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ANTM Superlatives (Best Thirst Trap: Sign up)


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3 hours ago, FrogLenzen said:

100 Funniest ANTM Moments on Tumblr


we can still get your opinion on whether we got the rankings right! Do you want to submit an idea for your own superlatives round?

Yes. :yes:


I was going to say Best First FCO of the Cycle? 😮 Does that make any sense? :haha:

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20. Lisa D’Amato - Cycle 17



18.50 / 24


@Solaris - 5/24

@taylorkat - 9/24

@Zoey - 12/24

@*Diana - 18/24

@Alex95 - 18/24

@jarmon - 21/24

@.Rei - 21/24

@FrogLenzen - 23/24

@rdhaley96 - 23/24

@*Chris - 24/24

@Gonzalo - 24/24

@*Lily - 24/24


Sola - 5/24


possibly rating this higher then it should be, but I love Lisa.  Fav shots: fighting & beauty shot


Alex - 18/24


Her C5 portfolio is so good and would've been one of the top rankings here. But this is straight garbage. In her defense though, the shoots are also straight garbage.


Derek - 23/24


Obviously All Stars has the worst collection of photoshoots of all time. But this is still an appalling portfolio. I will say that Lisa knew how to take risks, and seemed to offered variety during the photoshoots. But they kept choosing the worst possible shots for her. And they loved them! And it was on brand for Lisa and that was the point of All Stars! But I don’t care. The three jumping shots are hideous. The stilts shot is one of the worst close-ups ever. The open mouth eating is awful. The carry shot is tacky beyond belief. The fighting shot is perfection but then Dominique is right there doing just as well and stealing all the focus. The salad one is in a salad, irredeemable. CoverGirl is a good effort and motorcycle took an abysmal concept and made it actually stunning. But it’s not enough to lift this portfolio out of the basement for me. 


Richard - 23/24


Really disappointing body of work from someone who killed it on her original cycle. The shoots themselves didn’t do her any favors, either.


Chris - 24/24


Never cared for Lisa or her pictures, and even after all these years, I'm still not impressed by it.





19. Jaslene Gonzalez - Cycle 8



15.16 / 24


Zoey - 4/24

Gonzalo - 10/24

Chris - 10/24

Diana - 12/24

Richard - 14/24

Akshar - 15/24

Rei - 16/24

Gigi - 16/24

Lily - 19/24

Derek - 20/24

Sola - 22/24

Alex - 24/24


Chris - 10/24


If she only had the Cha Cha Diva photo in her portfolio, she would be higher!


Richard - 14/24


Like Adrianne, mostly a victim of weak photoshoots. But she served in most of the ones that were actually decent/good.


Derek - 20/24


Which cycle had worse photoshoots, this or All Stars? I guess we need to make a new Superlatives round to find out officially. Jaslene came out of the gate really strong with two (slightly similar) all time great shots. Then followed by 5 of the worst ever. The  magazine shots and dancing were nice a good, but not the best of the week and not iconic. Then she ends it with a bang and one of the worst CoverGirl shots ever. Really disappointing full package even though she was an uncontroversial winner.


Sola - 22/24


fav photos: 4 personalities, mens swimsuit.


Alex - 24/24


While I don't think it's the worst, I'm tanking it because it's soooooo overrated. Her stereotypes shot is great. Her first picture is good. Her magazine pictures are good. The rest are actually quite bad.







18. India Gants - Cycle 23



13.91 / 24


Gigi - 7/24

Sola - 7/24

Akshar - 10/24

Derek - 11/24

Richard - 11/24

Alex - 14/24

Diana - 15/24

Gonzalo - 15/24

Rei - 17/24

Chris - 18/24

Lily - 18/24

Zoey - 24/24


Sola - 7/24


fav photos: Pop Icon & private jet


Derek - 11/24


Honestly this ranking from me is probably too high. The thing about India is that she was the obvious winner of the cycle for me, but that doesn’t maker her portfolio that great. The Instagram shots and the really really awful boxing shot brings this down. And actually I don’t even like the Paper shots that much and I don’t think she was the best for the grocery store. Oh well I guess this is a fair placement overall.


Richard - 11/24


Good portfolio, if not the most exciting one. She definitely didn’t have too much competition during her season, which made her the clear cut winner there… even if not so much here.


Alex - 14/24


Another portfolio to throw in the "fine but lacking wow shots" pile.


Chris - 18/24


Didn't expect her to be this low as she was my favourite on her season but I think it speaks about the season that she was rather than her portfolio.





17. Adrianne Curry - Cycle 1



13.58 / 24


Gigi - 1/24

Rei - 3/24

Derek - 12/24

Alex - 15/24

Sola - 15/24

Lily - 16/24

Chris - 16/24

Diana - 16/24

Gonzalo - 17/24

Akshar - 17/24

Zoey - 17/24

Richard - 18/24


Derek - 12/24


What helps Adrianne’s portfolio for me is that there aren’t as many photos. So the really good ones had more weight for me, and there's no denying she had some iconic shots. The only one that is truly terrifying is the Stuff Magazine shoot, which everyone pretty much failed anyway. The rooftop and Reebok are low budget but she made them work for what it was. I don’t love the snake photo as much as most people but it’s solid. 


Alex - 15/24


The C1 shoots are so bad it's hard to have a "good" portfolio from it. Yes her diamond shot is amazing and her snake shot is great, albeit a bit overrated for me. But she sucks and the C1 shoots suck so she lands here.


Sola - 15/24


Fav photos: Diamonds & Snake


Chris - 16/24


Her portfolio lacks a bit diversity, in my opinion, as I find that she often gave us the same thing. That being said, some of her good photos makes up for it.


Richard - 18/24


Had some great pictures like her Snake and Nude, but she ranks this low due to cycle 1’s overall poor photoshoot quality.





16. Sophie Sumner - Cycle 18



13.50 / 24


Diana - 7/24

Zoey - 9/24

Sola - 10/24

Gigi - 10/24

Alex - 11/24

Lily - 13/24

Rei - 13/24

Akshar - 14/24

Gonzalo - 16/24

Richard - 17/24

Chris - 20/24

Derek - 22/24


Sola - 10/24


fav shots: Dreams Come True & tower shot


Alex - 11/24


A very consistent portfolio but this one is lacking a real "wow" moment.


Richard - 17/24


Usually good, rarely great. That Dream Come True picture is phenomenal, but one awesome picture isn’t enough to bring her any higher on my list.


Chris - 20/24


It's okay.


Derek - 22/24


Once again I will admit that I’m a hater. There isn’t a single iconic shot in this whole portfolio for me. In any group shot, including the dinner party, she is upstaged. The hat, maple, and tower shots are actually awful for me. The CoverGirl is weird and the rest are fine but not enough to make an impact. Sophie got through the cycle because they sabotaged Catherine, Alisha quit, they didn’t want an american to win, and because somehow other people did worse every week. Which translates to a really mid portfolio for me.


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15. Naima Mora - Cycle 4



13.25 / 24


@*Chris - 6/24

@Zoey - 6/24

@*Lily - 8/24

@taylorkat - 8/24

@*Diana - 9/24

@jarmon - 13/24

@FrogLenzen - 16/24

@Alex95 - 16/24

@rdhaley96 - 16/24

@.Rei - 19/24

@Gonzalo - 19/24

@Solaris - 23/24


Chris - 6/24


Naima's portfolio truly demonstrates her consistency throughout her time on ANTM, despite having a few pictures that weren't her strongest week.


Derek - 16/24


Oh, Naima. This ranking isn’t just because the runner-up portfolio schools this so hard. Runner-up portfolio rankdown eventually??? Naima just has way to many terrible shots in here and it brings it down. Zodiac, milk, wonderbra, and kloofing all together is truly staggering. She has some really high highs but I’m still scratching my head at how she lasted long enough to get those.


Alex - 16/24


I was surprised when I rewatched C4 how mediocre her portfolio was. Her dance and lubriderm shots are strong, but the rest are forgettable and sometimes actively bad. I can't believe how high I'm ranking this, man I really don't like about half these portfolios oop.


Richard - 16/24


Very hit or miss, but her hits (particularly her Sins, Lubriderm, and African Dance) are pretty great.


Sola - 23/24


fav photos: Dance & Lubriderm.






14. Krista White - Cycle 14



12.00 / 24


Lily - 3/24

Richard - 4/24

Alex - 7/24

Gonzalo - 8/24

Rei - 9/24

Chris - 12/24

Sola - 13/24

Derek - 15/24

Zoey - 15/24

Gigi - 19/24

Akshar - 19/24

Diana - 20/24


Richard - 4/24


Her portfolio is marred a bit by her dreadful Vampire and CoverGirl pictures, but those aside, Krista killed it, particularly during the overseas portion of the competition. The Sheep and Shadow pictures are especially sublime.


Alex - 7/24


I struggled with where to rank her because half of her photos are ass and the other half are amongst the best of the franchise. I decided I would weigh her positives higher because I like her sue me 💅


Chris - 12/24


Krista always been hit or miss, for me, but her better photos outweigh the bad or mediocre one. 


Sola - 13/24


strong finish, fav photos: shadows & high fashion shot


Derek - 15/24


Okay so I has a little system with my ranking where I gave all photos some scores and averaged them out to give myself a starting point for my rankings. And where Krista’s scores landed surprised me at first. I love Krista! Everyone knows Krista’s overseas FCO streak was remarkable. But wowowowowow the first half of the portfolio is truly something to behold. Disaster after disaster. She was really lucky to make it through some of those weeks. But the overseas stuff is incredible and I almost gave her a boost for it, but then she ends the whole thing with that horrific CoverGirl photograph.. Why would they do the winner so dirty choosing that shot???? I can’t understand it. An awful finish that totally kills the excitement and momentum of the dramatic improvement. 







13. McKey Sullivan - Cycle 11



11.58 / 24


Gonzalo - 2/24

Akshar - 2/24

Zoey - 5/24

Chris - 5/24

Lily - 7/24

Richard - 7/24

Alex - 12/24

Derek - 17/24

Rei - 18/24

Sola - 21/24

Diana - 21/24

Gigi - 22/24


Chris - 5/24


The biggest surprise to me when I did the % of the pictures that I love or like from each portfolio, as I am far from the biggest McKey fan.  I was probably not a fan on her original season due to her being like my 5th or 6th favourite, but through my unbias lenses, her portfolio is quite strong and underrated. 


Richard - 7/24


Definitely benefits from a cycle with great photoshoots. She generally always performed well, with a few pretty awesome shots in the mix.


Alex - 12/24


It's good. Definitely the portfolio I feel the least about. Sure McKey doesn't really have a trainwreck photo, but still whocurr.


Derek - 17/24


This is another one of those portfolios that ended up on the lower end of my list because there’s no real iconic all-timer shots in there. That’s also what makes her one of the less exciting winners. The first couple are pretty lame, the bikini is good, and then the next ones are all mid photoshoots where she is fine but not amazing. The show/Tyra tried to hype up McKey and give her momentum with the B&W shots, I remember them acting like those were amazing but they don’t do much for me. And then she ends it all with a bad CoverGirl. Overall not exciting, but she doesn’t have any true disasters so that helped her out.


Sola - 21/24


fav photos:  ship & windmill






12. Nyle DiMarco - Cycle 22



10.41 / 24


Chris - 1/24

Sola - 3/24

Gigi - 5/24

Rei - 5/24

Akshar - 6/24

Zoey - 7/24

Derek - 10/24

Lily - 10/24

Diana - 17/24

Richard - 19/24

Alex - 20/24

Gonzalo - 22/24


Chris - 1/24


I fully expect that people won't be getting Nyle the credit that he deserves or tank his score when he's far from having the worst portfolio. On top of that, when I compare the % of pictures that I love from his portfolio out of every winners, he find himself near the top of my ranking. All in all, I like a lot of his pictures and I am giving him a generous ranking to prevent him from show up early. 


Sola - 3/24


I am bias, but I also know others will likely rank it low for being a man. Fav photos: Dog (obvs), Doll, 2nd hotel shot.


Derek - 10/24


Dang, I gave Keith last place for lack of versatility and then put Nyle at #10 when he has the same problem lol. The difference is that Nyle has some real homerun photos in the portfolio. His dog, doll, 1st mother, and 2nd motel shots are all pretty much 10/10. Also, Nyle has almost no misses here. Some are dull or bad photoshoots or whatever, but none are embarrassing disasters like we see with others. But yeah maybe I should have docked more points for having almost zero variety 


Richard - 19/24


His portfolio is somewhat disappointing looking back. He’s definitely an attractive man, but his pictures were pretty hit or miss and rarely all that exciting. I don’t have any problems with his win, but he really only had the third best portfolio of his cycle.


Alex - 20/24


He's obviously a great model, but I'm let down by his portfolio outside of the dog photo. Just the same look over and over again.






11. Jourdan Miller - Cycle 20



10.25 / 24


Gigi - 4/24

Gonzalo - 4/24

Diana - 5/24

Sola - 6/24

Chris - 9/24

Alex - 9/24

Rei - 10/24

Akshar - 11/24

Richard - 12/24

Derek - 13/24

Lily - 17/24

Zoey - 23/24


Sola - 6/24


fav photos: Guess & Nails


Chris - 9/24


While I think Jourdan has always been a tad bit overrated, there's no denying that she was fairly consistent and some of her pictures were some of the highlight of her season.


Alex - 9/24


Obviously a very good portfolio, I'll be curious where this ranks. I feel like this is viewed as one of the best. And while Jourdan was certainly one of the best her season, if not the best, I don't think the portfolio is top-tier.


Richard - 12/24


Definitely relied on her looks quite a bit, but her portfolio overall was quite strong and mostly consistent.


Derek - 13/24


I thought I would like this more than I did, maybe people are surprised since I feel like I’ve advocated for her a lot over some of these games. The paint shot is still an all-timer for me, but some of the others that she is popular for (rice, Guess) don’t really get me going. I like her trailer park and unibrow shots a lot more actually. Others like bat and nails are clearly better than her competition, but aren’t exciting otherwise. The biggest problem is that I hate her Top 2 tree shot and her animal shot is one of the worst winner photos ever.


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  • FrogLenzen changed the title to ANTM Superlatives (Best Winner Portfolio Results: 11-15)

10. Nicole Linkletter - Cycle 5



10.08 / 24


@Solaris - 2/24

@Alex95 - 6/24

@rdhaley96 - 9/24

@*Diana - 10/24

@Zoey - 10/24

@taylorkat - 11/24

@*Chris - 11/24

@*Lily - 11/24

@.Rei - 11/24

@jarmon - 12/24

@FrogLenzen - 14/24

@Gonzalo - 14/24


Sola - 2/24


Fav photos: artwork, covergirl and black & White. Underrated portfolio.


Alex - 6/24


Actually a pretty strong portfolio. Her worst shots were on awful shoots so I can give her the benefit of the doubt there. B&W and Country Couture elevated this to make it one of my favorites.


Richard - 9/24


A little inconsistent, but she was on more than she was off. She perhaps relied on her looks a bit, but that worked in her favor, so I can’t complain too much.


Chris - 11/24


Her portfolio speaks for herself and truly doesn't need any comments. 


Derek - 14/24


I adore Nicole and her country couture keeps getting robbed in all the photo games, but I’m not big on her portfolio overall. the tanning, Ford, Olay, and Bollywood photos are all certainly passable but I don’t really like them that much. And her wild boyz and treadmill shots are bad shots from bad shoots. But she has some real gems in here, so this overall ranking makes sense. 







9. Ann Ward - Cycle 15



10.00 / 24


Richard - 3/24

Diana - 3/24

Gonzalo - 3/24

Akshar - 3/24

Sola - 4/24

Derek - 5/24

Lily - 12/24

Rei - 14/24

Gigi - 17/24

Chris - 17/24

Zoey - 18/24

Alex - 21/24


Richard - 3/24


She and Krista are pretty neck and neck for me, but Ann just barely edges her out by merit of not having any bad pictures in her portfolio. In a cycle of sort of “eh” shoots, Ann still managed to perform really well.


Sola - 4/24


severely underrated on IDF.  Fav photos: water, Angel shot


Derek - 5/24


Most polarizing portfolio? Possibly. Everyone knows I love Ann. The running shot is awful despite what the judges pretended and the designer one is a miss (but at least it’s clear Ann is the focus over the other model). But otherwise I think Ann killed this cycle and earned most of her FCOs. I prefer Ann’s statue photo over Kayla’s, I said what I said. 


Chris - 17/24


Not super consistent for me, but she does have one of my favourite picture of her cycle so that gave her a bit of points over the others.


Alex - 21/24


She only has like three different looks and none of them are that good.






8. Yoanna House - Cycle 2



9.83 / 24


Zoey - 2/24

Chris - 4/24

Lily - 6/24

Derek - 7/24

Akshar - 9/24

Gonzalo - 9/24

Alex - 10/24

Diana - 11/24

Gigi - 12/24

Rei - 15/24

Richard - 15/24

Sola - 18/24


Chris - 4/24


Probably one of the strongest portfolio from the earlier season, and it certainly helps that she has one of my favourite picture of all-time in her portfolio.


Derek - 7/24


Any portfolio that contains the helmet shot is probably the best lololol. Steve Madden and underwater are really underwhelming but they still don’t cross over into “bad” like other models those weeks. If she had nailed the Garden of Eden shot better I think this would be a lock for Top 5. 


Alex - 10/24


A consistent portfolio, but nothing all that amazing till the helmet shot.


Richard - 15/24


Consistently good, rarely stellar. Her classically beautiful features definitely served her well, though.


Sola - 18/24


Fav photos: High Fashion head piece  & dress couture






7. Laura James - Cycle 19



9.75 / 24


Diana - 1/24

Derek - 2/24

Lily - 4/24

Akshar - 5/24

Rei - 8/24

Alex - 8/24

Richard - 13/24

Gonzalo - 13/24

Gigi - 14/24

Sola - 14/24

Chris - 15/24

Zoey - 20/24


Derek - 2/24


Ah, my darling Laura. So many 9/10 and 10/10 shots. And she excelled with lots of variety and sometimes very dumb photoshoots. The only thing really bad is waterfall, which kept her away from my top slot.


Alex - 8/24


I actually love the portfolio a little less than I expected looking at the whole thing. Don't get me wrong... her zombie, steam punk, and mugshot shots are REALLY high highs. But I'm not super impressed by the rest.


Richard - 13/24


Super inconsistent, but her highs were really high (Zombie, Steampunk, and Nine West in particular).


Sola - 14/24


fav photos: shoes & Waterfall


Chris - 15/24


One of our resident NEPO baby!  Her portfolio proves that when she delivered, she delivered and it certainly made up for some of the pictures that weren't her greatest.






6. Brittani Kline - Cycle 16



9.08 / 24


Derek - 1/24

Akshar - 1/24

Alex - 2/24

Richard - 2/24

Gonzalo - 6/24

Diana - 8/24

Sola - 11/24

Rei - 12/24

Chris - 13/24

Lily - 14/24

Zoey - 19/24

Gigi - 20/24


Derek - 1/24


ugh she deserved Top 5. When the wedding is your worst photo, you know the portfolio is banging. And honestly I might even prefer Molly’s portfolio to this, I don’t know. Runner-up portfolio rankdown when? This Top 2 is the best in terms of portfolios. Great photoshoots and models that actually rose to the occasion. Tbh I don’t know if any of these are in my top 10 photos of all time, but Brittani just never missed for me. 


Alex - 2/24


See? I can be objective. I mean I said this in the ANTM Rankdown (RIP someone revive that, I fear Amanda is never returning to us 😭), but Brittani is a Very Good Model. Bad person? Probably. But fantastic portfolio.


Richard - 2/24


Strong first half, superb second half. Like McKey, she benefits from a cycle of strong photoshoots. That Landfill picture will forever be robbed in the ANTM Photos Mini-Rankdown. 💔


Sola - 11/24


fav photos: Camel & garbage


Chris - 13/24


Overall, its a remarkable portfolio whether you like or hate Brittni.


Edited by FrogLenzen
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  • FrogLenzen changed the title to ANTM Superlatives (Best Winner Portfolio Results: 6-10)

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