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Team Gwen: Predictions POST-Playoffs


Team Gwen: Predictions POST-Playoffs  

58 members have voted

  1. 1. PV 1

    • Kique
    • Justin Aaron
    • Alyssa Witrado
    • Kevin Hawkins
  2. 2. PV 2

    • Kique
    • Justin Aaron
    • Alyssa Witrado
    • Kevin Hawkins
  3. 3. CS

    • Kique
    • Justin Aaron
    • Alyssa Witrado
    • Kevin Hawkins

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After tonight, Justin and Kique are LOCKS. 


Kevin getting bussed tonight opens the door for an Alyssa CS and will make Gwen not look like a terrible coach for picking her (since they both gave relatively equally bad performances tonight), despite the fact that Kevin is clearly the better vocalist. 

Edited by ikwonic
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PVs: Kique, Justin

CS: Alyssa


Kique and Justin were the two strongest on the team, so I expect them to get the PV. Gwen seems really attached to Alyssa, so she seems like the obvious choice for the save. Kevin’s best shot to advance is the Wildcard, but his ability to win it will depend on his song choice.

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Random thought, but imagine if Gwen had taken Cara Brindisi into the lives instead of Alyssa and stolen Jaeden Luke over Kevin Hawkins 😭  I love Team Gwen, but I'm not sure how her Top 4 will fare going forward. I love Kique, but I feel he might end up being a surprise early boot like Max Boyle. Justin is the only one I really feel confident about.

Edited by ikwonic
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Public vote 1: Justin, for sure.  Best-received on Facebook by far.

Public vote 2: Kique.

Coach Save: Alyssa.


Kevin might end up as the Wildcard contender.  Slight chance he could slip in for the other vote, though, in which case Gwen (if she's playing smartly) saves Kique, not Alyssa.

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