow, I think Wally was one of the judges on the show based on how much he's sleeping on Jimbo

FTR.... I have no idea of anyone's Canada's thoughts but looking forward to them! :haha: 


Oooh I do really like Jimbo and had her higher earlier on the season - but I think I wore a bit off from her & Rita towards the end while Scarlett really grew on me. They are all practically tied for me though.


3 minutes ago, FrogLenzen said:

Also Kameron Michaels needs to be on All Stars stat.


Also "oh the fracking" is the funniest thing that has ever happened


Also, again, SERENA CHA CHA I can't

I could do without Kameron although Kameron is a deserving AS but.... for Serena Cha Cha to get an all star spot over Kameron is highly insulting. :wacko:

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Just now, *Wallace said:

What's wrong with  them? 🙈

1. Scarlet being that high.

2. Jimbo being that low.

3. Ilona being above Tynomi, wtf

3b. Ilona being that high in general, wtf

4. Boa being that high, wtf

5. Boa being that high listed again because seriously wtf

6. That sleeping on Starzcy

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8 minutes ago, Elliott said:

I'm sorry, Scarlet grew on you in the final few weeks?


With that pageant performance? With that makeover?


not today i dont think so GIF

LOL I thought Scarlett was loved on here. :lmao: :dead:  I really liked her last two weeks a lot.


6 minutes ago, Elliott said:

1. Scarlet being that high.

2. Jimbo being that low.

3. Ilona being above Tynomi, wtf

3b. Ilona being that high in general, wtf

4. Boa being that high, wtf

5. Boa being that high listed again because seriously wtf

6. That sleeping on Starzcy

- Oooh lmao I could switch Scarlett and Jimbo around as my feelings are pretty much the same on them. I struggled on that area. :haha: 

- LMAOO The Ilona comments. I lowkey wanted to put Tynomi higher as her lip sync performances were so strong but her run outside of that was underwhelming. :( Although i was hardly impressed with Ilona either.

- The Boa comments! :dead:  I thought my ranking of Boa was low enough..... but be proud of me for not sipping the juice the judges were on here. :haha: 

- What's Starzcy?

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3 minutes ago, *Lily said:

Scarlet grew on me, too. 🙈 She wasn't a main fave of mine throughout but I did find myself enjoying her more by the end.


I'll save the rest of my comments for my usual massive catch-up. :haha: But yayyyy Priyanka! :wub: 

Yesss, same! Lmaoo maybe me watching the season in 4 days took a bigger effect on me on Scarlett than it woud have on live time watch. :haha: 


Yayy looking forward to your thoughts! 😄 And yayyy Priyanka love! ❤️ 

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