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Clarification on Jason Chancey/Will Moseley


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Hey guys. My name is Caitlyn, and I am the one who has posted on Reddit. It’s been suggested that I make my own post, and given the attention this got, I think it’s important I clarify a few things. I’ll start by saying I’m terrified. This is a raw subject for me, and I have only realized the impact my childhood had on me in the last couple of years. Born to very young parents, I was quickly introduced to chaos. My mom, pregnant with my brother & freshly divorced from my dad, met Jason. He swooped in to “take care” of my mom, brother, and I, and the abuse started soon after. The police report, which was cleared & not escalated to any type of charges, was filed in 2000 by my mom when she suspected Jason was abusing me. Jason admitted to some things he had done to me (my memory is fuzzy on what he admitted), but he insisted these were actions that stemmed from his night terrors rooted in his own trauma, as he claimed his older brother raped him at a younger age. The solution became, “don’t let her nap with him.” Unfortunately, the abuse continued for years, with Jason even taunting me with his newfound arrogance after getting so close to being caught but slipping away unscathed. 


Fast forward through teen years and young adulthood, some of my darkest times as I tried to shove away all my hurt and anger through various addictions & not the best behavior, I am now finally understanding myself to begin healing. I had always kept vague tabs on Jason - sick curiosity, maybe - but really began to bubble up when I realized he was some sort of figure in the music scene of Waycross, GA (nothing glamorous, but my hometown community, nonetheless). I stumbled across Will in all of this, right around the time he announced his opportunity with American  Idol. I frantically reached out to  Will & anyone I thought was associated with their band. I posted on FB statuses (some comments deleted by the poster), I DM’d, and I even made a post on my own page. I finally got recognition from one of the guys in the band (someone I went to HS with, Logan). He thanked me for letting him know, as well as wished me well on my healing journey. 


I naively thought this would somehow stop him from playing with Will, as I couldn’t imagine hanging out with a pedophile. This wasn’t the case, though. I received recognition from Logan in January, while Jason is mentioned in reference to the band as recent as the end of March.  However, I will say, although I’m not thrilled Jason is still in Will’s circle, that’s not what I care about most. What I care about is the fact that I have been trapped in my own mind for so many years, doomed to relive Jason’s touch every single day. I smell him still. I hear his nasty moans. I see the disgusting look of pleasure he had as he forced orgasms on my tiny body, reinforcing how helpless I was. And what does Jason get? The opportunity to ride Will’s coattails to fame? It leaves me speechless.


Some of you have given me the kindest words ANYONE has ever given me in this situation (some of my family included), while some of you seem to not understand. Which, honestly, is fine. One cannot understand this type of hurt, nor would I wish it on a single soul. I do believe Jason is a hurt person, and that hurt people hurt people. I’m asking that he not be in the position to hurt anyone again.


I couldn’t have imagined my post on Reddit would make it outside of Reddit, so I hope this is enough explanation for now while I take a step back for a day or so to do some much needed self care.



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Thank you so much for sharing your story with us Caitlyn, you’re very brave for doing that. I’m so sorry you had to go through all of this abuse. I can only imagine how painful this entire situation must feel like. I sincerely hope Will decides to cut ties with him and not have him involved on any of his work. It would be a shame if he was to give a plataform to someone like Jason, especially now that he’s on the spotlight and will gain more opportunities through that. You’re doing the right thing bringing this to light and trying to get something done! 

Edited by wildestinvegas
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Thank you for sharing your story. I have no sympathy for child abusers and even if this guy has changed, he still needs to pay the price for the trauma he has caused you. Like I said before, I don’t think this is anything Will can be disqualified for but I will not be able to support him if he continues to associate with a known pedophile. 

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Thanks for sharing your story, Caitlyn.  I hope that you continue to heal and that your abuser gets what he deserves.  While I would not have voted for Will even had he not turned a blind eye, this gives me more incentive not to vote for him and to hope that karma comes for him in the form of losing American Idol.

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9 hours ago, Carrie_On said:

Thank you for sharing your story. I have no sympathy for child abusers and even if this guy has changed, he still needs to pay the price for the trauma he has caused you. Like I said before, I don’t think this is anything Will can be disqualified for but I will not be able to support him if he continues to associate with a known pedophile. 

Pedophiles never change. If he did what she claims, he has not and will not change.

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You're so brave for being able to come on here and tell your story. I am so sorry for what you went through and I sincerely wish you well on your healing journey. There are so many of us here to support you if you ever need anything. 


Much love to you. 💗

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If that’s all accurate, I’d probably be pursuing a lawsuit against the police department, and whoever else the attorneys determined I could sue. Where I live, a child would be immediately removed from the home, no questions asked. There’s no doubt, that is a horrific situation. 

Based on my due diligence, he’s performed as a guitarist in Will’s band a handful of times, starting somewhere around the time you contacted him. I don’t see him in any photos or videos prior to that, and there’s no indication they are close friends, or anything like that. Most of his gigs are not of the full band variety. My guess is he needed a guitarist, and that guy was available. He was asked on the internet to fire a guy with no criminal record over allegations from decades ago. It’s fair to make judgement on that either way, but it’s complicated. 

At this point, I would remove him from the band. But it’s complicated, because of the lack of a criminal record. 


Edited by TeamAudra
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