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Alex95 last won the day on April 17

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About Alex95

  • Birthday 06/11/1995

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  1. 1 House 2: Janelle Pierzina - [][][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [X][X][][][][][] Jun Song - [][][][][][][] Betty Yirsaw - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [X][][][][][][] Britney
  2. 3 Ika - [][][][][][][] Keesha- [][][][][][][] Cassandra - [X][X][X][X][X][][] Vanessa - [X][][][][][][] Betty - [][][][][][][] Britney - [X][X][X][X][][][] Cass Ika as HOH and Keesha/Cassandra as nominees will be playing in the power of veto. Vanessa, Betty, Britney chosen by Random Draw. First to 7 wins the power of veto. If one of the nominees wins it, it will automatically be used on them. ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they will win the Power of Veto. If a nominee wins the Power of Veto, it will automatically be used on them. If anyone else wins, there will be another round.
  3. 2 Ika - [][][][][][][] Keesha- [][][][][][][] Cassandra - [X][X][X][][][][] Vanessa - [X][][][][][][] Betty - [][][][][][][] Britney - [X][X][][][][][] Cass Ika as HOH and Keesha/Cassandra as nominee's will be playing in the power of veto. Vanessa, Betty, Britney chosen by Random Draw. First to 7 wins the power of veto. If one of the nominee's wins it, it will automatically be used on them. ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they will win the Power of Veto. If a nominee wins the Power of Veto, it will automatically be used on them. If anyone else wins, there will be another round.
  4. 1 Ika - [][][][][][][] Keesha- [][][][][][][] Cassandra - [X][X][][][][][] Vanessa - [][][][][][][] Betty - [][][][][][][] Britney - [X][][][][][][] Cass Ika as HOH and Keesha/Cassandra as nominee's will be playing in the power of veto. Vanessa, Betty, Britney chosen by Random Draw. First to 7 wins the power of veto. If one of the nominee's wins it, it will automatically be used on them. ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they will win the Power of Veto. If a nominee wins the Power of Veto, it will automatically be used on them. If anyone else wins, there will be another round.
  5. 3 Use the PoV on Jordan - [][][][][][][] Use the PoV on Nicole - [X][X][][][][][] Do Not Use the PoV - [X][X][X][X][X][X][] Don’t use POV
  6. "Keep Their Heads Ringin'" Dr. Dre "When I Come Around" Green Day "Spiderwebs" No Doubt "Just" Radiohead
  7. 2 Use the PoV on Jordan - [][][][][][][] Use the PoV on Nicole - [X][X][][][][][] Do Not Use the PoV - [X][X][X][][][][] Don’t
  8. @*Diana is up next to make her final 35 advancements.
  9. @jarmon can now make his final 35 advancements.
  10. Use the PoV on Jordan - [][][][][][][] Use the PoV on Nicole - [][][][][][][] Do Not Use the PoV - [X][X][][][][][] Do not use.
  11. @*Lily is up next to make her final 35 advancements.
  12. @Solaris is up next to make his final 35 advancements.
  13. 2 Power of Veto: House 1 Rachel - [X][X][X][X][][][] Jordan - [][][][][][][] Nicole - [][][][][][][] Taylor - [X][X][X][][][][] Alison - [][][][][][][] Danielle - [][][][][][][] Rachel Rachel as HOH and Jordan/Nicole as nominee's will be playing in the power of veto. Taylor, Alison and Danielle chosen by Random Draw. First to 7 wins the power of veto. If one of the nominee's wins it, it will automatically be used on them. ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they will win the Power of Veto. If a nominee wins the Power of Veto, it will automatically be used on them. If anyone else wins, there will be another round.
  14. 1 Power of Veto: House 1 Rachel - [X][X][][][][][] Jordan - [][][][][][][] Nicole - [][][][][][][] Taylor - [X][][][][][][] Alison - [][][][][][][] Danielle - [][][][][][][] Rachel Rachel as HOH and Jordan/Nicole as nominee's will be playing in the power of veto. Taylor, Alison and Danielle chosen by Random Draw. First to 7 wins the power of veto. If one of the nominee's wins it, it will automatically be used on them. ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they will win the Power of Veto. If a nominee wins the Power of Veto, it will automatically be used on them. If anyone else wins, there will be another round.
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