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Alex95 last won the day on April 17

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About Alex95

  • Birthday 06/11/1995

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  1. @jarmon can now make his final 35 advancements.
  2. Use the PoV on Jordan - [][][][][][][] Use the PoV on Nicole - [][][][][][][] Do Not Use the PoV - [X][X][][][][][] Do not use.
  3. @*Lily is up next to make her final 35 advancements.
  4. @Solaris is up next to make his final 35 advancements.
  5. 2 Power of Veto: House 1 Rachel - [X][X][X][X][][][] Jordan - [][][][][][][] Nicole - [][][][][][][] Taylor - [X][X][X][][][][] Alison - [][][][][][][] Danielle - [][][][][][][] Rachel Rachel as HOH and Jordan/Nicole as nominee's will be playing in the power of veto. Taylor, Alison and Danielle chosen by Random Draw. First to 7 wins the power of veto. If one of the nominee's wins it, it will automatically be used on them. ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they will win the Power of Veto. If a nominee wins the Power of Veto, it will automatically be used on them. If anyone else wins, there will be another round.
  6. 1 Power of Veto: House 1 Rachel - [X][X][][][][][] Jordan - [][][][][][][] Nicole - [][][][][][][] Taylor - [X][][][][][][] Alison - [][][][][][][] Danielle - [][][][][][][] Rachel Rachel as HOH and Jordan/Nicole as nominee's will be playing in the power of veto. Taylor, Alison and Danielle chosen by Random Draw. First to 7 wins the power of veto. If one of the nominee's wins it, it will automatically be used on them. ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they will win the Power of Veto. If a nominee wins the Power of Veto, it will automatically be used on them. If anyone else wins, there will be another round.
  7. We pretty much handed it a spot in the top 20 despite not particularly caring for it due to its icon status
  8. Britney had already been advanced so when you come back, please advance 36 more. Also, just to clarify I assume you want Nathan Henry from Challenge UK, not World Championship, right?
  9. The bare minimum is done. I'll try to spruce up some of my writeups tomorrow if I have time before any are posted.
  10. 1 House 1: HOH - Rachel Reilly Jordan Lloyd - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X] - NOMINATED Nicole Franzel-Arroyo - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X] - NOMINATED Allison Irwin - [X][X][X][][][][] Sarah Hanlon - [][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [][][][][][][] Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][] House 2: HOH - Ika Wong Keesha Smith - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X] - NOMINATED Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [][][][][][][] Jun Song - [][][][][][][] Betty Yirsaw - [X][][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [X][X][X][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][] Janelle ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they are nominated for eviction. The first two to fill up their boxes are this weeks nominees from each house.
  11. 5 House 1: HOH - Rachel Reilly Jordan Lloyd - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X] - NOMINATED Nicole Franzel-Arroyo - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X] - NOMINATED Allison Irwin - [X][X][X][][][][] Sarah Hanlon - [][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [][][][][][][] Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][] House 2: HOH - Ika Wong Keesha Smith - [X][X][X][X][X][][] Janelle Pierzina - [X][][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [][][][][][][] Jun Song - [][][][][][][] Betty Yirsaw - [X][][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [X][X][X][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][] Janelle ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they are nominated for eviction. The first two to fill up their boxes are this weeks nominees from each house.
  12. @Zoey is up next and will make all 70 of her advancements.
  13. 4 House 1: HOH - Rachel Reilly Jordan Lloyd - [X][X][X][][][][] Nicole Franzel-Arroyo - [X][X][X][X][X][X][] Allison Irwin - [X][X][X][][][][] Sarah Hanlon - [][][][][][][] Karen Singbell - [][][][][][][] Danielle Reyes - [][][][][][][] Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][] House 2: HOH - Ika Wong Keesha Smith - [X][X][][][][][] Janelle Pierzina - [][][][][][][] Britney Haynes - [][][][][][][] Jun Song - [][][][][][][] Betty Yirsaw - [][][][][][][] Cassandra Shahinfar - [][][][][][][] Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][] Nicole ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 7 X's, they are nominated for eviction. The first two to fill up their boxes are this weeks nominees from each house.
  14. @Solaris is up next to make his first 35 advancements
  15. @*Lily is up next to make her first 35 advancements
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