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Top 24 Group 1 Predicted Outcome


Top 24 Group 1 Predicted Outcome   

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Which 10 artists will be announced safe? (select 10)

    • Jayna Elise
    • Jordan Anthony
    • Hailey Mia
    • Julia Gagnon
    • Kayko
    • Nya Muchai-Kinya
    • Blake Proehl
    • Quintavius Johnson
    • KB Richins
    • Abi Carter
    • Will Moseley
    • McKenna Breinholt

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Most safe to least safe:


1. Abi

2. Julia

3. Will

4. McKenna

5. KB

6. Blake

7. Kayko 

8. Jayna

9. Hailey

10. Nya

11. Jordan

12. Quintavious


A much more competitive group than Group 2. 

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53 minutes ago, peachfuz said:

call me a contrarian but i think people are putting a little tooooo much faith into quintavious bombing

You are certainly entitled to your opinion because we are all just guessing here and no one knows the actual outcome. With that being said there are 3 reasons I don't have any faith in Q advancing.


1. His Hollywood edit was pretty non existent. 


2. He's in the hardest group with a lot of big names and 2 people have to go from that group.


3. I can't recall hearing anyone give an amazing performance of a Carrie song. They have all ranged from fine / acceptable to just down right bad. So I don't exactly expect him to be the one to break that trend. 


When you add up all 3 reason he seems like the safest bet to go home. Does that mean he will for sure go? No, but it means I like his chances the least.

Edited by QueenKalie
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Not just any Carrie song…probably the hardest one to sing. 

I recently watched a video of Carrie singing it live a few years ago, and even she was struggling with it. 

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I think Quintavious will be eliminated for some of the reasons above, but also his numbers on social media are not that good. If he was in Group 2, there are contestants there that have worse numbers. But in Group 1 with many who had more airtime, fans, etc. that's why I think he will be eliminated.

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1.  Abi — platinum ticket winner should be easily safe.

2.  McKenna — she got the pimp spot so she’s safe as well.

3.  Will — best of the guys in this group.

4.  Julia — she’s another platinum ticket winner, so she’ll be safe too.

5.  K.B. — she’s safe for now.

6.  Blake — minivan will root for him.

7.  Kayko — in the middle but still safe for now.

8.  Nya — she has a better song than Jayna this round.

9.  Jayna — she’s in some danger but I think she’s safe.

10.  Hailey — she’s got limited screen time and a bad performance slot but I think she’ll get by.

11.  Jordan — Titanium will eat him alive.

12.  Quintavious — singing a Carrie Underwood song?  Bye-bye.

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Huh, I feel like this is harder to call than the other group...


Not knowing about spoilers, I would say Nya, Jayna, Jordan and Quintavious are in the most danger and I would lean towards Nya and Jordan but we'll have to see the actual performances.

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1. Julia 

2. Abi 

3. Will 

4. Blake 

5. Mckenna 

6. KB 

7. Hailey 

8. Kayko 

9. Quintavious

10. Nya 

Least safe: Jayna and Jordan



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Let me preface by saying they all did amazing, but based on comments and time on camera. Here are my predictions from most to least safe:

1. Abi

2. Will

3. Mckenna

4. Kayko

5. KB

6.  Nya

7.  Jayna

8.  Julia

9.  Blake

10. Quintavious

11.  Hailey

12. Jordan

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2 hours ago, AuntTami said:


Let me preface by saying they all did amazing, but based on comments and time on camera. Here are my predictions from most to least safe:

1. Abi

2. Will

3. Mckenna

4. Kayko

5. KB

6.  Nya

7.  Jayna

8.  Julia

9.  Blake

10. Quintavious

11.  Hailey

12. Jordan

Put Julia above nya and Jayna if you consider the holistic popularity, but agreed on the rest.

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3 hours ago, TedZanarukando said:

Nya would have had a shot of making the top 5 if minivan were out of the picture. Quintavious Johnson would have had a chance if he did not choose a Carrie Underwood song.

I agree with both, but I think that Nya will make the Top 20.  Quintavious?  No.

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