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Weekly Rank the Survivors: 46


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Episode 1 ranking will go until Wednesday, March 6th at 8 pm.

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all the Survivors, including the one voted out this episode, in your rankings

Edited by Alex95
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  • Alex95 changed the title to Weekly Rank the Survivors: 46 (Episode 1 Ends 3/6)

1.    Soda
2.    Venus
3.    Q
4.    Tiffany
5.    Tevin 
6.    Charlie 
7.    Hunter 
8.    Bhanu
9.    Jem
10.    Kenzie
11.    Maria 
12.    Tim 
13.    Jess
14.    Ben 
15.    Jelinsky 
16.    Moriah 
17.    Liz 
18.    Randen 

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Episode 1:


1. Tevin

2. Maria

3. Tiffany

4. Venus

5. Kenzie

6. Soda

7. Q

8. Jelinsky

9. Hunter

10. Jem

11. Jess

12. Liz

13. Bhanu

14. Charlie

15. Moriah

16. Ben

17. Randen

18. Tim

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1. Soda

2. Tiffany

3. Venus

4. Charlie

5. Kenzie

6. Q

7. Jess

8. Maria

9. Liz

10. Moriah

11. Jem

12. Hunter

13. Tevin

14. Ben

15. Randen

16. Tim

17. Jelinsky

18. Bhanu

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01. Jess

02. Jelinsky

03. Maria

04. Kenzie

05. Jem

06. Tevin

07. Charlie

08. Ben

09. Bhanu

10. Moriah
11. Liz

12. Randen

13. Tim

14. Soda

15. Tiffany

16. Hunter
17. Venus

18. Q

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  1. Jelisnky : Got to be loyal to my iconic first boot, again this season.
  2. Venus
  3. Charlie
  4. Maria
  5. Tiffany
  6. Soda
  7. Jess
  8. Tevin
  9. Hunter
  10. Jem
  11. Moriah
  12. Liz
  13. Bhanu
  14. Kenzie
  15. Q
  16. Tim
  17. Ben
  18. Randen
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1. Kenzie

2. Tevin

3. Jess

4. Tiffany

5. Jem

6. Venus

7. Hunter

8. Soda

9. Q

10. Maria

11. Moriah

12. Bhanu

13. Liz

14. Ben

15. Charlie

16. Jelinsky

17. Randen

18. Tim

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  1. Charlie Davis
  2. Hunter McKnight
  3. Tevin Davis
  4. Tiffany Nicole Ervin
  5. Venus Vafa
  6. Jess Chong
  7. Q Burdette
  8. Soda Thompson
  9. Moriah Gaynor
  10. Jem Hussain-Adams
  11. Kenzie Petty
  12. Maria Shrime Gonzalez
  13. Tim Spicer
  14. Ben Katzman
  15. David Jelinsky
  16. Liz Wilcox
  17. Bhanu Gopai
  18. Randen Montalvo
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9 rankings this episode!


Episode 1:

1. Venus Vafa - 4.5

2. Tiffany Ervin - 4.8

3. Soda Thompson - 5.4

4. Tevin Davis - 6.3

5. Jess Chong - 6.8

6. Maria Shrime Gonzalez - 6.9

7. Kenzie Petty - 7.2

8. Q Burdette - 7.6

9. Charlie Davis - 8.2

10. Jem Hussain-Adams - 8.8

11. Hunter McKnight - 9.7

12. David Jelinsky - 10.2

13. Moriah Gaynor - 11.8

14. Liz Wilcox - 12.2

15. Bhanu Gopal - 13.0

16. Ben Katzman - 14.2

17. Tim Spicer - 15.8

18. Randen Montalvo - 16.4


Episode 2 ranking will go until Wednesday, March 13th at 8 pm.

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all the Survivors, including the one voted out this episode, in your rankings

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  • Alex95 changed the title to Weekly Rank the Survivors: 46 (Episode 2 Ends 3/13)

1.    Venus (+1)
2.    Tiffany (+2)
3.    Q (=)
4.    Soda (-3) - I still like her but not a fan of her turning away from Venus so quickly. I fear she could freefall for me in rankings.
5.    Charlie (+1)
6.    Kenzie (+4)
7.    Maria (+4)
8.    Jess (+5)
9.    Bhanu (-1)
10.    Tevin (-5)
11.    Hunter (-4)
12.    Ben  (+2)
13.    Randen (+5) - Ugh I was ready to rank him last up until he shared and wanted to work with Venus on his advantage. So that warmed me up to him.
14.    Jem (-5) - did she have any airtime this episode? Ridiculous that she didn't for a 2 hour episode/
15.    Tim (-3)
16.    Liz (+1)
17.    Moriah (-1) - I feel like she didn't have any airtime either outside of her conversation with Liz, lol.

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Episode 2:

1. Venus (=) - She kinda reminds me of Alecia Holden lol? Hopefully things go better for her than Alecia though!

2. Jess (+3) - Not cut out for this game in the slightest, but a breath of fresh air.

3. Soda (-1) - Sorry, she's HILARIOUS to me. Psychotic camp counselor energy who lets being an RA go to her head or something. The shrieking after the immunity win followed by her SNATCHING the immunity out of Venus' hands was almost cartoon villain behavior. I also think there is some depth to her on top of all of that. Idk I'm feeling it.

4. Tiffany (=) - Another "villain" with lots of depth. Her breakdown after losing her temper at the immunity challenge and not wanting to be the angry black girl was kinda heartbreaking. But I do think she has a petty streak which is good for the game and for tv. Idk I'm all in here!

5. Liz (+4) - I feel like lost in the fray is Liz being one of the singular most human beings alive ❤️. I think it was Randen who compared her to a walking billboard which was hilarious. I'm also like 75% convinced all her businesses are like pyramid schemes, which I hope they are, it makes more hilarious.

6. Bhanu (+7) - I was mixed on Bhanu after the first episode because I thought Bhanu was too much. But now I'm like "Omg Bhanu is too much" :wub: :wub: :wub:

7. Hunter (+3) - "Last name, first one out" He kinda ate that.

8. Kenzie (+3) - Of all the "villains" getting dragged I do think there's something a bit more sinister about her than the others. It could go really great or really bad for her, I'm not too sure yet.

9. Q (-2) - As the normal guy in the sea of crazies, he's working for me so far.

10. Randen (+6) - #Bless him for throwing Venus a bone, but I'm not stanning yet just because he made one good game decision. I need more!

11. Tevin (-5) - Oh I lied about Kenzie, he's absolutely the villain who seems most sinister. And like Kenzie, could go really well or really bad depending how the story goes. I still find him insanely charismatic and such a strong narrator in the confessionals. But as of now I can't say I like him?

12. Maria (-9) - Just punishing her whole tribe by putting them on the bottom by being so BORING compared to the other two. But I do still like Maria and am rooting for her.

13. Moriah (-1) - Her convo with Liz had me lol.

14. Jem (=) - Definitely the one in the cast who has gotten the least amount of content. Hopefully that changes!

15. Tim (+3) - I appreciated him silently judging the Metallica vs. Taylor Swift scene.

16. Ben (-1) - Ugh

17. Charlie (=) - Ughhhhhhh

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1. Venus (+3) - Her stock definitely went up with me this episode. I think she's going to be an entertaining person to root for throughout the season.

2. Tiffany (+1) - I think she's the most developed character so far with the villainy and the human moment after the challenge.

3. Q (+4) - I didn't expect to like him that much but his "classic Survivor" contestant vibes are refreshing. Reminds me of James Clement a little.

4. Kenzie (+1) - She pretty much fills the same role as Tiffany but I feel like we need to get to know her a bit more.

5. Tevin (-4) - Needed more of him this week.

6.  Liz (+6) - She is a MUCH better character than I expected her to be omg

7. Soda (-1) - I think she's playing a good game, and she's fun to boot.

8. Jess (+3) - She was SO done and probably didn't care too much if she got voted out and I love her for that

9. Randen (+8) - I like his unlikely alliance with Venus, and at least he did SOMETHING this time around

10. Hunter (-1) - Needed more of him this week. (2)

11. Maria (-9) - I like the position she's in right now game-wise but character-wise we didn't get much 

12. Bhanu (+1) - He's a bit much. I feel like he'll be gone soon and I won't really miss him.

13. Moriah (+2) - No real reason for her moving up it's just that the people below him went down.  

14. Tim (+4) - No real reason for him moving up it's just that the people below him went down.

15. Jem (-5) - Girl where have you beennnn

16. Charlie (-2) - Most of his scenes are... painful. But we do get some strategic content from him so there's that. 

17. Ben (-1) - His shtick is getting old, I cringe at everything he says


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Hi!! So following episode 2:

1. Venus

2. Jess

3. Kenzie

4. Tiffany

5. Randen

6. Jem

7. Moriah

8. Charlie

9. Maria

10. Soda

11. Liz

12. Bhanu

13. Q

14. Hunter

15. Ben

16. Tevin

17. Tim

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  1. Venus (+1)
  2. Charlie (+1)
  3. Maria (+1)
  4. Tiffany (+1)
  5. Soda (+1)
  6. Jess (+1)
  7. Kenzie (+7)
  8. Liz (+4)
  9. Hunter (=)
  10. Jem (=)
  11. Tevin (-3)
  12. Moriah (-1)
  13. Bhanu (=)
  14. Ben (+3)
  15. Q (=)
  16. Tim (=)
  17. Randen (+1)
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Posted (edited)

8 rankings this episode!


Episode 2:

1. Venus Vafa (=) - 1.3

2. Tiffany Ervin (=) - 2.9

3. Kenzie Petty (+4) - 5.1

4. Jess Chong (+1) - 5.5

5. Soda Thompson (-2) - 7.8

6. Q Burdette (+2) - 8.1

7. Maria Shrime Gonzalez (-1) - 8.1

8. Bhanu Gopal (+6) - 9.5

9. Randen Montalvo (+9) - 10.1

10. Charlie Davis (-1) - 10.3

11. Tevin Davis (-7) - 10.4

12. Hunter McKnight (-1) - 10.5

13. Liz Wilcox (+1) - 10.8

14. Jem Hussain-Adams (-4) - 10.9

15. Moriah Gaynor (-2) - 11.8

16. Ben Katzman (=) - 14.6

17. Tim Spicer (=) - 15.5


Episode 3 ranking will go until Wednesday, March 20th at 8 pm.

-Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall)

-Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week.

-Please include all the Survivors, including the one voted out this episode, in your rankings

Edited by Alex95
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  • Alex95 changed the title to Weekly Rank the Survivors: 46 (Episode 3 Ends 3/20)

Episode 3:

1. Tiffany (+3) - Such a strong opening few episodes for her, even without having big moments yet. That's the true makings of a reality show star.

2. Bhanu (+4) - Yeah he's corny, but it works in a Rupert-esque no self awareness kind of way. Also works because he is one of the biggest messes to ever step foot on Survivor.

3. Venus (-2) - Mothering harder than anyone has mothered before [/hyperbolic]

4. Kenzie (+4) - Intrigued...

5. Jem (+9) - Jem just throwing that box under a few sticks was so :dead:. Can't wait to see how this backfires on her lmao.

6. Randen (+4) - The Randen/Venus storyline had so much potential, a shame to see it cut short.

7. Ben (+9) - Ben knows his shtick and doesn't stray from it. It's gonna get old realllllll fast. But to his credit "That does not rock 👁️👄👁️" in the middle of the Bhanu's meltdown was the biggest laugh I had tonight.

8. Liz (-3) - I feel like Liz could've been a bit annoying during that Bhanu scene, I've expected more from her!

9. Soda (-6) - Cooldown episode, looking forward to the potential war with Tevin.

10. Tevin (+1) - Cooldown episode, looking forward to the potential war with Soda.

11. Maria (+1) - Cooldown episode, still like her!

12. Moriah (+1) - Who?

13. Tim (+2) - Who?

14. Hunter (-7) - Wow it's the strong guy who fishes but has no social game! Talk about an archetype we've only seen a million times!

15. Q (-6) - He could grow on me, but right now the righteous indignation is rubbing me the wrong way too much. "Normal in a sea of crazies" is usually an archetype I like, but not when he's sitting on such a high horse.

16. Charlie (+1) - Still need this swifties head on a spike.

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1.    Venus (=)
2.    Tiffany (=)
3.    Bhanu (+6)
4.    Q (-1)
5.    Kenzie (+1)
6.    Soda (-2) 
7.    Hunter (+4)
8.    Jem (+6) 
9.    Charlie (-4)
10.    Randen (+3) 
11.    Maria (-4)
12.    Liz (+4)
13.    Ben (-1)
14.    Tevin (-4)
15.    Tim (=)
16.    Moriah (+1) 

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