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Ugh I’m so sad Trevor’s master plan didn’t work. If it did, I really think he could’ve won. He’s become my favorite and I do hope he pulls off the win. Him correctly guessing the basketball players was so exciting!


I didn’t really like Emily or Lance before but I’m really enjoying them as John :dead:. The entire dynamic is hilarious.


I still do like Chloe and I think she’s probably gonna win. Just like Joey wouldn’t be my first choice, but I wouldn’t hate it. She just got too involved with Courtney & River for me continue stanning.


Courtney’s the only one I really hope doesn’t win he’s such a hater. River I don’t love, but I also don’t hate. Though I wanted to see Trevor’s master plan work, I was fine with River blocking Mitchell, I didn’t really care about him.

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5 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

Ugh I’m so sad Trevor’s master plan didn’t work. If it did, I really think he could’ve won. He’s become my favorite and I do hope he pulls off the win. Him correctly guessing the basketball players was so exciting!


I didn’t really like Emily or Lance before but I’m really enjoying them as John :dead:. The entire dynamic is hilarious.


I still do like Chloe and I think she’s probably gonna win. Just like Joey wouldn’t be my first choice, but I wouldn’t hate it. She just got too involved with Courtney & River for me continue stanning.


Courtney’s the only one I really hope doesn’t win he’s such a hater. River I don’t love, but I also don’t hate. Though I wanted to see Trevor’s master plan work, I was fine with River blocking Mitchell, I didn’t really care about him.

Mitchell going is no big loss but I was surprised he didn't block Trevor that would have made more strategic sense since Trevor has a shot at winning where Mitchell really had no shot. 

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Whew, so happy Deleesa won! I'm not used to my faves winning reality shows, I forgot what it felt like :wub:. I'm really surprised she pulled it off after losing Mitchell, but clearly she was underestimated by the rest of the finalists, and Chloe giving her first really just solidified the win.


Final Ranking:

1. Deleesa/Trevor

2. Chloe

3. Terilisha

4. Khat

5. Bryant

6. Jack & Lisa/John

7. Savannah

8. Lee/River

9. Lisa/Lance

10. Jack/Emily

11. Mitchell

12. Courtney

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3 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

Whew, so happy Deleesa won! I'm not used to my faves winning reality shows, I forgot what it felt like :wub:. I'm really surprised she pulled it off after losing Mitchell, but clearly she was underestimated by the rest of the finalists, and Chloe giving her first really just solidified the win.


Final Ranking:

1. Deleesa/Trevor

2. Chloe

3. Terilisha

4. Khat

5. Bryant

6. Jack & Lisa/John

7. Savannah

8. Lee/River

9. Lisa/Lance

10. Jack/Emily

11. Mitchell

12. Courtney

Yeah I thought River and Courtney weren't gonna rank "Trevor" high but apparently they did. She's a very worthy winner even if I was rooting for Chloe. Courtney or "John" would have been disappointing winners so we avoided that so that's good. Chloe seems like a shoe in for fan favorite so hopefully she gets that since she didn't win when do they announce that again I forget?

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I was obviously rooting for Chloe but happy with Deleese/Trevor. 

And unlike the majority of people, I actually like & enjoyed Courtney & River/Lee *shrug* 


  1. Chloe
  2. Lee/River
  3. Deleesa/Trevor
  4. Courtney
  5. Jack & Lisa/John
  6. Khat
  7. Lisa/Lance
  8. Terilisha
  9. Savannah
  10. Jack/Emily
  11. Bryant
  12. Mitchell
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2 hours ago, *Chris said:

I was obviously rooting for Chloe but happy with Deleese/Trevor. 

And unlike the majority of people, I actually like & enjoyed Courtney & River/Lee *shrug* 


  1. Chloe
  2. Lee/River
  3. Deleesa/Trevor
  4. Courtney
  5. Jack & Lisa/John
  6. Khat
  7. Lisa/Lance
  8. Terilisha
  9. Savannah
  10. Jack/Emily
  11. Bryant
  12. Mitchell

River I liked but Courtney I was just ehh on.

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17 hours ago, *Chris said:

I was obviously rooting for Chloe but happy with Deleese/Trevor. 

And unlike the majority of people, I actually like & enjoyed Courtney & River/Lee *shrug* 


I liked River and Courtney also. Was rooting for Chloe to win but oh well, overall a fun season to watch. 

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Chloe :wub: She deserves it.


Watched episodes 5-8 before taking a break. I like Khat a lot, and her coming in the game definitely softened the blow of losing Terilisha a little easier. Damn you, Savannah! Mitchell is funny because my roommate is convinced that he and his brother weren't hired to play the game, but be shirtless eye candy for the viewers lmao.


The Joker twist was super lame--we assumed it would involve the player gaining another profile, so Courtney would play as two people or something. Maybe next season.


Jack basically taking himself out. :haha: I thought it was super obvious Emily was a dude. He didn't bother trying to think or talk like a girl at all, and the makeup thing was hilarious. Definitely wasn't playing the catfish game like my girl Deleesa. ❤️ 

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/24/2021 at 1:31 PM, Alex95 said:

Aww sad to lose Terilisha. At least she won the battle against Savannah ❤️. Courtney was way too powerful with that twist. River should've stood up for Terilisha more, especially since part of the reason why Terilisha got in so much trouble was because she stood up for River. Courtney played his twists well though, I just don't like him.


I'm really enjoying Khat from the new people! I can't say I care for Mitchell all that much. He's much more attractive than Ed though (doesn't have that ridiculous facial hair). Idk why we needed three members of the Eason family on this show though :dead:.


Emily got so screwed with that makeup challenge! I really felt bad for Jack when his mannequin popped up. I don't even like him that much, but that just felt really unfair. I'm liking that twist they gave Jack and Lisa. I don't think this old psychic has a chance in hell at succeeding, but at least they're giving Jack another chance after royally screwing him over. They should've found a way to give the twist to Savannah and Terilisha though :giggle:.


Chloe's still my favorite remaining, though I've warmed up more to Trevor this episode. I kinda wanna see a catfish win this time around so I think I'm rooting for Trevor to win.


Screwed himself. The number 1 thing if you are going to catfish as the opposite gender is to uhhhhhhhh...........prepare as the opposite gender. He didn't know anything or even talk like a girl. Would I know a single thing of make up? Nope.


But if I were playing as a girl I would sure as heck come prepared with knowledge. Like Terilisha did playing as Trevor. She had a huge notebook with sports tidbits etc...


The 5 P's really come into play when catfishing in the circle.

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