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2022 Reality Stars Rankdown


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Thank you to YouTube and Wikipedia for help with this write-up. I think I'm the only ranker here who hasn't watched any season of Drag Race, so I'm not familiar with any of these contestants. Kornbread "The Snack" Jeté  competed on the fourteenth season of RuPaul's Drag Race. I watched a video highlighting Kornbread's time of the show. She seems like a likable and funny person. Her confessionals show she's got a personality perfect for reality TV. I also thought it was hilarious how she kept calling Daya Betty "Dayabetica" and a producer had to correct her. :lmao:Lizzo said Kornbread is one of the most naturally funny people she's ever been around, and RuPaul calls Kornbread a star. She won the opening episode talent show, which came with a cash prize of $5,000. She performed an original song, and I can see why she won. She was very comfortable on stage and came across as a natural performer. Unfortunately for Kornbread, she had to withdraw from the competition after five episodes. She rolled her ankle  the week prior, so she had to leave the show in eleventh place. However, she did manage to be voted Miss Congeniality. This came with a $10,000 cash prize, so not all was lost for Kornbread. After her time on the show, she also appeared in Hocus Pocus 2 as a Mary Sanderson impersonator.  


Saving William.


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Aww Kornbread "The Snack" Jeté  started off as one of my favorites of her season. And even though an injury had cut her time way short, she still remained amongst one of my faves that season (probably 6th or so?). She was so fun and hilarious. :haha: She was definitely a big personality so I could get how some could dislike her or not. Thanks for giving Kornbread a great detailed write-up, Steven! :hug: 

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Josh Millgate (Australian Survivor: Blood v Water)

SurvivorAU contestant Josh Millgate


This was season 7 of Australian Survivor. The gimmick this season was 12 pairs of people competing against each other. People who were related in some way. Geez, that means there were 24 contestants? That's a lot. Josh appeared with his cousin Jordan Schmidt. Josh lasted most of the season, voted out 19th which means he got like 4th place or something? I think? But he's nominated early here and no one saved him, so I'm guessing that there's a reason why he's disliked or whatever. According to wiki he "created an alpha males alliance" well that's certainly not a point in the plus column. But I'm not getting any real major red flags from watching his "get to know you" video below. I can't explain why he's nominated this early but he goes out because I know him less than the others.




Save Black Peppa

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Jada Shada Hudson



First off, I think this is the first write-up where I used a photo so yes for small victories. 🙈 Secondly, I love this persons drag name. Shada Jade Hudson is a sickening name and when I type it in the gif search bar I get nothing but Jade Pinkett Smith and Kate Hudson gifs. :dead: Thirdly, I did not watch this show so Huntergirl was an EASY save. 😬 Jada Shada Hudson is a Barbadian-Canadian drag performer and the runner-Up of the third season of Canada's Drag Race. I feel bad cutting a second place finisher, Huntergirl also placed second, I think, and I actually watched that season of Idol so it’s what I had to do.



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  • Alex95 changed the title to 2022 Reality Stars Rankdown - Akshar’s Noms Next

Christian Guardino (American Idol Season 20)

Tristen Gressett (American Idol Season 20)

Dan Marshall (American Idol Season 20)

Mario Vassall (The Bachelorette Season 19)

Hayden Markowitz (The Bachelorette Season 19)

Monte Taylor (Big Brother 24)

Terrance Higgins (Big Brother 24)

Kyle Capener (Big Brother 24)

Todd Bridges (Celebrity Big Brother 3)

Azah Awasum (The Challenge USA 1)

Osei White (The Mole)

Tony Adams & Katya Jones (Strictly Come Dancing 20)

Mike Gabler (Survivor 43)

Omar Jose Cardona (The Voice 22)


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  • Alex95 changed the title to 2022 Reality Stars Rankdown - Akshar’s Noms Posted

Azah Awasum


The Challenge: USA's Azah Awasum and Cinco Holland Break Down Elimination,  Who They Would Have Targeted, & More! - TV Fanatic


I am going to go ahead and cut Azah.  We aren't really look at her Big Brother performance here, we are looking at her The Challenge performance.  From my understanding The Challenge is all about competitions, and the more you win or do well in, the further you go.  This casting choice is an odd one for me based on that criteria since Azah is one of the worst competitors in my recent memory from Big Brother, so her on a show all about competing is troublsome.  She didn't do great on The Challenge USA Season 1 either.  She was sent elimination with Kyland in Week 1, and they survived.  I assume it was due to Kyland carrying her.  Azah then survived 3 more rounds before facing elimination again in Week 5.  She and her partner that week, Cinco were eliminated. She finished in 10th place on the female side.



Save: Omar

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Tristen Gressett




Not a bad set of noms as there were like.... 6 or 8 nominees I contemplated on cutting... though there were also 3 I wanted to save, but wanting more to cut than save is definitely a good thing. :haha: I didn't know really know who to cut, but ultimately decided on Tristen Gressett. In a perfect world, I wish I could cut both Tristen and Dan Marshall (and had them both go out before Allegra but that is a moot point). Anyway, Tristen Gressett competed on the 20th season of American Idol. I wasn't a fan of his. He came across as those rock cover band acts and I just wasn't really a fan of his singing or performing style. I guess he could perform and I give him credit for not being boring, but he came off too gimmicky and OTT (and not in a good way). Some songs he sang on his time of the show, during the Top 24 onwards stage include: "With a Little Help from My Friends," "Sacrifice," "Are You Gonna Go My Way," "Whataya Want from Me" and "You Can't Always Get What You Want." 

OMG I totally forgot that he sang "Sacrifice" by The Weeknd. I was kinda excited about that as that was so out of his genre but then that performance ended up being terrible. :dead: Then I remember being so mad at the judges for saving him after his wildcard performance of "Are You Gonna Go My Way" as there were so many better contestants to advance forward, ugh.  I can't remember which performance of Tristen's I liked most. Didn't really care for any of them, tbh. Thankfully Tristen got eliminated at Top 11 and didn't last much further. And now he leaves out at this point of the game. I'll post one of his performances below.


Saving: Monte Taylor



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I did not like Terrance. He was useless in the Big Brother house as a player, yet he seemed so entitled and would take it personally if someone didn't play the game in any way that didn't benefit him. And of course there are all the awful stuff he'd say about Taylor. But first, I'll discuss his game. Terrance was pretty much a loner in the house, yet he had some blind loyalty to Daniel and Nicole for reasons I still don't understand. It was tough to figure out whom Terrance was loyal to while watching the feeds, but he seemed to be attempting to just lie to everybody. No one saw Terrance as an asset. Instead, he was always a backup target or nomination pawn. Terrance did surprise everyone by coming in second place in an HoH competition during the Split House twist. He had the HoH powers for the Houseguests living in the backyard for Dyre Fest. He targeted Joseph, even though there was a showmance he could've split up instead. Terrance believed he would be part of a new alliance called The Afterparty with Kyle, Alyssa, and Turner after the Split House twist ended. However, Michael managed to get Kyle evicted under Turner's HoH reign, so The Afterparty was an afterthought after that. Michael claimed the next HoH, and he sent Terrance out the door. Michael had no reason to trust Terrance, so I don't blame him for the move (and as a viewer I was glad to see Terrance finally leave). Perhaps there were bigger fish to fry, but Michael already put himself in a vulnerable position with all his competition wins. So, Michael was going to be targeted regardless whom he went after, but no complaints with him sending Terrance out of the game.


 Terrance was a very rude and miserable individual with such a hate b*ner for Taylor. He would say such hateful and misogynistic things about her. Even Taylor's mom refused to play nice with Terrance on finale night. She let her displeasure be known and referenced his "ho on a stroll" comment about Taylor. Taylor had it tough in the Big Brother house, but eventually people wised up and realized there was no need for that. Terrance, however, never seemed to be able to let it go. He held on to his strong dislike for her and was desperate to send her out of the house whenever the opportunity presented itself. It was also very telling how Terrance had more grace for Kyle after his "Let's target the Cookout 2.0" plan than he ever did for Taylor. Plus, Terrance wanted to save Kyle over Taylor that week. Yet despite all this, he still took it personally when Taylor wanted to evict him from the house when he was on the block. Taylor didn't owe Terrance anything! It seemed like Terrance wasn't ever going to vote for Taylor to win the game, so it was a surprise when he did. However, Terrance spent a good portion of the post-season trying to discredit Taylor's game. He blamed eviction interviews for asking leading questions that would sway the jury to vote for Taylor to win the game. Uh...Maybe if the Houseguests didn't spend their whole summer bashing Taylor, then she wouldn't have been brought up during exit interviews. Terrance was just a very unpleasant presence in the Big Brother house, and he's a very easy cut to make here.


Save Christian for Wallace.


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