Stacey. Posted March 15, 2024 Posted March 15, 2024 1. Venus 2. Hunter 3. Ben 4. Tevin 5. Charlie 6. Randen 7. Kenzie 8. Bhanu 9. Tim 10. Jem 11. Maria 12. Moriah 13. Soda 14. Tiffany 15. Q 16. Liz
kamil24 Posted March 15, 2024 Posted March 15, 2024 1. Venus 2. Bhanu 3. Kenzie 4. Hunter 5. Maria 6. Jem 7. Q 8. Tiffany 9. Randen 10. Ben 11. Tim 12. Soda 13. Moriah 14. Liz 15. Tevin 16. Charlie
QueenKalie Posted March 15, 2024 Posted March 15, 2024 1. Venus 2. Kenzie 3. Tiffany 4. Bhanu 5. Randen 6. Jem 7. Charlie 8. Ben 9. Q 10. Maria 11. Tim 12. Moriah 13. Hunter 14. Soda 15. Tevin 16. Liz
Zoey Posted March 16, 2024 Posted March 16, 2024 01. Jem 02. Bhanu 03. Charlie 04. Maria 05. Ben 06. Randen 07. Q 08. Moriah 09. Liz 10. Tim 11. Venus 12. Kenzie 13. Tiffany 14. Hunter 15. Soda 16. Tevin
Abi-W Posted March 17, 2024 Posted March 17, 2024 1. Venus 2. Jem 3. Tiffany 4. Randen 5. Kenzie 6. Bhanu 7. Moriah 8. Liz 9. Charlie 10. Maria 11. Ben 12. Q 13. Hunter 14. Soda 15. Tim 16. Tevin
taylorkat Posted March 17, 2024 Posted March 17, 2024 1. Tiffany 2. Venus 3. Soda 4. Charlie 5. Jem 6. Bhanu 7. Q 8. Kenzie 9. Liz 10. Moriah 11. Maria 12. Hunter 13. Tevin 14. Randen 15. Ben 16. Tim
ungodlyhour Posted March 18, 2024 Posted March 18, 2024 (edited) 1. Venus 2. Tiffany 3. Jem 4. Maria 5. Randen 6. Q 7. Kenzie 8. Moriah 9. Hunter 10. Tevin 11. Soda 12. Bhanu 13. Charlie 14. Ben 15. Liz 16. Tim Edited March 18, 2024 by ungodlyhour
Steven_ Posted March 20, 2024 Posted March 20, 2024 1. Maria 2. Venus 3. Hunter 4. Jem 5. Q 6. Tiffany 7. Moriah 8. Randen 9. Bhanu 10. Ben 11. Kenzie 12. Tim 13. Liz 14. Tevin 15. Soda 16. Charlie
*Chris Posted March 21, 2024 Posted March 21, 2024 Venus Charlie Tiffany Hunter Bhanu : King of winning a million hearts! Maria Kenzie Randen Soda Tevin Jem Liz Ben Q Tim Moriah
Alex95 Posted March 21, 2024 Author Posted March 21, 2024 11 rankings this episode! Episode 3: 1. Venus Vafa (=) - 2.3 2. Tiffany Ervin (=) - 5.1 3. Bhanu Gopal (+5) - 5.4 4. Jem Hussain-Adams (+10) - 5.5 5. Kenzie Petty (-2) - 6.5 6. Randen Montalvo (+3) - 7.4 7. Maria Shrime Gonzalez (=) - 7.6 8. Hunter McKnight (+4) - 8.6 9. Charlie Davis (+1) - 9.1 10. Q Burdette (-4) - 9.2 11. Ben Katzman (+5) - 9.9 12. Moriah Gaynor (+3) - 11.0 (Higher than Soda 6/11 times) 13. Soda Thompson (-8) - 11.0 (Higher than Moriah 5/11 times) 14. Liz Wilcox (-1) - 12.0 15. Tevin Davis (-4) - 12.5 16. Tim Spicer (+1) - 13.0 Episode 4 ranking will go until Wednesday, March 27th at 8 pm. -Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall) -Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week. -Please include all the Survivors, including the one voted out this episode, in your rankings
Alex95 Posted March 21, 2024 Author Posted March 21, 2024 Episode 4: 1. Bhanu (+1) - One of the most unreal reality show contestants I've ever seen in my life. 2. Tiffany (-1) - Flawless. 3. Kenzie (+1) - Amazing. 4. Jem (+1) - Thank you for trying to bring some chaos to that lame ass tribe! 5. Tevin (+5) - Ya his backstory got to me. And I think he's starting to overplay a bit, which could be fun. 6. Q (+9) - Just props to everyone on Yanu, really carrying the episode on their backs. 7. Soda (+2) - Her downfall feels imminent, and I hope it's in a blaze of glory, because she has potential for a glorious downfall. 8. Venus (-5) - Still mother, but unfortunately invisible this episode. 9. Liz (-1) - I like her! 10. Moriah (+2) - I like her! 11. Tim (+2) - Lol @ him flopping on every platform at the challenges. 12. Ben (-5) - Need him to step up to the plate and be the annoying f*ck I know he can be now that Bhanu's gone. 13. Maria (-2) - Good for her, but her sob story did absolutely nothing for me. 14. Hunter (=) - Wow he's good at challenges and doesn't have a personality! Groundbreaking! 15. Charlie (+1) - I genuinely considered hmm maybe I won't put him last this episode and then he went and did that bullshit at the immunity challenge. Such a tryhard.
QueenKalie Posted March 21, 2024 Posted March 21, 2024 1. Kenzie 2. Tiffany 3. Venus 4. Jem 5. Q 6. Soda 7. Tevin 8. Moriah 9. Tim 10. Ben 11. Charlie 12. Maria 13. Liz 14. Bhanu 15. Hunter
*Wallace Posted March 21, 2024 Posted March 21, 2024 1. Bhanu (+2) 2. Tiffany (=) 3. Q (+1) 4. Jem (+4) 5. Kenzie (=) 6. Venus (-5) 7. Soda (-1) 8. Tevin (+6) 9. Charlie (=) 10. Maria (+1) 11. Moriah (+5) 12. Hunter (-5) 13. Tim (+2) 14. Liz (-2) 15. Ben (-2)
FloorWax Posted March 21, 2024 Posted March 21, 2024 1. Tiffany - Things are looking very dim for her game-wise, but I'll just try to enjoy her presence while she's here. Excellent character. 2. Jem - It's about time this woman has something to say/do. Loved how she played into the "someone already has the idol" narrative and got to put the suspicion on someone else. You go girl! 3. Kenzie - Loved how she snapped at Bhanu. Her and Tiffany are similar characters to me, but I think Tiff has been a tad more developed. 4. Tevin - Dude pulled out one of the most effective backstories I've ever heard on the show. Glad he's coming back to the forefront. 5. Bhanu - Incredible boot episode. I'm so glad they finally put him out of his misery. 6. Soda - She's a good character but I'm not really rooting for her. 7. Tim - I'm only putting him up here because his struggles to get on the platforms were hilarious lol 8. Venus - Where the hell were you? 9. Hunter - Yeah, I'm kind of rooting against him at this point. He would be one of the most boring winners ever if he wins. 10. Liz - Good on her for getting to eat something she isn't allergic to? 11. Moriah - The way she'll be remembered as the girl who had to practice JUMPING 12. Ben - Dude's a total cornball lmao. He's growing on me a little though. 13. Q - I liked him at the start but the way he's been talking about Bhanu makes him come off very arrogant. No charisma to make up for it either. 14. Maria - She just seems like the least interesting person left? 15. Charlie - Guy screamed "Taylor Swift" while jumping off a platform. Why even.
taylorkat Posted March 24, 2024 Posted March 24, 2024 1. Tiffany 2. Venus 3. Soda 4. Charlie 5. Jem 6. Bhanu 7. Liz 8. Q 9. Kenzie 10. Moriah 11. Tevin 12. Maria 13. Hunter 14. Ben 15. Tim
Solaris Posted March 24, 2024 Posted March 24, 2024 1. Jem 2. Kenzie 3. Tiffany 4. Venus 5. Tevin 6. Maria 7. Hunter 8. Moriah 9. Q 10. Liz 11. Ben 12. Soda 13. Tim 14. Bhanu 15. Charlie
Zoey Posted March 27, 2024 Posted March 27, 2024 01. Jem 02. Charlie 03. Maria 04. Bhanu 05. Liz 06. Q 07. Moriah 08. Ben 09. Kenzie 10. Tiffany 11. Tim 12. Venus 13. Hunter 14. Soda 15. Tevin
jarmon Posted March 27, 2024 Posted March 27, 2024 1. Venus 2. Kenzie 3. Jem 4. Tiffany 5. Ben 6. Charlie 7. Bhanu 8. Moriah 9. Liz 10. Hunter 11. Maria 12. Tim 13. Tevin 14. Q 15. Soda
Steven_ Posted March 27, 2024 Posted March 27, 2024 1. Maria 2. Venus 3. Hunter 4. Tiffany 5. Jem 6. Bhanu 7. Q 8. Kenzie 9. Moriah 10. Ben 11. Liz 12. Tim 13. Soda 14. Tevin 15. Charlie
Elliott Posted March 27, 2024 Posted March 27, 2024 Charlie Davis Hunter McKnight Venus Vafa Tiffany Ervin Tevin Davis Q Burdette Kenzie Petty Ben Katzman Jem Hussain-Adams Tim Spicer Maria Shrime Gonzalez Moriah Gaynor Soda Thompson Liz Wilcox Bhanu Gopal
Alex95 Posted March 28, 2024 Author Posted March 28, 2024 (edited) 10 rankings this episode! Episode 4: 1. Tiffany Ervin (+1) - 3.3 2. Jem Hussain-Adams (+2) - 3.8 3. Kenzie Petty (+2) - 4.9 (Higher than Venus 6/10 times) 4. Venus Vafa (-3) - 4.9 (Higher than Kenzie 4/10 times) 5. Bhanu Gopal (-2) - 7.3 6. Q Burdette (+4) - 7.7 7. Tevin Davis (+8) - 8.7 8. Charlie Davis (+1) - 9.3 (Higher than Maria 5/10 times, peak position #1) 9. Maria Shrime Gonzalez (-2) - 9.3 (Higher than Charlie 5/10 times, peak position #2) 10. Moriah Gaynor (+2) - 9.4 11. Soda Thompson (+2) - 9.6 12. Hunter McKnight (-4) - 9.8 13. Liz Wilcox (+1) - 10.2 14. Ben Katzman (-3) - 10.5 15. Tim Spicer (+1) - 11.3 Episode 5 ranking will go until Wednesday, April 3rd at 8 pm. -Please no "strategic ranking" (this isn't a game, no need to rank a popular contestant you like low just because you wanna see someone you like more rank higher overall) -Please don't edit your posts. I like adding up the rankings as I get them. If you feel you have to change something, just rank again and let me know that you're ranking again. I'll use everyone's final rankings in the tally at the end of the week. -Please include all the Survivors, including the one voted out this episode, in your rankings Edited March 28, 2024 by Alex95
Alex95 Posted March 28, 2024 Author Posted March 28, 2024 Episode 5: 1. Jem (+3) 2. Venus (+6) 3. Tiffany (-1) 4. Kenzie (-1) 5. Liz (+4) 6. Q (=) 7. Moriah (+3) 8. Tevin (-3) 9. Soda (-2) 10. Tim (+1) 11. Hunter (+3) 12. Ben (=) 13. Maria (=) 14. Charlie (+1)
*Wallace Posted March 28, 2024 Posted March 28, 2024 1. Jem (+3) 2. Venus (+4) 3. Tiffany (-1) 4. Kenzie (+1) 5. Q (-2) 6. Hunter (+6) 7. Soda (=) 8. Charlie (+1) 9. Tevin (-1) 10. Moriah (+1) 11. Ben (+4) 12. Liz (+2) 13. Maria (-3) 14. Tim (-1)
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